# Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
.PHONY: docs help test
# Use bash for inline if-statements in arch_patch target
# Need to list the images in build dependency order
# Images supporting the following architectures:
# - linux/amd64
# - linux/arm64
base-notebook \
minimal-notebook \
r-notebook \
scipy-notebook \
pyspark-notebook \
# Images that can only be built on the amd64 architecture (aka. x86_64)
datascience-notebook \
# All of the images
base-notebook \
minimal-notebook \
r-notebook \
scipy-notebook \
tensorflow-notebook \
datascience-notebook \
pyspark-notebook \
# Enable BuildKit for Docker build
# https://marmelab.com/blog/2016/02/29/auto-documented-makefile.html
@echo "jupyter/docker-stacks"
@echo "====================="
@echo "Replace % with a stack directory name (e.g., make build-multi/minimal-notebook)"
@grep -E '^[a-zA-Z0-9_%/-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
build/%: ## build the latest image for a stack using the system's architecture
@echo "::group::Build $(OWNER)/$(notdir $@) (system's architecture)"
docker build $(DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS) --rm --force-rm -t $(OWNER)/$(notdir $@):latest ./$(notdir $@) --build-arg OWNER=$(OWNER)
@echo -n "Built image size: "
@docker images $(OWNER)/$(notdir $@):latest --format "{{.Size}}"
@echo "::endgroup::"
build-all: $(foreach I, $(ALL_IMAGES), build/$(I)) ## build all stacks
# Limitations on docker buildx build (using docker/buildx 0.5.1):
# 1. Can't --load and --push at the same time
# 2. Can't --load multiple platforms
# What does it mean to --load?
# - It means that the built image can be referenced by `docker` CLI, for example
# when using the `docker tag` or `docker push` commands.
# Workarounds due to limitations:
# 1. We always build a dedicated image using the current system architecture
# named as OWNER/<stack>-notebook so we always can reference that image no
# matter what during tests etc.
# 2. We always also build a multi-platform image during build-multi that will be
# inaccessible with `docker tag` and `docker push` etc, but this will help us
# test the build on the different platform and provide cached layers for
# later.
# 3. We let push-multi refer to rebuilding a multi image with `--push`.
# We can rely on the cached layer from build-multi now even though we never
# tagged the multi image.
# Outcomes of the workaround:
# 1. We can keep using the previously defined Makefile commands that doesn't
# include `-multi` suffix as before.
# 2. Assuming we have setup docker/dockerx properly to build in arm64
# architectures as well, then we can build and publish such images via the
# `-multi` suffix without needing a local registry.
# 3. If we get dedicated arm64 runners, we can test everything separately
# without needing to update this Makefile, and if all tests succeeds we can
# do a publish job that creates a multi-platform image for us.
build-multi/%: DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS?=
build-multi/%: ## build the latest image for a stack on both amd64 and arm64
@echo "::group::Build $(OWNER)/$(notdir $@) (system's architecture)"
docker buildx build $(DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS) -t $(OWNER)/$(notdir $@):latest ./$(notdir $@) --build-arg OWNER=$(OWNER) --load
@echo -n "Built image size: "
@docker images $(OWNER)/$(notdir $@):latest --format "{{.Size}}"
@echo "::endgroup::"
@echo "::group::Build $(OWNER)/$(notdir $@) (amd64,arm64)"
docker buildx build $(DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS) -t build-multi-tmp-cache/$(notdir $@):latest ./$(notdir $@) --build-arg OWNER=$(OWNER) --platform "linux/amd64,linux/arm64"
@echo "::endgroup::"
build-all-multi: $(foreach I, $(MULTI_IMAGES), build-multi/$(I)) $(foreach I, $(AMD64_ONLY_IMAGES), build/$(I)) ## build all stacks
check-outdated/%: ## check the outdated mamba/conda packages in a stack and produce a report (experimental)
@TEST_IMAGE="$(OWNER)/$(notdir $@)" pytest test/test_outdated.py
check-outdated-all: $(foreach I, $(ALL_IMAGES), check-outdated/$(I)) ## check all the stacks for outdated packages
cont-clean-all: cont-stop-all cont-rm-all ## clean all containers (stop + rm)
cont-stop-all: ## stop all containers
@echo "Stopping all containers ..."
-docker stop -t0 $(shell docker ps -a -q) 2> /dev/null
cont-rm-all: ## remove all containers
@echo "Removing all containers ..."
-docker rm --force $(shell docker ps -a -q) 2> /dev/null
dev/%: PORT?=8888
dev/%: ## run a foreground container for a stack
docker run -it --rm -p $(PORT):8888 $(DARGS) $(OWNER)/$(notdir $@)
install-dev-env: ## install libraries required to build images and run tests
@pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
docs: ## build HTML documentation
sphinx-build -W --keep-going --color docs/ docs/_build/
linkcheck-docs: ## check broken links
sphinx-build -W --keep-going --color -b linkcheck docs/ docs/_build/
install-docs-env: ## install libraries required to build docs
@pip install -r requirements-docs.txt
hook/%: WIKI_PATH?=../wiki
hook/%: ## run post-build hooks for an image
python3 -m tagging.tag_image --short-image-name "$(notdir $@)" --owner "$(OWNER)" && \
python3 -m tagging.create_manifests --short-image-name "$(notdir $@)" --owner "$(OWNER)" --wiki-path "$(WIKI_PATH)"
hook-all: $(foreach I, $(ALL_IMAGES), hook/$(I)) ## run post-build hooks for all images
img-clean: img-rm-dang img-rm ## clean dangling and jupyter images
img-list: ## list jupyter images
@echo "Listing $(OWNER) images ..."
docker images "$(OWNER)/*"
img-rm: ## remove jupyter images
@echo "Removing $(OWNER) images ..."
-docker rmi --force $(shell docker images --quiet "$(OWNER)/*") 2> /dev/null
img-rm-dang: ## remove dangling images (tagged None)
@echo "Removing dangling images ..."
-docker rmi --force $(shell docker images -f "dangling=true" -q) 2> /dev/null
pre-commit-all: ## run pre-commit hook on all files
@pre-commit run --all-files || (printf "\n\n\n" && git --no-pager diff --color=always)
pre-commit-install: ## set up the git hook scripts
@pre-commit --version
@pre-commit install
pull/%: ## pull a jupyter image
docker pull $(OWNER)/$(notdir $@)
pull-all: $(foreach I, $(ALL_IMAGES), pull/$(I)) ## pull all images
push/%: ## push all tags for a jupyter image
@echo "::group::Push $(OWNER)/$(notdir $@) (system's architecture)"
docker push --all-tags $(OWNER)/$(notdir $@)
@echo "::endgroup::"
push-all: $(foreach I, $(ALL_IMAGES), push/$(I)) ## push all tagged images
push-multi/%: DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS?=
push-multi/%: ## push all tags for a jupyter image that support multiple architectures
@echo "::group::Push $(OWNER)/$(notdir $@) (amd64,arm64)"
docker buildx build $(DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS) $($(subst -,_,$(notdir $@))_EXTRA_TAG_ARGS) -t $(OWNER)/$(notdir $@):latest ./$(notdir $@) --build-arg OWNER=$(OWNER) --platform "linux/amd64,linux/arm64" --push
@echo "::endgroup::"
push-all-multi: $(foreach I, $(MULTI_IMAGES), push-multi/$(I)) $(foreach I, $(AMD64_ONLY_IMAGES), push/$(I)) ## push all tagged images
run-shell/%: ## run a bash in interactive mode in a stack
docker run -it --rm $(OWNER)/$(notdir $@) $(SHELL)
run-sudo-shell/%: ## run a bash in interactive mode as root in a stack
docker run -it --rm --user root $(OWNER)/$(notdir $@) $(SHELL)
test/%: ## run tests against a stack (only common tests or common tests + specific tests)
@echo "::group::test/$(OWNER)/$(notdir $@)"
@if [ ! -d "$(notdir $@)/test" ]; then TEST_IMAGE="$(OWNER)/$(notdir $@)" pytest -m "not info" test; \
else TEST_IMAGE="$(OWNER)/$(notdir $@)" pytest -m "not info" test $(notdir $@)/test; fi
@echo "::endgroup::"
test-all: $(foreach I, $(ALL_IMAGES), test/$(I)) ## test all stacks
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