;; DatabaseViewer.ini - Strings for Database Viewer and Binary Data Viewer applications.
;; If you want to create a new resource string file or customize an existing resource
;; string file, you must place it in the <TestStand Public>\Components\Language directory.
;; If you make changes to resource files, you need to restart the TestStand application
;; for the changes to take effect.
;; Note, when adding lines longer that 512 characters, split them into several lines,
;; each less than 512 characters. Use the same tag name for each line, followed by
;; " LineNNNN" where NNNN is the zero padded line number. Example:
;; TagName Line0001 = "super long string that goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on"
;; TagName Line0002 = " and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on"
;; TagName Line0003 = " and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on"
DLG_TITLE = "Database Viewer"
DLG_TITLE_64_BIT = "Database Viewer (64-bit)"
FILE = "&File"
OPTIONS = "&Options"
WINDOW = "&Window"
HELP = "&Help"
OPEN = "&Open"
NEW_DATA_LINK = "&New Data Link..."
SAVE_DATA_LINK = "&Save Data Link"
OPEN_TS_SQL_FILES = "Open &TestStand SQL Files"
CLOSE = "&Close"
PRINT ="&Print"
EXPORT_DOCUMENT = "Export &Document..."
TEXT_FILE = "Text File"
IMAGE_FILE = "Image File"
PRINT_OPTIONS = "Pr&int Options"
EXIT = "E&xit"
RECENT_FILES = "Recent &Files"
RECENT_CONNECTIONS = "&Recent Connections"
VIEWER_OPTIONS = "&Viewer Options"
SQL = "&SQL"
EXECUTE_SQL = "&Execute"
STOP_EXECUTION = "Stop E&xecution"
REFRESH_DATA = "&Refresh Data"
LOAD_SQL_FILE = "Load SQL &File"
SAVE_TO_FILE = "&Save To File"
CLEAR_OUTPUT = "Clear &Output"
SUBMIT_DATA = "S&ubmit Data"
TESTSTAND_HELP ="&NI TestStand Help"
TESTSTAND_HELP_TOOLTIP = "NI TestStand Help...(Ctrl+F1)"
HELP_TOPIC ="&Help Topic"
HELP_TOPIC_TOOLTIP = "Help Topic...(F1)"
ABOUT = "&About"
CLOSE_ALL = "&Close All"
OUTPUT_TAB = "Output"
DATA_VIEW_TAB = "Results"
SYSTEM_DATABASES = "System Databases"
TABLES = "Tables"
SYSTEM_TABLES ="System Tables"
VIEWS = "Views"
SYSTEM_VIEWS = "System Views"
DEFAULT = "default"
EXPLORER_PANE_TITLE = "Database Explorer"
OPEN_FILE_TOOLTIP = "Open File... (Ctrl+O)"
OPEN_UDL_FILE_TOOLTIP = "Open .udl File"
CONNECTION = "Connection"
DISCONNECT_TOOLTIP = "Disconnect Connection"
REFRESH_CONNECTION_DATA_TOOLTIP = "Refresh Connection Data (F5)"
REFRESH_CONNECTION = "Refresh Connection"
VIEW_CONN_DETAILS_TOOLTIP = "View Connection Information"
UDL_FILES = "UDL Files (*.udl)"
DATABASE_FILES = "Database Files (*.mdb, *.accdb, *.udl, *.sql, *.dbf)"
ACCESS_FILES = "Access Files (*.mdb, *.accdb)"
DBASE_FILES = "DBase Files (*.dbf)"
SQL_FILES = "SQL Files (*.sql)"
ALL_FILES = "All (*.*)"
PDF_FILE_FILTER = "PDF Document (*.pdf)"
HTML_FILE_FILTER = "HTML Document (*.html, *.htm)"
XLSX_FILE_FILTER = "XLSX Document (*.xlsx)"
XLS_FILE_FILTER = "XLS Document (*.xls)"
TEXT_FILE_FILTER = "Text Document (*.txt)"
RTF_FILE_FILTER = "Rich Text Document (*.rtf)"
CSV_FILE_FILTER = "CSV Document (*.csv)"
BMP_FILE_FILTER = "BMP BitMap Format (*.bmp)"
GIF_FILE_FILTER = "GIF Graphics Interchange Format (*.gif)"
JPEG_FILE_FILTER = "JPEG File Interchange Format (*.jpg)"
PNG_FILE_FILTER = "PNG Portable Network Graphics Format (*.png)"
TIFF_FILE_FILTER = "TIFF Tag Image File Format (*.tiff)"
EMF_FILE_FILTER = "EMF Enhanced Windows Metafile (*.emf)"
WMF_FILE_FILTER = "WMF Windows MetaFile (*.wmf)"
SAVE_DATA_LINK_FILE = "Save Data Link File"
OK = "&OK"
WARNING = "Warning"
CLOSE_CONNECTION_WARNING = "You are attempting to close the database connection. All the open tabs associated with this connection will also be closed. Do you want to continue?"
CONNECTION_NAME_ERROR = "A connection with this name is already open. \nSpecify a different name."
CONNECTION_NAME_EMPTY = "A connection name can not be empty."
CONNECTION_STRING_DUPLICATE = "A connection with the same connection parameters is already open. \nSpecify a different connection string or use the existing connection: "
CONNECTION_STRING_EMPTY = "A connection string can not be empty."
INVALID_FILE_EXTENSION = "An invalid file type was specified.\n Valid file extensions include: "
VIEWER_FILE_TYPES = ".accdb, .mdf, .dbf, .udl and .sql."
VIEWER_CONNECTION_FILE_TYPES = ".accdb, .mdf, .dbf and .udl"
FILE_ABSENT = "The specified file does not exist: "
INVALID_FILE = "Invalid file:"
ADD_TABLE = "Add &Table"
VIEW_DATA = "&View Data"
DELETE_ALL_DATA = "&Delete All Data"
EDIT_DATA = "&Edit Data"
DESCRIBE_TABLE = "Descri&be Table"
DROP_TABLE = "Dro&p Table"
ADD_COLUMN = "Add &Column"
DROP_COLUMN = "Drop Colum&n"
GENERATE_QUERY = "&Generate Query"
DELETE_DATA_WARNING = "You have chosen to delete all the data in table: "
CONTINUE_PROMPT = "\nDo you want to continue?"
DROP_TABLE_WARNING = "You have chosen to delete table: "
DROP_COLUMN_WARNING = "You have chosen to delete column: "
DROP_ALL_TABLES_WARNING = "You have chosen to drop all user tables."
DROP_ALL_TABLES_COMMENT = "You need to execute the query/queries to drop all user tables in the database.Click refresh on the explorer pane to refresh the tree view after execution.\n\r\n\r"
DELETE_ALL_DATA_COMMENT = "You need to execute the query to delete all data in the table.\n\r\n\r"
DROP_TABLE_COMMENT = "You need to execute the query to drop the table from the database.Click refresh on the explorer pane to refresh the tree view after execution.\n\r\n\r"
DROP_COLUMN_COMMENT = "You need to execute the query to drop the column from the table.Click refresh on the explorer pane to refresh the tree view after execution.\n\r\n\r"
ADD_TABLE_COMMENT = "You need to execute the query to create the table. Click refresh on the explorer pane to refresh the tree view after execution.\n\r\n\r"
ADD_COLUMN_COMMENT = "You need to execute the query to create the column. Click refresh on the explorer pane to refresh the tree view after execution.\n\r\n\r"
NO_TABLES_WARNING = "There is no user table to delete in the selected object."
EXPECTED_PROVIDER_ABSENT = "A '%2'-bit version of the database provider, '%1', required for this file type is absent in this machine. Install this provider or specify a connection string that uses a different provider in the New Data Link Dialog."
ERROR_FETCHING_DATA = "An error occured while fetching data"
ERROR_SUBMITTING_DATA = "An error occured while submitting data to the database"
CONNECTED = "Connected"
QUERY_SUCCESSFUL ="Query Executed Successfully"
QUERY_ERROR = "Executed With Errors"
DISCONNECTED = "Disconnected"
ROWS_AFFECTED = " Row(s) Affected"
AUTO_REFRESH_ENABLED_STATUS = "Auto-Refresh: Enabled. Time Interval: "
TERMINATE_BUTTON = "Terminate Execution"
LOAD_SQL_BUTTON = "Load from SQL File"
SAVE_SQL_BUTTON = "Save to SQL File"
SUBMIT_BUTTON = "Submit Data"
AUTO_REFRESH_ENABLED = "Auto Refresh enabled. \nTime interval: '%1's\nClick to disable."
AUTO_REFRESH_DISABLED = "Auto Refresh disabled. \nClick to configure settings."
SAVE_OUTPUT = "Save Output"
TEXT_FILES = "Text Files(*.txt)"
ERROR_SAVING_CONNECTION_STRING = "The following error occurred while saving the connection string.\nFile Path: "
SAVE = "&Save"
ERROR_SAVING_FILE = "An error occurred while saving to file: "
INFORMATION = "Information"
EXECUTION_IN_PROGRESS = "An execution is already in progress. Try again in some time."
ERROR_OPENING_NEW_TAB = "An error occurred while opening a new tab\n"
ERROR_OPENING_CONNECTION = "The following error occurred while connecting/reconnecting to the database:\n"
ERROR = "Error"
ERROR_INIT_META_DATA = "The following error occurred while fetching meta-data for connection {0} from the database\n"
ERROR_INIT_META_DATA_NONSPECIFIC = "The following error occurred while fetching meta-data for this connection from the database:\n"
NEXT_RESULT = "Next Result"
PREV_RESULT = "Previous Result"
MAX_ROWS_AFFECTED = "Maximum row(s) affected by a single query: "
ERROR_UPDATING_EXECUTION_RESULTS = "An error occurred while updating the execution results.\n"
ERROR_ESTABLISHING_CONNECTION = "The following error occurred while attempting to connect to the specified database:\n"
ERROR_CLOSING_CONNECTION = "The following error occurred while closing the connection:\n"
ERROR_OPENING_FILE = "Error opening file:"
ERROR_DELETING_RECORD = "The following error occurred while attempting to delete the selected record\n"
UNDO_ROW_EDITS = "\nUse the Undo Row Errors button in the Navigator pane below to cancel changes to this row"
ERROR_ADDING_TABLE = "The following error occurred while adding the table to the database\n"
ERROR_DROPPING_TABLE = "The following error occurred while removing table '%1' from the database\n"
ERROR_DELETING_TABLE_DATA = "The following error occurred while deleting data from table '%1'\n"
ERROR_DROPPING_COLUMN = "The following error occurred while removing column '%1' from table '%2'\n"
ERROR_ADDING_COLUMN = "The following error occurred while adding the column to the database\n"
ERROR_CLOSING_TAB = "The following error occurred while closing tab '%1'\n"
ERROR_CLOSING_ALL_TABS = "The following error occurred while closing all open tabs\n"
ERROR_DROPPING_PRIMARYKEY = "Dropping a column that is part of the table's primary key is not allowed"
NO_CONNECTIONS = "<No Connections>"
NO_CONNECTIONS_TOOLTIP = "No open connections"
ERROR_ADDING_CONNECTION = "An error occurred while adding the connection\n"
CANNOT_CREATE_SQL_TAB = "The SQL file can not be opened unless a connection exists.\n Please create a connection and try again."
SCHEMA_UPDATING = "Fetching Metadata in progress.."
FETCHING_METADATA_FAILED = "Unable to fetch Metadata for this connection"
CREATING_CON_RETURNED_NULL = "Connection could not be created. Check connection parameters.\n"
ERROR_GENERATING_QUERIES = "The following error occurred while generating the SQL queries required for editing table data.\n The operation has been cancelled.\n"
INCORRECT_CMD_LINE_ARGS = "Incorrect usage of command line arguments.\nRefer to the syntax below:\n"
CMD_LINE_ARGS_SYNTAX Line0001 = "DatabaseView.exe [-env <environment path>][-connectionstring connectionstringvalue][-connectionfile connectionfilepath][-connectionname name][-sqlfile sqlfilepath][-useexisting]\n\n\n"
CMD_LINE_ARGS_SYNTAX Line0002 = "-env <environment path>: Specify the TestStand environment.\n\n"
CMD_LINE_ARGS_SYNTAX Line0003 = "connectionstringvalue: The connection string to be used. Use either -connectionstring OR -connectionfile but not both.\n\n"
CMD_LINE_ARGS_SYNTAX Line0004 = "connectionfilepath: The path of the .udl, .accdb, .dbf or .mdb file to use for the connection.\n\n"
CMD_LINE_ARGS_SYNTAX Line0005 = "name: the name of the connection.\n\n"
CMD_LINE_ARGS_SYNTAX Line0006 = "sqlfilepath: The path of the .sql file to open. When using this option, a connectionstring OR connectionfile has to be specified.\n\n"
CMD_LINE_ARGS_SYNTAX Line0007 = "-useexisting: Use this flag to reuse an instance of Database Viewer that is already running."
HELP_REQUESTED = "Command line arguments for Database Viewer:\n\n"
STARTUP_ERROR = "An error occurred while starting the application.\n\n\nError Details: "
ERROR_DETAILS = "Error Details"
EMPTY_TABLE = "The selected table/view has no columns. Viewing or editing the data of an empty table is not supported."
GRID = "Grid View"
LAYOUT = "Layout View"
CARD = "Card View"
ERROR_BUILD_CONNECTION_DLG = "The following error occurred while diplaying the Build Connection Dialog:\n"
AUTO_REFRESH_UNAVAILABLE = "Auto-Refresh cannot be used for multiple delimited queries. Use Refresh to re-run the query."
ERROR_NO_GRID_VISIBLE = " There is no data table visible in the selected tab to print."
ERROR_NO_GRID_TO_EXPORT = "There is no data table visible in the selected tab to export as a document."
ERROR_NO_GRID_VISIBLE_WINDOW = "There is no data table visible in the active window to print."
FIND = "Find (Ctrl+F)"
UNDO = "Undo (Ctrl+Z)"
REDO = "Redo (Ctrl+Y)"
COPY = "Copy"
SQL_EDIT_BOX_ERROR = "The following error occurred during operations in the SQL Editor\n"
OUTPUT_TEXTBOX_ERROR = "The following error occurred during operations in the Output Textbox\n"
REFRESH_FAILED = "Refreshing the connection failed.\n"
SELECTED_DUPLICATE_CONNECTION = "A connection with the same connection parameters already exists: %1.\nThis connection has been selected"
DROP_ALL_TABLES = "Drop All Tables"
EXPIRED = "Expired"
NONE = "None"
ADD_ROW = "&Add New Row"
DELETE_ROW = "&Delete Selected Row"
UNDO_EDITS = "&Undo Row Errors"
EXECUTING = "Executing.."
SAVE_AS = "Save As"
ACCESS_64BIT_ERROR = "Refer to the \"Using Access Database with TestStand 64-bit\" knowledge base article for more information on how to resolve this error."
USING_INCORRECT_ACCESS_PROVIDER = "The Access provider/driver specified is not available in 64-bit. Configure a connection string with a 64-bit provider/driver to resolve this error."
TOOLTIP_FOR_NULL_VALUES = "Enter the CTRL+DEL key combination to specify a null value in a database column that accepts null."
MYSQL_INVALID_ARGUMENT_EXCEPTION_ERROR = "Database Viewer does not support the MSDASQL provider.For more information on how to resolve this error refer to the TestStand help topic : Issues with using the MSDASQL Provider in Database Viewer"
PAGE_HEADER = "P&age Header"
PRINT = "&Print"
PRINT_PREVIEW = "Print Previe&w"
PRINT_OPTIONS = "Print Option"
PRINT_PAGE_HEADER_OPTION = "Print And Page Header Options"
QUICK_PRINT = "&Quick Print"
CANCEL = "&Cancel"
HELP = "&Help"
OK = "&OK"
TABLE_NAME = "&Table Name"
COLUMNS = "Columns"
COLUMN_NAME = "Colu&mn Name"
COLUMN_NAME_GRID = "Column Name"
DATA_TYPE = "&Data Type"
DATA_TYPE_GRID = "Data Type"
SIZE = "&Size"
SIZE_GRID = "Size"
PRECISION = "&Precision"
PRECISION_GRID = "Precision"
SCALE = "Sca&le"
SCALE_GRID = "Scale"
ADD_COLUMN = "&Add Column"
REMOVE_COLUMN = "&Remove Column"
IS_PRIMARY_KEY = "Primary &Key"
IS_NULLABLE = "Is &Nullable"
OK = "&OK"
CANCEL = "&Cancel"
CREATE_TABLE = "Cr&eate Table"
GENERATE_QUERY = "&Generate Query"
HELP = "&Help"
PRIMARY_KEY = "Primary Key"
MOVE_UP = "Move Up"
MOVE_DOWN = "Move Down"
TABLE_NAME_TOOLTIP = "Input the characters supported by connected database."
UNIQUE_COLUMN_NAME = "Column name should be unique.Column name {0} is renamed to {1}."
TABLE_NAME = "&Table Name"
COLUMN_NAME = "Colu&mn Name"
DATA_TYPE = "&Data Type"
SIZE = "&Size"
PRECISION = "&Precision"
IS_NULLABLE = "Is &Nullable"
GENERATE_QUERY = "&Generate Query"
SCALE = "Sca&le"
CREATE = "C&reate Column"
OK = "&OK"
CANCEL = "&Cancel"
HELP = "&Help"
COLUMN_NAME_GRID = "Column Name"
DATA_TYPE_GRID = "Data Type"
PRIMARY_KEY = "Primary Key"
DEFAULT_VALUE = "Default Value"
SIZE_GRID = "Size"
PRECISION_GRID = "Precision"
SCALE_GRID = "Scale"
OK = "&OK"
HELP = "&Help"
BINARY_DATA_VIEWER = "Binary Data Viewer"
8_BIT_INTEGER = "8-bit Integer"
16_BIT_INTEGER = "16-bit Integer"
32_BIT_INTEGER = "32-bit Integer"
64_BIT_INTEGER = "64-bit Integer"
ALL_VALUES = "All Values"
ARRAY_DETAILS = "Array Details"
ARRAY_VIEW = "Array View"
DATA_ARRANGEMENT = "Data Arrangement"
ARRAY_DIMENSIONS = "A&rray Dimensions"
CHAR_DATA = "Character Data"
HEX_DATA = "Hex Data"
COLUMN_WISE = "Column-wise"
DATA = "Data"
DATA_CONTAINS = "Data Contain&s"
DATA_IS_ARRANGED = "Data &Arranged"
DATA_TYPE = "Data T&ype"
DOUBLE = "Double"
FLOAT = "Float"
FIRST_N_VALUES = "First n Values"
EVERY_NTH_VALUE = "Every nth Value"
GRAPH = "Graph"
MEMORY = "Memory"
NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS = "N&umber of Columns"
NUMBER_OF_ROWS = "N&umber of Rows"
OFFSET = "Offset"
PRINT = "&Print"
PRINT_PREVIEW = "Print Previe&w"
QUICK_PRINT = "&Quick Print"
ROW_WISE = "Row-wise"
VIEW = "&View"
VIEW_BINARY_DATA = "View Binary Data"
Y_VALUES_ONLY = "Y Values Only"
X_AND_Y_VALUES = "X and Y Values"
X_VALUES_ARE_IN_COLUMN = "X Values &in Column"
X_VALUES_ARE_IN_ROW = "X Values &in Row"
COLUMN_INDEX = "Column Index"
ROW_INDEX = "Row Index"
COLUMN_DATA = "Column"
ROW_DATA = "Row"
END_OF_STREAM_ERROR = "Data cannot be displayed with the specified Data Type and Array Dimensions"
DIMENSION_MISMATCH_ERROR = "The dimension string does not match the number of dimensions specified"
DATABASE_VIEWER = "Database Viewer"
PRINT_GRAPH_OPTIONS = "&Binary Data Viewer Options"
DIMENSION = "Array Dimension"
SPECIFY_DIMENSION Line0001 = "Specify Array Dimension:\n"
SPECIFY_DIMENSION Line0002 = "[lower, higher][lower, higher]...[lower, higher]"
DIMENSION_INVALID_ERROR Line0001 = "Specified dimension string is invalid. Dimension string should be of the form [lower, higher],[lower, higher]...[lower, higher]"
DIMENSION_INVALID_ERROR Line0002 = "and should contain atleast three dimensions"
LOWER_GREATER_THAN_HIGHER_DIMENSION = "Lower dimension cannot be greater than higher dimension"
NUMBER_OF_ROWS_N_INVALID = "Data cannot be displayed with the specified number of rows and N value. Setting the N value to maximum possible value"
LABEL_DATAPOINTS_SLOWDOWN Line0001 = "Display of the graph may slow down because you have chosen to display a graph with more than 10000 points with \"Label Data Points in Graph\" option set."
LABEL_DATAPOINTS_SLOWDOWN Line0002 = "\n\rDo you want to continue?"
OUT_MEMORY_MESSAGE = "Insufficient memory to display the elements in the set."
HIGHER_LIMIT_MESSAGE = "You have chosen to display number of elements greater than 500,000.Do you want to display a subset of the data to limit the amount of memory required?\r\nNote: Graph will not be able to label elements if number of elements are greater than 500,000."
INDEX = "Index"
OPTIONS = "Op&tions"
DONE = "&Done"
HELP = "&Help"
CANCEL = "&Cancel"
VIEW_DATA = "View Da&ta"
N = "&N"
OPTIONS = "Options"
PAGE_HEADER = "Page &Header"
GRAPH_OPTION = "Graph Option"
LABEL_DATAPOINTS_IN_GRAPH = "&Label Datapoints in Graph"
WARNING Line0001 = "Enabling this option is not recommended if you are labelling more than\n\r"
WARNING Line0002 = "10000 data points as it may slow down the display of graph."
OK = "&OK"
CANCEL = "&Cancel"
PRINT_OPTIONS = "Print Option"
DATABASE_VIEWER_OPTIONS = "Database Viewer Options"
DATABASE_OBJECTS_TO_DISPLAY = "Database Objects to &Display"
OK = "&OK"
CANCEL = "&Cancel"
HELP = "&Help"
2016_OR_LATER = "2016 and later"
2x_TO_40 = "2.x to 4.0"
41_TO_2010SP1 = "4.1 to 2010 SP1"
2012_TO_2014SP1 = "2012 to 2014 SP1"
DATABASE = "Database &Provider:"
TSVERSION = "&TestStand Version:"
OPEN_TS_SQL_FILE = "Open TestStand SQL File"
TS_SQL_FILES = "TestStand SQL Files"
EXPLORE = "&Explore"
OPEN_FILE = "&Open"
CANCEL = "&Cancel"
HELP = "&Help"
PATH = "Path:"
ALL = "All"
NEW_DATALINK_DLG = "New Data Link"
CONNECTION_NAME = "Connection &Name"
CONNECTION_STRING = "Connection &String"
BUILD = "&Build"
LOAD_FILE = "&Load File"
OK = "&OK"
CANCEL = "&Cancel"
HELP = "&Help"
ALL_FILES = "All (*.mdb, *.accdb, *.udl, *.dbf)"
SELECT_DATA_LINK_FILE = "Select Data Link File"
TITLE = "Auto-Refresh Options"
OPTIONS = "Options"
DESCRIPTION = "Enabling Auto-Refresh will automatically trigger the execution of the current query every time the selected time interval elapses"
ENABLE = "&Enable Auto-Refresh"
TIME_INTERVAL = "&Time Interval (in sec):"
HELP = "&Help"
OK = "&OK"
CANCEL = "&Cancel"
ENGINE_VERSION_MSG = "TestStand Engine Version {0}"
DATABASE_VIEWER = "Database Viewer"
ABOUT_DIALOG_TITLE = "About Database Viewer"
OK = "&OK"
CANCEL = "&Cancel"
OK = "&OK"
HELP = "&Help"
EXPORT_DIALOG_FORM = "Export Document"
DOCUMENT_HEADER = "&Document Header"
WARNING_MESSAGE Line0001= "If you are exporting as image, pdf or html file format, make sure that \n\r"
WARNING_MESSAGE Line0002 = "all columns fit into the page size.Otherwise, you will not be able \n\r"
WARNING_MESSAGE Line0003 = "to see the complete data/table names in the exported document.\n\r"
WARNING = "Warning"
EXPORT_DOC_OPTION = "Export Document"
EXPORT_FORMAT = "&Export Format"
VIEW_CONN_DLG_TITLE = "View Connection Information"
CONNECTION_NAME = "Connection Name"
CONNECTION_STRING = "Connection String"
CONNECTION_DETAILS = "Connection &Information"
SERVER = "Server"
DEFAULT_DATABASE = "Default Database"
DEFAULT_UNDER_REFRESH = "Default database information is currently unavailable because connection metadata is being refreshed..."
DONE = "&Done"
HELP = "&Help"
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