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vz 提交于 2021-12-24 13:50 . Update godoc and README.md
// Copyright 2016 The go-vgo Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// https://github.com/go-vgo/robotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
Package robotgo Go native cross-platform system automation.
Please make sure Golang, GCC is installed correctly before installing RobotGo;
See Requirements:
With Go module support (Go 1.11+), just import:
import "github.com/go-vgo/robotgo"
Otherwise, to install the robotgo package, run the command:
go get -u github.com/go-vgo/robotgo
package robotgo
//#if defined(IS_MACOSX)
#cgo darwin CFLAGS: -x objective-c -Wno-deprecated-declarations
#cgo darwin LDFLAGS: -framework Cocoa -framework OpenGL -framework IOKit
#cgo darwin LDFLAGS: -framework Carbon -framework CoreFoundation
//#elif defined(USE_X11)
#cgo linux CFLAGS: -I/usr/src
#cgo linux LDFLAGS: -L/usr/src -lX11 -lXtst -lm
// #cgo linux LDFLAGS: -lX11-xcb -lxcb -lxcb-xkb -lxkbcommon -lxkbcommon-x11
// #cgo windows LDFLAGS: -lgdi32 -luser32 -lpng -lz
#cgo windows LDFLAGS: -lgdi32 -luser32
// #include <AppKit/NSEvent.h>
#include "screen/goScreen.h"
#include "mouse/goMouse.h"
#include "key/goKey.h"
//#include "event/goEvent.h"
#include "window/goWindow.h"
import "C"
import (
// "os"
// "syscall"
const (
// Version get the robotgo version
Version = "v0.100.0.1189, MT. Baker!"
// GetVersion get the robotgo version
func GetVersion() string {
return Version
var (
// MouseSleep set the mouse default millisecond sleep time
MouseSleep = 0
// KeySleep set the key default millisecond sleep time
KeySleep = 0
type (
// Map a map[string]interface{}
Map map[string]interface{}
// CHex define CHex as c rgb Hex type (C.MMRGBHex)
// CBitmap define CBitmap as C.MMBitmapRef type
CBitmap C.MMBitmapRef
// Bitmap is Bitmap struct
type Bitmap struct {
ImgBuf *uint8
Width, Height int
Bytewidth int
BitsPixel uint8
BytesPerPixel uint8
// Point is point struct
type Point struct {
X int
Y int
// Size is size structure
type Size struct {
W, H int
// Rect is rect structure
type Rect struct {
// Try handler(err)
func Try(fun func(), handler func(interface{})) {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
// MilliSleep sleep tm milli second
func MilliSleep(tm int) {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(tm) * time.Millisecond)
// Sleep time.Sleep tm second
func Sleep(tm int) {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(tm) * time.Second)
// MicroSleep time C.microsleep(tm)
func MicroSleep(tm float64) {
// GoString trans C.char to string
func GoString(char *C.char) string {
return C.GoString(char)
_______. ______ .______ _______ _______ .__ __.
/ | / || _ \ | ____|| ____|| \ | |
| (----`| ,----'| |_) | | |__ | |__ | \| |
\ \ | | | / | __| | __| | . ` |
.----) | | `----.| |\ \----.| |____ | |____ | |\ |
|_______/ \______|| _| `._____||_______||_______||__| \__|
// ToMMRGBHex trans CHex to C.MMRGBHex
func ToMMRGBHex(hex CHex) C.MMRGBHex {
return C.MMRGBHex(hex)
// UintToHex trans uint32 to robotgo.CHex
func UintToHex(u uint32) CHex {
hex := U32ToHex(C.uint32_t(u))
return CHex(hex)
// U32ToHex trans C.uint32_t to C.MMRGBHex
func U32ToHex(hex C.uint32_t) C.MMRGBHex {
return C.MMRGBHex(hex)
// U8ToHex trans *C.uint8_t to C.MMRGBHex
func U8ToHex(hex *C.uint8_t) C.MMRGBHex {
return C.MMRGBHex(*hex)
// PadHex trans C.MMRGBHex to string
func PadHex(hex C.MMRGBHex) string {
color := C.pad_hex(hex)
gcolor := C.GoString(color)
return gcolor
// HexToRgb trans hex to rgb
func HexToRgb(hex uint32) *C.uint8_t {
return C.color_hex_to_rgb(C.uint32_t(hex))
// RgbToHex trans rgb to hex
func RgbToHex(r, g, b uint8) C.uint32_t {
return C.color_rgb_to_hex(C.uint8_t(r), C.uint8_t(g), C.uint8_t(b))
// GetPxColor get the pixel color return C.MMRGBHex
func GetPxColor(x, y int) C.MMRGBHex {
cx := C.int32_t(x)
cy := C.int32_t(y)
color := C.get_px_color(cx, cy)
return color
// GetPixelColor get the pixel color return string
func GetPixelColor(x, y int) string {
return PadHex(GetPxColor(x, y))
// GetMouseColor get the mouse pos's color
func GetMouseColor() string {
x, y := GetMousePos()
return GetPixelColor(x, y)
// SysScale get the sys scale
func SysScale() float64 {
s := C.sys_scale()
return float64(s)
// Scaled get the screen scaled size
func Scaled(x int) int {
f := ScaleF()
return Scaled0(x, f)
// Scaled0 return int(x * f)
func Scaled0(x int, f float64) int {
return int(float64(x) * f)
// GetScreenSize get the screen size
func GetScreenSize() (int, int) {
size := C.get_screen_size()
// fmt.Println("...", size, size.width)
return int(size.w), int(size.h)
// GetScreenRect get the screen rect (x, y, w, h)
func GetScreenRect(displayId ...int) Rect {
display := 0
if len(displayId) > 0 {
display = displayId[0]
rect := C.getScreenRect(C.int32_t(display))
x, y, w, h := int(rect.origin.x), int(rect.origin.y),
int(rect.size.w), int(rect.size.h)
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
f := ScaleF()
x, y, w, h = Scaled0(x, f), Scaled0(y, f), Scaled0(w, f), Scaled0(h, f)
return Rect{
Point{X: x, Y: y},
Size{W: w, H: h},
// GetScaleSize get the screen scale size
func GetScaleSize() (int, int) {
x, y := GetScreenSize()
f := ScaleF()
return int(float64(x) * f), int(float64(y) * f)
// CaptureScreen capture the screen return bitmap(c struct),
// use `defer robotgo.FreeBitmap(bitmap)` to free the bitmap
// robotgo.CaptureScreen(x, y, w, h int)
func CaptureScreen(args ...int) C.MMBitmapRef {
var x, y, w, h C.int32_t
if len(args) > 3 {
x = C.int32_t(args[0])
y = C.int32_t(args[1])
w = C.int32_t(args[2])
h = C.int32_t(args[3])
} else {
// Get the main screen rect.
rect := GetScreenRect()
x = C.int32_t(rect.X)
y = C.int32_t(rect.Y)
w = C.int32_t(rect.W)
h = C.int32_t(rect.H)
bit := C.capture_screen(x, y, w, h)
return bit
// GoCaptureScreen capture the screen and return bitmap(go struct)
func GoCaptureScreen(args ...int) Bitmap {
bit := CaptureScreen(args...)
defer FreeBitmap(bit)
return ToBitmap(bit)
// CaptureImg capture the screen and return image.Image
func CaptureImg(args ...int) image.Image {
bit := CaptureScreen(args...)
defer FreeBitmap(bit)
return ToImage(bit)
// FreeBitmap free and dealloc the C bitmap
func FreeBitmap(bitmap C.MMBitmapRef) {
// C.destroyMMBitmap(bitmap)
// ToBitmap trans C.MMBitmapRef to Bitmap
func ToBitmap(bit C.MMBitmapRef) Bitmap {
bitmap := Bitmap{
ImgBuf: (*uint8)(bit.imageBuffer),
Width: int(bit.width),
Height: int(bit.height),
Bytewidth: int(bit.bytewidth),
BitsPixel: uint8(bit.bitsPerPixel),
BytesPerPixel: uint8(bit.bytesPerPixel),
return bitmap
// ToImage convert C.MMBitmapRef to standard image.Image
func ToImage(bit C.MMBitmapRef) image.Image {
return ToRGBA(bit)
// ToRGBA convert C.MMBitmapRef to standard image.RGBA
func ToRGBA(bit C.MMBitmapRef) *image.RGBA {
bmp1 := ToBitmap(bit)
return ToRGBAGo(bmp1)
// SetXDisplayName set XDisplay name (Linux)
func SetXDisplayName(name string) string {
cname := C.CString(name)
str := C.set_XDisplay_name(cname)
gstr := C.GoString(str)
return gstr
// GetXDisplayName get XDisplay name (Linux)
func GetXDisplayName() string {
name := C.get_XDisplay_name()
gname := C.GoString(name)
return gname
// Deprecated: use the ScaledF(),
// ScaleX get the primary display horizontal DPI scale factor, drop
func ScaleX() int {
return int(C.scale_x())
// Deprecated: use the ScaledF(),
// ScaleY get primary display vertical DPI scale factor, drop
func ScaleY() int {
return int(C.scale_y())
// Deprecated: use the ScaledF(),
// Scale get the screen scale (only windows old), drop
func Scale() int {
dpi := map[int]int{
0: 100,
// DPI Scaling Level
96: 100,
120: 125,
144: 150,
168: 175,
192: 200,
216: 225,
// Custom DPI
240: 250,
288: 300,
384: 400,
480: 500,
x := ScaleX()
return dpi[x]
// Deprecated: use the ScaledF(),
// Scale0 return ScaleX() / 0.96, drop
func Scale0() int {
return int(float64(ScaleX()) / 0.96)
// Deprecated: use the ScaledF(),
// Mul mul the scale, drop
func Mul(x int) int {
s := Scale()
return x * s / 100
.___ ___. ______ __ __ _______. _______
| \/ | / __ \ | | | | / || ____|
| \ / | | | | | | | | | | (----`| |__
| |\/| | | | | | | | | | \ \ | __|
| | | | | `--' | | `--' | .----) | | |____
|__| |__| \______/ \______/ |_______/ |_______|
// CheckMouse check the mouse button
func CheckMouse(btn string) C.MMMouseButton {
// button = args[0].(C.MMMouseButton)
m1 := map[string]C.MMMouseButton{
"left": C.LEFT_BUTTON,
"center": C.CENTER_BUTTON,
"right": C.RIGHT_BUTTON,
"wheelDown": C.WheelDown,
"wheelUp": C.WheelUp,
"wheelLeft": C.WheelLeft,
"wheelRight": C.WheelRight,
if v, ok := m1[btn]; ok {
return v
// Deprecated: use the Move(),
// MoveMouse move the mouse
func MoveMouse(x, y int) {
Move(x, y)
// Move move the mouse to (x, y)
// Examples:
// robotgo.MouseSleep = 100 // 100 millisecond
// robotgo.Move(10, 10)
func Move(x, y int) {
// if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
// f := ScaleF()
// x, y = Scaled0(x, f), Scaled0(y, f)
// }
cx := C.int32_t(x)
cy := C.int32_t(y)
C.move_mouse(cx, cy)
// Deprecated: use the DragSmooth(),
// DragMouse drag the mouse to (x, y),
// It's same with the DragSmooth() now
func DragMouse(x, y int, args ...interface{}) {
// Drag(x, y, args...)
MoveSmooth(x, y, args...)
Toggle("left", "up")
// Deprecated: use the DragSmooth(),
// Drag drag the mouse to (x, y),
// It's not valid now, use the DragSmooth()
func Drag(x, y int, args ...string) {
var button C.MMMouseButton = C.LEFT_BUTTON
cx := C.int32_t(x)
cy := C.int32_t(y)
if len(args) > 0 {
button = CheckMouse(args[0])
C.drag_mouse(cx, cy, button)
// DragSmooth drag the mouse like smooth to (x, y)
// Examples:
// robotgo.DragSmooth(10, 10)
func DragSmooth(x, y int, args ...interface{}) {
MoveSmooth(x, y, args...)
Toggle("left", "up")
// Deprecated: use the MoveSmooth(),
// MoveMouseSmooth move the mouse smooth,
// moves mouse to x, y human like, with the mouse button up.
func MoveMouseSmooth(x, y int, args ...interface{}) bool {
return MoveSmooth(x, y, args...)
// MoveSmooth move the mouse smooth,
// moves mouse to x, y human like, with the mouse button up.
// robotgo.MoveSmooth(x, y int, low, high float64, mouseDelay int)
// Examples:
// robotgo.MoveSmooth(10, 10)
// robotgo.MoveSmooth(10, 10, 1.0, 2.0)
func MoveSmooth(x, y int, args ...interface{}) bool {
// if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
// f := ScaleF()
// x, y = Scaled0(x, f), Scaled0(y, f)
// }
cx := C.int32_t(x)
cy := C.int32_t(y)
var (
mouseDelay = 5
low C.double
high C.double
if len(args) > 2 {
mouseDelay = args[2].(int)
if len(args) > 1 {
low = C.double(args[0].(float64))
high = C.double(args[1].(float64))
} else {
low = 1.0
high = 3.0
cbool := C.move_mouse_smooth(cx, cy, low, high, C.int(mouseDelay))
return bool(cbool)
// MoveArgs get the mouse relative args
func MoveArgs(x, y int) (int, int) {
mx, my := GetMousePos()
mx = mx + x
my = my + y
return mx, my
// MoveRelative move mouse with relative
func MoveRelative(x, y int) {
Move(MoveArgs(x, y))
// MoveSmoothRelative move mouse smooth with relative
func MoveSmoothRelative(x, y int, args ...interface{}) {
mx, my := MoveArgs(x, y)
MoveSmooth(mx, my, args...)
// GetMousePos get the mouse's portion return x, y
func GetMousePos() (int, int) {
pos := C.get_mouse_pos()
x := int(pos.x)
y := int(pos.y)
return x, y
// Deprecated: use the Click(),
// MouseClick click the mouse
// robotgo.MouseClick(button string, double bool)
func MouseClick(args ...interface{}) {
// Click click the mouse button
// robotgo.Click(button string, double bool)
// Examples:
// robotgo.Click() // default is left button
// robotgo.Click("right")
// robotgo.Click("wheelLeft")
func Click(args ...interface{}) {
var (
button C.MMMouseButton = C.LEFT_BUTTON
double C.bool
if len(args) > 0 {
button = CheckMouse(args[0].(string))
if len(args) > 1 {
double = C.bool(args[1].(bool))
C.mouse_click(button, double)
// MoveClick move and click the mouse
// robotgo.MoveClick(x, y int, button string, double bool)
// Examples:
// robotgo.MouseSleep = 100
// robotgo.MoveClick(10, 10)
func MoveClick(x, y int, args ...interface{}) {
Move(x, y)
// MovesClick move smooth and click the mouse
// use the `robotgo.MouseSleep = 100`
func MovesClick(x, y int, args ...interface{}) {
MoveSmooth(x, y)
// Toggle toggle the mouse, support button:
// "left", "center", "right",
// "wheelDown", "wheelUp", "wheelLeft", "wheelRight"
// Examples:
// robotgo.Toggle("left") // default is down
// robotgo.Toggle("left", "up")
func Toggle(key ...string) int {
var button C.MMMouseButton = C.LEFT_BUTTON
if len(key) > 0 {
button = CheckMouse(key[0])
down := C.CString("down")
if len(key) > 1 {
down = C.CString(key[1])
i := C.mouse_toggle(down, button)
return int(i)
// Deprecated: use the Toggle(),
// MouseToggle toggle the mouse
// Examples:
// robotgo.MouseToggle("down", "right")
// robotgo.MouseToggle("up", "right")
func MouseToggle(togKey string, args ...interface{}) int {
var button C.MMMouseButton = C.LEFT_BUTTON
if len(args) > 0 {
button = CheckMouse(args[0].(string))
down := C.CString(togKey)
i := C.mouse_toggle(down, button)
return int(i)
// Deprecated: use the Scroll(),
// ScrollMouse scroll the mouse to (x, "up")
// Examples:
// robotgo.ScrollMouse(10, "down")
// robotgo.ScrollMouse(10, "up")
func ScrollMouse(x int, direction string) {
cx := C.size_t(x)
cy := C.CString(direction)
C.scroll_mouse(cx, cy)
// Scroll scroll the mouse to (x, y)
// robotgo.Scroll(x, y, msDelay int)
// Examples:
// robotgo.Scroll(10, 10)
func Scroll(x, y int, args ...int) {
var msDelay = 10
if len(args) > 0 {
msDelay = args[0]
cx := C.int(x)
cy := C.int(y)
cz := C.int(msDelay)
C.scroll(cx, cy, cz)
// ScrollSmooth scroll the mouse smooth,
// default scroll 5 times and sleep 100 millisecond
// robotgo.ScrollSmooth(toy, num, sleep, tox)
// Examples:
// robotgo.ScrollSmooth(-10)
// robotgo.ScrollSmooth(-10, 6, 200, -10)
func ScrollSmooth(to int, args ...int) {
i := 0
num := 5
if len(args) > 0 {
num = args[0]
tm := 100
if len(args) > 1 {
tm = args[1]
tox := 0
if len(args) > 2 {
tox = args[2]
for {
Scroll(tox, to)
if i == num {
// ScrollRelative scroll mouse with relative
// Examples:
// robotgo.ScrollRelative(10, 10)
func ScrollRelative(x, y int, args ...int) {
mx, my := MoveArgs(x, y)
Scroll(mx, my, args...)
// SetMouseDelay set mouse delay
func SetMouseDelay(delay int) {
cdelay := C.size_t(delay)
__ ___ ___________ ____ .______ ______ ___ .______ _______
| |/ / | ____\ \ / / | _ \ / __ \ / \ | _ \ | \
| ' / | |__ \ \/ / | |_) | | | | | / ^ \ | |_) | | .--. |
| < | __| \_ _/ | _ < | | | | / /_\ \ | / | | | |
| . \ | |____ | | | |_) | | `--' | / _____ \ | |\ \----.| '--' |
|__|\__\ |_______| |__| |______/ \______/ /__/ \__\ | _| `._____||_______/
// KeyTap tap the keyboard code;
// See keys:
// https://github.com/go-vgo/robotgo/blob/master/docs/keys.md
// Examples:
// robotgo.KeySleep = 100 // 100 millisecond
// robotgo.KeyTap("a")
// robotgo.KeyTap("i", "alt", "command")
// arr := []string{"alt", "command"}
// robotgo.KeyTap("i", arr)
func KeyTap(tapKey string, args ...interface{}) string {
var (
akey string
keyT = "null"
keyArr []string
num int
keyDelay int // This is legacy and drop option, use robotgo.KeySleep
if _, ok := Special[tapKey]; ok {
tapKey = Special[tapKey]
if len(args) <= 0 {
args = append(args, "shift")
// var ckeyArr []*C.char
ckeyArr := make([](*C.char), 0)
// zkey := C.CString(args[0])
zkey := C.CString(tapKey)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(zkey))
// args not key delay
if len(args) > 2 && (reflect.TypeOf(args[2]) != reflect.TypeOf(num)) {
num = len(args)
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
s := args[i].(string)
ckeyArr = append(ckeyArr, (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(C.CString(s))))
str := C.key_Taps(zkey,
(**C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&ckeyArr[0])), C.int(num), 0)
return C.GoString(str)
// key delay
if len(args) > 0 {
if reflect.TypeOf(args[0]) == reflect.TypeOf(keyArr) {
keyArr = args[0].([]string)
num = len(keyArr)
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
ckeyArr = append(ckeyArr, (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(C.CString(keyArr[i]))))
if len(args) > 1 {
keyDelay = args[1].(int)
} else {
akey = args[0].(string)
if len(args) > 1 {
if reflect.TypeOf(args[1]) == reflect.TypeOf(akey) {
keyT = args[1].(string)
if len(args) > 2 {
keyDelay = args[2].(int)
} else {
keyDelay = args[1].(int)
} else {
akey = "null"
keyArr = []string{"null"}
if akey == "" && len(keyArr) != 0 {
str := C.key_Taps(zkey, (**C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&ckeyArr[0])),
C.int(num), C.int(keyDelay))
return C.GoString(str)
amod := C.CString(akey)
amodt := C.CString(keyT)
str := C.key_tap(zkey, amod, amodt, C.int(keyDelay))
return C.GoString(str)
// KeyToggle toggle the keyboard, if there not have args default is "down"
// See keys:
// https://github.com/go-vgo/robotgo/blob/master/docs/keys.md
// Examples:
// robotgo.KeyToggle("a")
// robotgo.KeyToggle("a", "up")
// robotgo.KeyToggle("a", "up", "alt", "cmd")
func KeyToggle(key string, args ...string) string {
if len(args) <= 0 {
args = append(args, "down")
if _, ok := Special[key]; ok {
key = Special[key]
if len(args) <= 1 {
args = append(args, "shift")
ckey := C.CString(key)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(ckey))
ckeyArr := make([](*C.char), 0)
if len(args) > 3 {
num := len(args)
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
ckeyArr = append(ckeyArr, (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(C.CString(args[i]))))
str := C.key_Toggles(ckey, (**C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&ckeyArr[0])), C.int(num))
return C.GoString(str)
// use key_toggle()
var (
down, mKey, mKeyT = "null", "null", "null"
// keyDelay = 10
if len(args) > 0 {
down = args[0]
if len(args) > 1 {
mKey = args[1]
if len(args) > 2 {
mKeyT = args[2]
cdown := C.CString(down)
cmKey := C.CString(mKey)
cmKeyT := C.CString(mKeyT)
str := C.key_toggle(ckey, cdown, cmKey, cmKeyT)
// str := C.key_Toggle(ckey, cdown, cmKey, cmKeyT, C.int(keyDelay))
return C.GoString(str)
// KeyPress press key string
func KeyPress(key string) {
Sleep(1 + rand.Intn(3))
// KeyDown press down a key
func KeyDown(key string) {
KeyToggle(key, "down")
// KeyUp press up a key
func KeyUp(key string) {
KeyToggle(key, "up")
// ReadAll read string from clipboard
func ReadAll() (string, error) {
return clipboard.ReadAll()
// WriteAll write string to clipboard
func WriteAll(text string) error {
return clipboard.WriteAll(text)
// CharCodeAt char code at utf-8
func CharCodeAt(s string, n int) rune {
i := 0
for _, r := range s {
if i == n {
return r
return 0
// UnicodeType tap uint32 unicode
func UnicodeType(str uint32) {
cstr := C.uint(str)
// ToUC trans string to unicode []string
func ToUC(text string) []string {
var uc []string
for _, r := range text {
textQ := strconv.QuoteToASCII(string(r))
textUnQ := textQ[1 : len(textQ)-1]
st := strings.Replace(textUnQ, "\\u", "U", -1)
if st == "\\\\" {
st = "\\"
if st == `\"` {
st = `"`
uc = append(uc, st)
return uc
func inputUTF(str string) {
cstr := C.CString(str)
// TypeStr send a string, support UTF-8
// robotgo.TypeStr(string: The string to send, float64: microsleep time, x11 option)
// Examples:
// robotgo.TypeStr("abc@123, hi, こんにちは")
func TypeStr(str string, args ...float64) {
var tm, tm1 = 0.0, 7.0
if len(args) > 0 {
tm = args[0]
if len(args) > 1 {
tm1 = args[1]
if runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
strUc := ToUC(str)
for i := 0; i < len(strUc); i++ {
ru := []rune(strUc[i])
if len(ru) <= 1 {
ustr := uint32(CharCodeAt(strUc[i], 0))
} else {
for i := 0; i < len([]rune(str)); i++ {
ustr := uint32(CharCodeAt(str, i))
// if len(args) > 0 {
// }
// PasteStr paste a string, support UTF-8,
// write the string to clipboard and tap `cmd + v`
func PasteStr(str string) string {
err := clipboard.WriteAll(str)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprint(err)
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
return KeyTap("v", "command")
return KeyTap("v", "control")
// Deprecated: use the TypeStr(),
// TypeString send a string, support unicode(no linux support)
// TypeStr(string: The string to send), Wno-deprecated
// This function will be removed in version v1.0.0
func TypeString(str string, delay ...int) {
tt.Drop("TypeString", "TypeStr")
var cdelay C.size_t
cstr := C.CString(str)
if len(delay) > 0 {
cdelay = C.size_t(delay[0])
C.type_string_delayed(cstr, cdelay)
// TypeStrDelay type string delayed
func TypeStrDelay(str string, delay int) {
// Deprecated: use the TypeStr(),
// TypeStringDelayed type string delayed, Wno-deprecated
// This function will be removed in version v1.0.0
func TypeStringDelayed(str string, delay int) {
tt.Drop("TypeStringDelayed", "TypeStrDelay")
TypeStrDelay(str, delay)
// SetKeyDelay set keyboard delay
func SetKeyDelay(delay int) {
// Deprecated: use the SetKeyDelay(),
// SetKeyboardDelay set keyboard delay, Wno-deprecated,
// This function will be removed in version v1.0.0
func SetKeyboardDelay(delay int) {
tt.Drop("SetKeyboardDelay", "SetKeyDelay")
// SetDelay set the key and mouse delay
func SetDelay(d ...int) {
v := 10
if len(d) > 0 {
v = d[0]
____ __ ____ __ .__ __. _______ ______ ____ __ ____
\ \ / \ / / | | | \ | | | \ / __ \ \ \ / \ / /
\ \/ \/ / | | | \| | | .--. | | | | \ \/ \/ /
\ / | | | . ` | | | | | | | | \ /
\ /\ / | | | |\ | | '--' | `--' | \ /\ /
\__/ \__/ |__| |__| \__| |_______/ \______/ \__/ \__/
// ShowAlert show a alert window
// Displays alert with the attributes.
// If cancel button is not given, only the default button is displayed
// Examples:
// robotgo.ShowAlert("hi", "window", "ok", "cancel")
func ShowAlert(title, msg string, args ...string) bool {
var (
// title string
// msg string
defaultBtn = "Ok"
cancelBtn = "Cancel"
if len(args) > 0 {
// title = args[0]
// msg = args[1]
defaultBtn = args[0]
if len(args) > 1 {
cancelBtn = args[1]
cTitle := C.CString(title)
cMsg := C.CString(msg)
defaultButton := C.CString(defaultBtn)
cancelButton := C.CString(cancelBtn)
cbool := C.show_alert(cTitle, cMsg, defaultButton, cancelButton)
ibool := int(cbool)
return ibool == 0
// IsValid valid the window
func IsValid() bool {
abool := C.is_valid()
gbool := bool(abool)
// fmt.Println("bool---------", gbool)
return gbool
// SetActive set the window active
func SetActive(win C.MData) {
// GetActive get the active window
func GetActive() C.MData {
mdata := C.get_active()
// fmt.Println("active----", mdata)
return mdata
// MinWindow set the window min
func MinWindow(pid int32, args ...interface{}) {
var (
state = true
hwnd int
if len(args) > 0 {
state = args[0].(bool)
if len(args) > 1 {
hwnd = args[1].(int)
C.min_window(C.uintptr(pid), C.bool(state), C.uintptr(hwnd))
// MaxWindow set the window max
func MaxWindow(pid int32, args ...interface{}) {
var (
state = true
hwnd int
if len(args) > 0 {
state = args[0].(bool)
if len(args) > 1 {
hwnd = args[1].(int)
C.max_window(C.uintptr(pid), C.bool(state), C.uintptr(hwnd))
// CloseWindow close the window
func CloseWindow(args ...int32) {
if len(args) <= 0 {
var hwnd, isHwnd int32
if len(args) > 0 {
hwnd = args[0]
if len(args) > 1 {
isHwnd = args[1]
C.close_window(C.uintptr(hwnd), C.uintptr(isHwnd))
// SetHandle set the window handle
func SetHandle(hwnd int) {
chwnd := C.uintptr(hwnd)
// SetHandlePid set the window handle by pid
func SetHandlePid(pid int32, args ...int32) {
var isHwnd int32
if len(args) > 0 {
isHwnd = args[0]
C.set_handle_pid_mData(C.uintptr(pid), C.uintptr(isHwnd))
// GetHandPid get handle mdata by pid
func GetHandPid(pid int32, args ...int32) C.MData {
var isHwnd int32
if len(args) > 0 {
isHwnd = args[0]
return C.set_handle_pid(C.uintptr(pid), C.uintptr(isHwnd))
// GetHandle get the window handle
func GetHandle() int {
hwnd := C.get_handle()
ghwnd := int(hwnd)
// fmt.Println("gethwnd---", ghwnd)
return ghwnd
// Deprecated: use the GetHandle(),
// GetBHandle get the window handle, Wno-deprecated
// This function will be removed in version v1.0.0
func GetBHandle() int {
tt.Drop("GetBHandle", "GetHandle")
hwnd := C.bget_handle()
ghwnd := int(hwnd)
//fmt.Println("gethwnd---", ghwnd)
return ghwnd
func cgetTitle(hwnd, isHwnd int32) string {
title := C.get_title(C.uintptr(hwnd), C.uintptr(isHwnd))
gtitle := C.GoString(title)
return gtitle
// GetTitle get the window title return string
// Examples:
// fmt.Println(robotgo.GetTitle())
// ids, _ := robotgo.FindIds()
// robotgo.GetTitle(ids[0])
func GetTitle(args ...int32) string {
if len(args) <= 0 {
title := C.get_main_title()
gtitle := C.GoString(title)
return gtitle
if len(args) > 1 {
return internalGetTitle(args[0], args[1])
return internalGetTitle(args[0])
// GetPID get the process id return int32
func GetPID() int32 {
pid := C.get_PID()
return int32(pid)
// internalGetBounds get the window bounds
func internalGetBounds(pid int32, hwnd int) (int, int, int, int) {
bounds := C.get_bounds(C.uintptr(pid), C.uintptr(hwnd))
return int(bounds.X), int(bounds.Y), int(bounds.W), int(bounds.H)
// Is64Bit determine whether the sys is 64bit
func Is64Bit() bool {
b := C.Is64Bit()
return bool(b)
func internalActive(pid int32, hwnd int) {
C.active_PID(C.uintptr(pid), C.uintptr(hwnd))
// ActivePID active the window by PID,
// If args[0] > 0 on the Windows platform via a window handle to active
// func ActivePID(pid int32, args ...int) {
// var hwnd int
// if len(args) > 0 {
// hwnd = args[0]
// }
// C.active_PID(C.uintptr(pid), C.uintptr(hwnd))
// }
// ActiveName active the window by name
// Examples:
// robotgo.ActiveName("chrome")
func ActiveName(name string) error {
pids, err := FindIds(name)
if err == nil && len(pids) > 0 {
return ActivePID(pids[0])
return err
马建仓 AI 助手