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checksum.h 1.44 KB
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n+e authored 2018-12-11 20:46 . rip init
#ifndef __CHECK__
#define __CHECK__
#include "defines.h"
// struct _iphdr //定义IP首部
// {
// unsigned char h_verlen; //4位首部长度+4位IP版本号
// unsigned char tos; //8位服务类型TOS
// uint16_t total_len; //16位总长度(字节)
// uint16_t ident; //16位标识
// uint16_t frag; //16位标志位
// unsigned char ttl; //8位生存时间 TTL
// unsigned char proto; //8位协议 (TCP, UDP 或其他)
// uint16_t checksum; //16位IP首部校验和
// unsigned int sourceIP; //32位源IP地址
// unsigned int destIP; //32位目的IP地址
// };
// /*
// * Structure of an internet header, naked of options.
// */
// struct ip
// {
// unsigned int ip_hl:4; /* header length */
// unsigned int ip_v:4; /* version */
// #endif
// unsigned int ip_v:4; /* version */
// unsigned int ip_hl:4; /* header length */
// #endif
// uint8_t ip_tos; /* type of service */
// unsigned short ip_len; /* total length */
// unsigned short ip_id; /* identification */
// unsigned short ip_off; /* fragment offset field */
// uint8_t ip_ttl; /* time to live */
// uint8_t ip_p; /* protocol */
// unsigned short ip_sum; /* checksum */
// struct in_addr ip_src, ip_dst; /* source and dest address */
// };
int32_t check_sum(ip* iphd);
uint16_t count_check_sum(ip* iphd, bool decline);
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