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client-example-Lin-subs.py 5.32 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
LinSan 提交于 2019-04-18 16:34 . add get "Views" folder capability
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "..")
import logging
import time
from opcua import Client, ua
from datetime import datetime
from IPython import embed
except ImportError:
import code
def embed():
vars = globals()
shell = code.InteractiveConsole(vars)
class SubHandler(object):
this is the default alert, known as the messaging alert.
Subscription Handler. To receive events from server for a subscription
data_change and event methods are called directly from receiving thread.
Do not do expensive, slow or network operation there. Create another
thread if you need to do such a thing
in the subscription, the handler is used as follows:
self._handler.datachange_notification(data.node, item.Value.Value.Value, event_data)
we could have different handlers, some (like this one) is for giving alerts, while the others are to collect
data or do other things.
def datachange_notification(self, node, val, data):
print("Python: New data change event @ ", node, ' with value of ', val,' @', datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"))
def event_notification(self, event):
print("Python: New event", event)
class RecordHandler(SubHandler):
this is the record handler
def datachange_notification(self, node, val, data):
record = ' '.join([str(datetime.now()), 'Python: New data change event', str(node), str(val), '\n'])
with open(''.join(['workfile', datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d"), '.txt']),'a+') as f:
def event_notification(self, event):
print("Python: New event", event)
if __name__ == "__main__":
#logger = logging.getLogger("KeepAlive")
client = Client("opc.tcp://localhost:4842")
# client = Client("opc.tcp://admin@localhost:4840/freeopcua/server/") #connect using a user
client.load_type_definitions() # load definition of server specific structures/extension objects
#warm-up Client has a few methods to get proxy to UA nodes that should always be in address space such as \
#Root or Objects. this is less useful to Apros. Because in Apros, root node is in namespace 0 while all the \
#data we want is in namespace 2.
root = client.get_root_node()
print("Root node is: ", root)
# Node objects have methods to read and write node attributes as well as browse or populate address space
print("Children of root are: ", root.get_children())
# in Apros, roos is divided into Objects, Types and Views. Simulation node, though in namespace 2, behind \
# Objects node, is where we get the data.
[objects, types, views] = root.get_children()
# or we can just get the objects node.\
# objects = client.get_objects_node()
print("Objects node is: ", objects)
# now we show how to get the data from one node through node id. node id is a excellent way of referencing \
# without using the browse path (which tends to cause mutiple return values of node id)
# 1st, getting our namespace idx, it should always be 2.
# by tradition, namespace 2 is for Simulation data. namespace 0 is for server connection and other type
#definitions. objects have identifier of 85. types of 86 and view of 87. the root is 84. however, the data
# we want, it has no identifier.
uri = "http://www.apros.fi/OPC_UA/"
idx = client.get_namespace_index(uri)
# 2nd, get a specific node knowing its node id
#first, create the nodeid. plz ref to opcua/client/client.py:490 and opcua/ua/uatypes.py:287
aprosVarLabel = 'COV01.VA12_LIQ_MASS_FLOW'
aprosVarType = 'CONTROL_VALVE'
glue = '!'
nodeIdentifier = glue.join(['TYPES', aprosVarType[0], aprosVarType, aprosVarLabel])
#nodeIdentifier = 'TYPES!A!ANALOG_SIGNAL!XA01'
myNodeId = ua.NodeId(nodeIdentifier, idx)
#the final format of NodeId looks like:
myVarNode = client.get_node(myNodeId) # including its current value, old value and address
#[myFullVarValueObj, _, _] = myVarNode.get_variables() #get the full Value object from the node.
myVarDataValueObj = myVarNode.get_data_value() # get the DataValue object from full Value object
myValue = myVarDataValueObj.Value
messager = SubHandler() #messaging handler
sub_messager = client.create_subscription(500, messager)
handle_messager = sub_messager.subscribe_data_change(myVarNode)
recorder = RecordHandler() #record handler
sub_recorder = client.create_subscription(500, recorder)
handle_recorder = sub_recorder.subscribe_data_change(myVarNode)
# we can also subscribe to events from server
# sub.unsubscribe(handle)
# sub.delete()
# calling a method on server
#res = obj.call_method("{}:multiply".format(idx), 3, "klk")
#print("method result is: ", res)
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