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Selva Prabhakaran authored 2016-09-14 22:48 . chat sentiments
ID,Recommend,CommentsCaller 1,POS,"The person was polite, prompt and knew how to take care of my issue and did so."Caller 2,NEG,The rep was dismissive in answering my questions about the refund. She handed me over to a customer serve rep who was helpful. With the fraudulent activity by the company in regard to my account and the inability to report the issue on line I am exteremy disappointed and am seriously thinking of terminating our relationship!Caller 3,NEG,"Can you please have someone from Mr. Renault's Executive Staff call me. I am extremely dissatisfied by the service that I received and how poorly trained the representative was that I spoke with. In addition, several supervisors appeared me me that they just did not care. Only one person, Debra was kind and caring. Can you please have someone from Mr. Renault's office call me. I have been a card holder for over 31 years and have charged significant amounts of money. I actually really love using my ABC card. However, after last evening's experience I am incredible dissatisfied by the lack of service that I received."Caller 4,POS,"very polite, professional and responded positively to my needs. I received the service I requested and what I would have expected from any major credit card company. I don't feel this has much to do about my recommending or not."Caller 5,NEG,"Your first representative lied to me when she said that the new chip coming in your credit cards was 'required by a new law' i asked to speak to a supervisor who could tell me what law this was. When I spoke to her, she admitted that it wasn't a law but told me there was no way to opt out of the new card with the chip. see my prior note."Caller 6,POS,Frank was pleasant to talk.Caller 7,POS,"I thought the customer service representative I spoke with was about the nicest, clearest, most efficient one I'd ever spoken with in my life. She confirmed the problem I was having, validated my concern, fixed the problem, was easy to understand, and she was pleasant at all times. I think my blood pressure dropped during the phone call, a first. And, it sure didn't hurt that I was awarded 2,500 miles for my troubles. Not much, unless there was some sort of great signing bonus with miles. I don't usually recommend credit cards to people."
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