最近更新: 接近5年前Landslide susceptibility mapping by deep learning and slope unit
最近更新: 5年前r.landslide is a free and open source add-on to the open source Geographic Information System (GIS) GRASS software for the mapping of landslide susceptiblity. The tool was developed in Python language and works on the basis of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) fed with environmental parameters and landslide databases. The module can be used by natural disaster management bodies and land use planning organs as a support tool for the elaboration of landslide susceptibility maps in an agile and efficient manner.
最近更新: 5年前This is an one class classification problem, which is based on support vecter domain description (SVDD)and Sequential minimal optimization(SMO)algorithm. This work has been tested on pubilc data set, like Iris data set from http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Iris.
最近更新: 5年多前One-Class SVM implementations for temporal segmentation of human activities
最近更新: 5年多前