include: all_lint_rules.yaml
- "**/*.g.dart"
implicit-casts: false
implicit-dynamic: false
# Otherwise cause the import of all_lint_rules to warn because of some rules conflicts.
# We explicitly enabled even conflicting rules and are fixing the conflict
# in this file
included_file_warning: ignore
# Causes false positives (https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/41571
top_level_function_literal_block: ignore
# Personal preference. I don't find it more readable
cascade_invocations: false
# Conflicts with `prefer_single_quotes`
# Single quotes are easier to type and don't compromise on readability.
prefer_double_quotes: false
# Conflicts with `omit_local_variable_types` and other rules.
# As per Dart guidelines, we want to avoid unnecessary types to make the code
# more readable.
# See https://dart.dev/guides/language/effective-dart/design#avoid-type-annotating-initialized-local-variables
always_specify_types: false
# Incompatible with `prefer_final_locals`
# Having immutable local variables makes larger functions more predictible
# so we will use `prefer_final_locals` instead.
unnecessary_final: false
# Not quite suitable for Flutter, which may have a `build` method with a single
# return, but that return is still complex enough that a "body" is worth it.
prefer_expression_function_bodies: false
# Conflicts with the convention used by flutter, which puts `Key key`
# and `@required Widget child` last.
always_put_required_named_parameters_first: false
# `as` is not that bad (especially with the upcoming non-nullable types).
# Explicit exceptions is better than implicit exceptions.
avoid_as: false
# This project doesn't use Flutter-style todos
flutter_style_todos: false
# There are situations where we voluntarily want to catch everything,
# especially as a library.
avoid_catches_without_on_clauses: false
# Boring as it sometimes force a line of 81 characters to be split in two.
# As long as we try to respect that 80 characters limit, going slightly
# above is fine.
lines_longer_than_80_chars: false
# Conflicts with disabling `implicit-dynamic`
avoid_annotating_with_dynamic: false
# conflicts with `prefer_relative_imports`
always_use_package_imports: false
# Disabled for now until we have NNBD as it otherwise conflicts with `missing_return`
no_default_cases: false
# False positive, null checks don't need a message
prefer_asserts_with_message: false
# Cumbersome with `context.select`
avoid_types_on_closure_parameters: false
# Too many false positive (builders)
diagnostic_describe_all_properties: false
# false positives (setter-like functions)
avoid_positional_boolean_parameters: false
# Does not apply to providers
prefer_const_constructors_in_immutables: false
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