common batch process for java application
业务开发中,经常会遇到需要处理批次任务的场景,如果单个任务处理耗时比较久(文件处理,网络处理,耗时查询等),为了更加快速的 完成批处理任务,我们可以使用多线程来跑批,通常为了保证批次完成后处理后续的流程,会有如下代码结构:
class Driver2 { // ...
void main() throws InterruptedException {
CountDownLatch doneSignal = new CountDownLatch(N);
Executor e = ...
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) // create and start threads
e.execute(new WorkerRunnable(doneSignal, i));
doneSignal.await(); // wait for all to finish
class WorkerRunnable implements Runnable {
private final CountDownLatch doneSignal;
private final int i;
WorkerRunnable(CountDownLatch doneSignal, int i)
this.doneSignal = doneSignal;
this.i = i;
public void run() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {} // return;
void doWork() { ... }
老爷子为CountDownLatch写的通用使用demo,这种结构相信大部分后端批处理都有使用到,为了避免在多个业务系统总 使用批处理的时候都需要开发一套上面CountDownLatch代码结构,使用spring的ThreadPoolTaskExecutor配合CountDownLatch 开发了一套通用的批处理框架。
首先定义抽象接口,批处理的入口参数为List 类型,返回参数EBatchRes<E, R>封装了一个Map<Integer, Pair<E,R>> resMap key为原来List参数在List中的位置,Pair<E,R>返回批处理IBusiService.doService的入参和返回参数
public interface IBatchExecutor {
* @description 同步批次处理,所有批次同步执行完成后返回执行结果
* @Date 2020/8/8 12:49
* @param batchList
* @param singleService
* @return java.util.Map<E,R>
<E,R> EBatchRes<E, R> syncBatch(List<E> batchList,IBusiService<E,R> singleService) throws InterruptedException;
* @description 同步批次处理,所有批次同步执行完成后返回执行结果
* @Date 2020/8/8 12:49
EBatchRes<Void,Void> syncBatchRunnable(List<Runnable> batchList) throws InterruptedException;
* @description 同步批次处理,所有批次同步执行完成后返回执行结果
* @Date 2020/8/8 12:49
<R> EBatchRes<Void,R> syncBatchCallable(List<Callable<R>> batchList) throws InterruptedException;
* @description 异步执行批次处理,异常不中断,所以任务执行完
* @Date 2020/8/8 12:53
* @param batchList
* @param singleService
* @return
<E,R> void asyncBatch(List<E> batchList,IBusiService<E,R> singleService) throws InterruptedException;
* @description 异步执行批次处理,异常不中断,所以任务执行完
* @Date 2020/8/8 12:49
void asyncBatchRunnable(List<Runnable> batchList) throws InterruptedException;
* @description 异步执行批次处理,异常不中断,所以任务执行完
* @Date 2020/8/8 12:49
<R> void asyncBatchCallable(List<Callable<R>> batchList) throws InterruptedException;
interface IBusiService<E,R>{
*@description 执行doService方法,调用批处理时需要实现 {@link IBusiService}
*@param e 业务执行的入参
*@return R 执行返回结果
R doService(E e);
class EBatchRes<E, R> {
private Map<Integer, Pair<E,R>> resMap;
//保存执行异常 中断剩余任务
private volatile Throwable exception;
public EBatchRes() {
public EBatchRes(Map<Integer, Pair<E,R>> resMap, Throwable exception) {
this.resMap = resMap;
this.exception = exception;
public <E, R> EBatchRes<E, R> syncBatch(List<E> batchList, IBusiService<E, R> singleService) throws InterruptedException {
List<List<E>> partitions = partition(batchList);
//transfer partitions to batch callable
List<List<IBatchCallable<E, R>>> partitionCall = Transfers.transferBusiService(partitions,singleService);
//submit partition
return submit(partitionCall);
首先根据线程池核心线程数量来对任务分区,使用核心线程数的一半来分区,不让一个批次就占满CPU也让批次任务更具伸缩性 当然实际任务分区应该根据业务场景来决定,这里只提供一种默认思路
* @description // 默认使用线程池核心线程数的一半作为分区数量
* @date 2020/8/9 13:10
* @params [batchList]
* @return java.util.List<java.util.List<E>> 分区后的结果:返回每个线程需要执行的任务数
private <E> List<List<E>> partition(List<E> batchList) {
// partition for the batchList
int coreSize = eBatchThreadPool.getCorePoolSize();
int perSize = (batchList.size() / coreSize) << 1;
perSize = (perSize <= 0 ? batchList.size() : perSize);
List<List<E>> partition = Lists.partition(batchList, perSize);"batch start info : batchListSize【{}】,coreSize【{}】,threadSize【{}】,perThreadSize【{}】",
return partition;
public static <R, E> List<List<IBatchCallable<E,R>>> transferBusiService(List<List<E>> partitions, IBusiService<E,R> singleService) {
List<List<IBatchCallable<E,R>>> partitionCall = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(partitions.size());
AtomicInteger index = new AtomicInteger();
for (List<E> partition : partitions) {
List<IBatchCallable<E,R>> calls = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(partition.size());
partition.forEach((e) -> {
calls.add(new EBatchExecutor.AdaptedBusiService<>(singleService,e, index.getAndIncrement()));
return partitionCall;
* Adaptor for busiService
static final class AdaptedBusiService<E,R>
implements IBatchCallable<E,R> {
final IBusiService<E,? extends R> busiService;
E param;
Integer index;
AdaptedBusiService(IBusiService<E,? extends R> busiService,E param,Integer index) {
if (busiService == null) throw new NullPointerException();
this.busiService = busiService;
this.param = param;
this.index = index;
public E param() {
return param;
public R call() throws Exception {
return busiService.doService(param);
public Integer index() {
return index;
看核心的提交逻辑,使用ThreadPoolTaskExecutor#submitListenable来提交任务,该任务返回一个可监听的Future对象能够 更加方便对线程池提交任务的结果作处理
* @param partition 按分区提交任务到线程池执行
* @param <E> 参数
* @param <R> 返回结果
* @return 返回统一处理实体
* @throws InterruptedException 外部线程中断
private <E, R> EBatchRes<E, R> submit(List<List<IBatchCallable<E, R>>> partition) throws InterruptedException {
final EBatchRes<E, R> res = new EBatchRes<>();
List<ListenableFuture<?>> futures = Lists.newArrayList();
for (final List<IBatchCallable<E, R>> list : partition) {
futures.add(eBatchThreadPool.submitListenable(new SyncBatchCallable<E,R>(
//handle callback
handleCallback(res, futures);
return res;
// 核心的同步分区处理接口
* @description //同步处理分区 返回分区执行结果
* @date 2020/8/9 13:32
* @params
* @return
private class SyncBatchCallable<E,R> implements Callable<Map<E,R>>{
private EBatchRes<E,R> res;
private List<IBatchCallable<E,R>> batchCallables;
SyncBatchCallable(EBatchRes<E, R> res, List<IBatchCallable<E,R>> batchCallables) {
this.res = res;
this.batchCallables = batchCallables;
* 遇到单个任务的异常之后,取消同分区任务的后续所有任务
* 发现异常后其它分区任务都取消
public Map<E,R> call() throws Exception {
Map<E, R> resMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(batchCallables.size());
for (IBatchCallable<E,R> call : batchCallables) {
if (null == res.getException()) {
R exeRes =;
resMap.put(call.param(), exeRes);
res.getResMap().put(call.index(), Pair.of(call.param(), exeRes));
} else {
logger.debug("current batch has exception,stop next task");
return resMap;
* @description //处理futures回调
* @date 2020/8/9 16:17
* @params [res, futures]
* @return void
private void handleCallback(EBatchRes res, List<ListenableFuture<?>> futures) throws InterruptedException {
// use to control all the task finish
final CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(futures.size());
// each partition thread execute itself callback
for (ListenableFuture<?> f : futures) {
f.addCallback(new ListenableFutureCallback<Object>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable ex) {
logger.debug("batch task execute with exception",ex);
if (null == res.getException()) {
public void onSuccess(Object result) {
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