from os import makedirs
from os.path import exists, join, isfile, dirname, abspath
from helper_tool import DataProcessing as DP
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import yaml
import pickle
BASE_DIR = dirname(abspath(__file__))
data_config = join(BASE_DIR, 'utils', 'semantic-kitti.yaml')
DATA = yaml.safe_load(open(data_config, 'r'))
remap_dict = DATA["learning_map_inv"]
# make lookup table for mapping
max_key = max(remap_dict.keys())
remap_lut = np.zeros((max_key + 100), dtype=np.int32)
remap_lut[list(remap_dict.keys())] = list(remap_dict.values())
remap_dict_val = DATA["learning_map"]
max_key = max(remap_dict_val.keys())
remap_lut_val = np.zeros((max_key + 100), dtype=np.int32)
remap_lut_val[list(remap_dict_val.keys())] = list(remap_dict_val.values())
def log_out(out_str, f_out):
f_out.write(out_str + '\n')
class ModelTester:
def __init__(self, model, dataset, restore_snap=None):
my_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES)
self.saver = tf.train.Saver(my_vars, max_to_keep=100)
self.Log_file = open('log_test_' + dataset.name + '.txt', 'a')
# Create a session for running Ops on the Graph.
on_cpu = False
if on_cpu:
c_proto = tf.ConfigProto(device_count={'GPU': 0})
c_proto = tf.ConfigProto()
c_proto.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
self.sess = tf.Session(config=c_proto)
# Name of the snapshot to restore to (None if you want to start from beginning)
if restore_snap is not None:
self.saver.restore(self.sess, restore_snap)
print("Model restored from " + restore_snap)
self.prob_logits = tf.nn.softmax(model.logits)
self.test_probs = 0
self.idx = 0
def test(self, model, dataset):
# Initialise iterator with train data
self.test_probs = [np.zeros(shape=[len(l), model.config.num_classes], dtype=np.float16)
for l in dataset.possibility]
test_path = join('test', 'sequences')
makedirs(test_path) if not exists(test_path) else None
save_path = join(test_path, dataset.test_scan_number, 'predictions')
makedirs(save_path) if not exists(save_path) else None
test_smooth = 0.98
epoch_ind = 0
while True:
ops = (self.prob_logits,
stacked_probs, labels, point_inds, cloud_inds = self.sess.run(ops, {model.is_training: False})
if self.idx % 10 == 0:
print('step ' + str(self.idx))
self.idx += 1
stacked_probs = np.reshape(stacked_probs, [model.config.val_batch_size,
for j in range(np.shape(stacked_probs)[0]):
probs = stacked_probs[j, :, :]
inds = point_inds[j, :]
c_i = cloud_inds[j][0]
self.test_probs[c_i][inds] = test_smooth * self.test_probs[c_i][inds] + (1 - test_smooth) * probs
except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:
new_min = np.min(dataset.min_possibility)
log_out('Epoch {:3d}, end. Min possibility = {:.1f}'.format(epoch_ind, new_min), self.Log_file)
if np.min(dataset.min_possibility) > 0.5: # 0.5
log_out(' Min possibility = {:.1f}'.format(np.min(dataset.min_possibility)), self.Log_file)
print('\nReproject Vote #{:d}'.format(int(np.floor(new_min))))
# For validation set
num_classes = 19
gt_classes = [0 for _ in range(num_classes)]
positive_classes = [0 for _ in range(num_classes)]
true_positive_classes = [0 for _ in range(num_classes)]
val_total_correct = 0
val_total_seen = 0
for j in range(len(self.test_probs)):
test_file_name = dataset.test_list[j]
frame = test_file_name.split('/')[-1][:-4]
proj_path = join(dataset.dataset_path, dataset.test_scan_number, 'proj')
proj_file = join(proj_path, str(frame) + '_proj.pkl')
if isfile(proj_file):
with open(proj_file, 'rb') as f:
proj_inds = pickle.load(f)
probs = self.test_probs[j][proj_inds[0], :]
pred = np.argmax(probs, 1)
if dataset.test_scan_number == '08':
label_path = join(dirname(dataset.dataset_path), 'sequences', dataset.test_scan_number,
label_file = join(label_path, str(frame) + '.label')
labels = DP.load_label_kitti(label_file, remap_lut_val)
invalid_idx = np.where(labels == 0)[0]
labels_valid = np.delete(labels, invalid_idx)
pred_valid = np.delete(pred, invalid_idx)
labels_valid = labels_valid - 1
correct = np.sum(pred_valid == labels_valid)
val_total_correct += correct
val_total_seen += len(labels_valid)
conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(labels_valid, pred_valid, np.arange(0, num_classes, 1))
gt_classes += np.sum(conf_matrix, axis=1)
positive_classes += np.sum(conf_matrix, axis=0)
true_positive_classes += np.diagonal(conf_matrix)
store_path = join(test_path, dataset.test_scan_number, 'predictions',
str(frame) + '.label')
pred = pred + 1
pred = pred.astype(np.uint32)
upper_half = pred >> 16 # get upper half for instances
lower_half = pred & 0xFFFF # get lower half for semantics
lower_half = remap_lut[lower_half] # do the remapping of semantics
pred = (upper_half << 16) + lower_half # reconstruct full label
pred = pred.astype(np.uint32)
log_out(str(dataset.test_scan_number) + ' finished', self.Log_file)
if dataset.test_scan_number=='08':
iou_list = []
for n in range(0, num_classes, 1):
iou = true_positive_classes[n] / float(
gt_classes[n] + positive_classes[n] - true_positive_classes[n])
mean_iou = sum(iou_list) / float(num_classes)
log_out('eval accuracy: {}'.format(val_total_correct / float(val_total_seen)), self.Log_file)
log_out('mean IOU:{}'.format(mean_iou), self.Log_file)
mean_iou = 100 * mean_iou
print('Mean IoU = {:.1f}%'.format(mean_iou))
s = '{:5.2f} | '.format(mean_iou)
for IoU in iou_list:
s += '{:5.2f} '.format(100 * IoU)
print('-' * len(s))
print('-' * len(s) + '\n')
epoch_ind += 1
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