from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import os.path
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from _3dmm_utils import *
def get_shape(tensor):
static_shape = tensor.shape.as_list()
dynamic_shape = tf.unstack(tf.shape(tensor))
dims = [s[1] if s[0] is None else s[0]
for s in zip(static_shape, dynamic_shape)]
return dims
_cuda_op_module_v2_sz224 = tf.load_op_library(os.path.join(tf.resource_loader.get_data_files_path(), 'TF_newop/cuda_op_kernel_v2_sz224.so'))
zbuffer_tri_v2_sz224 = _cuda_op_module_v2_sz224.zbuffer_tri_v2_sz224
def ZBuffer_Rendering_CUDA_op_v2_sz224(s2d, tri, vis):
tri_map, zbuffer = zbuffer_tri_v2_sz224(s2d, tri, vis)
return tri_map, zbuffer
def warp_texture(texture, m, mshape, output_size=224):
def flatten(x):
return tf.reshape(x, [-1])
n_size = get_shape(texture)
n_size = n_size[0]
s = output_size
# Tri, tri2vt
tri = load_3DMM_tri()
vertex_tri = load_3DMM_vertex_tri()
vt2pixel_u, vt2pixel_v = load_3DMM_vt2pixel()
tri2vt1_const = tf.constant(tri[0,:], tf.int32)
tri2vt2_const = tf.constant(tri[1,:], tf.int32)
tri2vt3_const = tf.constant(tri[2,:], tf.int32)
tri_const = tf.constant(tri, tf.int32)
vertex_tri_const = tf.constant(vertex_tri, tf.int32)
vt2pixel_u_const = tf.constant(vt2pixel_u, tf.float32)
vt2pixel_v_const = tf.constant(vt2pixel_v, tf.float32)
# Convert projection matrix into 4x3 matrices
m = tf.reshape(m, [-1,4,2]) # batch_size x 4 x 2
m_row1 = tf.nn.l2_normalize(m[:,0:3,0], axis = 1)
m_row2 = tf.nn.l2_normalize(m[:,0:3,1], axis = 1)
m_row3 = tf.pad(tf.cross(m_row1, m_row2), [[0,0],[0,1]], mode='CONSTANT', constant_values=0)
m_row3 = tf.expand_dims(m_row3, axis=2)
m = tf.concat([m, m_row3], axis = 2) # batch_size x 4 x 3
vertex3d = tf.reshape( mshape, shape = [n_size, -1, 3] ) # batch_size x vertex_num x 3
vertex4d = tf.concat(axis = 2, values = [vertex3d, tf.ones(get_shape(vertex3d)[0:2] +[1], tf.float32)]) # batch_size x vertex_num x 4
vertex2d = tf.matmul(m, vertex4d, True, True) # batch_size x 3 x vertex_num
vertex2d = tf.transpose(vertex2d, perm=[0,2,1]) # batch_size x vertex_num x 2
normal, normalf = compute_normal(vertex3d, tri_const, vertex_tri_const) # normal: batch_size x vertex_num x 3 & normalf: batch_size x tri_num x 3
normalf4d = tf.concat(axis = 2, values = [normalf, tf.ones(get_shape(normalf)[0:2] +[1], tf.float32)]) # batch_size x tri_num x 4
rotated_normalf = tf.matmul(m, normalf4d, True, True) # batch_size x 3 x tri_num
_, _, rotated_normalf_z = tf.split(axis=1, num_or_size_splits=3, value=rotated_normalf) # batch_size x 1 x tri_num
visible_tri = tf.greater(rotated_normalf_z, 0)
vertex2d_single = tf.split(axis = 0, num_or_size_splits = n_size, value = vertex2d)
visible_tri_single = tf.split(axis = 0, num_or_size_splits = n_size, value = visible_tri)
pixel_u = []
pixel_v = []
masks = []
u, v = tf.meshgrid( tf.linspace(0.0, output_size-1.0, output_size), tf.linspace(0.0, output_size-1.0, output_size))
u = flatten(u)
v = flatten(v)
for i in range(n_size):
vertex2d_i = tf.squeeze(vertex2d_single[i], axis=0) # vertex_num x 3
visible_tri_i = tf.squeeze(visible_tri_single[i], axis=0) # 1 x tri_num
[vertex2d_u, vertex2d_v, vertex2d_z] = tf.split(axis=1, num_or_size_splits=3, value=vertex2d_i)
vertex2d_u = vertex2d_u - 1
vertex2d_v = s - vertex2d_v
vertex2d_i = tf.concat(axis=1, values=[vertex2d_v, vertex2d_u, vertex2d_z])
vertex2d_i = tf.transpose(vertex2d_i)
# Applying Z-buffer
tri_map_2d, mask_i = ZBuffer_Rendering_CUDA_op_v2_sz224(vertex2d_i, tri_const, visible_tri_i)
tri_map_2d_flat = tf.cast(tf.reshape(tri_map_2d, [-1]), 'int32')
# Calculate barycentric coefficient
vt1 = tf.gather( tri2vt1_const, tri_map_2d_flat )
vt2 = tf.gather( tri2vt2_const, tri_map_2d_flat )
vt3 = tf.gather( tri2vt3_const, tri_map_2d_flat )
pixel1_uu = flatten(tf.gather( vertex2d_u, vt1 ))
pixel2_uu = flatten(tf.gather( vertex2d_u, vt2 ))
pixel3_uu = flatten(tf.gather( vertex2d_u, vt3 ))
pixel1_vv = flatten(tf.gather( vertex2d_v, vt1 ))
pixel2_vv = flatten(tf.gather( vertex2d_v, vt2 ))
pixel3_vv = flatten(tf.gather( vertex2d_v, vt3 ))
c1, c2, c3 = barycentric(pixel1_uu, pixel2_uu, pixel3_uu, pixel1_vv, pixel2_vv, pixel3_vv, u, v)
pixel1_u = tf.gather( vt2pixel_u_const, vt1 )
pixel2_u = tf.gather( vt2pixel_u_const, vt2 )
pixel3_u = tf.gather( vt2pixel_u_const, vt3 )
pixel1_v = tf.gather( vt2pixel_v_const, vt1 )
pixel2_v = tf.gather( vt2pixel_v_const, vt2 )
pixel3_v = tf.gather( vt2pixel_v_const, vt3 )
pixel_u_i = tf.reshape(pixel1_u * c1 + pixel2_u * c2 + pixel3_u* c3, [output_size, output_size])
pixel_v_i = tf.reshape(pixel1_v * c1 + pixel2_v * c2 + pixel3_v* c3, [output_size, output_size])
images = bilinear_sampler(texture, pixel_v, pixel_u)
masks = tf.stack(masks)
return images, masks
def barycentric(pixel1_u, pixel2_u, pixel3_u, pixel1_v, pixel2_v, pixel3_v, u, v):
v0_u = pixel2_u - pixel1_u
v0_v = pixel2_v - pixel1_v
v1_u = pixel3_u - pixel1_u
v1_v = pixel3_v - pixel1_v
v2_u = u - pixel1_u
v2_v = v - pixel1_v
invDenom = 1.0/(v0_u * v1_v - v1_u * v0_v + 1e-6)
c2 = (v2_u * v1_v - v1_u * v2_v) * invDenom
c3 = (v0_u * v2_v - v2_u * v0_v) * invDenom
c1 = 1.0 - c2 - c3
return c1, c2, c3
def barycentric_alternative(pixel1_u, pixel2_u, pixel3_u, pixel1_v, pixel2_v, pixel3_v, u, v):
More complicated version
v0_u = pixel2_u - pixel1_u
v0_v = pixel2_v - pixel1_v
v1_u = pixel3_u - pixel1_u
v1_v = pixel3_v - pixel1_v
v2_u = u - pixel1_u
v2_v = v - pixel1_v
d00 = v0_u * v0_u + v0_v*v0_v
d01 = v0_u * v1_u + v0_v*v1_v
d11 = v1_u * v1_u + v1_v*v1_v
d20 = v2_u * v0_u + v2_v*v0_v
d21 = v2_u * v1_u + v2_v*v1_v
invDenom = 1.0 / (d00 * d11 - d01 * d01 + 1e-6)
c3 = (d11 * d20 - d01 * d21) * invDenom
c2 = (d00 * d21 - d01 * d20) * invDenom
c1 = 1.0 - c2 - c3
return c1, c2, c3
def compute_normal(vertex, tri, vertex_tri):
# Unit normals to the faces
# Parameters:
# vertex : batch_size x vertex_num x 3
# tri : 3xtri_num
# vertex_tri: T x vertex_num (T=8: maxium number of triangle each vertex can belong to)
# Output
# normal: batch_size x vertex_num x 3
# normalf: batch_size x tri_num x 3
vt1_indices, vt2_indices, vt3_indices = tf.split(tri, num_or_size_splits = 3, axis = 0)
# Dimensions
batch_size = tf.shape(vertex)[0]
tri_num = tf.shape(tri)[1]
vertex_num = tf.shape(vertex_tri)[1]
T = tf.shape(vertex_tri)[0]
# Create batch indices for tf.gather_nd
batch_idx = tf.range(0, batch_size)
batch_idx = tf.reshape(batch_idx, (batch_size, 1))
b = tf.tile(batch_idx, (1, tri_num))
k1 = tf.tile(vt1_indices, (batch_size, 1))
k2 = tf.tile(vt2_indices, (batch_size, 1))
k3 = tf.tile(vt3_indices, (batch_size, 1))
vt1_indices = tf.stack([b, k1], 2)
vt2_indices = tf.stack([b, k2], 2)
vt3_indices = tf.stack([b, k3], 2)
# Compute triangle normal using its vertices 3dlocation
vt1 = tf.gather_nd(vertex, vt1_indices) #batch_size x tri_num x 3
vt2 = tf.gather_nd(vertex, vt2_indices)
vt3 = tf.gather_nd(vertex, vt3_indices)
normalf = tf.cross(vt2 - vt1, vt3 - vt1)
normalf = tf.nn.l2_normalize(normalf, dim = 2)
mask = tf.expand_dims(tf.tile( tf.expand_dims( tf.not_equal(vertex_tri, tri.shape[1] - 1), 2), multiples = [1, 1, 3]), 0)
mask = tf.cast( mask, vertex.dtype )
# Compute vertices normal
vertex_tri = tf.reshape(vertex_tri, shape = [1, -1])
b = tf.tile(batch_idx, (1, T * vertex_num))
k = tf.tile(vertex_tri, (batch_size, 1))
indices = tf.stack([b, k], 2)
normal = tf.gather_nd(normalf, indices)
normal = tf.reshape(normal, shape = [-1, T, vertex_num, 3])
normal = tf.reduce_sum( tf.multiply( normal, mask ), axis = 1)
normal = tf.nn.l2_normalize(normal, dim = 2)
# Enforce that the normal are outward
v = vertex - tf.reduce_mean(vertex,1, keepdims=True)
s = tf.reduce_sum( tf.multiply(v, normal), 1, keepdims=True )
count_s_greater_0 = tf.count_nonzero( tf.greater(s, 0), axis=0, keepdims=True )
count_s_less_0 = tf.count_nonzero( tf.less(s, 0), axis=0, keepdims=True )
sign = 2 * tf.cast(tf.greater(count_s_greater_0, count_s_less_0), tf.float32) - 1
normal = tf.multiply(normal, sign)
normalf = tf.multiply(normalf, sign)
return normal, normalf
def compute_tri_normal(vertex,tri, vertex_tri):
# Unit normals to the faces
# vertex : 3xvertex_num
# tri : 3xtri_num
vertex = tf.transpose(vertex)
vt1_indices, vt2_indices, vt3_indices = tf.split(tf.transpose(tri), num_or_size_splits = 3, axis = 1)
vt1 = tf.gather_nd(vertex, vt1_indices)
vt2 = tf.gather_nd(vertex, vt2_indices)
vt3 = tf.gather_nd(vertex, vt3_indices)
normalf = tf.cross(vt2 - vt1, vt3 - vt1)
normalf = tf.nn.l2_normalize(normalf, dim = 1)
return normalf
compute_normal2 = compute_tri_normal
def compute_landmarks(m, shape, output_size=224):
# m: rotation matrix [batch_size x (4x2)]
# shape: 3d vertices location [batch_size x (vertex_num x 3)]
n_size = get_shape(m)
n_size = n_size[0]
s = output_size
# Tri, tri2vt
kpts = load_3DMM_kpts()
kpts_num = kpts.shape[0]
indices = np.zeros([n_size, kpts_num,2], np.int32)
for i in range(n_size):
indices[i,:,0] = i
indices[i,:,1:2] = kpts
indices = tf.constant(indices, tf.int32)
kpts_const = tf.constant(kpts, tf.int32)
vertex3d = tf.reshape( shape, shape = [n_size, -1, 3] ) # batch_size x vertex_num x 3
vertex3d = tf.gather_nd(vertex3d, indices) # Keypointd selection # batch_size x kpts_num x 3
vertex4d = tf.concat(axis = 2, values = [vertex3d, tf.ones(get_shape(vertex3d)[0:2] +[1], tf.float32)]) # batch_size x kpts_num x 4
m = tf.reshape( m, shape = [n_size, 4, 2] )
vertex2d = tf.matmul(m, vertex4d, True, True) # batch_size x 2 x kpts_num
vertex2d = tf.transpose(vertex2d, perm=[0,2,1]) # batch_size x kpts_num x 2
[vertex2d_u, vertex2d_v] = tf.split(axis=2, num_or_size_splits=2, value=vertex2d)
vertex2d_u = vertex2d_u - 1
vertex2d_v = s - vertex2d_v
return vertex2d_u, vertex2d_v
def rotate_shape(m, mshape, output_size = 224):
n_size = get_shape(m)
n_size = n_size[0]
m_single = tf.split(axis = 0, num_or_size_splits = n_size, value = m)
shape_single = tf.split(axis = 0, num_or_size_splits = n_size, value = mshape)
vertex2ds = []
for i in range(n_size):
m_i = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(m_single[i], [4,2]))
m_i_row1 = tf.nn.l2_normalize(m_i[0,0:3], dim = 0)
m_i_row2 = tf.nn.l2_normalize(m_i[1,0:3], dim = 0)
m_i_row3 = tf.concat([tf.reshape(tf.cross(m_i_row1, m_i_row2), shape = [1, 3]), tf.zeros([1, 1])], axis = 1)
m_i = tf.concat([m_i, m_i_row3], axis = 0)
vertex3d_rs = tf.transpose(tf.reshape( shape_single[i], shape = [-1, 3] ))
vertex4d = tf.concat(axis = 0, values = [vertex3d_rs, tf.ones([1, get_shape(vertex3d_rs)[1]], tf.float32)])
vertex2d = tf.matmul(m_i, vertex4d, False, False)
vertex2d = tf.transpose(vertex2d)
[vertex2d_u, vertex2d_v, vertex2d_z] = tf.split(axis=1, num_or_size_splits=3, value=vertex2d)
vertex2d_u = vertex2d_u - 1
vertex2d_v = output_size - vertex2d_v
vertex2d = tf.concat(axis=1, values=[vertex2d_v, vertex2d_u, vertex2d_z])
vertex2d = tf.transpose(vertex2d)
return tf.stack(vertex2ds)
def get_pixel_value(img, x, y):
Utility function to get pixel value for coordinate
vectors x and y from a 4D tensor image.
- img: tensor of shape (B, H, W, C)
- x: flattened tensor of shape (B*H*W, )
- y: flattened tensor of shape (B*H*W, )
- output: tensor of shape (B, H, W, C)
shape = tf.shape(x)
batch_size = shape[0]
height = shape[1]
width = shape[2]
batch_idx = tf.range(0, batch_size)
batch_idx = tf.reshape(batch_idx, (batch_size, 1, 1))
b = tf.tile(batch_idx, (1, height, width))
indices = tf.stack([b, y, x], 3)
return tf.gather_nd(img, indices)
def bilinear_sampler(img, x, y):
Performs bilinear sampling of the input images according to the
normalized coordinates provided by the sampling grid. Note that
the sampling is done identically for each channel of the input.
To test if the function works properly, output image should be
identical to input image when theta is initialized to identity
- img: batch of images in (B, H, W, C) layout.
- grid: x, y which is the output of affine_grid_generator.
- interpolated images according to grids. Same size as grid.
# prepare useful params
B = tf.shape(img)[0]
H = tf.shape(img)[1]
W = tf.shape(img)[2]
C = tf.shape(img)[3]
max_y = tf.cast(H - 1, 'int32')
max_x = tf.cast(W - 1, 'int32')
zero = tf.zeros([], dtype='int32')
# cast indices as float32 (for rescaling)
x = tf.cast(x, 'float32')
y = tf.cast(y, 'float32')
# grab 4 nearest corner points for each (x_i, y_i)
# i.e. we need a rectangle around the point of interest
x0 = tf.cast(tf.floor(x), 'int32')
x1 = x0 + 1
y0 = tf.cast(tf.floor(y), 'int32')
y1 = y0 + 1
# clip to range [0, H/W] to not violate img boundaries
x0 = tf.clip_by_value(x0, zero, max_x)
x1 = tf.clip_by_value(x1, zero, max_x)
y0 = tf.clip_by_value(y0, zero, max_y)
y1 = tf.clip_by_value(y1, zero, max_y)
# get pixel value at corner coords
Ia = get_pixel_value(img, x0, y0)
Ib = get_pixel_value(img, x0, y1)
Ic = get_pixel_value(img, x1, y0)
Id = get_pixel_value(img, x1, y1)
# recast as float for delta calculation
x0 = tf.cast(x0, 'float32')
x1 = tf.cast(x1, 'float32')
y0 = tf.cast(y0, 'float32')
y1 = tf.cast(y1, 'float32')
# calculate deltas
wa = (x1-x) * (y1-y)
wb = (x1-x) * (y-y0)
wc = (x-x0) * (y1-y)
wd = (x-x0) * (y-y0)
# add dimension for addition
wa = tf.expand_dims(wa, axis=3)
wb = tf.expand_dims(wb, axis=3)
wc = tf.expand_dims(wc, axis=3)
wd = tf.expand_dims(wd, axis=3)
# compute output
out = tf.add_n([wa*Ia, wb*Ib, wc*Ic, wd*Id])
return out
def generate_shade(il, m, mshape, texture_size = [192, 224], is_with_normal=False):
print("get_shape(il) ")
print(get_shape(il) )
print("get_shape(m) ")
print(get_shape(m) )
print("get_shape(mshape) ")
print(get_shape(mshape) )
n_size = get_shape(il)
n_size = n_size[0]
# Tri, tri2vt
tri = load_3DMM_tri()
vertex_tri = load_3DMM_vertex_tri()
vt2pixel_u, vt2pixel_v = load_3DMM_vt2pixel()
tri_2d = load_3DMM_tri_2d()
tri_2d_barycoord = load_3DMM_tri_2d_barycoord()
tri_const = tf.constant(tri, tf.int32)
vertex_tri_const = tf.constant(vertex_tri, tf.int32)
tri_2d_const = tf.constant(tri_2d, tf.int32)
tri_2d_const_flat = tf.reshape(tri_2d_const, shape=[-1,1])
tri2vt1_const = tf.constant(tri[0,:], tf.int32)
tri2vt2_const = tf.constant(tri[1,:], tf.int32)
tri2vt3_const = tf.constant(tri[2,:], tf.int32)
vt1 = tf.gather( tri2vt1_const, tri_2d_const_flat )
vt2 = tf.gather( tri2vt2_const, tri_2d_const_flat )
vt3 = tf.gather( tri2vt3_const, tri_2d_const_flat )
vt1_coeff = tf.reshape(tf.constant(tri_2d_barycoord[:,:,0], tf.float32), shape=[-1,1])
vt2_coeff = tf.reshape(tf.constant(tri_2d_barycoord[:,:,1], tf.float32), shape=[-1,1])
vt3_coeff = tf.reshape(tf.constant(tri_2d_barycoord[:,:,2], tf.float32), shape=[-1,1])
#mshape = mshape * tf.constant(self.std_shape) + tf.constant(self.mean_shape)
m_single = tf.split(axis = 0, num_or_size_splits = n_size, value = m)
shape_single = tf.split(axis = 0, num_or_size_splits = n_size, value = mshape)
#def get_normal_flat(shape_single):
# vertex3d_rs = tf.transpose(tf.reshape( shape_single, shape = [-1, 3] ))
# normal, normalf = compute_normal(vertex3d_rs, tri_const, vertex_tri_const)
# normalf_flat = tf.gather_nd(normalf, tri_2d_const_flat)
# normalf_flats.append(normalf_flat)
#normalf_flats = tf.map_fn( lambda ss: get_normal_flat(ss), shape_single )
normalf_flats = []
for i in range(n_size):
m_i = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(m_single[i], [4,2]))
m_i_row1 = tf.nn.l2_normalize(m_i[0,0:3], dim = 0)
m_i_row2 = tf.nn.l2_normalize(m_i[1,0:3], dim = 0)
m_i_row3 = tf.cross(m_i_row1, m_i_row2)
m_i = tf.concat([ tf.expand_dims(m_i_row1, 0), tf.expand_dims(m_i_row2, 0), tf.expand_dims(m_i_row3, 0)], axis = 0)
m_i_row1 = tf.nn.l2_normalize(m_i[0,0:3], dim = 0)
m_i_row2 = tf.nn.l2_normalize(m_i[1,0:3], dim = 0)
m_i_row3 = tf.concat([tf.reshape(tf.cross(m_i_row1, m_i_row2), shape = [1, 3]), tf.zeros([1, 1])], axis = 1)
m_i = tf.concat([m_i, m_i_row3], axis = 0)
vertex3d_rs = tf.transpose(tf.reshape( shape_single[i], shape = [-1, 3] ))
normal, normalf = _DEPRECATED_compute_normal(vertex3d_rs, tri_const, vertex_tri_const)
normalf = tf.transpose(normalf)
rotated_normalf = tf.matmul(m_i, normalf, False, False)
rotated_normalf = tf.transpose(rotated_normalf)
normalf_flat = tf.gather_nd(rotated_normalf, tri_2d_const_flat)
normal = tf.transpose(normal)
rotated_normal = tf.matmul(m_i, normal, False, False)
rotated_normal = tf.transpose(rotated_normal)
normal_flat_vt1 = tf.gather_nd(rotated_normal, vt1)
normal_flat_vt2 = tf.gather_nd(rotated_normal, vt2)
normal_flat_vt3 = tf.gather_nd(rotated_normal, vt3)
normalf_flat = normal_flat_vt1*vt1_coeff + normal_flat_vt2*vt2_coeff + normal_flat_vt3*vt3_coeff
normalf_flats = tf.stack(normalf_flats)
shade = shading(il, normalf_flats)
if is_with_normal:
return tf.reshape(shade, shape = [-1, texture_size[0], texture_size[1], 3]), tf.reshape(normalf_flats, shape = [-1, texture_size[0], texture_size[1], 3]),
return tf.reshape(shade, shape = [-1, texture_size[0], texture_size[1], 3])
def shading(L, normal):
shape = normal.get_shape().as_list()
normal_x, normal_y, normal_z = tf.split(tf.expand_dims(normal, -1), axis=2, num_or_size_splits=3)
pi = math.pi
sh[0] = 1/math.sqrt(4*pi) * tf.ones_like(normal_x)
sh[1] = ((2*pi)/3)*(math.sqrt(3/(4*pi)))* normal_z
sh[2] = ((2*pi)/3)*(math.sqrt(3/(4*pi)))* normal_y
sh[3] = ((2*pi)/3)*(math.sqrt(3/(4*pi)))* normal_x
sh[4] = (pi/4)*(1/2)*(math.sqrt(5/(4*pi)))*(2*tf.square(normal_z)-tf.square(normal_x)-tf.square(normal_y))
sh[5] = (pi/4)*(3) *(math.sqrt(5/(12*pi)))*(normal_y*normal_z)
sh[6] = (pi/4)*(3) *(math.sqrt(5/(12*pi)))*(normal_x*normal_z)
sh[7] = (pi/4)*(3) *(math.sqrt(5/(12*pi)))*(normal_x*normal_y)
sh[8] = (pi/4)*(3/2)*(math.sqrt(5/(12*pi)))*( tf.square(normal_x)-tf.square(normal_y))
sh = tf.concat(sh, axis=3)
L1, L2, L3 = tf.split(L, num_or_size_splits = 3, axis=1)
L1 = tf.expand_dims(L1, 1)
L1 = tf.tile(L1, multiples=[1, shape[1], 1] )
L1 = tf.expand_dims(L1, -1)
L2 = tf.expand_dims(L2, 1)
L2 = tf.tile(L2, multiples=[1, shape[1], 1] )
L2 = tf.expand_dims(L2, -1)
L3 = tf.expand_dims(L3, 1)
L3 = tf.tile(L3, multiples=[1, shape[1], 1] )
L3 = tf.expand_dims(L3, -1)
B1 = tf.matmul(sh, L1)
B2 = tf.matmul(sh, L2)
B3 = tf.matmul(sh, L3)
B = tf.squeeze(tf.concat([B1, B2, B3], axis = 2))
return B
def _DEPRECATED_warp_texture(texture, m, mshape, output_size=224):
def flatten(x):
return tf.reshape(x, [-1])
n_size = get_shape(texture)
n_size = n_size[0]
s = output_size
# Tri, tri2vt
tri = load_3DMM_tri()
vertex_tri = load_3DMM_vertex_tri()
vt2pixel_u, vt2pixel_v = load_3DMM_vt2pixel()
tri2vt1_const = tf.constant(tri[0,:], tf.int32)
tri2vt2_const = tf.constant(tri[1,:], tf.int32)
tri2vt3_const = tf.constant(tri[2,:], tf.int32)
tri_const = tf.constant(tri, tf.int32)
vertex_tri_const = tf.constant(vertex_tri, tf.int32)
vt2pixel_u_const = tf.constant(vt2pixel_u, tf.float32)
vt2pixel_v_const = tf.constant(vt2pixel_v, tf.float32)
m_single = tf.split(axis = 0, num_or_size_splits = n_size, value = m)
shape_single = tf.split(axis = 0, num_or_size_splits = n_size, value = mshape)
pixel_u = []
pixel_v = []
masks = []
u, v = tf.meshgrid( tf.linspace(0.0, output_size-1.0, output_size), tf.linspace(0.0, output_size-1.0, output_size))
u = flatten(u)
v = flatten(v)
for i in range(n_size):
m_i = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(m_single[i], [4,2]))
m_i_row1 = tf.nn.l2_normalize(m_i[0,0:3], dim = 0)
m_i_row2 = tf.nn.l2_normalize(m_i[1,0:3], dim = 0)
m_i_row3 = tf.concat([tf.reshape(tf.cross(m_i_row1, m_i_row2), shape = [1, 3]), tf.zeros([1, 1])], axis = 1)
m_i = tf.concat([m_i, m_i_row3], axis = 0)
# Compute 2d vertex
vertex3d_rs = tf.transpose(tf.reshape( shape_single[i], shape = [-1, 3] ))
normal, normalf = _DEPRECATED_compute_normal(vertex3d_rs,tri_const, vertex_tri_const)
normalf = tf.transpose(normalf)
normalf4d = tf.concat(axis=0, values=[normalf, tf.ones([1, normalf.get_shape()[-1]], tf.float32)])
rotated_normalf = tf.matmul(m_i, normalf4d, False, False)
_, _, rotated_normalf_z = tf.split(axis=0, num_or_size_splits=3, value=rotated_normalf)
visible_tri = tf.greater(rotated_normalf_z, 0)
vertex4d = tf.concat(axis = 0, values = [vertex3d_rs, tf.ones([1, vertex3d_rs.get_shape()[-1]], tf.float32)])
vertex2d = tf.matmul(m_i, vertex4d, False, False)
vertex2d = tf.transpose(vertex2d)
[vertex2d_u, vertex2d_v, vertex2d_z] = tf.split(axis=1, num_or_size_splits=3, value=vertex2d)
vertex2d_u = vertex2d_u - 1
vertex2d_v = s - vertex2d_v
vertex2d = tf.concat(axis=1, values=[vertex2d_v, vertex2d_u, vertex2d_z])
vertex2d = tf.transpose(vertex2d)
# Applying Z-buffer
tri_map_2d, mask_i = ZBuffer_Rendering_CUDA_op_v2_sz224(vertex2d, tri_const, visible_tri)
tri_map_2d_flat = tf.cast(tf.reshape(tri_map_2d, [-1]), 'int32')
# Calculate barycentric coefficient
vt1 = tf.gather( tri2vt1_const, tri_map_2d_flat )
vt2 = tf.gather( tri2vt2_const, tri_map_2d_flat )
vt3 = tf.gather( tri2vt3_const, tri_map_2d_flat )
pixel1_uu = flatten(tf.gather( vertex2d_u, vt1 ))
pixel2_uu = flatten(tf.gather( vertex2d_u, vt2 ))
pixel3_uu = flatten(tf.gather( vertex2d_u, vt3 ))
pixel1_vv = flatten(tf.gather( vertex2d_v, vt1 ))
pixel2_vv = flatten(tf.gather( vertex2d_v, vt2 ))
pixel3_vv = flatten(tf.gather( vertex2d_v, vt3 ))
c1, c2, c3 = barycentric(pixel1_uu, pixel2_uu, pixel3_uu, pixel1_vv, pixel2_vv, pixel3_vv, u, v)
pixel1_u = tf.gather( vt2pixel_u_const, vt1 )
pixel2_u = tf.gather( vt2pixel_u_const, vt2 )
pixel3_u = tf.gather( vt2pixel_u_const, vt3 )
pixel1_v = tf.gather( vt2pixel_v_const, vt1 )
pixel2_v = tf.gather( vt2pixel_v_const, vt2 )
pixel3_v = tf.gather( vt2pixel_v_const, vt3 )
pixel_u_i = tf.reshape(pixel1_u * c1 + pixel2_u * c2 + pixel3_u* c3, [output_size, output_size])
pixel_v_i = tf.reshape(pixel1_v * c1 + pixel2_v * c2 + pixel3_v* c3, [output_size, output_size])
images = bilinear_sampler(texture, pixel_v, pixel_u)
masks = tf.stack(masks)
return images, masks
def _DEPRECATED_compute_landmarks(m, mshape, output_size=224):
# This is a deprecated version of compute landmarks which is not optimized
n_size = get_shape(m)
n_size = n_size[0]
s = output_size
# Tri, tri2vt
kpts = load_3DMM_kpts()
kpts_const = tf.constant(kpts, tf.int32)
m_single = tf.split(axis = 0, num_or_size_splits = n_size, value = m)
shape_single = tf.split(axis = 0, num_or_size_splits = n_size, value = mshape)
landmarks_u = []
landmarks_v = []
for i in range(n_size):
# Compute 2d vertex
#vertex3d = tf.transpose(tf.reshape( mu_const + tf.matmul(w_shape_const, p_shape_single[i], False, True) + tf.matmul(w_exp_const, p_exp_single[i], False, True), shape = [-1, 3] ))
vertex3d_rs = tf.reshape( shape_single[i], shape = [-1, 3] )
vertex3d_rs = tf.transpose(tf.gather_nd(vertex3d_rs, kpts_const))
vertex4d = tf.concat(axis = 0, values = [vertex3d_rs, tf.ones([1, get_shape(vertex3d_rs)[1]], tf.float32)])
m_single_i = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(m_single[i], [4,2]))
vertex2d = tf.matmul(m_single_i, vertex4d, False, False)
vertex2d = tf.transpose(vertex2d)
[vertex2d_u, vertex2d_v] = tf.split(axis=1, num_or_size_splits=2, value=vertex2d) #[vertex2d_u, vertex2d_v] = tf.split(1, 2, vertex2d)
vertex2d_u = vertex2d_u - 1
vertex2d_v = s - vertex2d_v
return tf.stack(landmarks_u), tf.stack(landmarks_v)
def _DEPRECATED_compute_normal(vertex, tri, vertex_tri):
# Unit normals to the faces
# vertex : 3xvertex_num
# tri : 3xtri_num
vertex = tf.transpose(vertex)
vt1_indices, vt2_indices, vt3_indices = tf.split(tf.transpose(tri), num_or_size_splits = 3, axis = 1)
vt1 = tf.gather_nd(vertex, vt1_indices)
vt2 = tf.gather_nd(vertex, vt2_indices)
vt3 = tf.gather_nd(vertex, vt3_indices)
normalf = tf.cross(vt2 - vt1, vt3 - vt1)
normalf = tf.nn.l2_normalize(normalf, dim = 1)
mask = tf.tile( tf.expand_dims( tf.not_equal(vertex_tri, tri.shape[1] - 1), 2), multiples = [1, 1, 3])
mask = tf.cast( mask, vertex.dtype )
vertex_tri = tf.reshape(vertex_tri, shape = [-1, 1])
normal = tf.reshape(tf.gather_nd(normalf, vertex_tri), shape = [8, -1, 3])
normal = tf.reduce_sum( tf.multiply( normal, mask ), axis = 0)
normal = tf.nn.l2_normalize(normal, dim = 1)
# enforce that the normal are outward
v = vertex - tf.reduce_mean(vertex,0)
s = tf.reduce_sum( tf.multiply(v, normal), 0 )
count_s_greater_0 = tf.count_nonzero( tf.greater(s, 0) )
count_s_less_0 = tf.count_nonzero( tf.less(s, 0) )
sign = 2 * tf.cast(tf.greater(count_s_greater_0, count_s_less_0), tf.float32) - 1
normal = tf.multiply(normal, sign)
normalf = tf.multiply(normalf, sign)
return normal, normalf
def unwarp_texture(image, m, mshape, output_size=224, is_reduce = False):
#TO Do: correct the mask
print("TODO: correct the mask in unwarp_texture(image, m, mshape, output_size=124, is_reduce = False)")
n_size = get_shape(image)
n_size = n_size[0]
s = output_size
# Tri, tri2vt
tri = load_3DMM_tri()
vertex_tri = load_3DMM_vertex_tri()
vt2pixel_u, vt2pixel_v = load_3DMM_vt2pixel()
tri2vt1_const = tf.constant(tri[0,:], tf.int32)
tri2vt2_const = tf.constant(tri[1,:], tf.int32)
tri2vt3_const = tf.constant(tri[2,:], tf.int32)
tri_const = tf.constant(tri, tf.int32)
#tri_2d_const = tf.constant(tri_2d, tf.int32)
vertex_tri_const = tf.constant(vertex_tri, tf.int32)
vt2pixel_u_const = tf.constant(vt2pixel_u, tf.float32)
vt2pixel_v_const = tf.constant(vt2pixel_v, tf.float32)
#indicies = np.zeros([s*s,2])
#for i in range(s):
# for j in range(s):
# indicies[i*s+j ] = [i,j]
#indicies_const = tf.constant(indicies, tf.float32)
#[indicies_const_u, indicies_const_v] = tf.split(1, 2, indicies_const)
###########m = m * tf.constant(self.std_m) + tf.constant(self.mean_m)
###########mshape = mshape * tf.constant(self.std_shape) + tf.constant(self.mean_shape)
m_single = tf.split(axis = 0, num_or_size_splits = n_size, value = m)
shape_single = tf.split(axis = 0, num_or_size_splits = n_size, value = mshape)
pixel_u = []
pixel_v = []
masks = []
for i in range(n_size):
m_i = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(m_single[i], [4,2]))
m_i_row1 = tf.nn.l2_normalize(m_i[0,0:3], dim = 0)
m_i_row2 = tf.nn.l2_normalize(m_i[1,0:3], dim = 0)
m_i_row3 = tf.concat([tf.reshape(tf.cross(m_i_row1, m_i_row2), shape = [1, 3]), tf.zeros([1, 1])], axis = 1)
m_i = tf.concat([m_i, m_i_row3], axis = 0)
# Compute 2d vertex
#vertex3d = tf.transpose(tf.reshape( mu_const + tf.matmul(w_shape_const, p_shape_single[i], False, True) + tf.matmul(w_exp_const, p_exp_single[i], False, True), shape = [-1, 3] ))
vertex3d_rs = tf.transpose(tf.reshape( shape_single[i], shape = [-1, 3] ))
normal, normalf = compute_normal(vertex3d_rs,tri_const, vertex_tri_const)
normalf = tf.transpose(normalf)
normalf4d = tf.concat(axis=0, values=[normalf, tf.ones([1, normalf.get_shape()[-1]], tf.float32)])
rotated_normalf = tf.matmul(m_i, normalf4d, False, False)
_, _, rotated_normalf_z = tf.split(axis=0, num_or_size_splits=3, value=rotated_normalf)
visible_tri = tf.greater(rotated_normalf_z, 0)
mask_i = tf.gather( tf.cast(visible_tri, dtype=tf.float32), tri_2d_const )
vertex4d = tf.concat(axis = 0, values = [vertex3d_rs, tf.ones([1, vertex3d_rs.get_shape()[-1]], tf.float32)])
vertex2d = tf.matmul(m_i, vertex4d, False, False)
vertex2d = tf.transpose(vertex2d)
[vertex2d_u, vertex2d_v, vertex2d_z] = tf.split(axis=1, num_or_size_splits=3, value=vertex2d)
vertex2d_u = tf.squeeze(vertex2d_u - 1)
vertex2d_v = tf.squeeze(s - vertex2d_v)
#vertex2d = tf.concat(axis=1, values=[vertex2d_v, vertex2d_u, vertex2d_z])
#vertex2d = tf.transpose(vertex2d)
#vertex2d_u = tf.transpose(vertex2d_u)
#vertex2d_V = tf.transpose(vertex2d_v)
vt1 = tf.gather( tri2vt1_const, tri_2d_const )
vt2 = tf.gather( tri2vt2_const, tri_2d_const )
vt3 = tf.gather( tri2vt3_const, tri_2d_const )
pixel1_u = tf.gather( vertex2d_u, vt1 ) #tf.gather( vt2pixel_u_const, vt1 )
pixel2_u = tf.gather( vertex2d_u, vt2 )
pixel3_u = tf.gather( vertex2d_u, vt3 )
pixel1_v = tf.gather( vertex2d_v, vt1 )
pixel2_v = tf.gather( vertex2d_v, vt2 )
pixel3_v = tf.gather( vertex2d_v, vt3 )
pixel_u_i = tf.scalar_mul(scalar = 1.0/3.0, x = tf.add_n([pixel1_u, pixel2_u, pixel3_u]))
pixel_v_i = tf.scalar_mul(scalar = 1.0/3.0, x = tf.add_n([pixel1_v, pixel2_v, pixel3_v]))
texture = bilinear_sampler(image, pixel_u, pixel_v)
masks = tf.stack(masks)
return texture, masks
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