;; BackwardsCompatibility.ini - Strings to Support Older TestStand components from Earlier Versions
;; These strings may be removed in future versions of TestStand without further notice
;; If you want to create a new resource string file or customize an existing resource
;; string file, you must place it in the <TestStand Public>\Components\Language directory.
;; If you make changes to resource files, you need to restart the TestStand application
;; for the changes to take effect.
;; Note, when adding lines longer that 512 characters, split them into several lines,
;; each less than 512 characters. Use the same tag name for each line, followed by
;; " LineNNNN" where NNNN is the zero padded line number. Example:
;; TagName Line0001 = "super long string that goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on"
;; TagName Line0002 = " and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on"
;; TagName Line0003 = " and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on"
;; START SECTION for old TestStand 1.0.x strings from TestStandStrings.ini that are no longer used in TestStand 2.0
RPT_MEASUREMENT = "Measurement: "
RPT_STRING_LIMIT = "Expected String: "
RPT_NUMERIC_LIMIT = "Limit Value: "
RPT_HIGH_LIMIT = "High Limit: "
RPT_LOW_LIMIT = "Low Limit: "
RPT_UNITS = "Units: "
RPT_NO_UNITS = "No Units"
RPT_COMP_TYPE = "Comparison Type: "
RPT_BUTTON_HIT = "Button Index: "
RPT_WAIT_TIMEOUT_OCCURRED = "Timeout Occurred: "
RPT_MSG_POPUP_RESPONSE = "Dialog Response Text: "
RPT_EXIT_CODE = "Exit Code: "
RPT_NUM_LIMITS_IN_FILE = "Number of Limits in File: "
RPT_NUM_ROWS_IN_FILE = "Number of Rows in File: "
RPT_NUM_LIMITS_APPLIED = "Number of Limits Applied: "
RPT_EQ = "EQ (==)"
RPT_NE = "NE (!=)"
RPT_GT = "GT (>)"
RPT_LT = "LT (<)"
RPT_GE = "GE (>=)"
RPT_LE = "LE (<=)"
RPT_GTLT = "GTLT (> <)"
RPT_GELE = "GELE (>= <=)"
RPT_GELT = "GELT (>= <)"
RPT_GTLE = "GTLE (> <=)"
RPT_LOG = "No Comparison"
RPT_CaseSensitive = "Case Sensitive"
RPT_IgnoreCase = "Ignore Case"
;; START SECTION for old TestStand 1.0.x strings from DatabaseStrings.ini that are no longer used in TestStand 2.0
;; main panel
DATABASE_OPTIONS = "Edit Database Options"
DATABASE_OPTIONS_MENU = "Database Options..."
HELP = "__Help"
OK = "__OK"
BROWSE = "__Browse..."
CANCEL = "Cancel"
HELP_TITLE = "Edit Database Options Help"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0002 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0003 = "Before you use the default process model to log results to a database you must do the \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0004 = "following. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0005 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0006 = "1. Decide which DBMS you want TestStand to log the results to. By default, \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0007 = "TestStand supports Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle. You can add \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0008 = "support for another DBMS. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0009 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0010 = "2. Make sure you have installed the appropriate client DBMS software that is required \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0011 = "to communicate with the DBMS. You must decide whether to use an ODBC driver or \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0012 = "a specific OLE-DB Provider for your DBMS. Microsoft Access and SQL Server \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0013 = "require you to install only an ODBC driver or OLE-DB Provider. Most Oracle ODBC \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0014 = "drivers and OLE-DB Providers require that you install Oracle Client also. Refer to \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0015 = "TestStand\\Doc\\readme.html for more details on suggested providers, and versions of \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0016 = "ODBC drivers and client DBMS software. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0017 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0018 = "3. Create the default database tables in a database in your DBMS. TestStand comes \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0019 = "with SQL script files for creating and deleting the default database tables that the \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0020 = "process model requires. These script files are located in the \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0021 = "<TestStand>\\Components\\Model\\TestStandModel\\Database directory. For example, \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0022 = "the Create Access Result Tables.sql file contains SQL commands to create the default \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0023 = "tables for Access, and the Drop Access Result Tables.sql file contains SQL commands \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0024 = "to delete the default tables. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0025 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0026 = "TestStand includes the Database Viewer application for executing the script files. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0027 = "You can launch the Database Viewer application by selecting the Tools>> \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0028 = "Database>>Run Database Viewer menu command. To run an SQL script in the \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0029 = "database viewer: \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0030 = " a) Create or open a datalink to a database. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0031 = " b) Select New Execute SQL Window... from the File menu. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0032 = " c) Select Load From File from the SQL menu \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0033 = " d) Select Execute from the SQL menu. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0034 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0035 = "4. Use the Edit Database Options dialog box to enable database logging and define a \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0036 = "data link connection string for the default process model to use. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0037 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0038 = "The Edit Database Options dialog box contains two tabs: the Logging Options tab and \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0039 = "the Data Link tab. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0040 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0041 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0043 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0044 = "The Logging Options tab contains the following controls: \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0045 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0046 = "Disable Database Logging - Use this option to specify whether TestStand logs data to \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0047 = "a database. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0048 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0049 = "Include Execution Times - Enable this option if you want to log the elapsed time that \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0050 = "each step module takes to execute. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0051 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0052 = "Include Step Results - Enable this option if you want to log the results of each step. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0053 = "Disable this option if you want to include only information about each UUT that you \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0054 = "test. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0055 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0056 = "Include Output Values - Enable this option if you want to log the measured values \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0057 = "that steps acquire. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0058 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0059 = "Include Test Limits - Enable this option if you want to log values that step types use as \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0060 = "test limits. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0061 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0062 = "Result Filtering Expression - You can use this control to select which step results \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0063 = "appear in the database. You do so by specifying an expression that the database \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0064 = "logger evaluates for each step result. The database logger includes the step in the \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0065 = "database if the expression evaluates to True. You can use any subproperty in the \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0066 = "Result property of the step, but you must use %Result in place of Step.Result. For \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0067 = "example, if you want to include only failing steps in the database, set the expression to \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0068 = "%Result.Status == \"Failed\". \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0069 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0070 = "Database Management System - Use this control to specify the name of the database \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0071 = "management system to which you want to log data. Because of the different \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0072 = "requirements of each DBMS, TestStand logs data to each DBMS somewhat \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0073 = "differently. Some steps in the logging sequences execute only for a particular DBMS. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0074 = "TestStand supports Oracle, Microsoft Access, and Microsoft SQL Server by default. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0075 = "You can use the menu ring to the right of the control to select one of these names. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0076 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0077 = "Use Single Thread to Access Database - Use this control to instruct TestStand to \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0078 = "access databases only from a single worker thread. This option is necessary only for \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0079 = "databases that do not support multithreaded access. This includes any ODBC database \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0080 = "that uses the Microsoft Jet driver version 3.50 or earlier. Changes to this option do not \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0081 = "take effect until you restart TestStand. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0082 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0083 = "Note: If you do not enable the Use Single Thread to Access Database control when \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0084 = "using the Microsoft Access driver version 3.50 or earlier, TestStand typically returns \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0085 = "an OLE initialization error when accessing the database. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0086 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0087 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0089 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0090 = "The Data Link tab specifies the data link information that the process model requires \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0091 = "to connect to a database and to log data. The Data Link tab contains the following \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0092 = "controls: \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0093 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0094 = "Select Data Link - Use this button to select a predefined data link from a list. When \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0095 = "you select a data link, TestStand updates the Connection String control on the Data \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0096 = "Link tab with its value. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0097 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0098 = "Connection String - Use this control to specify the connection string expression that \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0099 = "TestStand uses to open a data source to which to log results. The Connection String \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0100 = "control requires a string expression, which the TestStand process model evaluates at \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0101 = "run-time. The expression can be a literal value or a string you build using variables \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0102 = "or properties. If the value is a string literal, you must encapsulate the string value \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0103 = "with quotes (\"\"). An example data link for Access is, \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0104 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0105 = " \"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Password=ADMIN;Data \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0106 = " Source=C:\\\\TestStand.mdb;Persist Security Info=True\" \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0107 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0108 = "You can update the contents of the Connection String control in any of the following \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0109 = "ways: \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0110 = "* You can use the Select Data Link button to select a predefined data link. When you \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0111 = "make this selection, TestStand displays the Select Data Link dialog box. After you \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0112 = "select a data link, the connection string for the data link updates automatically. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0113 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0114 = "* You can use the Browse button to edit a connection string expression in an \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0115 = "Expression Browser dialog box. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0116 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0117 = "* You can use the Find File button to select a Microsoft Data Link (.udl) filename as \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0118 = "the connection string. When you select a Microsoft Data Link file, TestStand updates \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0119 = "the Connection String control with the name of the file, for example, \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0120 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0121 = " \"FILE NAME=C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Common Files\\\\System\\\\ \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0122 = " OLE DB\\\\Data Links\\\\Access.UDL\" \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0123 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0124 = "* You can use the Build button to construct the connection string using the Data Link \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0125 = "Properties dialog box. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0126 = " \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0127 = "Refer to the following document for more details on using the TestStand database components. \n"
HELP_MESSAGE Line0128 = " TestStand\\Doc\\TestStandUserManual.pdf \n"
;; Database Management System List
DBMS_LIST = "Access\nOracle\nSQL Server"
;; Logging Options panel
LOGGING_OPTIONS = "Logging Options"
DISABLE_DATABASE_LOGGING = "__Disable database logging"
INCLUDE_STEP_RESULTS = "Include Step Results:"
INCLUDE_OUTPUT_VALUES = "Include Output __Values"
INCLUDE_TEST_LIMITS = "Include Test __Limits"
INCLUDE_EXECUTION_TIMES = "Include E__xecution Times"
RESULT_FILTERING_EXPRESSION = "Result __Filtering Expression:"
DATABASE_MANAGEMENT_SYSTEM = "Database __Management System:"
THREADING_MODEL = "Threading Model:"
USE_SINGLE_THREAD = "Use __Single Thread to Access Database"
CHANGES_DO_NOT_TAKE_EFFECT_UNTIL_NEXT_SESSION = "(Changes do not take effect until you restart TestStand)"
DATABASE_MANAGEMENT_SYSTEM_DEFAULT = "<Select database management system>"
;; Setup Result Table panel
SETUP_RESULT_TABLES = "Setup Result Tables"
CONNECTION_SOURCE = "Data Link __Name:"
SELECT_CONNECTION = "Select Data __Link..."
CREATE_DELETE_RESULT_TABLES = "Create/Delete Result Tables:"
SQL_DATABASE_SYNTAX = "SQL Database __Syntax:"
EDIT_SQL = "__Edit SQL..."
CREATE_TABLES = "__Create Tables..."
DELETE_TABLES = "__Delete Tables"
TABLES_IN_SELECTED_DATABASE = "__Tables in Selected Database:"
THE_FOLLOWING_ARE_NOT_IN_YOUR_DATABASE = "The following tables are not in your database."
CONNECTION_SOURCE_DEFAULT = "<Select data link>"
SYNTAX_DEFAULT = "<Select SQL Syntax>"
VIEW_TABLES = "__View Tables..."
SHOW_ALL_TABLES = "Show __All Tables"
;; Create Results Tables panel
CREATE_RESULT_TABLES = "Create Results Tables"
WHICH_TABLES_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TO_CREATE = "__Which tables would you like to create?"
CREATE = "__Create"
;; END SECTION for old TestStand 1.0.x strings that are no longer used in TestStand 2.0
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