fun properties(key: String) = project.findProperty(key)?.toString()
kotlin.run {
val coraxEnginePath = properties("coraxEnginePath")?.let{ File(it) }
if (coraxEnginePath == null || !coraxEnginePath.exists()) {
val properties = File("${project.rootDir}${File.separator}gradle-local.properties")
if (!properties.exists()) {
error("coraxEnginePath: $coraxEnginePath does not exist. Please modify $properties and " +
"set property: \"coraxEngine\" to the path of corax-cli_x.x.x.jar." )
val engineJar by extra {
if (coraxEnginePath.isDirectory){
val foundJar = coraxEnginePath.listFiles()?.filter { it.extension == "jar" }
println("foundJar: \n[${foundJar?.joinToString("\n"){ "\t$it "}}]")
foundJar?.sortedBy { it.name }?.lastOrNull() ?: error("directory: $coraxEnginePath doesn't contains any corax_cli_x.x.x.jar")
} else {
println("used engine jar: $engineJar")
val libCoraxConfigApiJar = zipTree(engineJar).matching { include("/BOOT-INF/lib/corax-config-api*.jar") }.also {
check(!it.isEmpty) {
"The file \"$engineJar!/BOOT-INF/lib/corax-config-api*.jar\" does not exist. Please provide the corresponding version of the Coraxjava engine."
println("corax-config-api-*.jar: $libCoraxConfigApiJar")
val coraxConfigApiJar by extra{ libCoraxConfigApiJar }
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