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Guessing_Game.py 1.43 KB
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anshu189 提交于 2020-10-03 17:56 . Update Guessing_Game.py
from random import randint
from time import sleep
print("Hello Welcome To The Guess Game!")
print("I\'m Geek! What's Your Name?")
name = input()
print(f"Okay {name} Let's Begin The Guessing Game!")
a = comGuess = randint(0, 100) # a and comGuess is initialised with a random number between 0 and 100
count = 0
while True: # loop will run until encountered with the break statement(user enters the right answer)
userGuess = int(input("Enter your guessed no. b/w 0-100:")) # user input for guessing the number
if userGuess < comGuess: # if number guessed by user is lesser than the random number than the user is told to guess higher and the random number comGuess is changed to a new random number between a and 100
print("Guess Higher")
comGuess = randint(a, 100)
a += 1
count = 1
elif userGuess > comGuess: # if number guessed by user is greater than the random number than the user is told to guess lower and the random number comGuess is changed to a new random number between 0 and a
print("Guess Lower")
comGuess = randint(0, a)
a += 1
count = 1
elif userGuess == comGuess and count == 0: # the player needs a special reward for perfect guess in the first try ;-)
print("Bravo! Legendary Guess!")
else: #Well, A Congratulations Message For Guessing Correctly!
print("Congratulations, You Guessed It Correctly!")
马建仓 AI 助手