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ini.go 9.11 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
inhere 提交于 2020-09-21 16:22 . add new methods for mapping data to struct
Package ini is a ini config file/data manage implement
Source code and other details for the project are available at GitHub:
INI parser is: https://github.com/gookit/ini/parser
package ini
import (
// some default constants
const (
SepSection = "."
DefTagName = "ini"
var (
errEmptyKey = errors.New("ini: key name cannot be empty")
errNotFound = errors.New("ini: key does not exist in the config")
errReadonly = errors.New("ini: config manager instance in 'readonly' mode")
// default instance
dc = New()
// Section in INI config
type Section map[string]string
// Options for config
type Options struct {
// Readonly set to read-only mode. default False
Readonly bool
// ParseEnv parse ENV var name. default True
ParseEnv bool
// ParseVar parse variable reference "%(varName)s". default False
ParseVar bool
// TagName for binding struct
TagName string
// VarOpen var left open char. default "%("
VarOpen string
// VarClose var right close char. default ")s"
VarClose string
// IgnoreCase ignore key name case. default False
IgnoreCase bool
// DefSection default section name. default "__default", it's allow empty string.
DefSection string
// SectionSep sep char for split key path. default ".", use like "section.subKey"
SectionSep string
// Ini config data manager
type Ini struct {
err error
opts *Options
lock sync.RWMutex
data map[string]Section
// regex for match user var
varRegex *regexp.Regexp
* config instance
// New a config instance, with default options
func New() *Ini {
return &Ini{
data: make(map[string]Section),
opts: newDefaultOptions(),
// NewWithOptions new a instance and with some options
// Usage:
// ini.NewWithOptions(ini.ParseEnv, ini.Readonly)
func NewWithOptions(opts ...func(*Options)) *Ini {
c := New()
// apply options
return c
// Default config instance
func Default() *Ini {
return dc
func (c *Ini) ensureInit() {
if !c.IsEmpty() {
if c.data == nil {
c.data = make(map[string]Section)
if c.opts == nil {
c.opts = newDefaultOptions()
// build var regex. default is `%\(([\w-:]+)\)s`
if c.opts.ParseVar && c.varRegex == nil {
// regexStr := `%\([\w-:]+\)s`
l := regexp.QuoteMeta(c.opts.VarOpen)
r := regexp.QuoteMeta(c.opts.VarClose)
// build like: `%\(([\w-:]+)\)s`
regStr := l + `([\w-` + c.opts.SectionSep + `]+)` + r
c.varRegex = regexp.MustCompile(regStr)
* options func
// newDefaultOptions create a new default Options
// Notice:
// Cannot use package var instead it. That will allow multiple instances to use the same Options
func newDefaultOptions() *Options {
return &Options{
ParseEnv: true,
VarOpen: "%(",
VarClose: ")s",
TagName: DefTagName,
DefSection: parser.DefSection,
SectionSep: SepSection,
// Readonly setting
// Usage:
// ini.NewWithOptions(ini.Readonly)
func Readonly(opts *Options) {
opts.Readonly = true
// ParseVar on get value
// Usage:
// ini.WithOptions(ini.ParseVar)
func ParseVar(opts *Options) {
opts.ParseVar = true
// ParseEnv will parse ENV key on get value
// Usage:
// ini.WithOptions(ini.ParseEnv)
func ParseEnv(opts *Options) {
opts.ParseEnv = true
// IgnoreCase for get/set value by key
func IgnoreCase(opts *Options) {
opts.IgnoreCase = true
// GetOptions get options info.
// Notice: return is value. so, cannot change Ini instance
func GetOptions() Options {
return dc.Options()
// Options get options info.
// Notice: return is value. so, cannot change options
func (c *Ini) Options() Options {
return *c.opts
// WithOptions apply some options
func WithOptions(opts ...func(*Options)) {
// WithOptions apply some options
func (c *Ini) WithOptions(opts ...func(*Options)) {
if !c.IsEmpty() {
panic("ini: Cannot set options after data has been load")
// apply options
for _, opt := range opts {
// DefSection get default section name
func (c *Ini) DefSection() string {
return c.opts.DefSection
* data load
// LoadFiles load data from files
func LoadFiles(files ...string) error { return dc.LoadFiles(files...) }
// LoadFiles load data from files
func (c *Ini) LoadFiles(files ...string) (err error) {
for _, file := range files {
err = c.loadFile(file, false)
if err != nil {
// LoadExists load files, will ignore not exists
func LoadExists(files ...string) error { return dc.LoadExists(files...) }
// LoadExists load files, will ignore not exists
func (c *Ini) LoadExists(files ...string) (err error) {
for _, file := range files {
err = c.loadFile(file, true)
if err != nil {
// LoadStrings load data from strings
func LoadStrings(strings ...string) error { return dc.LoadStrings(strings...) }
// LoadStrings load data from strings
func (c *Ini) LoadStrings(strings ...string) (err error) {
for _, str := range strings {
err = c.parse(str)
if err != nil {
// LoadData load data map
func LoadData(data map[string]Section) error { return dc.LoadData(data) }
// LoadData load data map
func (c *Ini) LoadData(data map[string]Section) (err error) {
if len(c.data) == 0 {
c.data = data
// append or override setting data
for name, sec := range data {
err = c.SetSection(name, sec)
if err != nil {
func (c *Ini) loadFile(file string, loadExist bool) (err error) {
// open file
fd, err := os.Open(file)
if err != nil {
// skip not exist file
if os.IsNotExist(err) && loadExist {
return nil
//noinspection GoUnhandledErrorResult
defer fd.Close()
// read file content
bts, err := ioutil.ReadAll(fd)
if err == nil {
err = c.parse(string(bts))
if err != nil {
* helper methods
// HasKey check key exists
func HasKey(key string) bool { return dc.HasKey(key) }
// HasKey check key exists
func (c *Ini) HasKey(key string) (ok bool) {
_, ok = c.GetValue(key)
// Delete value by key
func Delete(key string) bool { return dc.Delete(key) }
// Delete value by key
func (c *Ini) Delete(key string) (ok bool) {
if c.opts.Readonly {
key = c.formatKey(key)
if key == "" {
sec, key := c.splitSectionAndKey(key)
mp, ok := c.data[sec]
if !ok {
// key in a section
if _, ok = mp[key]; ok {
delete(mp, key)
c.data[sec] = mp
// Reset all data for the default
func Reset() { dc.Reset() }
// Reset all data
func (c *Ini) Reset() {
c.data = make(map[string]Section)
// IsEmpty config data is empty
func IsEmpty() bool { return len(dc.data) == 0 }
// IsEmpty config data is empty
func (c *Ini) IsEmpty() bool {
return len(c.data) == 0
// Data get all data from default instance
func Data() map[string]Section { return dc.data }
// Data get all data
func (c *Ini) Data() map[string]Section {
return c.data
// MapTo struct pointer WIP
func (c *Ini) MapTo(ptr interface{}) error {
return nil
// Error get
func Error() error { return dc.Error() }
// Error get
func (c *Ini) Error() error {
return c.err
// format and record error
func (c *Ini) addErrorf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
c.err = fmt.Errorf(format, a...)
* internal helper methods
func (c *Ini) splitSectionAndKey(key string) (string, string) {
sep := c.opts.SectionSep
// default find from default Section
name := c.opts.DefSection
// get val by path. eg "log.dir"
if strings.Contains(key, sep) {
ss := strings.SplitN(key, sep, 2)
name, key = strings.TrimSpace(ss[0]), strings.TrimSpace(ss[1])
return name, key
// format key by some options
func (c *Ini) formatKey(key string) string {
sep := c.opts.SectionSep
key = strings.Trim(strings.TrimSpace(key), sep)
if c.opts.IgnoreCase {
key = strings.ToLower(key)
return key
// simple merge two string map
func mergeStringMap(src, dst map[string]string, ignoreCase bool) map[string]string {
for k, v := range src {
if ignoreCase {
k = strings.ToLower(k)
dst[k] = v
return dst
func mapKeyToLower(src map[string]string) map[string]string {
newMp := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range src {
k = strings.ToLower(k)
newMp[k] = v
return newMp
func stringToArray(str, sep string) (arr []string) {
str = strings.TrimSpace(str)
ss := strings.Split(str, sep)
for _, val := range ss {
if val = strings.TrimSpace(val); val != "" {
arr = append(arr, val)
return arr
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