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manage.py 9.92 KB
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#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
"""Main entry-point into the 'PyPI Portal' Flask and Celery application.
This is a demo Flask application used to show how I structure my large Flask
License: MIT
Website: https://github.com/Robpol86/Flask-Large-Application-Example
Command details:
devserver Run the application using the Flask Development
Server. Auto-reloads files when they change.
tornadoserver Run the application with Facebook's Tornado web
server. Forks into multiple processes to handle
several requests.
celerydev Starts a Celery worker with Celery Beat in the same
celerybeat Run a Celery Beat periodic task scheduler.
celeryworker Run a Celery worker process.
shell Starts a Python interactive shell with the Flask
application context.
create_all Only create database tables if they don't exist and
then exit.
manage.py devserver [-p NUM] [-l DIR] [--config_prod]
manage.py tornadoserver [-p NUM] [-l DIR] [--config_prod]
manage.py celerydev [-l DIR] [--config_prod]
manage.py celerybeat [-s FILE] [--pid=FILE] [-l DIR] [--config_prod]
manage.py celeryworker [-n NUM] [-l DIR] [--config_prod]
manage.py shell [--config_prod]
manage.py create_all [--config_prod]
manage.py (-h | --help)
--config_prod Load the production configuration instead of
-l DIR --log_dir=DIR Log all statements to file in this directory
instead of stdout.
Only ERROR statements will go to stdout. stderr
is not used.
-n NUM --name=NUM Celery Worker name integer.
[default: 1]
--pid=FILE Celery Beat PID file.
[default: ./celery_beat.pid]
-p NUM --port=NUM Flask will listen on this port number.
[default: 5000]
-s FILE --schedule=FILE Celery Beat schedule database file.
[default: ./celery_beat.db]
from __future__ import print_function
from functools import wraps
import logging
import logging.handlers
import os
import signal
import sys
from celery.app.log import Logging
from celery.bin.celery import main as celery_main
from docopt import docopt
import flask
from flask.ext.script import Shell
from tornado import httpserver, ioloop, web, wsgi
from pypi_portal.application import create_app, get_config
from pypi_portal.extensions import db
OPTIONS = docopt(__doc__) if __name__ == '__main__' else dict()
class CustomFormatter(logging.Formatter):
LEVEL_MAP = {logging.FATAL: 'F', logging.ERROR: 'E', logging.WARN: 'W', logging.INFO: 'I', logging.DEBUG: 'D'}
def format(self, record):
record.levelletter = self.LEVEL_MAP[record.levelno]
return super(CustomFormatter, self).format(record)
def setup_logging(name=None):
"""Setup Google-Style logging for the entire application.
At first I hated this but I had to use it for work, and now I prefer it. Who knew?
From: https://github.com/twitter/commons/blob/master/src/python/twitter/common/log/formatters/glog.py
Always logs DEBUG statements somewhere.
Positional arguments:
name -- Append this string to the log file filename.
log_to_disk = False
if OPTIONS['--log_dir']:
if not os.path.isdir(OPTIONS['--log_dir']):
print('ERROR: Directory {} does not exist.'.format(OPTIONS['--log_dir']))
if not os.access(OPTIONS['--log_dir'], os.W_OK):
print('ERROR: No permissions to write to directory {}.'.format(OPTIONS['--log_dir']))
log_to_disk = True
fmt = '%(levelletter)s%(asctime)s.%(msecs).03d %(process)d %(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s'
datefmt = '%m%d %H:%M:%S'
formatter = CustomFormatter(fmt, datefmt)
console_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
console_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR if log_to_disk else logging.DEBUG)
root = logging.getLogger()
if log_to_disk:
file_name = os.path.join(OPTIONS['--log_dir'], 'pypi_portal_{}.log'.format(name))
file_handler = logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler(file_name, when='d', backupCount=7)
def log_messages(app, port, fsh_folder):
"""Log messages common to Tornado and devserver."""
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
log.info('Server is running at{}/'.format(port))
log.info('Flask version: {}'.format(flask.__version__))
log.info('DEBUG: {}'.format(app.config['DEBUG']))
log.info('FLASK_STATICS_HELPER_FOLDER: {}'.format(fsh_folder))
log.info('STATIC_FOLDER: {}'.format(app.static_folder))
def parse_options():
"""Parses command line options for Flask.
Config instance to pass into create_app().
# Figure out which class will be imported.
if OPTIONS['--config_prod']:
config_class_string = 'pypi_portal.config.Production'
config_class_string = 'pypi_portal.config.Config'
config_obj = get_config(config_class_string)
return config_obj
def command(func):
"""Decorator that registers the chosen command/function.
If a function is decorated with @command but that function name is not a valid "command" according to the docstring,
a KeyError will be raised, since that's a bug in this script.
If a user doesn't specify a valid command in their command line arguments, the above docopt(__doc__) line will print
a short summary and call sys.exit() and stop up there.
If a user specifies a valid command, but for some reason the developer did not register it, an AttributeError will
raise, since it is a bug in this script.
Finally, if a user specifies a valid command and it is registered with @command below, then that command is "chosen"
by this decorator function, and set as the attribute `chosen`. It is then executed below in
`if __name__ == '__main__':`.
Doing this instead of using Flask-Script.
Positional arguments:
func -- the function to decorate
def wrapped():
return func()
# Register chosen function.
if func.__name__ not in OPTIONS:
raise KeyError('Cannot register {}, not mentioned in docstring/docopt.'.format(func.__name__))
if OPTIONS[func.__name__]:
command.chosen = func
return wrapped
def devserver():
app = create_app(parse_options())
fsh_folder = app.blueprints['flask_statics_helper'].static_folder
log_messages(app, OPTIONS['--port'], fsh_folder)
app.run(host='', port=int(OPTIONS['--port']))
def tornadoserver():
app = create_app(parse_options())
fsh_folder = app.blueprints['flask_statics_helper'].static_folder
log_messages(app, OPTIONS['--port'], fsh_folder)
# Setup the application.
container = wsgi.WSGIContainer(app)
application = web.Application([
(r'/static/flask_statics_helper/(.*)', web.StaticFileHandler, dict(path=fsh_folder)),
(r'/(favicon\.ico)', web.StaticFileHandler, dict(path=app.static_folder)),
(r'/static/(.*)', web.StaticFileHandler, dict(path=app.static_folder)),
(r'.*', web.FallbackHandler, dict(fallback=container))
]) # From http://maxburstein.com/blog/django-static-files-heroku/
http_server = httpserver.HTTPServer(application)
# Start the server.
http_server.start(0) # Forks multiple sub-processes
def celerydev():
app = create_app(parse_options(), no_sql=True)
Logging._setup = True # Disable Celery from setting up logging, already done in setup_logging().
celery_args = ['celery', 'worker', '-B', '-s', '/tmp/celery.db', '--concurrency=5']
with app.app_context():
return celery_main(celery_args)
def celerybeat():
app = create_app(parse_options(), no_sql=True)
Logging._setup = True
celery_args = ['celery', 'beat', '-C', '--pidfile', OPTIONS['--pid'], '-s', OPTIONS['--schedule']]
with app.app_context():
return celery_main(celery_args)
def celeryworker():
app = create_app(parse_options(), no_sql=True)
Logging._setup = True
celery_args = ['celery', 'worker', '-n', OPTIONS['--name'], '-C', '--autoscale=10,1', '--without-gossip']
with app.app_context():
return celery_main(celery_args)
def shell():
app = create_app(parse_options())
Shell(make_context=lambda: dict(app=app, db=db)).run(no_ipython=False, no_bpython=False)
def create_all():
app = create_app(parse_options())
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
with app.app_context():
tables_before = {t[0] for t in db.session.execute('SHOW TABLES')}
tables_after = {t[0] for t in db.session.execute('SHOW TABLES')}
created_tables = tables_after - tables_before
for table in created_tables:
log.info('Created table: {}'.format(table))
if __name__ == '__main__':
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda *_: sys.exit(0)) # Properly handle Control+C
if not OPTIONS['--port'].isdigit():
print('ERROR: Port should be a number.')
getattr(command, 'chosen')() # Execute the function specified by the user.
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