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SQLQuery1.1.sql 5.05 KB
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五星好市民.林 authored 2021-03-23 22:22 . 林程铭第7次作业
create database Student--学生信息数据库
use Student
create table student--学生信息表
stuNO nvarchar(6) primary key,
stuName nvarchar(5),
stuAge int ,
stuAddress nvarchar(10),
stuSeat int,
stuSex int --(0为女,1为男)
create table examinfo--考试信息表
examNo int identity primary key,
stuNO nvarchar(6),
writtenExam int ,
labExam int
alter table student
drop constraint PK__student__AEC9530057BCBB88
insert into student(stuNO,stuName,stuAge,stuAddress,stuSeat,stuSex)
set identity_insert examinfo on
insert into examinfo(examNo,stuNO,writtenExam,labExam)
select *from examinfo
select *from student
select 学生编号=stuNo,学生姓名=stuName,学生年龄=stuAge,学生住址=stuAddress,学生桌位=stuSeat,学生性别=stuSex from student
select 学生姓名=stuName,学生年龄=stuAge ,学生住址=stuAddress from student
-- 注意:要用三种方法
select 学号=examNo,笔试=writtenExam,机试=labExam from examinfo
--4.查询学生信息表(student)中的学号,姓名,地址,以及将:姓名+@+地址 组成新列 “邮箱”
select stuNO,stuName,stuAddress,邮箱=stuName+'@'+stuAddress from student
select 学号=examNO ,笔试=writtenExam,机试=labExam from examinfo
select distinct stuAddress from student
select 学生姓名=stuName ,学生年龄=stuAge from student
select top 3 * from student
select top 4 stuNO,stuName from student
select top 50 percent * from student
select stuAge ,stuAddress from student where stuAddress='湖北武汉' and stuAge=20
select labExam from examinfo where labExam>=60 and labExam<=80 order by labExam desc
select labExam from examinfo where labExam between 60 and 80 order by labExam desc
select stuName,stuAddress from student where stuAddress='湖北武汉' or stuAddress='湖南长沙'
select stuName ,stuAddress from student where stuAddress!='美国硅谷'
select writtenExam from examinfo where writtenExam<70 or writtenExam>90 order by writtenExam asc
select writtenExam from examinfo where writtenExam!>70 and writtenExam!=70 or writtenExam!<90 and writtenExam!=90 order by writtenExam asc
select stuName,stuAge from student where stuAge is null
select stuName,stuAge from student where stuAge is not null
select stuName from student where stuName like'张%'
select stuAddress from student where stuAddress like '%湖%'
select * from student where stuName like '张_'
select * from student where stuName like '%俊_'
select * from student order by stuAge desc
select * from student order by stuAge desc , stuSeat asc
select 考试号=examNO ,学号=stuNO,笔试成绩=writtenExam,机试成绩=labExam from examinfo where writtenExam=
(select max(writtenExam) from examinfo )
select 考试号=examNO ,学号=stuNO,笔试成绩=writtenExam,机试成绩=labExam from examinfo where writtenExam=
(select min(writtenExam) from examinfo )
select 学生平均年龄=AVG(stuAge) from student
select 男女生分别平均年龄= AVG(stuAge ) from student group by stuSex
select * from student
select 地址=stuAddress,年龄总和=sum(stuAge),平均年龄=avg(stuAge) from student group by stuAddress
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