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setup.m 3.03 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
fessler@umich.edu 提交于 2019-06-11 11:34 . Initial commit
% setup.m
% run this file to set up matlab path etc.
% you may need to modify this depending on how you installed the toolbox
% so this should be considered simply a "guide" not a robust script.
if ~exist('irtdir', 'var')
disp('The variable "irtdir" is not set, so trying default, assuming')
disp('that you launched matlab from the irt install directory.')
disp('You may need to edit setup.m or adjust your path otherwise.')
% irtdir = pwd; % the default is to assume launch from irt directory
% default is to look for directory where this setup.m is installed!
irtdir = which('setup'); % find setup.m
[irtdir, ~] = fileparts(irtdir);
disp(['Assuming you installed irt in directory "' irtdir '".'])
% irtdir = '~fessler/l/src/matlab/alg/'; % where you install this package
% irtdir = '~fessler/l/web/irt/'; % where you install this package
if ~exist(irtdir, 'dir')
disp(sprintf('The directory "%s" does not exist', irtdir))
error(sprintf('you need to edit %s to change default path', mfilename))
if irtdir(end) ~= filesep % make sure there is a '/' at end of directory
irtdir = [irtdir filesep];
list = {...
'align', ... % image registration
'align/mex', ... % image registration mex files
'blob', ... % blob (KB) basis
'ct', ... % x-ray CT (polyenergetic) recon
'data', ... % example data
'emission', ... % emission image reconstruction
'example', ... % example applications
'fbp', ... % FBP (filtered backprojection) code
'general', ... % generic image reconstruction
'graph', ... % graphics routines
'mri', ... % MRI reconstruction
'mri-rf/yip-spsp', ... % MRI RF pulse design
'nufft', ... % nonuniform FFT (for a fast projector)
'nufft/table', ... % mex files for NUFFT
'penalty', ... % regularizing penalty functions
'systems', ... % system "matrices"
'systems/tests', ... % tests of systems
'transmission', ... % transmission image reconstruction
'utilities', ... % various utility functions
'wls', ... % weighted least-squares (WLS) estimates
'um', ... % extra directories for UM users only
%'mri/recon', ... % MRI reconstruction - old
for ii=1:numel(list)
tmp = [irtdir list{ii}];
if exist(tmp, 'dir'), addpath(tmp), end
% Set up path to mex files, possibly depending on matlab version.
% Fortunately it seems that the v6 files also run on v7.
% Unfortunately, it seems that sometimes compiling on one version
% e.g., 7.3 and running on earlier 7.0 won't work.
% If you have mex problems, comment out the following line.
% Much of the toolbox will work without mex, just slower.
addpath([irtdir 'mex/v7']);
% do not add the paths below if you are using Matlab!
if ir_is_octave
addpath([irtdir 'octave']); % extra stuff for octave only!
elseif isempty(which('dbstack')) % for freemat only!
addpath([irtdir 'freemat']); % extra stuff for freemat only!
% check to see if path setup worked by looking for im() routine.
if strcmp([irtdir 'graph' filesep 'im.m'], which('im'))
disp('Path setup for irt appears to have succeeded.')
clear list ii irtdir tmp
disp('Path setup for irt may have failed.')
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