// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Author: dehao@google.com (Dehao Chen)
// These tests check to see that symbol_map can read correct information
// from the binary.
#include "symbol_map.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "llvm_profile_reader.h"
#include "source_info.h"
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/abseil/absl/container/node_hash_set.h"
#include "third_party/abseil/absl/flags/flag.h"
#include "third_party/abseil/absl/types/optional.h"
#define FLAGS_test_tmpdir std::string(testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->original_working_dir())
#define FLAGS_test_srcdir std::string(testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->original_working_dir())
namespace {
using ::devtools_crosstool_autofdo::SymbolMap;
using ::devtools_crosstool_autofdo::SourceStack;
class SymbolMapTest : public testing::Test {
SymbolMapTest() {}
const char kTestDataDir[] =
TEST(SymbolMapTest, SymbolMap) {
SymbolMap symbol_map(
FLAGS_test_srcdir + kTestDataDir + "test.binary");
// Check if the symbol table is correctly built.
EXPECT_EQ(symbol_map.size(), 0);
EXPECT_TRUE(symbol_map.map().find("not_exist") == symbol_map.map().end());
// Check if AddSourceCount works correctly.
SourceStack stack;
devtools_crosstool_autofdo::SourceInfo tuple1("bar", "", "", 0, 25, 0);
devtools_crosstool_autofdo::SourceInfo tuple2("foo", "", "", 0, 50, 0);
symbol_map.AddSourceCount("foo", stack, 100, 2);
// Add "foo" only source count.
devtools_crosstool_autofdo::SourceInfo tuple3("foo", "", "", 0, 49, 0);
symbol_map.AddSourceCount("foo", stack, 150, 2);
const devtools_crosstool_autofdo::Symbol *symbol =
ASSERT_TRUE(symbol != NULL);
EXPECT_EQ(symbol->pos_counts.size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(symbol->callsites.size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(symbol->EntryCount(), 150);
const devtools_crosstool_autofdo::Symbol *bar =
symbol->callsites.find(std::make_pair(tuple2.Offset(false), "bar"))
EXPECT_EQ(bar->total_count, 100);
EXPECT_EQ(bar->callsites.size(), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(bar->pos_counts.size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(bar->EntryCount(), 100);
const auto &ret = bar->pos_counts.find(tuple1.Offset(false));
ASSERT_TRUE(ret != bar->pos_counts.end());
EXPECT_EQ(ret->second.count, 100);
EXPECT_EQ(ret->second.num_inst, 2);
TEST(SymbolMapTest, TestEntryCount) {
SymbolMap symbol_map(
FLAGS_test_srcdir + kTestDataDir + "test.binary");
// foo->bar->baz->qux ==> callsites
SourceStack stack1 = {
{"qux", "", "", 0, 10, 0},
{"baz", "", "", 0, 20, 0},
{"bar", "", "", 0, 25, 0},
{"foo", "", "", 0, 50, 0},
symbol_map.AddSourceCount("foo", stack1, 100, 2);
// foo->bar->baz ==> callsites
SourceStack stack2 = {
{"baz", "", "", 0, 30, 0},
{"bar", "", "", 0, 25, 0},
{"foo", "", "", 0, 50, 0},
symbol_map.AddSourceCount("foo", stack2, 0, 2);
// foo only ==> pos_counts
SourceStack stack3 = {
{"foo", "", "", 0, 55, 0},
symbol_map.AddSourceCount("foo", stack3, 150, 2);
const devtools_crosstool_autofdo::Symbol *symbol =
EXPECT_EQ(symbol->EntryCount(), 100);
const devtools_crosstool_autofdo::Symbol *bar =
symbol->callsites.find(std::make_pair(stack2[2].Offset(false), "bar"))
EXPECT_EQ(bar->EntryCount(), 100);
const devtools_crosstool_autofdo::Symbol *baz =
bar->callsites.find(std::make_pair(stack2[1].Offset(false), "baz"))
EXPECT_EQ(baz->EntryCount(), 100);
const devtools_crosstool_autofdo::Symbol *qux =
baz->callsites.find(std::make_pair(stack1[1].Offset(false), "qux"))
EXPECT_EQ(qux->EntryCount(), 100);
TEST(SymbolMapTest, ComputeAllCounts) {
SymbolMap symbol_map;
absl::node_hash_set<std::string> names;
devtools_crosstool_autofdo::LLVMProfileReader reader(&symbol_map, names);
reader.ReadFromFile(FLAGS_test_srcdir + kTestDataDir +
// Check ComputeAllCounts will set up correct allcounts for all
// the symbols.
const devtools_crosstool_autofdo::NameSymbolMap &map = symbol_map.map();
EXPECT_EQ(map.find("main")->second->total_count_incl, 21414);
EXPECT_EQ(map.find("goo")->second->total_count_incl, 15050);
EXPECT_EQ(map.find("hoo")->second->total_count_incl, 15050);
EXPECT_EQ(map.find("moo")->second->total_count_incl, 50);
std::string GenRandomName(const int len) {
std::string result(len, '\0');
static const char alpha[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
for (char &c : result) c = alpha[rand() % (sizeof(alpha) - 1)];
return result;
TEST(SymbolMapTest, TestElideSuffixesAndMerge) {
unsigned seed = static_cast<unsigned>(time(nullptr)) * getpid();
LOG(INFO) << "Seed of the srand function: " << seed;
SymbolMap symbol_map;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
std::string name = GenRandomName(10);
symbol_map.AddSymbolEntryCount(name, 100, 1000);
name = GenRandomName(10) + ".cold";
symbol_map.AddSymbolEntryCount(name, 100, 1000);
for (const auto &sym : symbol_map.map()) {
if (symbol_map.ShouldEmit(sym.second->total_count))
EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(testing::IsNotSubstring, ".cold", sym.first);
TEST(SymbolMapTest, TestInterestingSymbolNames) {
const char *policies[] = { "all", "none", "selected" };
for (auto p : policies) {
std::string policy(p);
SymbolMap symbol_map;
absl::node_hash_set<std::string> names;
devtools_crosstool_autofdo::LLVMProfileReader reader(&symbol_map, names);
reader.ReadFromFile(FLAGS_test_srcdir + kTestDataDir +
const devtools_crosstool_autofdo::NameSymbolMap &map = symbol_map.map();
auto main_iter = map.find("main");
ASSERT_NE(main_iter, map.end());
const devtools_crosstool_autofdo::PositionCountMap &pos_counts =
ASSERT_EQ(pos_counts.size(), 1);
const devtools_crosstool_autofdo::CallTargetCountMap &target_counts =
auto get_count =
[&](std::string target_name) -> absl::optional<uint64> {
auto iter = target_counts.find(target_name);
if (iter == target_counts.end()) return absl::nullopt;
return iter->second;
std::cerr << "policy=" << policy << "\n";
if (policy == "all") {
EXPECT_EQ(get_count("..foo.bar"), 800);
EXPECT_EQ(get_count("foo"), 100);
EXPECT_EQ(get_count("glom"), 50);
EXPECT_EQ(get_count("a"), 50);
EXPECT_EQ(get_count("goo"), 70);
EXPECT_EQ(get_count("xoo"), 120);
} else if (policy == "selected") {
EXPECT_EQ(get_count("..foo.bar"), 800);
EXPECT_EQ(get_count("foo"), 100);
EXPECT_EQ(get_count("glom.something"), 50);
EXPECT_EQ(get_count("a.b.part1"), 50);
EXPECT_EQ(get_count("goo"), 70);
EXPECT_EQ(get_count("xoo.part2"), 120);
} else if (policy == "none") {
EXPECT_EQ(get_count("..foo.bar"), 800);
EXPECT_EQ(get_count("foo.llvm.1234"), 100);
EXPECT_EQ(get_count("glom.something"), 50);
EXPECT_EQ(get_count("a.b.llvm.567.part1"), 50);
EXPECT_EQ(get_count("goo.llvm.2835.cold"), 70);
EXPECT_EQ(get_count("xoo.cold.part2"), 120);
TEST(SymbolMapTest, IsLLVMCompiler) {
TEST(SymbolMapTest, BuildFlatProfile) {
SymbolMap sm;
// foo->bar->baz->qux ==> callsites
SourceStack stack = {
{"qux", "", "", 0, 10, 0},
{"baz", "", "", 0, 20, 0},
{"bar", "", "", 0, 25, 0},
{"foo", "", "", 0, 50, 0},
sm.AddSourceCount("foo", stack, 100, 2);
SymbolMap got;
uint64_t total = 0, numFlattened = 0;
got.BuildFlatProfile(sm, false, 0, total, numFlattened);
// Expect that inline_call is flattened
EXPECT_TRUE(got.map().find("bar") != got.map().end());
EXPECT_TRUE(got.map().find("baz") != got.map().end());
EXPECT_TRUE(got.map().find("qux") != got.map().end());
EXPECT_EQ(total, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(numFlattened, 1);
// foo -> 20000
// bar -> 20000
// baz -> 10000
// qux -> 10000
// cold_fn -> 99
// cold_callsite1 -> 99
// cold_callsite2 -> 20
// cold_callsite3 -> 20
void InitializeSymbolMap(SymbolMap &sm) {
// foo->bar->baz->qux ==> callsites
SourceStack stack1 = {
{"qux", "", "", 0, 10, 0},
{"baz", "", "", 0, 20, 0},
{"bar", "", "", 0, 25, 0},
{"foo", "", "", 0, 50, 0},
sm.AddSourceCount("foo", stack1, 10000, 2);
sm.AddSourceCount("foo", {stack1[2], stack1[3]}, 10000, 2);
// cold_fn->cold_callsite1->cold_callsite2->cold_callsite3 ==> callsites
SourceStack stack2 = {
{"cold_callsite3", "", "", 0, 10, 0},
{"cold_callsite2", "", "", 0, 20, 0},
{"cold_callsite1", "", "", 0, 25, 0},
{"cold_fn", "", "", 0, 50, 0},
sm.AddSourceCount("cold_fn", stack2, 20, 2);
sm.AddSourceCount("cold_fn", {stack2[2], stack2[3]}, 79, 2);
TEST(SymbolMapTest, BuildSelectivelyFlatProfile) {
SymbolMap sm;
SymbolMap got;
uint64_t total = 0, numFlattened = 0;
got.BuildFlatProfile(sm, true, 100, total, numFlattened);
// Expect that hot function (foo) is not flattened
EXPECT_FALSE(got.map().find("bar") != got.map().end());
EXPECT_FALSE(got.map().find("baz") != got.map().end());
EXPECT_FALSE(got.map().find("qux") != got.map().end());
// Expect that cold fn is flattened i.e. the inlined callsite should be
// converted to an indirect call. Offset << 16 is how its stored in the source
// location
EXPECT_FALSE(got.map().find("cold_callsite1") != got.map().end());
EXPECT_TRUE(got.map().at("cold_fn")->pos_counts[50 << 16].target_map.find(
"cold_callsite1") !=
got.map().at("cold_fn")->pos_counts[50 << 16].target_map.end());
EXPECT_EQ(total, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(numFlattened, 1);
TEST(SymbolMapTest, BuildHybridProfile) {
SymbolMap sm;
SymbolMap got;
uint64_t num_callsites = 0, num_callsites_flattened = 0;
// Smaller threshold value leads to lesser flattening
got.BuildHybridProfile(sm, 21, num_callsites, num_callsites_flattened);
// Callsites above the threshold should not be flattened.
EXPECT_FALSE(got.map().find("bar") != got.map().end());
EXPECT_FALSE(got.map().find("baz") != got.map().end());
EXPECT_FALSE(got.map().find("qux") != got.map().end());
EXPECT_FALSE(got.map().find("cold_callsite1") != got.map().end());
// Callsites below the threshold should be flattened.
EXPECT_TRUE(got.map().find("cold_callsite2") != got.map().end());
EXPECT_TRUE(got.map().find("cold_callsite3") != got.map().end());
EXPECT_EQ(num_callsites, 6);
EXPECT_EQ(num_callsites_flattened, 2);
num_callsites = 0;
num_callsites_flattened = 0;
// Higher threshold flattens most callsites even in hot functions
got.BuildHybridProfile(sm, 10001, num_callsites, num_callsites_flattened);
// Callsites above the threshold should not be flattened.
EXPECT_FALSE(got.map().find("bar") != got.map().end());
// All other callsites should be flattened and converted to direct calls.
EXPECT_TRUE(got.map().find("baz") != got.map().end());
EXPECT_TRUE(got.map().find("qux") != got.map().end());
EXPECT_TRUE(got.map().find("cold_callsite1") != got.map().end());
ASSERT_TRUE(got.map().find("cold_fn") != got.map().end());
EXPECT_TRUE(got.map().at("cold_fn")->pos_counts[50 << 16].target_map.find(
"cold_callsite1") !=
got.map().at("cold_fn")->pos_counts[50 << 16].target_map.end());
EXPECT_TRUE(got.map().find("cold_callsite2") != got.map().end());
EXPECT_TRUE(got.map().find("cold_callsite3") != got.map().end());
EXPECT_EQ(num_callsites, 6);
EXPECT_EQ(num_callsites_flattened, 5);
} // namespace
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