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util.py 33.72 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Throde 提交于 2021-05-15 12:44 . V7.4.3 (Steam Release Version)
This is an integrated toolkit module for mygame, provides many useful functions and objects,
such as UI components: buttons, panels, text boxes; and many other game-render helpers.
It is recommended to import selected items from this module, rather than importing all.
import pygame
import math
from database import REC_DATA
# ====================================================
# A more advanced BASIC Sprite class for this game, with lift() & level().
class InanimSprite(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, category):
self.category = category
def paint(self, surface):
surface.blit(self.image, self.rect)
def lift(self, dist):
self.rect.bottom += dist
def level(self, dist):
self.rect.left += dist
# ====================================================
# Basic UI gadgets.
# 富文本(图片+文字混合)对象
class RichText():
def __init__(self, content, img, font, line_width=200):
# tag '_IMG_' in the content shows the place to put img.
self.original_text = content
self.text_lines = []
self.surface_lines = []
self.font = font
self.surf = [ self.arrange_text(content[i], img, font[i]) for i in range(len(content)) ]
self.rect = [ each.get_rect() for each in self.surf ]
def arrange_text(self, line, img, font):
# 1. rescale image to fit line height
line_h = font.size( line )[1]
if img.get_height()>line_h:
ratio = line_h/img.get_height()
img = pygame.transform.smoothscale(img, (round(img.get_width()*ratio), line_h))
# 2. compute the space for img
img_width = img.get_width()
space = ""
while font.size( space )[0]<img_width:
space += " "
line = line.replace("_IMG_", space)
# 3. create the txt surface
surface = font.render( line, True, (255,255,255) )
# 4. find pos and place image
char_width = [ tup[-1] for tup in font.metrics(line) ]
img_index = [ indx+1 for indx in self.find_all(space, line) ] # +1 to avoid zero
for each in img_index:
left_offset = sum(char_width[:each])
surface.blit(img, (left_offset, 0))
return surface
def find_all(self, sub, s):
index_list = []
index = s.find(sub)
while index != -1:
# unrepeated finding. if allow repeating: set +len(sub) as +1
index = s.find(sub,index+len(sub))
return index_list
def paint(self, screen, x, y):
lgg = REC_DATA["SYS_SET"]["LGG"]
self.rect[lgg].left = x - self.rect[lgg].width//2
self.rect[lgg].top = y - self.rect[lgg].height//2
screen.blit( self.surf[lgg], self.rect[lgg] )
def truncate(self, content, font, line_width):
for i in range(2):
# 1. cut the original text into chunks
self.text_lines.append( [] )
text = content[i]
start = 0
offset = 1
while start+offset<len(text):
if font[i].size( text[start:start+offset] )[0]>= line_width:
start = start + offset
offset = 1
offset += 1
# process the possible residual
if offset>1:
# 2. for each in text_lines, form a surface
self.surface_lines.append( [] )
for line in self.text_lines[i]:
font[ REC_DATA["SYS_SET"]["LGG"] ].render(line, True, (255,255,255))
# 图片按钮对象
class ImgButton():
def __init__(self, img_dic, init_key, font, labelPos="ctr"):
'''labelPos: ctr, top, or btm.'''
self.key = init_key
self.font = font
self.labelPos = labelPos
# 1-Draw Img.
self.imgList = img_dic
self.image = self.imgList[self.key]
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
# 2-Make highlight.
self.shadList = {}
for key in self.imgList:
shad = self.imgList[key].copy()
for x in range(shad.get_width()):
for y in range(shad.get_height()):
if shad.get_at((x,y))[3]>0:
shad.set_at( (x,y), (240,240,240,80) )
self.shadList[key] = shad
def _setPos(self, x, y):
self.rect.left = x - self.rect.width//2
self.rect.top = y - self.rect.height//2
def changeKey(self, key):
self.key = key
self.image = self.imgList[self.key]
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
def hover_on(self, pos):
if ( self.rect.left < pos[0] < self.rect.right ) and ( self.rect.top < pos[1] < self.rect.bottom ):
return True
return False
def paint(self, screen, x, y, pos, label=()):
self._setPos(x, y)
screen.blit( self.image, self.rect )
if self.hover_on(pos):
# paint shad & label
screen.blit( self.shadList[self.key], self.rect )
if label:
txt = self.font[ REC_DATA["SYS_SET"]["LGG"] ].render(label[ REC_DATA["SYS_SET"]["LGG"] ], True, (255,255,255))
rect = txt.get_rect()
rect.left = x - rect.width//2
if self.labelPos=="ctr":
rect.top = y - rect.height//2
elif self.labelPos=="top":
rect.top = y - rect.height//2 - 40
elif self.labelPos=="btm":
rect.top = y - rect.height//2 + 40
screen.blit( txt, rect )
return self.rect
# 文本按钮对象
class TextButton():
def __init__(self, w, h, label_dic, init_key, font, rgba=(20,20,20,180)):
# 1-Draw Rect.
self.surf = pygame.Surface( (w,h) ).convert_alpha() # 实际显示的surface对象,带有标签和装饰
self.rect = self.surf.get_rect()
self.surf.blit( rounded_surf( (w,h), rgba), self.rect )
self.surf_ori = self.surf.copy() # 原始surface对象(文字可能变化)
# 2-Draw Txt.
self.label_dic = label_dic
self.label = self.label_dic[init_key]
self.font = font
self.txt_ctr = [w//2, h//2]
# 3-highlight cover.
self.hover_surf = rounded_surf( (w-8, h-8), (210,210,210,60), r=5 ) # 当悬停时要覆盖的高亮层
def draw_text(self, label_key="NULL"):
lgg = REC_DATA["SYS_SET"]["LGG"]
if label_key!="NULL":
self.label = self.label_dic[label_key]
txt = self.font[lgg].render(self.label[lgg], True, (255,255,255))
rect = txt.get_rect()
rect.left = self.txt_ctr[0] - rect.width//2
rect.top = self.txt_ctr[1] - rect.height//2
self.surf = self.surf_ori.copy()
self.surf.blit( txt, rect )
def _setPos(self, x, y):
self.rect.left = x - self.rect.width//2
self.rect.top = y - self.rect.height//2
def hover_on(self, pos):
if ( self.rect.left < pos[0] < self.rect.right ) and ( self.rect.top < pos[1] < self.rect.bottom ):
return True
return False
def paint(self, screen, x, y, pos):
# paint button.
self._setPos( x, y )
screen.blit( self.surf, self.rect )
# paint bg if hovered on.
if self.hover_on(pos):
rect = self.hover_surf.get_rect()
rect.left = self.rect.left+4
rect.top = self.rect.top+4
screen.blit( self.hover_surf, rect )
return self.rect
# 复合按钮对象
class RichButton(TextButton):
def __init__(self, w, h, img, label_dic, init_key, font, rgba=(20,20,20,180), align='vertical'):
'''labelDic: {key1: ("eng","中文"), key2: ("eng","中文")}.
align: vertical or horizontal.'''
TextButton.__init__(self, w, h, label_dic, init_key, font, rgba=rgba)
if align=='vertical':
img_ctr = [w//2, h*0.4]
self.txt_ctr = [w//2, h*0.8]
elif align=='horizontal':
img_ctr = [w*0.2, h//2]
self.txt_ctr = [w*0.65, h//2]
# 1-Draw Rect.
self.surf = pygame.Surface( (w,h) ).convert_alpha()
self.rect = self.surf.get_rect()
self.surf.fill( (0,0,0,0) )
self.surf.blit( rounded_surf( (w,h), rgba), self.rect )
# 2-Draw Img.
rect = img.get_rect()
rect.left = img_ctr[0] - rect.width//2
rect.top = img_ctr[1] - rect.height//2
self.surf.blit( img, rect )
self.surf_ori = self.surf.copy()
# 3-Draw Txt.
self.label_dic = label_dic
self.label = self.label_dic[init_key]
self.font = font
# 4-Other dec.
self.hover_surf = rounded_surf( (w-8, h-8), (240,240,240,40), r=5 )
self.prompt_surf = rounded_surf( (w, 20), (20,240,20,140) )
self.prompt_info = []
def add_prompt(self, text):
self.prompt_info = [text, REC_DATA["SYS_SET"]["LGG"]]
def paint(self, screen, x, y, pos):
# paint button.
self._setPos(x, y)
screen.blit( self.surf, self.rect )
# paint bg if hovered on.
if self.hover_on(pos):
rect = self.hover_surf.get_rect()
rect.left = self.rect.left+4
rect.top = self.rect.top+4
screen.blit( self.hover_surf, rect )
if self.prompt_info:
# BG.
rect = self.prompt_surf.get_rect()
rect.left = self.rect.left
rect.top = self.rect.top
screen.blit( self.prompt_surf, rect )
txt = self.font[self.prompt_info[1]].render(self.prompt_info[0][self.prompt_info[1]], True, (255,255,255))
rect = txt.get_rect()
rect.left = self.rect.left + self.rect.width//2 - rect.width//2
rect.top = self.rect.top
screen.blit( txt, rect )
return self.rect
# 小面板挂件(可以装载各种按钮对象、文本和图片)
class Panel():
def __init__(self, w, h, font, title=(), rgba=(10,10,10,150), imgH=90, align="center"):
'align' could be center or left.
self.surf_orig = rounded_surf( (w,h), rgba ) # 实际显示的surface对象
self.surf = self.surf_orig.copy()
self.bgColor = rgba
self.rect = self.surf.get_rect()
self.font = font
self.items = []
# imgH: each image will have to occupy this height.
self.imgH = imgH
self.align = align
if self.align=="center":
self.x = self.rect.width//2
self.offset = True
elif self.align=="left":
self.x = self.rect.width//20
self.offset = False
raise ValueError("align can only be center or left!")
# Title.
self.title = title
self.titleSurf = rounded_surf( (w,24), (255,255,255,200), r=5 )
self.titleRect = self.titleSurf.get_rect()
self.titleRect.left = self.titleRect.top = 0
def addItem(self, item, tag=None, inline=False):
'''item could be:
Button Objects: TextButton, RichButton (exclude ImgButton);
String tuples: (txt1, txt2), [txt1, txt2];
RichText Objects;
Surfaces (images).
'tag' is suggested when item is a Button.
'inline' means this item should try to be in the same line with the previous item. Currently only valid for Button.
if type(item) in [tuple, list]:
tp = "Text"
elif type(item) == RichText:
tp = "RichText"
elif type(item) in [TextButton, RichButton]:
tp = "Button"
item.tag = tag
elif type(item) == pygame.Surface:
tp = "Image"
if item.get_height()>self.imgH: # if is image: scale into self.imgH
item = pygame.transform.smoothscale( item, (item.get_width()*self.imgH/item.get_height(),self.imgH) )
return False
self.items.append( {"item": item, "type": tp, "inline": inline,} )
return self
def updateButton(self, but_tag=None, label_key="NULL"):
if not but_tag: # update all (lgg)
for item in self.items:
if item["type"] == "Button":
else: # update specific button (label)
for item in self.items:
if item["type"] == "Button" and item["item"].tag==but_tag:
def updateText(self, index, new_content):
if index<len(self.items) and self.items[index]["type"] in ["Text", "RichText"]:
self.items[index]["item"] = new_content
raise ValueError("Index out of range or try to update text on a button!")
def _setPos(self, x, y):
self.rect.left = x - self.rect.width//2
self.rect.top = y - self.rect.height//2
def paint(self, screen, x, y, pos):
'''cursor pos will be set to fit offset in this function'''
self._setPos(x, y)
self.surf = self.surf_orig.copy()
pos = (pos[0]-x+self.rect.width//2, pos[1]-y+self.rect.height//2)
in_y = 5
lgg = REC_DATA["SYS_SET"]["LGG"]
# Paint title if Panel got one.
if self.title:
# Title BG.
self.surf.blit(self.titleSurf, self.titleRect)
txt = self.font[lgg].render(self.title[lgg], True, (0,0,0))
rect = txt.get_rect()
rect.left = self.rect.width//2 - rect.width//2
rect.top = in_y
self.surf.blit( txt, rect )
in_y += max(rect.height, 24)
# Pain list items.
chosenBut = None
for item in self.items:
if item["type"]=="Text":
txt = self.font[lgg].render(item["item"][lgg], True, (255,255,255))
rect = txt.get_rect()
rect.left = self.x - rect.width//2 * int(self.offset)
rect.top = in_y
self.surf.blit( txt, rect )
p_rect = rect
in_y += max(rect.height, 24)
elif item["type"]=="RichText":
item["item"].paint(self.surf, self.x + item["item"].rect[lgg].width//2 * int(not self.offset), in_y+item["item"].rect[lgg].height//2)
in_y += max(item["item"].rect[lgg].height, 24)
p_rect = item["item"].rect[lgg]
elif item["type"]=="Button":
btn = item["item"]
if item["inline"]:
in_y -= (p_rect.height + 4)
this_x = p_rect.right + btn.rect.width//2 + 2
this_x = self.x + btn.rect.width//2 * int(not self.offset)
btn.paint(self.surf, this_x, in_y+btn.rect.height//2, pos)
in_y += btn.rect.height + 4
p_rect = btn.rect
if btn.hover_on(pos):
chosenBut = btn
elif item["type"]=="Image":
rect = item["item"].get_rect()
rect.left = self.x - rect.width//2 * int(self.offset)
rect.top = in_y+ self.imgH//2- rect.height//2
self.surf.blit(item["item"], rect)
p_rect = rect
in_y += self.imgH
screen.blit(self.surf, self.rect)
return chosenBut # 返回被选中的按钮
def clear(self):
self.title = ()
# 图片切换效果器
class ImgSwitcher():
def __init__(self):
self.SSList = []
# 为了降低保存图片平滑切换元素的存储开销,添加时进行一系列简单的处理,将起止地址、切换时间转换为增量。
def addSwitch(self, image, rect, endSize, dx, dy, time=10): # endSize为以百分数,以1为原大小;dx,dy是相对位移
if not image or not rect:
return False
scaleX = int( (endSize-1)*rect.width//time ) # 尺寸大小的缩放量
scaleY = int( (endSize-1)*rect.height//time )
dx = int(dx//time) # 距离的每次偏移量
dy = int(dy//time)
self.SSList.append( [image, rect, (scaleX, scaleY), (dx,dy), time] )
def doSwitch(self, screen):
for each in self.SSList:
newW = each[1].width + each[2][0]
newH = each[1].height + each[2][1]
newImg = pygame.transform.smoothscale(each[0], (newW, newH))
rect = newImg.get_rect()
newCtr = (each[1].left+each[1].width//2-rect.width//2, each[1].top+each[1].height//2-rect.height//2)
rect.left = newCtr[0] + each[3][0]
rect.top = newCtr[1] + each[3][1]
each[1] = rect
each[4] -= 1
screen.blit( newImg, rect )
if each[4]<=0:
# ====================================================
# Game helpers: HPBar, message managers, etc.
# 消息管理器
class MsgManager():
# about message and alerts
alertDic = { "falseHero":("This Hero is locked.","此英雄尚未解锁。"),
"notFound":("Kill one in adventure model to collect.","在冒险模式中击杀一只此怪物来收集它。"),
"falseStg":("This Stage is locked.","此关卡尚未解锁。"),
"false2P":("You have only one hero accessible.","你目前只有一个可用的英雄。"),
"illegalKey":("RETURN Key should not be set freely.","回车键不能被设置为玩家按键。"),
"lackSP":("The hero doesn't have enough SP.","该英雄没有足够的技能点。"),
"attMax":("This attri is at MAX level.","此项属性已经升至最高级。"),
"NULL":("An undefined error occurred.","出现了一项未知错误。"),
"lackGem":("No enough gems!","宝石数量不足!") }
def __init__(self, font, stg, mode="left"):
self.mode = mode # could be "left" or "top"
# 按照消息优先级分为两个框;第一个框为空时优先填入第一个框;第二个框是可以抢占的。
self.msgList = [] # 等待显示的消息列表。
self.activeMsg = None # 当前正在显示的消息。
self.spareMsg = None # 备用的消息位置,供紧急消息使用,当active位置被占用时,可以显示在此处。
# Related resources.
if self.mode=="left":
self.card_size = (200,90)
text_w = 170
elif self.mode=="top":
self.card_size = (560,60)
text_w = 480
self.frameColor = {"msg":(180,160,160), "dlg":(250,200,160), "item":(130,255,130)}
self.frameGap = 4
self.font = font
self.noticeSnd = pygame.mixer.Sound("audio/notice.wav")
self.msgStick = { "msg": pygame.image.load("image/tip.png").convert_alpha(),
"item": pygame.image.load("image/tip.png").convert_alpha()
# 若为冒险模式章节还应有对话图标
if stg>0:
self.msgStick["dlg"] = pygame.image.load(f"image/stg{stg}/preFig.png").convert_alpha()
# Decide line volume.
tmp1 = ""
while self.font[0].size( tmp1 )[0]<text_w:
tmp1 += "a"
tmp2 = ""
while self.font[1].size( tmp2 )[0]<text_w:
tmp2 += "我"
self.vol = [len(tmp1)-1, len(tmp2)-1]
# 最显目的消息:屏幕中央横条,只有一个位置
self.ctr_msg = None
self.ctr_h = 60
def addMsg(self, content, type="msg", urgent=False, duration=180, icon=None):
type: msg, dlg, item or ctr.
urgent: True- shall blit anyway. if activeMsg is vaccant show there;
if not show at spareMsg(can override other msg on this place).
False- can wait for a vacant activeMsg.
if type in ["msg","dlg","item"]:
# 1-Make card Rect.
card = pygame.Surface( self.card_size ).convert_alpha()
card.fill( (0,0,0,180) )
cardRect = card.get_rect()
if self.mode=="left":
cardRect.right = 0
cardRect.top = 160
pygame.draw.rect(card, self.frameColor[type],
(-1, self.frameGap, cardRect.width+1-self.frameGap, cardRect.height-self.frameGap*2),
elif self.mode=="top":
cardRect.bottom = 0
cardRect.left = (960-self.card_size[0]) //2
pygame.draw.rect(card, self.frameColor[type],
(self.frameGap, -1, cardRect.width-self.frameGap*2, cardRect.height+1-self.frameGap),
# 2-Draw icon.
imgRect = self.msgStick[type].get_rect() if not icon else icon.get_rect()
if self.mode=="left":
imgRect.left = -20 -imgRect.width//2
imgRect.top = 180 - imgRect.height//2
elif self.mode=="top":
imgRect.left = cardRect.left +30 -imgRect.width//2
imgRect.top = cardRect.top +cardRect.height//2 -imgRect.height//2
# 3-Draw Txt. Need to cut long msg into lines.
if type=="dlg":
duration = 210
if type=="item":
content = (f"Get rare item [{content[0]}]",f"获得稀有物品【{content[1]}】。")
duration = 150
lgg = REC_DATA["SYS_SET"]["LGG"]
string = content[ lgg ]
y = 10
while len(string)>0:
# Render
txt = self.font[lgg].render( string[0:self.vol[lgg]], True, (255,255,255) )
rect = txt.get_rect()
if self.mode=="left":
rect.left = 10
rect.top = y
elif self.mode=="top":
rect.left = 70
rect.top = y
card.blit( txt, rect )
# Cut and check more
string = string[self.vol[lgg]:]
y += 20
# 4-wrap
msgObj = {"card":card, "rect":cardRect, "sticker":self.msgStick[type] if not icon else icon, "stickerRect":imgRect, "cnt":duration, "urgent":urgent}
self.msgList.append( msgObj )
elif type=="ctr":
self.ctr_msg = {"card":None, "rect":None, "text":content, "sticker":icon, "cnt":duration, "show":True, "span":0}
return None
def alert(self, title):
# 供特殊标语使用。警告内容均为urgent。
self.addMsg(self.alertDic[title], urgent=True)
def run(self, pause=False):
# 若active位置为空,则取队列中第一个设为显示
if self.activeMsg==None and len(self.msgList)>0:
self.activeMsg = self.msgList[0]
# 有正在显示的消息,检查是否需要弹出(暂停时则不移动)
elif self.activeMsg:# and not pause:
if self.activeMsg["cnt"]<=0:
del self.activeMsg
self.activeMsg = None
self.activeMsg["cnt"] -= 1
# pop card
if self.mode=="left" and self.activeMsg["rect"].left<0:
self.activeMsg["rect"].left = min(self.activeMsg["rect"].left+8, 0)
self.activeMsg["stickerRect"].left += 8
elif self.mode=="top" and self.activeMsg["rect"].top<0:
self.activeMsg["rect"].top = min(self.activeMsg["rect"].top+6, 0)
self.activeMsg["stickerRect"].top += 6
# 检查spare消息。spare为空时不主动找消息填,而是等待紧急消息来抢占自己。
if self.spareMsg and self.mode=="left":# and not pause:
if self.spareMsg["cnt"]<=0:
del self.spareMsg
self.spareMsg = None
self.spareMsg["cnt"] -= 1
# pop card
if self.mode=="left" and self.spareMsg["rect"].left<0:
self.spareMsg["rect"].left = min(self.spareMsg["rect"].left+8, 0)
self.spareMsg["stickerRect"].left += 8
# 以上代码执行后,列表中有两种情况:
# 若active空,则无消息排队;
# active满,可能有消息排队。针对此需要检查是否有紧急消息,若有则填补spare位置
if self.mode=="left":
for msg in self.msgList:
if msg["urgent"]==True:
if self.spareMsg:
del self.spareMsg
self.spareMsg = None
# 上位
msg["rect"].top += (self.card_size[1]+10)
msg["stickerRect"].top += (self.card_size[1]+10)
self.spareMsg = msg
# Finally: 中心大消息
if self.ctr_msg:
if pause:
self.ctr_msg["show"] = False
self.ctr_msg["show"] = True
self.ctr_msg["span"] += 2
if self.ctr_msg["span"] >= self.ctr_h:
self.ctr_msg["span"] = self.ctr_h
self.ctr_msg["cnt"] -= 1
if self.ctr_msg["cnt"]<=0:
self.ctr_msg = None
def clear(self):
self.activeMsg = None
self.spareMsg = None
def paint(self, screen):
if self.activeMsg:
screen.blit( self.activeMsg["card"], self.activeMsg["rect"] )
screen.blit( self.activeMsg["sticker"], self.activeMsg["stickerRect"] )
if self.spareMsg:
screen.blit( self.spareMsg["card"], self.spareMsg["rect"] )
screen.blit( self.spareMsg["sticker"], self.spareMsg["stickerRect"] )
if self.ctr_msg and self.ctr_msg["show"]:
if self.ctr_msg["span"]<=self.ctr_h:
card = pygame.Surface( (screen.get_width(), self.ctr_msg["span"]) ).convert_alpha()
card.fill( (20,20,20,210) )
cardRect = card.get_rect()
cardRect.left = 0
cardRect.top = screen.get_height()//3
# Render TXT
txt = self.font[REC_DATA["SYS_SET"]["LGG"]].render( self.ctr_msg["text"][REC_DATA["SYS_SET"]["LGG"]], True, (255,255,255) )
rect = txt.get_rect()
rect.left = cardRect.width//2 -rect.width//2
rect.top = cardRect.height//2 -rect.height//2
card.blit( txt, rect )
# Draw icon.
if self.ctr_msg["sticker"]:
imgRect = self.ctr_msg["sticker"].get_rect()
imgRect.right = rect.left -10
imgRect.top = cardRect.height//2 -imgRect.height//2
card.blit( self.ctr_msg["sticker"], imgRect )
self.ctr_msg["card"], self.ctr_msg["rect"] = card, cardRect
screen.blit( self.ctr_msg["card"], self.ctr_msg["rect"] )
# 血条管理器
class HPBar():
iconG = None
colorSet = {
# lightColor color shadeColor
"green": [(120, 250, 120), (0, 210, 0), (0, 160, 0)],
"lightGreen": [(160, 255, 160), (80, 240, 80), (60, 180, 60)],
"yellow": [(255, 210, 20), (220, 160, 10), (150, 120, 0)],
"orange": [(250, 210, 180), (220, 180, 100), (160, 110, 40)],
"blue": [(150, 160, 250), (60, 80, 210), (10, 30, 160)],
"red": [(255, 100, 100), (210, 0, 0), (160, 0, 0)],
"goldRed": [(250, 160, 120), (190, 90, 20), (140, 40, 0)]
def __init__(self, full, blockVol=100, blockLen=10, gap=1, barOffset=0, barH=8, color="red", icon=False):
param full: 角色的HP上限
param blockVol: 每个方格满时表示多少HP
param blockLen: 每个方格长度至多为多少像素
param gap: 相邻方格之间的距离
param barOffset: 绘制时,距离角色的上方偏离
param barH: 血条高度
param color: str.血条颜色
if not HPBar.iconG:
HPBar.iconG = pygame.transform.smoothscale( pygame.image.load("image/goalie.png").convert_alpha(), (25,24) )
self.blockVol = blockVol # 每个方格满时表示~滴血
self.blockLen = blockLen # 每个方格长度至多为~像素
self.gap = gap
gapNum = math.ceil( full/self.blockVol )-1 # 格子中间间隔的数量
self.barLen = full*self.blockLen/self.blockVol + gapNum*self.gap + self.gap*2 # 计算血条总长度+所有gap宽度
self.barOffset = barOffset # 血条底端离owner的距离
# 外边框(白色半透底框)
self.barH = barH
self.barBG = pygame.Surface( (self.barLen, self.barH) ).convert_alpha()
self.barBG.fill( (255,255,255,210) )
if icon:
self.iconR = self.iconG.get_rect()
self.iconR = None
def paint(self, owner, surface, data="health"):
if data=="health":
health = max( owner.health, 0 )
elif data=="superPower":
health = min( owner.superPowerCnt, owner.superPowerFull)
x = owner.rect.left+owner.rect.width//2 -self.barLen/2 # 中线减去血条长度的一半
y = owner.rect.top-self.barH-self.barOffset
if self.iconR:
# 画区域守卫的标志
self.iconR.left = x -self.iconR.width
self.iconR.top = y -10
surface.blit( self.iconG, self.iconR )
# 画外边框
surface.blit( self.barBG, (x,y) )
# 画内部血格
offset = 0 # 用于计算每个方格的偏移值
while (health > 0):
w = min(self.blockLen, health*self.blockLen//self.blockVol) # w是当前的方格的血的宽度,最多为10。
block = pygame.Rect( x+self.gap+offset, y+self.gap, w, self.barH-self.gap*2 )
light = pygame.Rect( x+self.gap+offset, block.top, w, self.gap*2 )
shadow = pygame.Rect( x+self.gap+offset, block.bottom-self.gap*2, w, self.gap*2 )
pygame.draw.rect( surface, self.color, block )
pygame.draw.rect( surface, self.lightColor, light )
pygame.draw.rect( surface, self.shadeColor, shadow )
health -= self.blockVol
offset += (self.blockLen+self.gap)
def setColor(self, color):
self.lightColor, self.color, self.shadeColor = self.colorSet[color]
# ====================================================
# Useful functions, most about Surface processing.
def getPos(sprite, x=0.5, y=0.5):
posX = round( sprite.rect.left + sprite.rect.width*x )
posY = round( sprite.rect.top + sprite.rect.height*y )
return [posX, posY]
def drawRect(x, y, width, height, rgba, screen):
'''常用的画rectangle 的 surface函数'''
surf = pygame.Surface( (width, height) ).convert_alpha()
rect = surf.get_rect()
rect.left = x
rect.top = y
surf.fill( rgba )
screen.blit( surf, rect )
return rect
def rounded_surf(size, rgba, r=10):
canv = pygame.Surface( size ).convert_alpha()
canv.fill( (0,0,0,0) )
rect = canv.get_rect()
pygame.draw.rect(canv, rgba, rect, 0, border_radius=r)
return canv
def rot_center(image, angle, subsurf=True):
"""rotate an image while keeping its center and size. NOTE:
subsurf means if the new image should be limited within original rect"""
rot_rect = image.get_rect().copy()
rot_image = pygame.transform.rotate(image, angle)
rot_rect.center = rot_image.get_rect().center
if subsurf:
rot_image = rot_image.subsurface(rot_rect).copy()
return rot_image
def generateShadow(img, color=(10,10,10,80)):
shad = img.copy()
for x in range(shad.get_width()):
for y in range(shad.get_height()):
if shad.get_at((x,y))[3]>0:
shad.set_at( (x,y), color )
return shad
def getCld(core, group, cateList):
Assistant function for many of hero's movement check, stone.fall, etc.
spriteList = []
cldList = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(core, group, False, pygame.sprite.collide_mask)
for item in cldList:
if item.category in cateList:
return spriteList
马建仓 AI 助手