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第九课.sql 2.83 KB
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邓德城 提交于 2021-03-23 14:34 . 第九次课作业
create database Student
use Student
create table Stuinfo
StuSeat int,
StuName nvarchar(10) not null,
StuAge int,
StuSex nvarchar(1) default('1') check(StuSex in ('1','0')),
StuAddress nvarchar(200),
StuNo varchar(800) primary key
insert into Stuinfo(StuNo,StuName,StuAge,StuAddress,StuSex)
select * from Stuinfo
create table Grade
ExamNo int identity(1,1),
stuNo varchar(800) references Stuinfo(StuNo),
WrittenExam int,
LabExam nvarchar(100)
insert into Grade(stuNo, WrittenExam,LabExam)
values('s2501', 50,70),
select StuSeat as 座位号, StuName as 姓名,StuAge as 年龄,StuSex as 性别, StuAddress as 地址,StuNo as 编号 from Stuinfo
select StuName as 姓名,StuAge as 年龄, StuAddress as 地址 from Stuinfo
select ExamNo as 学号, WrittenExam as 笔试, LabExam as 机试 from Grade
select 学号=ExamNo ,笔试=WrittenExam,机试=LabExam from Grade
select ExamNo 学号, WrittenExam 笔试, LabExam 机试 from Grade
select StuName+StuNo+StuAddress 邮箱 from Stuinfo
select ExamNo + WrittenExam+ LabExam from Grade
select * from Stuinfo where StuAddress='湖北武汉' and StuAge='20'
select * from Grade where LabExam='60-80' order by LabExam desc
select * from Stuinfo where StuAddress='湖北武汉' or StuAddress='湖南长沙'
select * from Stuinfo where StuAddress in ( '湖北武汉','湖南长沙' )
select * from Grade where WrittenExam<70 and WrittenExam>90 order by WrittenExam asc
select * from Grade where WrittenExam not like '[70-90]' order by WrittenExam asc
select * from Stuinfo where StuAge is null
select * from Stuinfo where StuAge is not null
select * from Stuinfo where StuName like '张%'
select * from Stuinfo where StuAddress like '湖%'
select * from Stuinfo where StuName like '张_'
select * from Stuinfo where StuName like '__俊%'
select * from Stuinfo order by StuAge desc
select * from Stuinfo order by StuAge desc,StuSeat asc
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