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dataPreProcess.py 4.62 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
yuanyun 提交于 2018-06-15 18:11 . 金庸文本
import pickle
import os
# 加载数据
def load_text(path):
input_file = os.path.join(path)
with open(input_file, 'r') as f:
text_data = f.read()
return text_data
def load_jinyongData():
text = ''
for dirname in os.listdir('./data/jinyong'):
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join('./data/jinyong',dirname)):
for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join('./data/jinyong',dirname)):
if filename.endswith('txt'):
text_temp = []
with open(os.path.join('./data/jinyong/' + dirname, filename), 'rb') as f:
text_data = f.read()
text_data = text_data.decode("gbk")
text_temp = text_data.split('\r\n')
text_temp[:4] = ''
text = text + ''.join(text_temp)
return text
# 第一层处理:去掉空格和换行符
def first_spaceAndEnter(text):
num_words_for_training = 100000
text = text[:num_words_for_training]
# print(text)
lines_of_text = text.split('\n')
# print(len(lines_of_text))
# print(lines_of_text[:15])
lines_of_text = lines_of_text[14:]
# print(lines_of_text)
lines_of_text = [lines for lines in lines_of_text if len(lines) > 0]
# print(len(lines_of_text))
# print(lines_of_text[:20])
lines_of_text = [lines.strip() for lines in lines_of_text]
# print(lines_of_text)
return lines_of_text
# 去掉无用的内容和嵌在书中的广告
def two_otherNoUseContent(lines_of_text):
import re
# 生成一个正则,负责找『[]』包含的内容
pattern = re.compile(r'\[.*\]')
# 将所有指定内容替换成空
lines_of_text = [pattern.sub("", lines) for lines in lines_of_text]
# print(lines_of_text)
# 将上面的正则换成负责找『<>』包含的内容
pattern = re.compile(r'<.*>')
# 将所有指定内容替换成空
lines_of_text = [pattern.sub("", lines) for lines in lines_of_text]
# 将上面的正则换成负责找『......』包含的内容
pattern = re.compile(r'\.+')
# 将所有指定内容替换成空
lines_of_text = [pattern.sub("。", lines) for lines in lines_of_text]
# 将上面的正则换成负责找行中的空格
pattern = re.compile(r' +')
# 将所有指定内容替换成空
lines_of_text = [pattern.sub(",", lines) for lines in lines_of_text]
# print(lines_of_text[:20])
# print(lines_of_text[-20:])
# 将上面的正则换成负责找句尾『\\r』的内容
pattern = re.compile(r'\\r')
# 将所有指定内容替换成空
lines_of_text = [pattern.sub("", lines) for lines in lines_of_text]
# print(lines_of_text[-20:])
return lines_of_text
def jinyong_first_spaceAndEnter(text):
# print(text)
lines_of_text = text.split('\u3000\u3000')
# lines_of_text = lines_of_text[14:]
# print(lines_of_text)
lines_of_text = [lines for lines in lines_of_text if len(lines) > 0]
lines_of_text = [lines.strip() for lines in lines_of_text]
# print(lines_of_text)
return lines_of_text
# 文字 《==》 数字
def create_lookup_tables(input_data):
vocab = set(input_data)
# 文字到数字的映射
vocab_to_int = {word: idx for idx, word in enumerate(vocab)}
# 数字到文字的映射
int_to_vocab = dict(enumerate(vocab))
return vocab_to_int, int_to_vocab
# 符号 《==》 字母
def token_lookup():
symbols = set(['。', ',', '“', "”", ';', '!', '?', '(', ')', '——', '\n'])
tokens = ["P", "C", "Q", "T", "S", "E", "M", "I", "O", "D", "R"]
return dict(zip(symbols, tokens))
# 将文字转换格式内容存储preprocess.p
def preprocess_and_save_data(text, token_lookup, create_lookup_tables):
token_dict = token_lookup()
for key, token in token_dict.items():
text = text.replace(key, '{}'.format(token))
text = list(text)
vocab_to_int, int_to_vocab = create_lookup_tables(text)
int_text = [vocab_to_int[word] for word in text]
pickle.dump((int_text, vocab_to_int, int_to_vocab, token_dict), open('./data/jinyong/preprocess.p', 'wb'))
# pickle.dump((int_text, vocab_to_int, int_to_vocab, token_dict), open('./data/preprocess.p', 'wb'))
def load_preprocess():
return pickle.load(open('./data/jinyong/preprocess.p', mode='rb'))
# return pickle.load(open('./data/preprocess.p', mode='rb'))
def save_params(params):
pickle.dump(params, open('./data/jinyong/params.p', 'wb'))
# pickle.dump(params, open('./data/params.p', 'wb'))
def load_params():
# return pickle.load(open('./data/params.p', mode='rb'))
return pickle.load(open('./data/jinyong/params.p', mode='rb'))
马建仓 AI 助手