java -Dserver.port=8080 -Dcsp.sentinel.dashboard.server=localhost:8080 -Dproject.name=sentinel-dashboard -jar -Xms512m -Xmx512m sentinel-dashboard-nacos-1.7.2.jar
sentinel-dashboard-nacos是在sentinel-dashboard基础之上经过改造后的Sentinel Dashboard,实现了Sentinel Dashboard中修改规则同步到Nacos的功能; 代码实现 下面直接来看看如何实现的具体改造步骤,这里参考了Sentinel Dashboard源码中关于Nacos实现的测试用例。但是由于考虑到与Spring Cloud Alibaba的结合使用,略作修改。
<li ui-sref-active="active">
<a ui-sref="dashboard.flowV1({app: entry.app})">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-filter"></i> 流控规则
<li ui-sref-active="active">
<a ui-sref="dashboard.flow({app: entry.app})">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-filter"></i> 流控规则
public class NacosConfig {
public Converter<List<FlowRuleEntity>, String> flowRuleEntityEncoder() {
return JSON::toJSONString;
public Converter<String, List<FlowRuleEntity>> flowRuleEntityDecoder() {
return s -> JSON.parseArray(s, FlowRuleEntity.class);
public ConfigService nacosConfigService() throws Exception {
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put(PropertyKeyConst.SERVER_ADDR, "localhost");
//properties.put(PropertyKeyConst.NAMESPACE, "130e71fa-97fe-467d-ad77-967456f2c16d");
return ConfigFactory.createConfigService(properties);
如果用到了namespace隔离环境,可以在nacosConfigService方法中再加入配置,比如:properties.put(PropertyKeyConst.NAMESPACE, "130e71fa-97fe-467d-ad77-967456f2c16d");
public class FlowRuleNacosProvider implements DynamicRuleProvider<List<FlowRuleEntity>> {
private ConfigService configService;
private Converter<String, List<FlowRuleEntity>> converter;
public static final String FLOW_DATA_ID_POSTFIX = "-sentinel";
public static final String GROUP_ID = "DEFAULT_GROUP";
public List<FlowRuleEntity> getRules(String appName) throws Exception {
String rules = configService.getConfig(appName + FLOW_DATA_ID_POSTFIX, GROUP_ID, 3000);
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(rules)) {
return new ArrayList<>();
return converter.convert(rules);
getRules方法中的appName参数是Sentinel中的服务名称。 configService.getConfig方法是从Nacos中获取配置信息的具体操作。其中,DataId和GroupId分别对应客户端使用时候的对应配置。比如这里的例子对应了之前我们在《Sentinel使用Nacos存储规则》一文中的配置,具体如下:
public class FlowRuleNacosPublisher implements DynamicRulePublisher<List<FlowRuleEntity>> {
private ConfigService configService;
public static final String FLOW_DATA_ID_POSTFIX = "-sentinel";
public static final String GROUP_ID = "DEFAULT_GROUP";
public void publish(String app, List<FlowRuleEntity> rules) throws Exception {
AssertUtil.notEmpty(app, "app name cannot be empty");
if (rules == null) {
List<FlowRule> list = new ArrayList<FlowRule>();
for (FlowRuleEntity rule : rules) {
FlowRule flowRule = JSON.parseObject(JSON.toJSONString(rule), FlowRule.class);
// 把对象转成格式化json字符串
String content = JSON.toJSONString(list, SerializerFeature.PrettyFormat, SerializerFeature.WriteMapNullValue,
configService.publishConfig(app + FLOW_DATA_ID_POSTFIX, GROUP_ID, content);
private DynamicRuleProvider<List<FlowRuleEntity>> ruleProvider;
private DynamicRulePublisher<List<FlowRuleEntity>> rulePublisher;
As distributed systems become increasingly popular, the reliability between services is becoming more important than ever before. Sentinel takes "flow" as breakthrough point, and works on multiple fields including flow control, circuit breaking and system adaptive protection, to guarantee reliability of microservices.
Sentinel has the following features:
Features overview:
See the 中文文档 for document in Chinese.
See the Wiki for full documentation, examples, blog posts, operational details and other information.
Sentinel provides integration modules for various open-source frameworks (e.g. Spring Cloud, Apache Dubbo, gRPC, Spring WebFlux, Reactor) and service mesh. You can refer to the document for more information.
If you are using Sentinel, please leave a comment here to tell us your scenario to make Sentinel better. It's also encouraged to add the link of your blog post, tutorial, demo or customized components to Awesome Sentinel.
Below is a simple demo that guides new users to use Sentinel in just 3 steps. It also shows how to monitor this demo using the dashboard.
Note: Sentinel requires Java 7 or later.
If your application is build in Maven, just add the following dependency in pom.xml
<!-- replace here with the latest version -->
If not, you can download JAR in Maven Center Repository.
Wrap your code snippet via Sentinel API: SphU.entry(resourceName)
In below example, it is System.out.println("hello world");
try (Entry entry = SphU.entry("HelloWorld")) {
// Your business logic here.
System.out.println("hello world");
} catch (BlockException e) {
// Handle rejected request.
// try-with-resources auto exit
So far the code modification is done. We also provide annotation support module to define resource easier.
If we want to limit the access times of the resource, we can set rules to the resource. The following code defines a rule that limits access to the resource to 20 times per second at the maximum.
List<FlowRule> rules = new ArrayList<>();
FlowRule rule = new FlowRule();
// set limit qps to 20
For more information, please refer to How To Use.
After running the demo for a while, you can see the following records in ~/logs/csp/${appName}-metrics.log.{date}
(When using the default DateFileLogHandler
|--timestamp-|------date time----|-resource-|p |block|s |e|rt |occupied
1529998904000|2018-06-26 15:41:44|HelloWorld|20|0 |20|0|0 |0
1529998905000|2018-06-26 15:41:45|HelloWorld|20|5579 |20|0|728 |0
1529998906000|2018-06-26 15:41:46|HelloWorld|20|15698|20|0|0 |0
1529998907000|2018-06-26 15:41:47|HelloWorld|20|19262|20|0|0 |0
1529998908000|2018-06-26 15:41:48|HelloWorld|20|19502|20|0|0 |0
1529998909000|2018-06-26 15:41:49|HelloWorld|20|18386|20|0|0 |0
p stands for incoming request, block for blocked by rules, success for success handled by Sentinel, e for exception count, rt for average response time (ms), occupied stands for occupiedPassQps since 1.5.0 which enable us booking more than 1 shot when entering.
This shows that the demo can print "hello world" 20 times per second.
More examples and information can be found in the How To Use section.
The working principles of Sentinel can be found in How it works section.
Samples can be found in the sentinel-demo module.
Sentinel also provides a simple dashboard application, on which you can monitor the clients and configure the rules in real time.
For details please refer to Dashboard.
Sentinel will generate logs for troubleshooting and real-time monitoring. All the information can be found in logs.
For bug report, questions and discussions please submit GitHub Issues.
Contact us: sentinel@linux.alibaba.com
Contributions are always welcomed! Please see CONTRIBUTING for detailed guidelines.
You can start with the issues labeled with good first issue
Thanks Guava, which provides some inspiration on rate limiting.
And thanks for all contributors of Sentinel!
These are only part of the companies using Sentinel, for reference only. If you are using Sentinel, please add your company here to tell us your scenario to make Sentinel better
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