同步操作将从 沈宇/hexo-theme-ayer 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
注:收藏本主题请点右上角 Star,谢谢~~ 如果你想给主题添砖加瓦,可以点右上角 Fork,然后给此仓库提交 PR
npm i hexo-theme-ayer -S
file will be generated in the root directory after the installation is complete, and you can directly edit the _config.ayer.yml
file for configuration._config.ayer.yml
.git clone https://github.com/Shen-Yu/hexo-theme-ayer.git themes/ayer
Modify theme
setting in _config.yml
to ayer
theme: ayer
cd themes/ayer
git pull
zh-CN(中文简体) en(English) zh-TW(中文繁体) ja(日本語) es(Español) de(Deutsch) fr(Français) ru(Русский) ko(한국어) vi(Tiếng Việt) nl(Nederlands) no(norsk) pt(Português)
English is default languge, if you want to change, modify language
option in _config.yml
file in your Hexo blog's root folder.
let me know if you have any questions.
# Menu-Sidebar
Home: /
Archives: /archives
Categories: /categories
Tags: /tags
Gallery: http://shenyu-vip.lofter.com
Travel: /tags/旅行/
About: /2019/about
# Subtitle and Typing animation
# https://github.com/mattboldt/typed.js
enable: true
text: A clean and elegant theme
text2: It's perfect for your hexo blog
text3: Have fun! #Supports up to three lines of text
startDelay: 0
typeSpeed: 200
loop: true
backSpeed: 100
showCursor: true
# Favicon and sidebar logo
favicon: /favicon.ico
logo: /images/ayer-side.svg
# Cover Setting
# enable: [true|false];path: [background-image];logo: [cover-logo-image]
enable: true
path: /images/cover1.jpg # there are some beautiful cover images in Ayer's directory: /source/images, choose your favorite image to replace it.
logo: /images/ayer.svg
# ProgressBar
progressBar: true
# Boardcast
enable: true
type: 2 # 1:custom,2:hitokoto api(https://hitokoto.cn/)
text: a clean and elegant theme, fast and responsive. # only work in custom mode
# Article Setting
# (Use this to excerpt if article is too long:<!--more-->)
excerpt_all: false
# Copy code button
copy_btn: true
# Share
share_enable: true
# If you are not in China, maybe you prefer to set:false
share_china: true
# share text
share_text: Share
# search text
search_text: Search
# nav text
page_prev: Prev page
page_next: Next page
post_prev: Newer posts
post_next: Older posts
# Catalog in article
toc: true
# images in the article support click to fullscreen
image_viewer: true
# https://github.com/willin/hexo-wordcount
enable: true
# only display in article page(not in index page)
only_article_visit: true
# Reward Setting
# type:0-close reward; 1-only open in article which you have configured reward:true; 2-open in all articles
reward_type: 2
# reward word
reward_wording: "Buy me a cup of coffee~"
# qrcode image path
alipay: /images/alipay.jpg
# qrcode image path
weixin: /images/wechat.jpg
# Copyright
# type:0-close all; 1-only display in article which you have configured copyright: true; 2-all articles
copyright_type: 2
# Search
# https://github.com/theme-next/hexo-generator-searchdb
search: true
# leave it empty if you dont' need
rss: /atom.xml
# DarkMode
darkmode: true
# Canvas background style: 0-close,1-moveline
canvas_bg: 0
# Custom mouse pointer,replace /images/mouse.cur
enable: false
path: /images/mouse.cur
# Click effect: 0-close,1-love,2-boom,3-particles
click_effect: 0
# articleWidth and sidebarWidth
article_width: 80rem
sidebar_width: 8rem
# GitHub Ribbons(https://github.blog/2008-12-19-github-ribbons/)
# (Set false if you don't need)
enable: false
url: https://github.com/Shen-Yu/hexo-theme-ayer
# pv&uv statistics
enable: true
# cnzz statistics
enable: true
url: #
# Google Analytics
google_analytics: ""
# Baidu Analytics
baidu_analytics: ""
# Mathjax Support
mathjax: true
# Katex Support
# note: need change the hexo-renderer,npm un hexo-renderer-marked -S && npm i hexo-renderer-markdown-it-katex -S
enable: false # true
allpost: true
copy_tex: false
# since year
since: 2019
# only for chinese website
enable: false
url: "http://www.beian.miit.gov.cn/"
text: "浙ICP备88888888"
# gongan
enable: false
img: /images/beian.png
url: "http://www.beian.gov.cn/portal/registerSystemInfo?recordcode=01234567890123" #link
text: "浙公网安备01234567890123号"
# friends link
Ayer: #site name
# site url
url: https://github.com/Shen-Yu/hexo-theme-ayer
# site icon(optional)
img: /images/ayer.png
url: https://github.com/Shen-Yu
img: https://i.loli.net/2020/09/07/indb4PRYDA98EkN.png
url: https://gitee.com/shen-yu
img: https://i.loli.net/2020/09/07/K3AqO7h6krQFlRX.png
url: https://hexo.io
img: https://i.loli.net/2020/09/07/UYGzjo7h68CRWny.png
url: https://github.com/Shen-Yu/hexo-tag-chart
img: https://i.loli.net/2020/09/07/GIXBYE5SoylhR1r.png
# Comment:1、Valine (recommended);2、Gitalk;3、Twikoo;4、MiniValine
# You can close the comment section on one of your posts by marking `comments: false` in front-matter.
# 1、Valine [A fast, simple & powerful comment system](https://github.com/xCss/Valine)
# You need create leancloud account first (https://console.leancloud.app), then put the id|key in below.
enable: true
app_id: #
app_key: #
# Valine Setting
enable: true
avatar: mp # (https://valine.js.org/avatar.html)
placeholder: Add some comments to my article~ # placeholder
# 2、Gitalk(https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk)
enable: false # true
clientID: # GitHub Application Client ID
clientSecret: # Client Secret
repo: # Repository name
owner: # GitHub ID
admin: # GitHub ID
# 3、Twikoo(https://github.com/imaegoo/twikoo)
enable: false
envId: #
# 4、MiniValine
# See: https://github.com/MiniValine/MiniValine
enable: false
serverURL: https://minivaline.your-domain.com
# advertisement
# if there is an "ad" word in photo or url,it may blocked by adblock or any other browser extensions
title: vultr优惠vps
img: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Shen-Yu/cdn/img/vultr.png
url: https://www.vultr.com/?ref=8630075
width: 300
title: 云服务器全球购低至2折
img: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Shen-Yu/cdn/img/ten_2.jpg
url: https://curl.qcloud.com/kvO7hb43
width: 300
# encrypt settings
enable: false
password: 123456
hexo-generator-search (for Local Search)
$ npm install hexo-generator-searchdb --save
Then add the plugin configuration in hexo's configuration file _config.yml
(note: not the theme's configuration file):
# Hexo-generator-search
path: search.xml
field: post
format: html
hexo-generator-feed (for RSS)
$ npm install hexo-generator-feed --save
Then add the plugin configuration in hexo's configuration file _config.yml
(note: not the theme's configuration file):
type: atom
path: atom.xml
limit: 20
content_limit: 140
content_limit_delim: ' '
order_by: -date
hexo-generator-index-pin-top (for Sticky Post)
$ npm uninstall hexo-generator-index --save
$ npm install hexo-generator-index-pin-top --save
hexo new page categories
Then paste following codes to file: /source/categories/index.md
title: categories
type: categories
layout: "categories"
Same as categories.
hexo new page friends
Then paste following codes to file: /source/friends/index.md
title: friends
type: friends
layout: "friends"
Then edit friends_link
in _config.yml
Need to write in the head of the markdown, this is not a good way to write, I hope to get a better way to write on github.
title: Gallery
albums: [["img_url", "img_caption"], ["img_url", "img_caption"]]
Use Tocbot to parse the title tags (h1~h6) in the content and insert the directory.
# Toc
toc: true
If Toc is turned on in ayer/_config.yml, then Tocbot will generate a Toc article directory in the title tag of each blog parsing content, but not all blogs require Toc, so in the Front-matter section of markdown Can be closed:
no_toc: true
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.
Ayer by Eric-Shen is licensed under SATA-License.
The basic idea is, whenever using a project using SATA license, people shall star/like/+1 that project and thank the author. Just imagine Google stared your project and send you a thank-you letter because they used your project in github!
本项目采用SATA开源协议,在遵守 MIT 许可证的前提下,你应该马不停蹄的给这个开源项目“点个赞”,比如 github 右上角的 star,然后你应该感谢这个开源项目的作者,作者信息可以在许可证头部的版权声明部分找到。
下面是几条 SATA 作者推荐的感谢途径,也是 SATA 包含的内容:
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。