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sim_router.h 20.00 KB
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Hic 提交于 2022-09-22 17:20 . 增加丢包功能
#ifndef SIM_ROUTER_
#define SIM_ROUTER_
#include "flit.h"
#include "index.h"
#include "SStd.h"
#include "SRGen.h"
#include "configuration.h"
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <map>
#include <functional>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <set>
extern "C" {
#include "SIM_power.h"
#include "SIM_router_power.h"
#include "SIM_power_router.h"
//changed at 2021-10-26
//changed at 2022-4-4
// *****************************************************//
// data structure to model the structure and behavior //
// of routers. //
// *****************************************************//
class input_template {
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const input_template & Ri);
//input buffers: <phy<vc<buffer>>>
vector<vector<vector<flit_template> > > input_;
//the state of each input vc
vector<vector<VC_state_type> > states_;
//the candidate routing vcs
vector<vector<vector<VC_type> > > routing_;
//the chosen routing vc
vector<vector<VC_type > > crouting_;
//this is a flag to show that the buffer of injection is full
//used to control the packet injection to decrease mem usage
bool ibuff_full_;
vector<vector<vector<flit_template> > > & input() {return input_;}
const vector<vector<vector<flit_template> > > & input() const
{return input_;}
const vector<flit_template> & input(long a, long b) const
{return input_[a][b];}
vector<flit_template> & input(long a, long b) {return input_[a][b];}
void add_flit(long a, long b, const flit_template & c)
void remove_flit(long a, long b)
flit_template & get_flit(long a, long b)
{Sassert(input_[a][b].size() > 0);
const flit_template & get_flit(long a, long b) const{
Sassert(input_[a][b].size() > 0);
flit_template & get_flit(long a, long b, long c)
{Sassert(input_[a][b].size() > c);
const flit_template & get_flit(long a, long b, long c) const{
Sassert(input_[a][b].size() > c);
vector<vector<VC_state_type> > & states() {return states_;}
const vector<vector<VC_state_type> > & states() const {return states_;}
VC_state_type state(long a, long b) {return states_[a][b];}
const VC_state_type state(long a, long b) const {return states_[a][b];}
void state_update(long a, long b, VC_state_type c){states_[a][b] = c;}
vector<vector<VC_type > > & crouting() {return crouting_;}
const vector<vector<VC_type > > & crouting() const {return crouting_;}
VC_type & crouting(long a, long b) {return crouting_[a][b];}
const VC_type & crouting(long a, long b) const {return crouting_[a][b];}
void crouting_assign(long a, long b, VC_type c) {crouting_[a][b] = c;}
void clear_crouting(long a, long b) {crouting_[a][b] = VC_NULL;}
vector<vector<vector<VC_type > > > & routing()
{return routing_;}
const vector<vector<vector<VC_type > > > & routing() const
{return routing_;}
vector<VC_type > & routing(long a, long b)
{return routing_[a][b];}
const vector<VC_type > & routing(long a, long b) const
{return routing_[a][b];}
void add_routing(long a, long b, VC_type c)
{ routing_[a][b].push_back(c);}
void clear_routing(long a, long b) {routing_[a][b].clear();}
void ibuff_is_full() {ibuff_full_ = true;}
void ibuff_not_full() {ibuff_full_ = false;}
bool ibuff_full() {return ibuff_full_;}
bool ibuff_full() const {return ibuff_full_;}
size_t inputBufSize(long pc,long vc)const
return input_[pc][vc].size();
//a: phy ports b: virtual channel
input_template(long a, long b);
class output_template {
//used for next input
long buffer_size_;
vector<vector<long> >counter_;
vector<vector<VC_state_type> >flit_state_;
//assigned for the input
vector<vector<VC_type> > assign_;
vector<vector<VC_usage_type> > usage_;
//local output buffers
vector<vector<flit_template> > outbuffers_;
//output address
vector<vector<VC_type> > outadd_;
vector<long> localcounter_;
long buffer_size() {return buffer_size_;}
long buffer_size() const {return buffer_size_;}
vector<vector<long> > & counter() {return counter_;}
long counter(long a, long b) {return counter_[a][b];}
long counter(long a, long b) const {return counter_[a][b];}
void counter_inc(long a, long b) {counter_[a][b]++;}
void counter_dec(long a, long b) {counter_[a][b]--;}
vector<vector<VC_usage_type> > & usage() {return usage_;}
VC_usage_type usage(long a,long b) {return usage_[a][b];}
VC_usage_type usage(long a,long b) const {return usage_[a][b];}
VC_type & assign(long a, long b) {return assign_[a][b];}
const VC_type & assign(long a, long b) const {return assign_[a][b];}
void acquire(long a, long b, VC_type c)
{usage_[a][b] = USED_; assign_[a][b] = c; }
void release(long a, long b)
{usage_[a][b] = FREE_; assign_[a][b] = VC_NULL;}
void add_flit(long a, const flit_template& b)
{ outbuffers_[a].push_back(b); localcounter_[a]--;}
void remove_flit(long a)
Sassert(outbuffers_[a].size() > 0);
//Sassert(flit_state_[a].size() > 0);
VC_state_type flit_state(long a) {return flit_state_[a][0];}
VC_state_type flit_state(long a) const {return flit_state_[a][0];}
flit_template & get_flit(long a)
{Sassert(outbuffers_[a].size() > 0);
return outbuffers_[a][0];}
vector<flit_template> & outbuffers(long a)
{return outbuffers_[a];}
const vector<flit_template> & outbuffers(long a) const
{return outbuffers_[a];}
vector<vector<VC_type> > outadd() {return outadd_;}
const vector<vector<VC_type> > outadd() const {return outadd_;}
vector<VC_type> outadd(long a) {return outadd_[a];}
const vector<VC_type> outadd(long a) const {return outadd_[a];}
VC_type get_add(long a) {return outadd_[a][0];}
void remove_add(long a) {Sassert(outadd_[a].size() > 0);
void add_add(long a, VC_type b) {outadd_[a].push_back(b);}
vector<long> & localcounter() {return localcounter_;}
long localcounter(long a) {return localcounter_[a];}
long localcounter(long a) const {return localcounter_[a];}
void localcounter_inc(long a) {localcounter_[a]++;}
void localcounter_dec(long a) {localcounter_[a]--;}
output_template(long a, long b, long c, long d);
class power_template {
long flit_size_;
SIM_power_router_info_t router_info_;
SIM_power_router_t router_power_;
SIM_power_arbiter_t arbiter_vc_power_;
SIM_power_bus_t link_power_;
vector<Data_type> buffer_write_;
vector<Data_type> buffer_read_;
vector<Data_type> crossbar_read_;
vector<Data_type> crossbar_write_;
vector<Data_type> link_traversal_;
vector<long> crossbar_input_;
vector<vector<Atom_type> > arbiter_vc_req_;
vector<vector<unsigned long> > arbiter_vc_grant_;
power_template(long a, long b, long c);
void power_buffer_read(long in_port, Data_type & read_d);
void power_buffer_write(long in_port, Data_type & write_d);
void power_crossbar_trav(long in_port, long out_port, Data_type & trav_d);
void power_vc_arbit(long pc, long vc, Atom_type req, unsigned long gra);
void power_link_traversal(long in_port, Data_type & read_d);
double power_buffer_report();
double power_link_report();
double power_crossbar_report();
double power_arbiter_report();
//changed at 2021-10-26
struct SPacket
time_type startTime;
add_type sourceAddress,destinationAddress;
long packetSize;
typedef size_t TId;
TId id;
size_t addSize=configuration::ap().cube_number();
//physical port 0 is injection port
class sim_router_template {
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const sim_router_template & sr);
//changed at 2022-9-22
static std::unordered_set<flit_template::TPacketId>abandonedPacketIds;
//router address
add_type address_;
//the input buffer module
input_template input_module_;
//output module
output_template output_module_;
//power module
power_template power_module_;
//initial random number
Data_type init_data_;
long ary_size_;//表示网络是一个n^d网络,其中n就是ary_size_
long flit_size_; //size of 64 bits
long physic_ports_;
long vc_number_;
long buffer_size_; //each vc buffer size
long outbuffer_size_; //each vc buffer size
//the total delay of the flits
time_type total_delay_;
//the routing algorithm used
long routing_alg_;
//the routing algorithm is now used, this is a pointer, points to
//the routing procedure
void (sim_router_template::* curr_algorithm)(const add_type &,
const add_type &, long, long);
void (sim_router_template::*curr_prevRouterFunc)(add_type&,long);
long (sim_router_template::*curr_prevPortFunc)(long);
time_type (sim_router_template::*curr_wireDelayFunc)(long);
void (sim_router_template::*curr_nextAddFunc)(add_type&,long);
long (sim_router_template::*curr_wirePcFunc)(long);
//used for the next packet injection time
time_type local_input_time_;
//packet counter
long packet_counter_;
//changed at 2021-10-26
//input trace file
//ifstream * localinFile_;//本地轨迹文件流,本路由器的轨迹文件流
virtual time_type getWireDelay(long port);
time_type getWireDelay_mesh(long port);
time_type getWireDelay_chipletMesh(long port);
time_type getWireDelay_chipletStar(long port);
virtual void getNextAddress(add_type&nextAddress,long port);
void getNextAddress_chipletMesh(add_type&nextAdd,long port);
void getNextAddress_chipletStar(add_type &nextAddress, long port);
void getNextAddress_mesh(add_type&nextAdd,long port);
virtual long getWirePc(long port);
long getWirePc_mesh(long port);
long getWirePc_chipletStar(long port);
virtual void getFromRouter(add_type&from,long port);
void getFromRouter_mesh(add_type&from,long port);
void getFromRouter_chipletStar(add_type&from,long port);
virtual long getFromPort(long port);
long getFromPort_mesh(long port);
long getFromPort_chipletStar(long port);
//changed at 2022-4-3
virtual void routingAlg(const add_type &destination, const add_type &source, long s_ph, long s_vc);
void setRoutingType();
//changed at 2022-4-12
time_type routingTime=0;
virtual time_type pipelineStageDelay()const;
vector<long> & address() {return address_;}
const vector<long> & address() const {return address_;}
input_template & input_module() {return input_module_;}
output_template & output_module() {return output_module_;}
long physic_ports() {return physic_ports_;}
long vc_number() {return vc_number_;}
long buffer_size() {return buffer_size_;}
void accept_flit(time_type a, const flit_template & b);
double power_buffer_report() { return power_module_.power_buffer_report();}
double power_crossbar_report() { return power_module_.power_crossbar_report();}
double power_arbiter_report() { return power_module_.power_arbiter_report();}
double power_link_report() { return power_module_.power_link_report();}
//simulation results and empty checking
//empty check
void empty_check() const;
//a: phy ports. b: vc number. c: buffer size. d: output buffer size.
//e: its address f: ary_size g: flit_size
sim_router_template(long a, long b, long c, long d,
const add_type & e, long f, long g);
//simulator evoking
void router_sim_pwr(time_type routingPeriod);
//calculate the total delay
void delay_update(time_type a) { total_delay_ += a;}
time_type total_delay() const {return total_delay_;}
time_type total_delay() {return total_delay_;}
//receive credit processing
void receive_credit(long a, long b);
void receive_packet();
//changed at 2022-9-22
void inject_packet(long a, add_type & b, add_type & c, time_type d,
long e,SPacket::TId packet_id);
void receive_flit(long a, long b, flit_template & c);
void routing_decision();
void XY_algorithm(const add_type & des_t, const add_type & sor_t,
long s_ph, long s_vc);
void TXY_algorithm(const add_type & des_t,
const add_type & sor_t, long s_ph, long s_vc);
VC_type vc_selection(long a, long b);
void vc_arbitration();
void sw_arbitration();
void flit_outbuffer();
void flit_traversal();
void flit_traversal(long a);
/* ifstream & localinFile() {return * localinFile_;}
void init_local_file(); */
//changed at 2020-5-6
void chiplet_routing_alg(const add_type & des_t,const add_type & sor_t, long s_ph, long s_vc);
//changed at 2020-5-19
void chiplet_star_topo_routing_alg(const add_type & des_t,const add_type & src_t, long s_ph, long s_vc);
//changed at 2021-10-26
void inputTrace(const SPacket&packet);
//changed at 2022-4-3
long getOutBufferSize()const
return outbuffer_size_;
long getArySize()const
return ary_size_;
long getFlitSize()const
return flit_size_;
class CXYRouter:public sim_router_template
virtual void routingAlg(const add_type&dst,const add_type&src,long s_ph,long s_vc);
virtual time_type getWireDelay(long port);
virtual void getNextAddress(add_type&nextAddress,long port);
virtual long getWirePc(long port);
virtual void getFromRouter(add_type&from,long port);
virtual long getFromPort(long port);
CXYRouter(long port_cnt,long vc_cnt,long in_buf_size,long out_buf_size,const add_type&address,long ary_size,long flit_size);
class CTXYRouter:public sim_router_template
virtual void routingAlg(const add_type&dst,const add_type&src,long s_ph,long s_vc);
virtual time_type getWireDelay(long port);
virtual void getNextAddress(add_type&nextAddress,long port);
virtual long getWirePc(long port);
virtual void getFromRouter(add_type&from,long port);
virtual long getFromPort(long port);
CTXYRouter(long port_cnt,long vc_cnt,long in_buf_size,long out_buf_size,const add_type&address,long ary_size,long flit_size);
class CChipletMeshRouter:public sim_router_template
virtual void routingAlg(const add_type&dst,const add_type&src,long s_ph,long s_vc);
virtual time_type getWireDelay(long port);
virtual void getNextAddress(add_type&nextAddress,long port);
virtual long getWirePc(long port);
virtual void getFromRouter(add_type&from,long port);
virtual long getFromPort(long port);
CChipletMeshRouter(long port_cnt,long vc_cnt,long in_buf_size,long out_buf_size,const add_type&address,long ary_size,long flit_size);
class CChipletStarRouter:public sim_router_template
virtual void routingAlg(const add_type&dst,const add_type&src,long s_ph,long s_vc);
virtual time_type getWireDelay(long port);
virtual void getNextAddress(add_type&nextAddress,long port);
virtual long getWirePc(long port);
virtual void getFromRouter(add_type&from,long port);
virtual long getFromPort(long port);
CChipletStarRouter(long port_cnt,long vc_cnt,long in_buf_size,long out_buf_size,const add_type&address,long ary_size,long flit_size);
//changed at 2022-4-4
class CGraphTopo:public sim_router_template
struct SLinkInfo{
TAddressNumber neighbourPort;
time_type linkDelay;
TAddressNumber neighbour;
/* static std::unordered_map<TAddressNumber,TAddressNumber>add_index_map;
static std::vector<TAddressNumber>index_add_map; */
static graph_t topo0;
static TMatrix delayTable;
static TMatrix energyTable;
static TIntMatrix routingTable;
static TAddressNumber vertexCnt;
static std::unique_ptr<std::vector<SLinkInfo>[]>portMap;
static std::unique_ptr<std::unordered_map<TAddressNumber,TAddressNumber>[]>nextHop_port_map;
static std::vector<std::size_t>vPortCount;
static std::unique_ptr<vertex_t[]>topoVertices;
static void readTopo();
static void setPipelineDelay(graph_t&topo);
static void setPortCnt(graph_t&topo);
static void otherInit();
static void setTopoVertices(graph_t&topo);
static void calRoutingTable(graph_t&topo);
TAddressNumber getAddressNumber()const;
void tableRoutingAlg(const add_type&dst,const add_type&src,long s_ph,long s_vc,
virtual void routingAlg(const add_type&dst,const add_type&src,long s_ph,long s_vc);
time_type tableWireDelay(long port,std::unique_ptr<std::vector<CGraphTopo::SLinkInfo>[]>&port_map);
virtual time_type getWireDelay(long port);
void getNeighbour(add_type&neighbourAddress,long port,std::unique_ptr<std::vector<CGraphTopo::SLinkInfo>[]>&port_map);
virtual void getNextAddress(add_type&nextAddress,long port);
long getNeighbourPort(long port,std::unique_ptr<std::vector<CGraphTopo::SLinkInfo>[]>&port_map);
virtual long getWirePc(long port);
virtual void getFromRouter(add_type&from,long port);
virtual long getFromPort(long port);
virtual time_type pipelineStageDelay()const;
static void init();
CGraphTopo(long port_cnt,long vc_cnt,long in_buf_size,long out_buf_size,const add_type&address,long ary_size,long flit_size);
friend class CRouter;
void addRoutingForDifferentVC(input_template&inputModule,long s_ph,long s_vc,long port,long vc_cnt=VIRTUAL_CHANNEL_COUNT_0);
马建仓 AI 助手