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build.bat 6.08 KB
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Neucrack 提交于 2018-09-30 14:35 . optimize build script
@echo off
REM //set you csdtk path
if %USER_CSDTK%a==a (echo NO CSDTK,please install CSDTK firstly && pause && exit)
set startTime=%time%
if not defined CSDTK4INSTALLDIR (
set ptemp=platform\compilation\win32;
call %USER_CSDTK%\CSDTKvars.bat
REM echo first time set csdtk auto
) else (
set ptemp=
set PATH=%ptemp%%PATH%
set SOFT_WORKDIR=%cd:\=/%
set BUILD_PATH=%cd%
set compileMode=debug
if "%1%"x =="demo"x (
set PROJ_NAME=%2%
if "%3%"x =="release"x (
set compileMode=release
sed -i "15d" Makefile
sed -i "15i\PROJECT_PATH += demo/%2%" Makefile
goto compile
REM goto end_exit
)else (
if "%1%"x =="clean"x (
goto clean_project
) else (
if "%1%"x =="fota"x (
goto run_fota
) else (
if exist "%1%" (
set PROJ_NAME=%1%
if "%2%"x =="release"x (
set compileMode=release
sed -i "15d" Makefile
sed -i "15i\PROJECT_PATH += %1%" Makefile
goto compile
REM goto end_exit
) else (
echo param %1% is not illege
goto usage_help
set LOG_FILE=%BUILD_PATH%\build\%PROJ_NAME%_build.log
if exist "%BUILD_PATH%\build" (
echo build folder exist
) else (
md %BUILD_PATH%\build
echo number of processors: %number_of_processors%
make -r -j%number_of_processors% CT_RELEASE=%compileMode% 2>&1 | tee %LOG_FILE%
REM make -r -j4 CT_RELEASE=%compileMode% 2>&1
REM copy hex\%PROJ_NAME%\%PROJ_NAME%_flash.lod hex\%PROJ_NAME%\%PROJ_NAME%_flash_%compileMode%.lod
REM del hex\%PROJ_NAME%\%PROJ_NAME%_flash.lod
set MEMD_DEF_PATH=platform\csdk\memd.def
FOR /F %%i IN ('grep -n "USER_RAM_SIZE" %MEMD_DEF_PATH% ^| gawk '{print $3}'') DO @set /a ram_total=%%i
FOR /F %%i IN ('grep -n "USER_ROM_SIZE" %MEMD_DEF_PATH% ^| gawk '{print $3}'') DO @set /a rom_total=%%i
FOR /F %%i IN ('grep -n "__user_rw_size = (__user_rw_end - __user_rw_start)" %MAP_FILE_PATH% ^| gawk '{print $2}'') DO @set /a use_ram_size=%%i
FOR /F %%i IN ('grep -n "__rom_size = (__user_rw_lma - __rom_start)" %MAP_FILE_PATH% ^| gawk '{print $2}'') DO @set /a use_rom_size=%%i
FOR /F %%i IN ('grep -n "__user_bss_size = (__user_bss_end - __user_bss_start)" %MAP_FILE_PATH% ^| gawk '{print $2}'') DO @set /a use_rom_bss_size=%%i
REM echo %ram_total% %rom_total% %use_ram_size% %use_rom_size% %use_rom_bss_size%
set /a ram_use=%use_ram_size%+%use_rom_bss_size%
set /a rom_use=%use_rom_size%+%use_rom_bss_size%
REM set /a ram_percent=%ram_use%*10000/%ram_total%
REM set /a rom_percent=rom_use*10000/%rom_total%
echo -------------------------------------------------
echo ROM total:%rom_total% Bytes used:%rom_use% Bytes
echo RAM total:%ram_total% Bytes used:%ram_use% Bytes
goto end_exit
if exist %BUILD_PATH%\hex (
if "%2%"x =="all"x (
echo delte %SOFT_WORKDIR%/hex
rd /s/q %BUILD_PATH%\hex
rd /s/q %BUILD_PATH%\build
) else (
echo delte %SOFT_WORKDIR%/hex/%2%
rd /s/q %BUILD_PATH%\hex\%2%
rd /s/q %BUILD_PATH%\build\%2%
) else (
echo already clean
echo clean complete
goto end_exit
if exist "%2%" (
if exist "%3%" (
echo [OTA] waiting for making fota pack...
echo this will take a few minutes...
if not exist "hex\tmp" md hex\tmp
python platform\compilation\lodtool.py gen_ota --lod %2% --out hex\tmp\old_ota_lod.lod
python platform\compilation\lodtool.py gen_ota --lod %3% --out hex\tmp\new_ota_lod.lod
platform\compilation\fota\fotacreate.exe 4194304 65536 hex\tmp\old_ota_lod.lod hex\tmp\new_ota_lod.lod %4%
rd /q /s hex\tmp
) else (
echo usage: 'build.bat fota old.lod new.lod fota.pack'
) else (
echo usage: 'build.bat fota old.lod new.lod fota.pack'
goto end_exit
echo usage:
echo use 'build.bat fota old.lod new.lod fota.pack'
echo use 'build.bat PROJECTNAME' to build the project in ./PROJECTNAME
echo eg: build.bat app
echo use 'build.bat demo PROJECTNAME' to build demo in ./demo/PROJECTNAME
echo use 'build.bat clean PROJECTNAME' to clean the project PROJECTNAME build files
echo use 'build.bat clean all' to clean all the project build files
echo use 'build.bat ... release' to build release software
echo eg: 'build.bat demo gpio release'
goto end_exit
set endTime=%time%
if "a%startTime:~-11,1%"=="a " (
set startTime=0%startTime:~-10%
if "a%endTime:~-11,1%"=="a " (
set endTime=0%endTime:~-10%
set startTime=%startTime:~-11%
set endTime=%endTime:~-11%
set /a msec1=1%startTime:~-2,2%-100
set /a second1=1%startTime:~-5,2%-100
set /a minute1=1%startTime:~-8,2%-100
set /a hour1=1%startTime:~-11,2%-100
set /a msec2=1%endTime:~-2,2%-100
set /a second2=1%endTime:~-5,2%-100
set /a minute2=1%endTime:~-8,2%-100
set /a hour2=1%endTime:~-11,2%-100
set /a time1MS=%msec1%+%second1%*1000+%minute1%*1000*60+%hour1%*1000*60*60
set /a time2MS=%msec2%+%second2%*1000+%minute2%*1000*60+%hour2%*1000*60*60
set /a timeIntervalMS=%time2MS%-%time1MS%
set /a intervalMS=1%timeIntervalMS:~-3,3%-1000
set /a intervalS =%timeIntervalMS%/1000
echo =================================================
echo Start Time : %startTime%
echo End Time : %endTime%
echo Build Time : %intervalS%.%intervalMS%s
echo =================================================
马建仓 AI 助手