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tenhou.go 18.47 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Endless 提交于 2019-07-26 21:23 . ParseNukiDora return isTsumogiri
package main
import (
- seed Seed for RNG for generating walls and dice rolls.
- ref ?
<GO> Start of game
- type Lobby type.
- lobby Lobby number.
<UN> User list or user reconnect
- n[0-3] Names for each player as URLEncoded UTF-8.
- dan List of ranks for each player.
- rate List of rates for each player.
- sx List of sex ("M" or "F") for each player.
<BYE> User disconnect
- who Player who disconnected.
<TAIKYOKU> Start of round
- oya Dealer
<INIT> Start of hand
- seed Six element list:
Round number,
Number of combo sticks,
Number of riichi sticks,
First dice minus one,
Second dice minus one,
Dora indicator.
- ten List of scores for each player
- oya Dealer
- hai[0-3] Starting hands as a list of tiles for each player.
<[T-W][0-9]*> Player draws a tile.
<[D-G][0-9]*> Player discards a tile.
<N> Player calls a tile.
- who The player who called the tile.
- m The meld.
<REACH> Player declares riichi.
- who The player who declared riichi
- step Where the player is in declaring riichi:
1 -> Called "riichi"
2 -> Placed point stick on table after discarding.
- ten List of current scores for each player.
<DORA> New dora indicator.
- hai The new dora indicator tile.
<AGARI> A player won the hand
- who The player who won.
- fromwho Who the winner won from: themselves for tsumo, someone else for ron.
- hai The closed hand of the winner as a list of tiles.
- m The open melds of the winner as a list of melds.
- machi The waits of the winner as a list of tiles.
- doraHai The dora as a list of tiles.
- dorahaiUra The ura dora as a list of tiles.
- yaku List of yaku and their han values.
0 -> tsumo
1 -> riichi
2 -> ippatsu
3 -> chankan
4 -> rinshan
5 -> haitei
6 -> houtei
7 -> pinfu
8 -> tanyao
9 -> ippeiko
10-17 -> fanpai
18-20 -> yakuhai
21 -> daburi
22 -> chiitoi
23 -> chanta
24 -> itsuu
25 -> sanshokudoujin
26 -> sanshokudou
27 -> sankantsu
28 -> toitoi
29 -> sanankou
30 -> shousangen
31 -> honrouto
32 -> ryanpeikou
33 -> junchan
34 -> honitsu
35 -> chinitsu
52 -> dora
53 -> uradora
54 -> akadora
- yakuman List of yakuman.
36 -> renhou
37 -> tenhou
38 -> chihou
39 -> daisangen
40,41 -> suuankou
42 -> tsuiisou
43 -> ryuuiisou
44 -> chinrouto
45,46 -> chuurenpooto
47,48 -> kokushi
49 -> daisuushi
50 -> shousuushi
51 -> suukantsu
- ten Three element list:
The fu points in the hand,
The point value of the hand,
The limit value of the hand:
0 -> No limit
1 -> Mangan
2 -> Haneman
3 -> Baiman
4 -> Sanbaiman
5 -> Yakuman
- ba Two element list of stick counts:
The number of combo sticks,
The number of riichi sticks.
- sc List of scores and the changes for each player.
- owari Final scores including uma at the end of the game.
<RYUUKYOKU> The hand ended with a draw
- type The type of draw:
"yao9" -> 9 ends
"reach4" -> Four riichi calls
"ron3" -> Triple ron
"kan4" -> Four kans
"kaze4" -> Same wind discard on first round
"nm" -> Nagashi mangan.
- hai[0-3] The hands revealed by players as a list of tiles.
- ba Two element list of stick counts:
The number of combo sticks,
The number of riichi sticks.
- sc List of scores and the changes for each player.
- owari Final scores including uma at the end of the game.
const (
redFiveMan = 16
redFivePin = 52
redFiveSou = 88
type tenhouMessage struct {
Tag string `json:"tag" xml:"-"`
//Name string `json:"name"` // id
//Sex string `json:"sx"`
UserName string `json:"uname" xml:"-"`
//RatingScale string `json:"ratingscale"`
//N string `json:"n"`
//J string `json:"j"`
//G string `json:"g"`
// round 开始 tag=INIT
// 注意无论是三麻还是四麻,南1的场数都是4
Seed string `json:"seed" xml:"seed,attr"` // 本局信息:场数,场棒数,立直棒数,骰子A减一,骰子B减一,宝牌指示牌 1,0,0,3,2,92
Ten string `json:"ten" xml:"ten,attr"` // 各家点数 280,230,240,250
Dealer string `json:"oya" xml:"oya,attr"` // 庄家 0=自家, 1=下家, 2=对家, 3=上家
Hai string `json:"hai" xml:"hai,attr"` // 初始手牌 30,114,108,31,78,107,25,23,2,14,122,44,49
Hai0 string `json:"-" xml:"hai0,attr"`
Hai1 string `json:"-" xml:"hai1,attr"`
Hai2 string `json:"-" xml:"hai2,attr"`
Hai3 string `json:"-" xml:"hai3,attr"`
// 摸牌 tag=T编号,如 T68
// 副露 tag=N
Who string `json:"who" xml:"who,attr"` // 副露者 0=自家, 1=下家, 2=对家, 3=上家
Meld string `json:"m" xml:"m,attr"` // 副露编号 35914
// 杠宝牌指示牌 tag=DORA
// `json:"hai"` // 杠宝牌指示牌 39
// 立直声明 tag=REACH, step=1
// `json:"who"` // 立直者
Step string `json:"step" xml:"step,attr"` // 1
// 立直成功,扣1000点 tag=REACH, step=2
// `json:"who"` // 立直者
// `json:"ten"` // 立直成功后的各家点数 250,250,240,250
// `json:"step"` // 2
// 自摸/有人放铳 tag=牌, t>=8
T string `json:"t"` // 选项
// 和牌 tag=AGARI
// ba, hai, m, machi, ten, yaku, doraHai, who, fromWho, sc
//Ba string `json:"ba"` // 0,0
// `json:"hai"` // 和牌型 8,9,11,14,19,125,126,127
// `json:"m"` // 副露编号 13527,50794
//Machi string `json:"machi"` // (待ち) 自摸/荣和的牌 126
// `json:"ten"` // 符数,点数,这张牌的来源 30,7700,0
//Yaku string `json:"yaku"` // 役(编号,翻数) 18,1,20,1,34,2
//DoraTile string `json:"doraHai"` // 宝牌 123
//UraDoraTile string `json:"doraHaiUra"` // 里宝牌 77
// `json:"who"` // 和牌者
//FromWho string `json:"fromWho"` // 自摸/荣和牌的来源
//Score string `json:"sc"` // 各家增减分 260,-77,310,77,220,0,210,0
// 游戏结束 tag=PROF
// 重连 tag=GO
// type, lobby, gpid
//Type string `json:"type"`
//Lobby string `json:"lobby"`
//GPID string `json:"gpid"`
// 重连 tag=REINIT
// `json:"seed"`
// `json:"ten"`
// `json:"oya"`
// `json:"hai"`
//Meld1 string `json:"m1"` // 各家副露编号 17450
//Meld2 string `json:"m2"`
//Meld3 string `json:"m3"`
//Kawa0 string `json:"kawa0"` // 各家牌河 112,73,3,131,43,98,78,116
//Kawa1 string `json:"kawa1"`
//Kawa2 string `json:"kawa2"`
//Kawa3 string `json:"kawa3"`
type tenhouRoundData struct {
originJSON string
msg *tenhouMessage
isRoundEnd bool // 某人和牌或流局。初始值为 true
func (*tenhouRoundData) _tenhouTileToTile34(tenhouTile int) int {
return tenhouTile / 4
// 0-35 m
// 36-71 p
// 72-107 s
// 108- z
func (d *tenhouRoundData) _parseTenhouTile(tenhouTile string) (tile int, isRedFive bool) {
t, err := strconv.Atoi(tenhouTile)
if err != nil {
return d._tenhouTileToTile34(t), d.isRedFive(t)
0 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
| Base Tile | | | | | | |
| and |0| T2| T1| T0|1|Who|
|Called Tile| | | | | | |
Base Tile and Called Tile:
((Base / 9) * 7 + Base % 9) * 3 + Chi
Tile[i] - 4 * i - Base * 4
Offset of player the tile was called from.
The tiles in the chi.
The lowest tile in the chi / 4.
Which tile out of the three was called.
func (*tenhouRoundData) _parseChi(data int) (meldType int, tenhouMeldTiles []int, tenhouCalledTile int) {
// 吃
meldType = meldTypeChi
t0, t1, t2 := (data>>3)&0x3, (data>>5)&0x3, (data>>7)&0x3
baseAndCalled := data >> 10
base, called := baseAndCalled/3, baseAndCalled%3
base = (base/7)*9 + base%7
tenhouMeldTiles = []int{t0 + 4*base, t1 + 4*(base+1), t2 + 4*(base+2)}
tenhouCalledTile = tenhouMeldTiles[called]
0 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
| Base Tile | | |K|P| | |
| and | 0 | T4|A|O|0|Who|
| Called Tile | | |N|N| | |
Base Tile and Called Tile:
Base * 3 + Called
Tile4 - Base * 4
Set iff the meld is a pon.
Set iff the meld is a pon upgraded to a kan.
Offset of player the tile was called from.
The tile which is not part of the pon.
A tile in the pon / 4.
Which tile out of the three was called.
func (*tenhouRoundData) _parsePonOrKakan(data int) (meldType int, tenhouMeldTiles []int, tenhouCalledTile int) {
t4 := (data >> 5) & 0x3
_t := [4][3]int{{1, 2, 3}, {0, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 3}, {0, 1, 2}}[t4]
t0, t1, t2 := _t[0], _t[1], _t[2]
baseAndCalled := data >> 9
base, called := baseAndCalled/3, baseAndCalled%3
if data&0x8 > 0 {
// 碰
meldType = meldTypePon
tenhouMeldTiles = []int{t0 + 4*base, t1 + 4*base, t2 + 4*base}
tenhouCalledTile = tenhouMeldTiles[called]
} else { // data&0x16 > 0
// 加杠
meldType = meldTypeKakan
tenhouMeldTiles = []int{t0 + 4*base, t1 + 4*base, t2 + 4*base, t4 + 4*base}
tenhouCalledTile = tenhouMeldTiles[3]
0 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
| Base Tile | | |
| and | 0 |Who|
| Called Tile | | |
Base Tile and Called Tile:
Base * 4 + Called
Offset of player the tile was called from or 0 for a closed kan.
A tile in the kan / 4.
Which tile out of the four was called.
func (*tenhouRoundData) _parseKan(data int) (meldType int, tenhouMeldTiles []int, tenhouCalledTile int) {
baseAndCalled := data >> 8
base, called := baseAndCalled/4, baseAndCalled%4
tenhouMeldTiles = []int{4 * base, 1 + 4*base, 2 + 4*base, 3 + 4*base}
tenhouCalledTile = tenhouMeldTiles[called]
if offsetFromWho := data & 0x3; offsetFromWho == 0 {
// 暗杠
meldType = meldTypeAnkan
} else {
// 大明杠,offsetFromWho=1即为下家,=2为对家,=3为上家
meldType = meldTypeMinkan
func (d *tenhouRoundData) _parseTenhouMeld(data string) (meldType int, tenhouMeldTiles []int, tenhouCalledTile int) {
bits, err := strconv.Atoi(data)
if err != nil {
switch {
case bits&0x4 > 0:
return d._parseChi(bits)
case bits&0x18 > 0:
return d._parsePonOrKakan(bits)
case bits&0x20 > 0:
// 拔北
panic("[_parseTenhouMeld] 代码有误")
return d._parseKan(bits)
func (*tenhouRoundData) isRedFive(tenhouTile int) bool {
return tenhouTile == redFiveMan || tenhouTile == redFivePin || tenhouTile == redFiveSou
func (d *tenhouRoundData) containRedFive(tenhouTiles []int) bool {
for _, tenhouTile := range tenhouTiles {
if d.isRedFive(tenhouTile) {
return true
return false
func (d *tenhouRoundData) GetDataSourceType() int {
return dataSourceTypeTenhou
func (d *tenhouRoundData) GetSelfSeat() int {
return -1
func (d *tenhouRoundData) GetMessage() string {
return d.originJSON
func (d *tenhouRoundData) SkipMessage() bool {
// 注意:即使没有获取到用户名也能正常进行游戏
return false
func (d *tenhouRoundData) IsLogin() bool {
// TODO: 重连时要填入 gameConf.currentActiveTenhouUsername
return d.msg.Tag == "HELO"
func (d *tenhouRoundData) HandleLogin() {
username, err := url.QueryUnescape(d.msg.UserName)
if err != nil {
if username != gameConf.currentActiveTenhouUsername {
color.HiGreen("%s 登录成功", username)
gameConf.currentActiveTenhouUsername = username
func (d *tenhouRoundData) IsInit() bool {
return d.msg.Tag == "INIT" || d.msg.Tag == "REINIT"
func (d *tenhouRoundData) ParseInit() (roundNumber int, benNumber int, dealer int, doraIndicator int, handTiles []int, numRedFives []int) {
d.isRoundEnd = false
seedSplits := strings.Split(d.msg.Seed, ",")
if len(seedSplits) != 6 {
panic(fmt.Sprintln("seed 解析失败", d.msg.Seed))
roundNumber, _ = strconv.Atoi(seedSplits[0])
benNumber, _ = strconv.Atoi(seedSplits[1])
// TODO: 重构至 core。parser 不要修改任何东西
if roundNumber == 0 && benNumber == 0 {
if util.InStrings("0", strings.Split(d.msg.Ten, ",")) {
d.playerNumber = 3
} else {
d.playerNumber = 4
dealer, _ = strconv.Atoi(d.msg.Dealer)
doraIndicator, _ = d._parseTenhouTile(seedSplits[5])
numRedFives = make([]int, 3)
tenhouTiles := strings.Split(d.msg.Hai, ",")
for _, tenhouTile := range tenhouTiles {
tile, isRedFive := d._parseTenhouTile(tenhouTile)
handTiles = append(handTiles, tile)
if isRedFive {
var _selfDrawReg = regexp.MustCompile("^T[0-9]{1,3}$")
func isTenhouSelfDraw(tag string) bool {
return _selfDrawReg.MatchString(tag)
func (d *tenhouRoundData) IsSelfDraw() bool {
return isTenhouSelfDraw(d.msg.Tag)
func (d *tenhouRoundData) ParseSelfDraw() (tile int, isRedFive bool, kanDoraIndicator int) {
rawTile := d.msg.Tag[1:]
tile, isRedFive = d._parseTenhouTile(rawTile)
kanDoraIndicator = -1
var _discardReg = regexp.MustCompile("^[DEFGefg][0-9]{1,3}$")
func (d *tenhouRoundData) IsDiscard() bool {
return _discardReg.MatchString(d.msg.Tag)
func (d *tenhouRoundData) ParseDiscard() (who int, discardTile int, isRedFive bool, isTsumogiri bool, isReach bool, canBeMeld bool, kanDoraIndicator int) {
// D=自家, e/E=下家, f/F=对家, g/G=上家
who = int(util.Lower(d.msg.Tag[0]) - 'd')
rawTile := d.msg.Tag[1:]
discardTile, isRedFive = d._parseTenhouTile(rawTile)
if d.msg.Tag[0] != 'D' {
isTsumogiri = d.msg.Tag[0] >= 'a'
canBeMeld = d.msg.T != ""
kanDoraIndicator = -1
func (*tenhouRoundData) isNukiOperator(data string) bool {
bits, err := strconv.Atoi(data)
if err != nil {
return bits&0x4 == 0 && bits&0x18 == 0 && bits&0x20 > 0
func (d *tenhouRoundData) IsOpen() bool {
if d.msg.Tag != "N" {
return false
// 除去拔北
return !d.isNukiOperator(d.msg.Meld)
func (d *tenhouRoundData) ParseOpen() (who int, meld *model.Meld, kanDoraIndicator int) {
who, _ = strconv.Atoi(d.msg.Who)
meldType, tenhouMeldTiles, tenhouCalledTile := d._parseTenhouMeld(d.msg.Meld)
meldTiles := make([]int, len(tenhouMeldTiles))
for i, tenhouTile := range tenhouMeldTiles {
meldTiles[i] = d._tenhouTileToTile34(tenhouTile)
calledTile := d._tenhouTileToTile34(tenhouCalledTile)
isCalledTileRedFive := d.isRedFive(tenhouCalledTile)
meld = &model.Meld{
MeldType: meldType,
Tiles: meldTiles,
CalledTile: calledTile,
ContainRedFive: d.containRedFive(tenhouMeldTiles),
RedFiveFromOthers: isCalledTileRedFive && (meldType == model.MeldTypeChi || meldType == model.MeldTypePon || meldType == model.MeldTypeMinkan),
kanDoraIndicator = -1
func (d *tenhouRoundData) IsReach() bool {
// Step == "1" 立直宣告
// Step == "2" 立直成功,扣1000点
return d.msg.Tag == "REACH" && d.msg.Step == "1"
func (d *tenhouRoundData) ParseReach() (who int) {
who, _ = strconv.Atoi(d.msg.Who)
func (d *tenhouRoundData) IsFuriten() bool {
return d.msg.Tag == "FURITEN"
func (d *tenhouRoundData) IsRoundWin() bool {
return d.msg.Tag == "AGARI"
func (d *tenhouRoundData) ParseRoundWin() (whos []int, points []int) {
d.isRoundEnd = true
who, _ := strconv.Atoi(d.msg.Who)
splits := strings.Split(d.msg.Ten, ",")
if len(splits) < 2 {
point, _ := strconv.Atoi(splits[1])
return []int{who}, []int{point}
func (d *tenhouRoundData) IsRyuukyoku() bool {
return d.msg.Tag == "RYUUKYOKU"
// "{\"tag\":\"RYUUKYOKU\",\"type\":\"ron3\",\"ba\":\"1,1\",\"sc\":\"290,0,228,0,216,0,256,0\",\"hai0\":\"18,19,30,32,33,41,43,94,95,114,115,117,119\",\"hai2\":\"29,31,74,75\",\"hai3\":\"8,13,17,25,35,46,48,53,78,79\"}"
func (d *tenhouRoundData) ParseRyuukyoku() (type_ int, whos []int, points []int) {
d.isRoundEnd = true
func (d *tenhouRoundData) IsNukiDora() bool {
if d.msg.Tag != "N" {
return false
return d.isNukiOperator(d.msg.Meld)
func (d *tenhouRoundData) ParseNukiDora() (who int, isTsumogiri bool) {
// TODO: isTsumogiri
who, _ = strconv.Atoi(d.msg.Who)
func (d *tenhouRoundData) IsNewDora() bool {
return d.msg.Tag == "DORA"
func (d *tenhouRoundData) ParseNewDora() (kanDoraIndicator int) {
kanDoraIndicator, _ = d._parseTenhouTile(d.msg.Hai)
马建仓 AI 助手