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JLinkLog.txt 5.96 KB
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本末 提交于 2021-08-01 17:03 . 首次提交
T1458 3848:247.340 SEGGER J-Link V6.86 Log File
T1458 3848:247.413 DLL Compiled: Sep 24 2020 17:31:31
T1458 3848:247.419 Logging started @ 2021-06-17 12:04
T1458 3848:247.428 - 57.827ms
T1458 3848:247.437 JLINK_SetWarnOutHandler(...)
T1458 3848:247.442 - 0.007ms
T1458 3848:247.448 JLINK_OpenEx(...)
T1458 3848:248.976 Firmware: J-Link ARM-OB STM32 compiled Aug 22 2012 19:52:04
T1458 3848:251.168 Hardware: V7.00
T1458 3848:251.191 S/N: 20090928
T1458 3848:251.198 OEM: SEGGER
T1458 3848:251.205 Feature(s): RDI,FlashDL,FlashBP,JFlash,GDBFull
T1458 3848:252.262 TELNET listener socket opened on port 19021
T1458 3848:254.934 WEBSRV Starting webserver
T1458 3848:255.179 WEBSRV Webserver running on local port 19080
T1458 3848:255.193 - 7.747ms returns "O.K."
T1458 3848:255.207 JLINK_GetEmuCaps()
T1458 3848:255.212 - 0.008ms returns 0x88EA5833
T1458 3848:255.218 JLINK_TIF_GetAvailable(...)
T1458 3848:255.416 - 0.204ms
T1458 3848:255.428 JLINK_SetErrorOutHandler(...)
T1458 3848:255.433 - 0.007ms
T1458 3848:255.443 JLINK_ExecCommand("ProjectFile = "D:\TESTCODE\keil\TYPEC-TO-EDP\JLinkSettings.ini"", ...).
T1458 3848:256.161 - 0.724ms returns 0x00
T1458 3848:256.566 JLINK_ExecCommand("Device = GD32F150G8", ...).
T1458 3848:256.635 Device "GD32F150G8" selected.
T1458 3848:256.882 - 0.307ms returns 0x00
T1458 3848:256.895 JLINK_GetHardwareVersion()
T1458 3848:256.900 - 0.007ms returns 70000
T1458 3848:256.906 JLINK_GetDLLVersion()
T1458 3848:256.911 - 0.007ms returns 68600
T1458 3848:256.917 JLINK_GetOEMString(...)
T1458 3848:256.922 JLINK_GetFirmwareString(...)
T1458 3848:256.927 - 0.007ms
T1458 3848:256.934 JLINK_GetDLLVersion()
T1458 3848:256.939 - 0.007ms returns 68600
T1458 3848:256.944 JLINK_GetCompileDateTime()
T1458 3848:256.949 - 0.006ms
T1458 3848:256.956 JLINK_GetFirmwareString(...)
T1458 3848:256.961 - 0.006ms
T1458 3848:256.967 JLINK_GetHardwareVersion()
T1458 3848:256.971 - 0.006ms returns 70000
T1458 3848:256.978 JLINK_GetSN()
T1458 3848:256.983 - 0.007ms returns 20090928
T1458 3848:256.989 JLINK_GetOEMString(...)
T1458 3848:256.996 JLINK_TIF_Select(JLINKARM_TIF_SWD)
T1458 3848:257.741 - 0.751ms returns 0x00
T1458 3848:257.752 JLINK_HasError()
T1458 3848:257.759 JLINK_SetSpeed(1000)
T1458 3848:258.143 - 0.389ms
T1458 3848:258.487 JLINK_HasError()
T1458 3848:258.497 JLINK_SetResetType(JLINKARM_RESET_TYPE_NORMAL)
T1458 3848:258.502 - 0.009ms returns JLINKARM_RESET_TYPE_NORMAL
T1458 3848:258.509 JLINK_Reset()
T1458 3848:260.102 Found SW-DP with ID 0x0BB11477
T1458 3848:264.153 Old FW that does not support reading DPIDR via DAP jobs
T1458 3848:269.025 Unknown DP version. Assuming DPv0
T1458 3848:269.046 Scanning AP map to find all available APs
T1458 3848:272.136 AP[1]: Stopped AP scan as end of AP map has been reached
T1458 3848:272.156 AP[0]: AHB-AP (IDR: 0x04770021)
T1458 3848:272.165 Iterating through AP map to find AHB-AP to use
T1458 3848:277.539 AP[0]: Core found
T1458 3848:277.554 AP[0]: AHB-AP ROM base: 0xE00FF000
T1458 3848:280.695 CPUID register: 0x410CC200. Implementer code: 0x41 (ARM)
T1458 3848:280.750 Found Cortex-M0 r0p0, Little endian.
T1458 3848:381.642 Identified core does not match configuration. (Found: Cortex-M0, Configured: Cortex-M3)
T1458 3848:382.229 -- Max. mem block: 0x00002C18
T1458 3848:382.244 CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDF0)
T1458 3848:383.557 CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDF0)
T1458 3848:384.585 CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0002000)
T1458 3848:385.589 FPUnit: 4 code (BP) slots and 0 literal slots
T1458 3848:385.628 CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDFC)
T1458 3848:386.574 CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDFC)
T1458 3848:387.591 CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001000)
T1458 3848:388.515 CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001000)
T1458 3848:389.569 CoreSight components:
T1458 3848:389.593 ROMTbl[0] @ E00FF000
T1458 3848:389.610 CPU_ReadMem(64 bytes @ 0xE00FF000)
T1458 3848:392.121 CPU_ReadMem(32 bytes @ 0xE000EFE0)
T1458 3848:393.856 ROMTbl[0][0]: E000E000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 000BB008 SCS
T1458 3848:393.962 CPU_ReadMem(32 bytes @ 0xE0001FE0)
T1458 3848:395.642 ROMTbl[0][1]: E0001000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 000BB00A DWT
T1458 3848:395.661 CPU_ReadMem(32 bytes @ 0xE0002FE0)
T1458 3848:397.374 ROMTbl[0][2]: E0002000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 000BB00B FPB
T1458 3848:397.420 CPU is running
T1458 3848:397.430 CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDF0)
T1458 3848:398.456 CPU is running
T1458 3848:398.468 CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDFC)
T1458 3848:399.475 Reset: Halt core after reset via DEMCR.VC_CORERESET.
T1458 3848:400.114 Reset: Reset device via AIRCR.SYSRESETREQ.
T1458 3848:400.138 CPU is running
T1458 3848:400.154 CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000ED0C)
T1458 3848:454.536 CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDF0)
T1458 3848:455.538 CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDF0)
T1458 3848:456.524 CPU is running
T1458 3848:456.536 CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDF0)
T1458 3848:457.643 CPU is running
T1458 3848:457.679 CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDFC)
T1458 3848:464.664 CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDF0)
T1458 3848:473.809 CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0002000)
T1458 3848:474.868 CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDFC)
T1458 3848:475.800 CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001000)
T1458 3848:476.814 CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001000)
T1458 3848:477.865 - 219.362ms
T1458 3848:477.883 JLINK_GetId()
T1458 3848:478.922 - 1.062ms returns 0x0BB11477
T1458 3848:481.223 JLINK_GetFirmwareString(...)
T1458 3848:481.247 - 0.026ms
T559C 3858:080.484 Looking for J-Link GUI Server exe at: D:\Keil_v5\ARM\Segger\JLinkGUIServer.exe
T559C 3858:080.567 Looking for J-Link GUI Server exe at: \JLinkGUIServer.exe
T559C 3858:382.426 Failed to connect to J-Link GUI Server.
T1458 13493:889.091 JLINK_Close()
T1458 13493:889.498 CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001000)
T1458 13493:892.481 CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001000)
T1458 13493:895.671 CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001004)
T1458 13493:904.928
***** Error:
T1458 13493:904.981 Could not start CPU core. (ErrorCode: -1)
T1458 13493:917.717 - 28.656ms
T1458 13493:917.753
T1458 13493:917.763 Closed
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