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// +build clients
// replication-manager - Replication Manager Monitoring and CLI for MariaDB and MySQL
// Copyright 2017 Signal 18 SARL
// Author: Stephane Varoqui <svaroqui@gmail.com>
// License: GNU General Public License, version 3. Redistribution/Reuse of this code is permitted under the GNU v3 license, as an additional term ALL code must carry the original Author(s) credit in comment form.
// See LICENSE in this directory for the integral text.
package main
import (
termbox "github.com/nsf/termbox-go"
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
var (
cliUser string
cliPassword string
cliHost string
cliPort string
cliCert string
cliNoCheckCert bool
cliToken string
cliClusters []string
cliClusterIndex int
cliTlog s18log.TermLog
cliTermlength int
cliServers []cluster.ServerMonitor
cliMaster cluster.ServerMonitor
cliSettings cluster.Cluster
cliMonitor server.ReplicationManager
cliUrl string
cliTTestRun string
cliTestShowTests bool
cliTeststopcluster bool
cliTeststartcluster bool
cliTestConvert bool
cliTestConvertFile string
cliTestResultDBCredential string
cliTestResultDBServer string
cliBootstrapTopology string
cliBootstrapCleanall bool
cliBootstrapWithProvisioning bool
cliExit bool
cliPrefMaster string
cliStatusErrors bool
cliServerID string
cliServerMaintenance bool
cliServerStop bool
cliServerStart bool
cliConsoleServerIndex int
cliShowObjects string
cliConfirm string
type RequetParam struct {
key string
value string
var cliConn = http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}},
Timeout: 1800 * time.Second,
func cliGetpasswd() string {
fmt.Print("Enter Password: ")
bytePassword, _ := terminal.ReadPassword(int(syscall.Stdin))
password := string(bytePassword)
return strings.TrimSpace(password)
func cliInit(needcluster bool) {
var err error
cliToken, err = cliLogin()
if err != nil {
cliPassword = cliGetpasswd()
cliToken, err = cliLogin()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("\n'%s'\n", err)
cliClusters, err = cliGetClusters()
if err != nil {
allCLusters, _ := cliGetAllClusters()
if len(cliClusters) != 1 && needcluster && cfgGroup == "" {
err = errors.New("No cluster specify")
log.WithError(err).Fatal(fmt.Sprintf("No cluster specify use --cluster in values %s", allCLusters))
if cliClusterInServerList() == false {
fmt.Println("Cluster not found")
cliServers, err = cliGetServers()
if err != nil {
func cliClusterInServerList() bool {
if cfgGroup == "" {
return true
var isValueInList func(value string, list []string) bool
isValueInList = func(value string, list []string) bool {
for i, v := range list {
if v == value {
cliClusterIndex = i
return true
return false
clinput := strings.Split(cfgGroup, ",")
for _, ci := range clinput {
if isValueInList(ci, cliClusters) == false {
return false
return true
func initCliCommonFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) {
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&cliUser, "user", "admin", "User of replication-manager")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&cliPassword, "password", "repman", "Paswword of replication-manager")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&cliPort, "port", "10005", "TLS port of replication-manager")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&cliHost, "host", "", "Host of replication-manager")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&cliCert, "cert", "", "Public certificate")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&cliNoCheckCert, "insecure", true, "Don't check certificate")
func init() {
serverCmd.Flags().StringVar(&cliServerID, "id", "", "server id")
serverCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&cliServerMaintenance, "maintenance", false, "Toggle maintenance")
serverCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&cliServerStop, "stop", false, "Start server")
serverCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&cliServerStart, "start", false, "Stop server")
apiCmd.Flags().StringVar(&cliUrl, "url", "", "Url to rest API")
switchoverCmd.Flags().StringVar(&cliPrefMaster, "db-servers-prefered-master", "", "Database preferred candidate in election, host:[port] format")
testCmd.Flags().StringVar(&cliTTestRun, "run-tests", "", "tests list to be run ")
testCmd.Flags().StringVar(&cliTestResultDBServer, "result-db-server", "", "MariaDB MySQL host to store result")
testCmd.Flags().StringVar(&cliTestResultDBCredential, "result-db-credential", "", "MariaDB MySQL user:password to store result")
testCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&cliTestShowTests, "show-tests", false, "display tests list")
testCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&cliTeststartcluster, "test-provision-cluster", true, "start the cluster between tests")
testCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&cliTeststopcluster, "test-unprovision-cluster", true, "stop the cluster between tests")
testCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&cliTestConvert, "convert", false, "convert test result to html")
testCmd.Flags().StringVar(&cliTestConvertFile, "file", "", "test result.json")
bootstrapCmd.Flags().StringVar(&cliBootstrapTopology, "topology", "master-slave", "master-slave|master-slave-no-gtid|maxscale-binlog|multi-master|multi-tier-slave|multi-master-ring,multi-master-wsrep")
bootstrapCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&cliBootstrapCleanall, "clean-all", false, "Reset all slaves and binary logs before bootstrapping")
bootstrapCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&cliBootstrapWithProvisioning, "with-provisioning", false, "Provision the culster for replication-manager-tst or Provision the culster for replication-manager-pro")
statusCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&cliStatusErrors, "with-errors", false, "Add json errors reporting")
showCmd.Flags().StringVar(&cliShowObjects, "get", "settings,clusters,servers,master,slaves,crashes,alerts", "get the following objects")
var serverCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "server",
Short: "Run some actions on a server",
Long: `The server command is used to stop , start or put a server in maintenace`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
urlpost := "https://" + cliHost + ":" + cliPort + "/api/clusters/" + cliClusters[cliClusterIndex] + "/servers/" + cliServerID + "/actions/maintenance"
_, err := cliAPICmd(urlpost, nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s", err)
var bootstrapCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "bootstrap",
Short: "Bootstrap a replication environment",
Long: `The bootstrap command is used to create a new replication environment from scratch`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
if cliBootstrapWithProvisioning == true {
urlpost := "https://" + cliHost + ":" + cliPort + "/api/clusters/" + cliClusters[cliClusterIndex] + "/actions/services/provision"
_, err := cliAPICmd(urlpost, nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s", err)
} else {
fmt.Println("Provisioning done")
} else {
if cliBootstrapCleanall == true {
urlclean := "https://" + cliHost + ":" + cliPort + "/api/clusters/" + cliClusters[cliClusterIndex] + "/actions/replication/cleanup"
_, err := cliAPICmd(urlclean, nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s", err)
} else {
fmt.Println("Replication cleanup done")
urlpost := "https://" + cliHost + ":" + cliPort + "/api/clusters/" + cliClusters[cliClusterIndex] + "/actions/replication/bootstrap/" + cliBootstrapTopology
_, err := cliAPICmd(urlpost, nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s", err)
} else {
fmt.Println("Replication bootsrap done")
// slogs, _ := cliGetLogs()
// cliPrintLog(slogs)
var statusCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "status",
Short: "Request status ",
Long: `The status command is used to request monitor daemon or pecific cluster status`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
type Result struct {
Alive string `json:"alive"`
var ret Result
if cfgGroup == "" {
urlpost := "https://" + cliHost + ":" + cliPort + "/api/status"
res, err := cliAPICmd(urlpost, nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "API call %s", err)
} else {
if res != "" {
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &ret)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "API call %s", err)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%s\n", ret.Alive)
if cfgGroup != "" {
urlpost := "https://" + cliHost + ":" + cliPort + "/api/clusters/" + cliClusters[cliClusterIndex] + "/status"
res, err := cliAPICmd(urlpost, nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "API call %s", err)
} else {
if res != "" {
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &ret)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "API call %s", err)
} else {
if cliStatusErrors {
urlpost := "https://" + cliHost + ":" + cliPort + "/api/clusters/" + cliClusters[cliClusterIndex] + "/topology/alerts"
res, err := cliAPICmd(urlpost, nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "API call %s", err)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%s\n", res)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%s\n", ret.Alive)
var failoverCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "failover",
Short: "Failover a dead master",
Long: `Trigger failover on a dead master by promoting a slave.`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
var slogs []string
cliClusterCmd("actions/failover", nil)
slogs, _ = cliGetLogs()
cliServers, _ = cliGetServers()
PostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
var switchoverCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "switchover",
Short: "Perform a master switch",
Long: `Performs an online master switch by promoting a slave to master
and demoting the old master to slave`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
var slogs []string
var prefMasterParam RequetParam
var params []RequetParam
if cliPrefMaster != "" {
prefMasterParam.key = "prefmaster"
prefMasterParam.value = cliPrefMaster
params = append(params, prefMasterParam)
cliClusterCmd("actions/switchover", params)
} else {
cliClusterCmd("actions/switchover", nil)
slogs, _ = cliGetLogs()
cliServers, _ = cliGetServers()
PostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// Close connections on exit.
var apiCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "api",
Short: "Call JWT API",
Long: `Performs call to jwt api served by monitoring`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
res, err := cliAPICmd(cliUrl, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Error in API call")
} else {
PostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
var topologyCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "topology",
Short: "Print replication topology",
Long: `Print the replication topology by detecting master and slaves`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
PostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
var testCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "test",
Short: "Perform regression test",
Long: `Perform named tests passed with argument --run-tests=test1,test2`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
if cliTestConvert {
type TestResults struct {
Results []cluster.Test `json:"results"`
var cltests TestResults
file, err := ioutil.ReadFile(cliTestConvertFile)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("File error: %v\n", err)
err = json.Unmarshal(file, &cltests)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("File error: %v\n", err)
var tmplgreen = "<tr><td>%s</td><td bgcolor=\"#adebad\">%s</td></tr>"
var tmplred = "<tr><td>%s</td><td bgcolor=\"##ff8080\">%s</td></tr>"
for _, v := range cltests.Results {
if v.Result == "FAIL" {
fmt.Printf(tmplred, v.Name, v.Result)
} else {
fmt.Printf(tmplgreen, v.Name, v.Result)
if cliTestShowTests == true {
cliMonitor, _ = cliGetMonitor()
if cliTestShowTests == false {
todotests := strings.Split(cliTTestRun, ",")
for _, test := range todotests {
var thistest cluster.Test
thistest.Result = "TIMEOUT"
thistest.Name = test
data, _ := json.MarshalIndent(thistest, "", "\t")
urlpost := "https://" + cliHost + ":" + cliPort + "/api/clusters/" + cliClusters[cliClusterIndex] + "/tests/actions/run/" + test
var startcluster RequetParam
var stopcluster RequetParam
var params []RequetParam
startcluster.key = "provision"
startcluster.value = strconv.FormatBool(cliTeststartcluster)
params = append(params, startcluster)
stopcluster.key = "unprovision"
stopcluster.value = strconv.FormatBool(cliTeststopcluster)
params = append(params, stopcluster)
res, err := cliAPICmd(urlpost, params)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Error in API call")
} else {
if res != "" {
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &thistest)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("No valid json in test result: %v\n", err)
// post result in database
if cliTestResultDBServer != "" {
params := fmt.Sprintf("?timeout=2s")
dsn := cliTestResultDBCredential + "@"
dsn += "tcp(" + cliTestResultDBServer + ")/" + params
c, err := sqlx.Open("mysql", dsn)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Could not connect to result database %s", err)
err = c.Ping()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Could not connect to result database %s", err)
_, err = c.Query("REPLACE INTO result.tests (version,test,path,result) VALUES('" + FullVersion + "','" + thistest.Name + "','" + thistest.ConfigFile + "','" + thistest.Result + "')")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Could play sql to result database %s", err)
} else {
PostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// Close connections on exit.
var showCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "show",
Short: "Print json informations",
Long: `To use for support issues`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
//cliClusters, err = cliGetClusters()
urlpost := ""
type Objects struct {
Name string
Settings server.Settings `json:"settings"`
Servers []cluster.ServerMonitor `json:"servers"`
Master cluster.ServerMonitor `json:"master"`
Slaves []cluster.ServerMonitor `json:"slaves"`
Crashes []cluster.Crash `json:"crashes"`
Alerts cluster.Alerts `json:"alerts"`
type Report struct {
Clusters []Objects `json:"clusters"`
var myReport Report
for _, cluster := range cliClusters {
var myObjects Objects
myObjects.Name = cluster
if strings.Contains(cliShowObjects, "settings") {
urlpost = "https://" + cliHost + ":" + cliPort + "/api/clusters/" + cluster
res, err := cliAPICmd(urlpost, nil)
if err == nil {
json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &myObjects.Settings)
if strings.Contains(cliShowObjects, "servers") {
urlpost = "https://" + cliHost + ":" + cliPort + "/api/clusters/" + cluster + "/topology/servers"
res, err := cliAPICmd(urlpost, nil)
if err == nil {
json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &myObjects.Servers)
if strings.Contains(cliShowObjects, "master") {
urlpost = "https://" + cliHost + ":" + cliPort + "/api/clusters/" + cluster + "/topology/master"
res, err := cliAPICmd(urlpost, nil)
if err == nil {
json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &myObjects.Master)
if strings.Contains(cliShowObjects, "slaves") {
urlpost = "https://" + cliHost + ":" + cliPort + "/api/clusters/" + cluster + "/topology/master"
res, err := cliAPICmd(urlpost, nil)
if err == nil {
json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &myObjects.Slaves)
if strings.Contains(cliShowObjects, "crashes") {
urlpost = "https://" + cliHost + ":" + cliPort + "/api/clusters/" + cluster + "/topology/crashes"
res, err := cliAPICmd(urlpost, nil)
if err == nil {
json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &myObjects.Crashes)
if strings.Contains(cliShowObjects, "alerts") {
urlpost = "https://" + cliHost + ":" + cliPort + "/api/clusters/" + cluster + "/topology/alerts"
res, err := cliAPICmd(urlpost, nil)
if err == nil {
json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &myObjects.Alerts)
myReport.Clusters = append(myReport.Clusters, myObjects)
data, err := json.MarshalIndent(myReport, "", "\t")
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%s\n", data)
PostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
var clientCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "console",
Short: "Starts the interactive replication-manager console",
Long: "Connect to replication-manager in stateful TLS JWT mode.",
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
err := termbox.Init()
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Fatal("Termbox initialization error")
_, cliTermlength = termbox.Size()
if cliTermlength == 0 {
cliTermlength = 120
} else if cliTermlength < 18 {
log.Fatal("Terminal too small, please increase window size")
loglen := cliTermlength - 9 - (len(strings.Split(conf.Hosts, ",")) * 3)
termboxChan := cliNewTbChan()
interval := time.Second
ticker := time.NewTicker(interval * time.Duration(2))
for cliExit == false {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
cliSettings, _ = cliGetSettings()
cliServers, _ = cliGetServers()
cliMaster, _ = cliGetMaster()
dlogs, _ := cliGetLogs()
cliTlog = s18log.NewTermLog(loglen)
case event := <-termboxChan:
switch event.Type {
case termbox.EventKey:
if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlS {
// fmt.Println("Confirm switchover ? [Y,y]")
cliConfirm = "Confirm switchover ? [Y,y]"
for {
select {
case ev := <-termboxChan:
switch ev.Type {
case termbox.EventKey:
if ev.Ch == 89 || ev.Ch == 121 {
cliClusterCmd("actions/switchover", nil)
cliConfirm = ""
break confirmloop
if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlF {
if cliMaster.State == "Failed" {
cliClusterCmd("actions/failover", nil)
if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlM {
cliClusterCmd("servers/"+cliServers[cliConsoleServerIndex].Id+"/actions/maintenance", nil)
if event.Key == termbox.KeyArrowUp {
if cliConsoleServerIndex < 0 {
cliConsoleServerIndex = len(cliServers) - 1
if event.Key == termbox.KeyArrowDown {
if cliConsoleServerIndex >= len(cliServers) {
cliConsoleServerIndex = 0
if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlD {
//call topology
if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlN {
if cliClusterIndex >= len(cliClusters) {
cliClusterIndex = 0
if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlP {
if cliClusterIndex < 0 {
cliClusterIndex = len(cliClusters) - 1
if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlR {
cliClusterCmd("settings/actions/switch/failover-readonly-state", nil)
if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlW {
cliClusterCmd("settings/actions/switch/failover-readonly-state", nil)
if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlI {
cliClusterCmd("settings/actions/switch/failover-mode", nil)
if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlV {
cliClusterCmd("settings/actions/switch/verbosity", nil)
if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlE {
cliClusterCmd("actions/reset-failover-control", nil)
if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlH {
if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlQ {
cliExit = true
if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlC {
cliExit = true
switch event.Ch {
case 's':
PostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// Close connections on exit.
if memprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(memprofile)
if err != nil {
// log.Println(cliToken)
func cliGetClusters() ([]string, error) {
var cl []string
var err error
cl, err = cliGetAllClusters()
if err != nil {
return cl, err
return cl, nil
func cliNewTbChan() chan termbox.Event {
termboxChan := make(chan termbox.Event)
go func() {
for {
termboxChan <- termbox.PollEvent()
return termboxChan
func cliGetTopology() {
headstr := ""
if cliClusters[cliClusterIndex] != "" {
headstr += fmt.Sprintf("| Group: %s", cliClusters[cliClusterIndex])
if cliSettings.Conf.FailMode == "automatic" {
headstr += " | Mode: Automatic "
} else {
headstr += " | Mode: Manual "
headstr += fmt.Sprintf("\n%19s %15s %6s %15s %10s %12s %20s %20s %30s %6s %3s", "Id", "Host", "Port", "Status", "Failures", "Using GTID", "Current GTID", "Slave GTID", "Replication Health", "Delay", "RO")
for _, server := range cliServers {
var gtidCurr string
var gtidSlave string
if server.CurrentGtid != nil {
gtidCurr = server.CurrentGtid.Sprint()
} else {
gtidCurr = ""
if server.SlaveGtid != nil {
gtidSlave = server.SlaveGtid.Sprint()
} else {
gtidSlave = ""
headstr += fmt.Sprintf("\n%19s %15s %6s %15s %10d %12s %20s %20s %30s %6d %3s", server.Id, server.Host, server.Port, server.State, server.FailCount, server.GetReplicationUsingGtid(), gtidCurr, gtidSlave, "", server.GetReplicationDelay(), server.ReadOnly)
func cliDisplay() {
termbox.Clear(termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack)
headstr := fmt.Sprintf(" Replication Manager Client ")
if cliClusters[cliClusterIndex] != "" {
headstr += fmt.Sprintf("| Group: %s", cliClusters[cliClusterIndex])
if cliSettings.Conf.Interactive == false {
headstr += " | Mode: Automatic "
} else {
headstr += " | Mode: Manual "
cliPrintfTb(0, 0, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack|termbox.AttrReverse|termbox.AttrBold, headstr)
cliPrintfTb(0, 1, termbox.ColorRed, termbox.ColorBlack|termbox.AttrReverse|termbox.AttrBold, cliConfirm)
cliPrintfTb(0, 2, termbox.ColorWhite|termbox.AttrBold, termbox.ColorBlack, "%1s%15s %6s %15s %10s %12s %20s %20s %30s %6s %3s", " ", "Host", "Port", "Status", "Failures", "Using GTID", "Current GTID", "Slave GTID", "Replication Health", "Delay", "RO")
cliTlog.Line = 3
for i, server := range cliServers {
var gtidCurr string
var gtidSlave string
if server.CurrentGtid != nil {
gtidCurr = server.CurrentGtid.Sprint()
} else {
gtidCurr = ""
if server.SlaveGtid != nil {
gtidSlave = server.SlaveGtid.Sprint()
} else {
gtidSlave = ""
var fgCol termbox.Attribute
switch server.State {
case "Master":
fgCol = termbox.ColorGreen
case "Failed":
fgCol = termbox.ColorRed
case "Unconnected":
fgCol = termbox.ColorBlue
case "Suspect":
fgCol = termbox.ColorMagenta
case "SlaveErr":
fgCol = termbox.ColorMagenta
case "SlaveLate":
fgCol = termbox.ColorYellow
fgCol = termbox.ColorWhite
mystatus := server.State
if server.IsVirtualMaster {
mystatus = mystatus + "*VM"
myServerPointer := " "
if i == cliConsoleServerIndex {
myServerPointer = ">"
cliPrintfTb(1, cliTlog.Line, fgCol, termbox.ColorBlack, "%1s%15s %6s %15s %10d %12s %20s %20s %30s %6d %3s", myServerPointer, server.Host, server.Port, mystatus, server.FailCount, server.GetReplicationUsingGtid(), gtidCurr, gtidSlave, server.ReplicationHealth, server.GetReplicationDelay(), server.ReadOnly)
if cliMaster.State != "Failed" {
cliPrintTb(0, cliTlog.Line, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack, " Ctrl-Q to quit, Ctrl-S to switchover, Ctrl-(N|P) to change Cluster,Ctrl-H to help")
} else {
cliPrintTb(0, cliTlog.Line, termbox.ColorWhite, termbox.ColorBlack, " Ctrl-Q to quit, Ctrl-F to failover, Ctrl-(N|P) to change Cluster,Ctrl-H to help")
cliTlog.Line = cliTlog.Line + 3
_, newlen := termbox.Size()
if newlen == 0 {
// pass
} else if newlen > cliTermlength {
cliTermlength = newlen
cliTlog.Len = cliTermlength - 9 - (len(cliClusters) * 3)
} else if newlen < cliTermlength {
cliTermlength = newlen
cliTlog.Len = cliTermlength - 9 - (len(cliClusters) * 3)
func cliAddTlog(dlogs []string) {
for _, dl := range dlogs {
func cliDisplayHelp() {
cliLogPrint("HELP : Ctrl-D Print debug information")
cliLogPrint("HELP : Ctrl-F Failover")
cliLogPrint("HELP : Ctrl-S Switchover")
cliLogPrint("HELP : Ctrl-M Maintenance")
cliLogPrint("HELP : Ctrl-N Next Cluster")
cliLogPrint("HELP : Ctrl-P Previous Cluster")
cliLogPrint("HELP : Ctrl-Q Quit")
cliLogPrint("HELP : Ctrl-C Quit")
cliLogPrint("HELP : Ctrl-I Switch failover automatic/manual")
cliLogPrint("HELP : Ctrl-R Switch slaves read-only/read-write")
cliLogPrint("HELP : Ctrl-V Switch verbosity")
cliLogPrint("HELP : Ctrl-E Erase failover control")
func cliPrintLog(msg []string) {
for _, c := range msg {
func cliPrintTb(x, y int, fg, bg termbox.Attribute, msg string) {
for _, c := range msg {
termbox.SetCell(x, y, c, fg, bg)
func cliPrintfTb(x, y int, fg, bg termbox.Attribute, format string, args ...interface{}) {
s := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
cliPrintTb(x, y, fg, bg, s)
func cliLogPrint(msg ...interface{}) {
stamp := fmt.Sprint(time.Now().Format("2006/01/02 15:04:05"))
if cliTlog.Len > 0 {
s := fmt.Sprint(stamp, "[", cliClusters[cliClusterIndex], "] ", fmt.Sprint(msg...))
func cliLogin() (string, error) {
urlpost := "https://" + cliHost + ":" + cliPort + "/api/login"
var jsonStr = []byte(`{"username":"` + cliUser + `", "password":"` + cliPassword + `"}`)
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", urlpost, bytes.NewBuffer(jsonStr))
if err != nil {
return "", err
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
resp, err := cliConn.Do(req)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR ", err)
return "", err
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR ", err)
return "", err
if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusForbidden {
return "", errors.New("Wrong credentential")
type Result struct {
Token string `json:"token"`
var r Result
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &r)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR in login", err)
return "", err
return r.Token, nil
func cliGetAllClusters() ([]string, error) {
var r server.ReplicationManager
var res []string
urlpost := "https://" + cliHost + ":" + cliPort + "/api/monitor"
var bearer = "Bearer " + cliToken
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", urlpost, nil)
if err != nil {
return res, err
req.Header.Set("Authorization", bearer)
resp, err := cliConn.Do(req)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR", err)
return res, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR", err)
return res, err
// log.Printf("%s", body)
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &r)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR in cluster list", err)
return res, err
return r.ClusterList, nil
func cliGetSettings() (cluster.Cluster, error) {
var r cluster.Cluster
urlpost := "https://" + cliHost + ":" + cliPort + "/api/clusters/" + cliClusters[cliClusterIndex] + ""
var bearer = "Bearer " + cliToken
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", urlpost, nil)
if err != nil {
return r, err
req.Header.Set("Authorization", bearer)
resp, err := cliConn.Do(req)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR in settings", err)
return r, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR in settings", err)
return r, err
if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusForbidden {
return r, errors.New("Wrong credentential")
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &r)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR in settings", err)
return r, err
return r, nil
func cliGetMonitor() (server.ReplicationManager, error) {
var r server.ReplicationManager
urlpost := "https://" + cliHost + ":" + cliPort + "/api/monitor"
var bearer = "Bearer " + cliToken
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", urlpost, nil)
if err != nil {
return r, err
req.Header.Set("Authorization", bearer)
resp, err := cliConn.Do(req)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR in monitor", err)
return r, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR in monitor", err)
return r, err
if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusForbidden {
return r, errors.New("Wrong credentential")
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &r)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR in monitor", err)
return r, err
return r, nil
func cliGetServers() ([]cluster.ServerMonitor, error) {
var r []cluster.ServerMonitor
urlpost := "https://" + cliHost + ":" + cliPort + "/api/clusters/" + cliClusters[cliClusterIndex] + "/topology/servers"
//log.Println("INFO ", urlpost)
var bearer = "Bearer " + cliToken
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", urlpost, nil)
if err != nil {
return r, err
req.Header.Set("Authorization", bearer)
resp, err := cliConn.Do(req)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR ", err)
return r, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR ", err)
return r, err
if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusForbidden {
return r, errors.New("Wrong credentential")
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &r)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR in getting servers", err)
return r, err
return r, nil
func cliGetMaster() (cluster.ServerMonitor, error) {
var r cluster.ServerMonitor
urlpost := "https://" + cliHost + ":" + cliPort + "/api/clusters/" + cliClusters[cliClusterIndex] + "/topology/master"
var bearer = "Bearer " + cliToken
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", urlpost, nil)
if err != nil {
return r, err
req.Header.Set("Authorization", bearer)
resp, err := cliConn.Do(req)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR ", err)
return r, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR ", err)
return r, err
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &r)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR in getting master", err)
return r, err
return r, nil
func cliGetLogs() ([]string, error) {
var r []string
urlpost := "https://" + cliHost + ":" + cliPort + "/api/clusters/" + cliClusters[cliClusterIndex] + "/topology/logs"
var bearer = "Bearer " + cliToken
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", urlpost, nil)
if err != nil {
return r, err
req.Header.Set("Authorization", bearer)
resp, err := cliConn.Do(req)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR on getting logs ", err)
return r, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR on getting logs", err)
return r, err
if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusForbidden {
return r, errors.New("Wrong credentential")
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &r)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR on getting logs", err)
return r, err
return r, nil
func cliClusterCmd(command string, params []RequetParam) error {
//var r string
urlpost := "https://" + cliHost + ":" + cliPort + "/api/clusters/" + cliClusters[cliClusterIndex] + "/" + command
var bearer = "Bearer " + cliToken
data := url.Values{}
data.Add("customer_name", "value")
if params != nil {
for _, param := range params {
data.Add(param.key, param.value)
b := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(data.Encode()))
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", urlpost, b)
if err != nil {
return err
req.Header.Set("Authorization", bearer)
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
resp, err := cliConn.Do(req)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR", err)
return err
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR", err)
return err
/*err = json.Unmarshal(body, &r)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR ", err)
return err
return nil
func cliAPICmd(urlpost string, params []RequetParam) (string, error) {
//var r string
var bearer = "Bearer " + cliToken
var err error
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", urlpost, nil)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 600*time.Second)
req.Header.Set("Authorization", bearer)
resp, err := cliConn.Do(req)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR", err)
return "", err
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR", err)
return "", err
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
return "", errors.New(string(body))
return string(body), nil
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