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Peter Jones 提交于 2020-04-27 16:30 . efivar-38~1
Name: efivar
Version: @@VERSION@@~1
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: Tools to manage UEFI variables
License: LGPLv2.1
URL: https://github.com/rhboot/efivar
Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release}
ExclusiveArch: %{efi}
BuildRequires: efi-srpm-macros gcc git glibc-static libabigail
# please don't fix this to reflect github's incomprehensible url that goes
# to a different tarball.
Source0: https://github.com/rhboot/efivar/releases/download/%{version}/efivar-%{version}.tar.bz2
Source1: efivar.patches
%include %{SOURCE1}
efivar provides a simple command line interface to the UEFI variable facility.
%package libs
Summary: Library to manage UEFI variables
%description libs
Library to allow for the simple manipulation of UEFI variables.
%package devel
Summary: Development headers for libefivar
Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release}
%description devel
development headers required to use libefivar.
%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}
git init
git config user.email "%{name}-owner@fedoraproject.org"
git config user.name "Fedora Ninjas"
git add .
git commit -a -q -m "%{version} baseline."
git am %{patches} </dev/null
git config --unset user.email
git config --unset user.name
make LIBDIR=%{_libdir} BINDIR=%{_bindir} CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -flto" LDFLAGS="$RPM_LD_FLAGS -flto"
install -m 0644 src/abignore %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/efivar/.abignore
%ifarch x86_64
make abicheck
%ldconfig_scriptlets libs
%{!?_licensedir:%global license %%doc}
%license COPYING
%doc README.md
%exclude %{_bindir}/efivar-static
%files devel
%files libs
* Mon Apr 27 2020 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 38~1-1
- Update to efivar 38 pre-release 1
* Wed Apr 22 2020 Hans de Goede <hdegoede@redhat.com> - 37-8
- Add a patch to fix eMMC sysfs path parsing
Resolves: rhbz#1826864
* Mon Feb 24 2020 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 37-7
- Package our abignore file to try to shut taskotron up some.
* Mon Feb 24 2020 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 37-6
- Pull in a bunch of patches from upstream.
* Tue Jan 28 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 37-5
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_32_Mass_Rebuild
* Tue Nov 12 2019 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 37-4
- Update for some compiler warning fixes.
Resolves: rhbz#1735168
* Wed Jul 24 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 37-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Mass_Rebuild
* Thu Jan 31 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 37-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild
* Wed Dec 05 2018 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 37-1
- Update to efivar 37:
- Minor coverity fixes
- Improve ACPI device path formatting
- Add support for SOC devices that use FDT as their PCI root node
- Make devices we can't parse the "device" sysfs link for use DEV_ABBREV_ONLY
- Handle SCSI port numbers better
- Don't require an EUI for NVMe
- Fix the accidental requirement on ACPI UID nodes existing
- Add support for EMMC devices
- Add support for PCI root nodes without a device link in sysfs
- Add support for partitioned MD devices
- Fix partition number detection when the number isn't provided
- Add support for ACPI Generic Container and Embedded Controller root nodes
- Add limited support for SAS/SATA port expanders
* Mon Sep 17 2018 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 36-1
- Update to efivar 36
- Add NVDIMM support
- Re-written linux interface parser to handle how devices are
partitioned better, and for cleaner code, with one file per device
- lots of verbosity updates
- better CI
- analysis with clang's analyzer as well as coverity
- Better handling of immutable bits in sysfs
- lots of code cleanups.
* Thu Jul 12 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 35-4
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_29_Mass_Rebuild
* Fri May 04 2018 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 35-3
- Rebuild for new efi-rpm-macros, now that it has settled down a bit.
* Tue May 01 2018 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 35-2
- Use efi-rpm-macros instead of defining efi-related macros ourselves
* Mon Apr 09 2018 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 35-1
- Update to efivar 35
- fixes for older compilers
- efi_get_variable_exists()
- Lots of stuff to make CI work.
- use usleep() to avoid hitting the kernel rate limiter on efivarfs
- better EFI_GUID macro
- add efi_guid_fwupdate (0abba7dc-e516-4167-bbf5-4d9d1c739416)
* Tue Feb 27 2018 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 34-1
- Update to efivar 34, and include a patch to avoid upstream rate limiting.
* Wed Feb 07 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 33-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild
* Tue Jan 30 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org> 33-2
- Enable ARMv7, minor spec cleanups
* Tue Jan 23 2018 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 33-1
- Add NVDIMM support
- Bump version to 33
* Tue Sep 12 2017 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 32-2
- Make efi_guid_ux_capsule actually get exported right.
* Tue Sep 12 2017 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 32-1
- efivar 32
- lots of coverity fixes; mostly leaked memory and fds and the like
- fix sysfs pci path formats
- handle device paths for dns, nfit, bluetooth, wifi, emmc, btle.
- improved abi checking on releases
- Fix failures on EDIT_WRITE in edit_variable() when the variable doesn't exist
- Add efi_guid_ux_capsule_guid to our guids
- Now with %%check
* Wed Aug 02 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 31-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild
* Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 31-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild
* Mon Mar 06 2017 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 31-1
- Update to efivar 31
- Work around NVMe EUI sysfs change
- Provide some oldish version strings we should have kept.
- lots of overflow checking on our pointer math in dp parsing
- fix major/minor device number handling in the linux code
- Do better formatting checks for MBR partitions
- Fixes for gcc 7
* Fri Feb 10 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 30-5
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild
* Mon Oct 17 2016 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 30-4
- Handle NVMe device attributes paths moving around in sysfs.
* Wed Sep 28 2016 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 30-3
- Maybe even provide the *right* old linker deps.
* Tue Sep 27 2016 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 30-2
- Try not to screw up SONAME stuff quite so badly.
* Tue Sep 27 2016 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 30-1
- Fix efidp_*() functions with __pure__ that break with some optimizations
- Fix NVMe EUI parsing.
* Tue Sep 27 2016 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 29-1
- Use -pie not -PIE in our linker config
- Fix some overflow checks for gcc < 5.x
- Make variable class probes other than the first one actually work
- Move -flto to CFLAGS
- Pack all of the efi device path headers
- Fix redundant decl of efi_guid_zero()
* Wed Aug 17 2016 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 28-1
- Make our sonames always lib$FOO.1 , not lib$FOO.$VERSION .
* Tue Aug 16 2016 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 27-1
- Bug fix for 086eeb17 in efivar 26.
* Thu Aug 11 2016 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 26-1
- Use symmacros.h to make newer compilers happy
- Fix a bug in efidp_size() double-counting End nodes sometimes.
- Handle nonnull comparisons in the headers more gracefully.
* Wed Aug 10 2016 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 25-1
- Rework version numbers.
- Add error tracking API.
- Remove use of deprecated readdir_r
- SATA device path fixes.
* Mon Jul 13 2015 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.21-1
- Rename "make test" so packagers don't think it's a good idea to run it
during builds.
- Error check sizes in vars_get_variable()
- Fix some file size comparisons
- make SONAME reflect the correct values.
- Fix some uses of "const"
- Compile with -O2 by default
- Fix some strict-aliasing violations
- Fix some of the .pc files and how we do linking to work better.
* Tue Jun 02 2015 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.20-1
- Update to 0.20
- Make sure tester is build with the right link order for libraries.
- Adjust linker order for pkg-config
- Work around LocateDevicePath() not grokking PcieRoot() devices properly.
- Rectify some missing changelog entries
* Thu May 28 2015 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.19-1
- Update to 0.19
- add API from efibootmgr so fwupdate and other tools can use it.
* Wed Oct 15 2014 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.15-1
- Update to 0.15
- Make 32-bit builds set variables' DataSize correctly.
* Wed Oct 08 2014 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.14-1
- Update to 0.14
- add efi_id_guid_to_guid() and efi_guid_to_id_guid(), which support {ID GUID}
as a concept.
- Add some vendor specific guids to our guid list.
- Call "empty" "zero" now, as many other places do. References to
efi_guid_is_empty() and efi_guid_empty still exist for ABI compatibility.
- add "efivar -L" to the man page.
* Tue Oct 07 2014 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.13-1
- Update to 0.13:
- add efi_symbol_to_guid()
- efi_name_to_guid() will now fall back on efi_symbol_to_guid() as a last
- "efivar -L" to list all the guids we know about
- better namespacing on libefivar.so (rename well_known_* -> efi_well_known_*)
* Thu Sep 25 2014 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.12-1
- Update to 0.12
* Wed Aug 20 2014 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.11-1
- Update to 0.11
* Fri May 02 2014 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.10-1
- Update package to 0.10.
- Fixes a build error due to different cflags in the builders vs updstream
* Fri May 02 2014 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.9-0.1
- Update package to 0.9.
* Tue Apr 01 2014 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.8-0.1
- Update package to 0.8 as well.
* Fri Oct 25 2013 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.7-1
- Update package to 0.7
- adds --append support to the binary.
* Fri Sep 06 2013 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.6-1
- Update package to 0.6
- fixes to documentation from lersek
- more validation of uefi guids
- use .xz for archives
* Thu Sep 05 2013 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.5-0.1
- Update to 0.5
* Mon Jun 17 2013 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.4-0.2
- Fix ldconfig invocation
* Mon Jun 17 2013 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.4-0.1
- Initial spec file
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