Java EE(J2EE)快速开发框架,基于经典技术组合(Spring MVC、Apache Shiro、MyBatis、Bootstrap UI),包括核心模块如:组织机构、角色用户、权限授权、数据权限、内容管理、工作流等。虽说很长时间没有大的更新了,但它的架构精良易于扩展深受大家喜爱,依然是中小企业的首选,它的功能设计、底层架构也非常具有参考意义、是学习入门的首选。关注我ThinkGem开源中国博客了解4.0最新动态。
最近更新: 6年前以SpringBoot 为中心,模块化开发系统,用户可以随意删减除权限框架外 任意的系统模块。复用,组装性强主要应用技术:spring Security+Ehcache+quartz+swagger2+Mysql5.6+springjdbc+druid+spring social+spring session + layerui+vue.js等。
最近更新: 6年前实现layui的树形表格treeTable,对layui数据表格进行扩展。
最近更新: 6年多前Fourinone (Chinese name "四不像") provides a 4-in-1 distributed framework and easy-to-use programming api to use CPU, memory, hard drives of multi-machine together, in order to gain a powerful computing power to solve complex problems . The Fourinone framework provides a series of parallel computing model (include Migrant Workers / Contractors / Job Agency/ Warehouse concepts) to take advantage of the computing power of multi-machine multi-core cpu; provide a complete distributed cache and a small cache to take advantage of multi-machine memory capacity; provides the operation of remote files in the same way as local files (access, parallel read and write, split, exclusive, copying, parsing, transaction, etc.) for the use of hard disk storage capacity of multi-machine; due to the multi-computer physically independent, Fourinone framework also provides a complete Distributed collaborative and locks, as well as simplify the MQ function for multi-machine collaboration and communication. In other words, fourinone integrates Hadoop, Zookeeper, Memcache, MQ four major functions in a simple jar! It is only 150k size and without any dependence and very convenient to embed your system for use.
最近更新: 7年前