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es_ads_fragment.frag 1.17 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
pengrui_2009 提交于 2021-03-08 21:57 . Feature:
#version 120
// Light information
uniform highp vec4 lightPosition;
uniform highp vec3 lightIntensity;
// Material information
uniform lowp vec3 Ka;
uniform lowp vec3 Kd;
uniform lowp vec3 Ks;
uniform lowp float shininess;
varying highp vec3 normal;
varying highp vec3 position;
highp vec3 adsModel(vec3 norm)
// Calculate light direction
highp vec3 s = normalize( lightPosition.xyz - position);
// Calculate the vector from the fragment to eye position
highp vec3 v = normalize( -position.xyz );
// Reflect the light using the normal
highp vec3 r = reflect( -s, norm);
// Calculate the diffuse contribution
highp vec3 diffuseIntensity = vec3( max( dot( s, norm), 0.0) );
// Calculate specular contribution
highp vec3 specularIntensity = vec3(0.0);
if( dot( s, norm) > 0.0 )
specularIntensity = highp vec3( pow( max( dot(r, v), 0.0), shininess));
// Calculate final color
return lightIntensity * (Ka +
Kd * diffuseIntensity +
Ks * specularIntensity);
void main(void)
gl_FragColor = highp vec4(adsModel(normalize(normal)), 1.0);
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