/* 92/04/18 - cleaned up in accordance with ./src/style.guidelines */
#include "std.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "lpc_incl.h"
#include "md.h"
#include "efun_protos.h"
int num_mappings = 0;
int total_mapping_size = 0;
int total_mapping_nodes = 0;
mapping_node_t *locked_map_nodes = 0;
* LPC mapping (associative arrays) module. Contains routines for
* easy value and lvalue manipulation.
* Original binary tree version for LPCA written by one of the earliest MudOS
* hackers.
* - some enhancements by Truilkan@TMI
* - rewritten for MudOS to use an extensible hash table implementation styled
* after the one Perl uses in hash.c - 92/07/08 - by Truilkan@TMI
* - Beek reduced mem usage and improved speed 95/09/08; Sym optimized this
* at some point as well.
growMap: based on hash.c:hsplit() from Larry Wall's Perl.
growMap doubles the size of the hash table. It is called when FILL_PERCENT
of the buckets in the hash table contain values. This routine is
efficient since the entries in the table don't need to be rehashed (even
though the entries are redistributed across the both halves of the hash
INLINE_STATIC int node_hash P1(mapping_node_t *, mn) {
return MAP_POINTER_HASH(mn->values[0].u.number);
INLINE int growMap P1(mapping_t *, m)
int oldsize = m->table_size + 1;
int newsize = oldsize << 1;
int i;
mapping_node_t **a, **b, **eltp, *elt;
if (newsize > MAX_TABLE_SIZE)
return 0;
/* resize the hash table to be twice the old size */
m->table = a = RESIZE(m->table, newsize, mapping_node_t *, TAG_MAP_TBL, "growMap");
if (!a) {
We couldn't grow the hash table. Rather than die, we just
accept the performance hit resulting from having an overfull
This trick won't work. m->table is now zero. -Beek
m->unfilled = m->table_size;
return 0;
/* hash table doubles in size -- keep track of the memory used */
total_mapping_size += sizeof(mapping_node_t *) * oldsize;
debug(mapping,("mapping.c: growMap ptr = %p, size = %d\n", m, newsize));
m->unfilled = oldsize * (unsigned)FILL_PERCENT / (unsigned)100;
m->table_size = newsize - 1;
/* zero out the new storage area (2nd half of table) */
memset(a += oldsize, 0, oldsize * sizeof(mapping_node_t *));
i = oldsize;
while (a--, i--) {
if ((elt = *a)) {
eltp = a, b = a + oldsize;
do {
if (node_hash(elt) & oldsize) {
*eltp = elt->next;
if (!(elt->next = *b)) m->unfilled--;
*b = elt;
elt = *eltp;
else elt = *(eltp = &elt->next);
} while (elt);
if (!*a) m->unfilled++;
return 1;
mapTraverse: iterate over the mapping, calling function 'func(elt, extra)'
for each element 'elt'. This is an attempt to encapsulate some of the
specifics of the particular data structure being used so that it won't be
so difficult to change the data structure if the need arises.
-- Truilkan 92/07/19
INLINE mapping_t *
mapTraverse (m, func, extra)
mapping_t *m;
int (*func) PROT((mapping_t *, mapping_node_t *, void *));
void *extra;
mapping_node_t *elt, *nelt;
int j = (int) m->table_size;
debug(mapping,("mapTraverse %p\n", m));
do {
for (elt = m->table[j]; elt; elt = nelt) {
nelt = elt->next;
if ((*func)(m, elt, extra)) return m;
} while (j--);
return m;
/* free_mapping */
dealloc_mapping P1(mapping_t *, m)
debug(mapping,("mapping.c: actual free of %p\n", m));
int j = m->table_size, c = MAP_COUNT(m);
mapping_node_t *elt, *nelt, **a = m->table;
total_mapping_size -= (sizeof(mapping_t) +
sizeof(mapping_node_t *) * (j+1) +
sizeof(mapping_node_t) * c);
total_mapping_nodes -= c;
add_array_size (&m->stats, - (c << 1));
do {
for (elt = a[j]; elt; elt = nelt) {
nelt = elt->next;
free_svalue(elt->values, "free_mapping");
free_node(m, elt);
} while (j--);
debug(mapping, ("in free_mapping: before table\n"));
FREE((char *)a);
debug(mapping, ("in free_mapping: after table\n"));
FREE((char *) m);
debug(mapping, ("in free_mapping: after m\n"));
debug(mapping,("mapping.c: free_mapping end\n"));
free_mapping P1(mapping_t *, m)
debug(mapping,("mapping.c: free_mapping begin, ptr = %p\n", m));
/* some other object is still referencing this mapping */
if (--m->ref > 0)
static mapping_node_t *free_nodes = 0;
mapping_node_block_t *mapping_node_blocks = 0;
void mark_mapping_node_blocks() {
mapping_node_block_t *mnb = mapping_node_blocks;
while (mnb) {
mnb = mnb->next;
mapping_node_t *new_map_node() {
mapping_node_block_t *mnb;
mapping_node_t *ret;
int i;
if ((ret = free_nodes)) {
free_nodes = ret->next;
} else {
mnb = ALLOCATE(mapping_node_block_t, TAG_MAP_NODE_BLOCK, "new_map_node");
mnb->next = mapping_node_blocks;
mapping_node_blocks = mnb;
mnb->nodes[MNB_SIZE - 1].next = 0;
for (i = MNB_SIZE - 1; i--; )
mnb->nodes[i].next = &mnb->nodes[i+1];
ret = &mnb->nodes[0];
free_nodes = &mnb->nodes[1];
return ret;
void unlock_mapping P1(mapping_t *, m) {
mapping_node_t **mn = &locked_map_nodes;
mapping_node_t *tmp;
while (*mn) {
if ((*mn)->values[0].u.map == m) {
free_svalue((*mn)->values + 1, "free_locked_nodes");
/* take it out of the locked list ... */
tmp = *mn;
*mn = (*mn)->next;
/* and add it to the free list */
tmp->next = free_nodes;
free_nodes = tmp;
} else
mn = &((*mn)->next);
m->count &= ~MAP_LOCKED;
void free_node P2(mapping_t *, m, mapping_node_t *, mn) {
if (m->count & MAP_LOCKED) {
mn->next = locked_map_nodes;
locked_map_nodes = mn;
mn->values[0].u.map = m;
} else {
free_svalue(mn->values + 1, "free_node");
mn->next = free_nodes;
free_nodes = mn;
/* allocate_mapping(int n)
call with n == 0 if you will be doing many deletions from the map.
call with n == "approx. # of insertions you plan to do" if you won't be
doing many deletions from the map.
INLINE mapping_t *
allocate_mapping P1(int, n)
mapping_t *newmap;
mapping_node_t **a;
newmap = ALLOCATE(mapping_t, TAG_MAPPING, "allocate_mapping: 1");
debug(mapping,("mapping.c: allocate_mapping begin, newmap = %p\n", newmap));
if (newmap == NULL)
error("Allocate_mapping - out of memory.\n");
n |= n >> 1;
n |= n >> 2;
n |= n >> 4;
if (n & 0xff00) n |= n >> 8;
newmap->table_size = n++;
else newmap->table_size = (n = MAP_HASH_TABLE_SIZE) - 1;
/* The size is actually 1 higher */
newmap->unfilled = n * (unsigned)FILL_PERCENT /(unsigned)100;
a = newmap->table =
(mapping_node_t **)DXALLOC(n *= sizeof(mapping_node_t *),
TAG_MAP_TBL, "allocate_mapping: 3");
if (!a)
error("Allocate_mapping 2 - out of memory.\n");
/* zero out the hash table */
memset(a, 0, n);
total_mapping_size += sizeof(mapping_t) + n;
newmap->ref = 1;
newmap->count = 0;
if (current_object) {
assign_stats (&newmap->stats, current_object);
add_array_size (&newmap->stats, n << 1);
} else {
null_stats (&newmap->stats);
debug(mapping,("mapping.c: allocate_mapping end\n"));
return newmap;
INLINE mapping_t *
allocate_mapping2 P2(array_t *, arr, svalue_t *, sv)
mapping_t *newmap;
int i;
newmap = allocate_mapping(arr->size);
for (i = 0; i < arr->size; i++) {
svalue_t *svp, *ret;
svp = find_for_insert(newmap, arr->item + i, 1);
if (sv->type == T_FUNCTION) {
push_svalue(arr->item + i);
ret = call_function_pointer(sv->u.fp, 1);
*svp = *ret;
ret->type = T_NUMBER;
} else {
assign_svalue_no_free(svp, sv);
return newmap;
INLINE mapping_t *
mkmapping P2(array_t *, k, array_t *, v) {
mapping_t *newmap;
int i;
newmap = allocate_mapping(k->size);
for (i = 0; i < k->size; i++) {
svalue_t *svp;
svp = find_for_insert(newmap, k->item + i, 1);
assign_svalue_no_free(svp, v->item + i);
return newmap;
copyMapping: make a copy of a mapping
INLINE_STATIC mapping_t *
copyMapping P1(mapping_t *,m)
mapping_t *newmap;
int k = m->table_size;
mapping_node_t *elt, *nelt, **a, **b = m->table, **c;
newmap = ALLOCATE(mapping_t, TAG_MAPPING, "copy_mapping: 1");
if (newmap == NULL) error("copyMapping - out of memory.\n");
newmap->table_size = k++;
newmap->unfilled = m->unfilled;
newmap->ref = 1;
c = newmap->table = CALLOCATE(k, mapping_node_t *, TAG_MAP_TBL, "copy_mapping: 2");
if (!c) {
FREE((char *) newmap);
error("copyMapping 2 - out of memory.\n");
newmap->count = m->count;
total_mapping_nodes += MAP_COUNT(m);
memset(c, 0, k * sizeof(mapping_node_t *));
total_mapping_size += (sizeof(mapping_t) +
sizeof(mapping_node_t *) * k +
sizeof(mapping_node_t) * MAP_COUNT(m));
if (current_object) {
assign_stats (&newmap->stats, current_object);
add_array_size (&newmap->stats, MAP_COUNT(m) << 1);
else null_stats (&newmap->stats);
while (k--) {
if ((elt = b[k])) {
a = c + k;
do {
nelt = new_map_node();
assign_svalue_no_free(nelt->values, elt->values);
assign_svalue_no_free(nelt->values + 1, elt->values + 1);
nelt->next = *a;
*a = nelt;
} while ((elt = elt->next));
return newmap;
restore_hash_string P2(char **, val, svalue_t *, sv)
register char *cp = *val;
char c, *start = cp;
while ((c = *cp++) != '"') {
switch(c) {
case '\r':
*(cp-1) = '\n';
case '\\':
char *new = cp - 1;
if ((c = *new++ = *cp++)) {
while ((c = *cp++) != '"') {
if (c == '\\') {
if (!(c = *new++ = *cp++)) return ROB_STRING_ERROR;
else {
if (c == '\r')
c = *new++ = '\n';
else *new++ = c;
if (!c) return ROB_STRING_ERROR;
*new = '\0';
*val = cp;
sv->u.string = make_shared_string(start);
sv->type = T_STRING;
sv->subtype = STRING_SHARED;
return 0;
else return ROB_STRING_ERROR;
case '\0':
*val = cp;
*--cp = '\0';
sv->u.string = make_shared_string(start);
sv->type = T_STRING;
sv->subtype = STRING_SHARED;
return 0;
* svalue_t_to_int: Converts an svalue into an integer index.
svalue_to_int P1(svalue_t *, v)
if (v->type == T_STRING && v->subtype != STRING_SHARED) {
char *p = make_shared_string(v->u.string);
v->subtype = STRING_SHARED;
v->u.string = p;
/* The bottom bits of pointers tend to be bad ...
* Note that this means close groups of numbers don't hash particularly
* well, but then one wonders why they aren't using an array ...
return MAP_POINTER_HASH(v->u.number);
int msameval P2(svalue_t *, arg1, svalue_t *, arg2) {
switch (arg1->type | arg2->type) {
case T_NUMBER:
return arg1->u.number == arg2->u.number;
case T_REAL:
return arg1->u.real == arg2->u.real;
return arg1->u.arr == arg2->u.arr;
#if 0
* node_find_in_mapping: Like find_for_insert(), but doesn't attempt
* to add anything if a value is not found. The returned pointer won't
* necessarily have any meaningful value.
INLINE_STATIC mapping_node_t *
node_find_in_mapping P2(mapping_t *, m, svalue_t *, lv)
int i;
mapping_node_t *elt, **a = m->table;
debug(mapping,("mapping.c: find_in_mapping\n"));
i = svalue_to_int(lv) & m->table_size;
for (elt = a[i]; elt; elt = elt->next) {
if (msameval(elt->values, lv))
return elt;
return (mapping_node_t *)0;
mapping_delete: delete an element from the mapping
INLINE void mapping_delete P2(mapping_t *,m, svalue_t *,lv)
int i = svalue_to_int(lv) & m->table_size;
mapping_node_t **prev = m->table + i, *elt;
if ((elt = *prev)) {
do {
if (msameval(elt->values, lv)) {
if (!(*prev = elt->next) && !m->table[i]) {
debug(mapping,("mapping delete: bucket empty, unfilled = %i",
total_mapping_size -= sizeof(mapping_node_t);
debug(mapping,("mapping delete: count = %i", MAP_COUNT(m)));
free_svalue(elt->values, "mapping_delete");
free_node(m, elt);
prev = &(elt->next);
} while ((elt = elt->next));
* find_for_insert: Tries to find an address at which an rvalue
* can be inserted in a mapping. This can also be used by the
* microcode interpreter, to translate an expression <mapping>[index]
* into an lvalue.
INLINE svalue_t *
find_for_insert P3(mapping_t *, m, svalue_t *, lv, int, doTheFree)
int oi = svalue_to_int(lv);
unsigned short i = oi & m->table_size;
mapping_node_t *n, *newnode, **a = m->table + i;
debug(mapping,("mapping.c: hashed to %d\n", i));
if ((n = *a)) {
do {
if (msameval(lv, n->values)) {
/* normally, the f_assign would free the old value */
debug(mapping,("mapping.c: found %p\n", n->values));
if (doTheFree) free_svalue(n->values + 1, "find_for_insert");
return n->values + 1;
} while ((n = n->next));
debug(mapping,("mapping.c: didn't find %p\n", lv));
n = *a;
else if (!(--m->unfilled)) {
int size = m->table_size + 1;
if (growMap(m)) {
if (oi & size) i |= size;
n = *(a = m->table + i);
} else {
error("Out of memory\n");
debug(mapping,("mapping.c: too full"));
add_array_size (&m->stats, 2);
total_mapping_size += sizeof(mapping_node_t);
debug(mapping,("mapping.c: allocated a node\n"));
newnode = new_map_node();
assign_svalue_no_free(newnode->values, lv);
/* insert at head of bucket */
(*a = newnode)->next = n;
lv = newnode->values + 1;
*lv = const0u;
return lv;
typedef struct unique_node_s {
svalue_t key;
int count;
struct unique_node_s *next;
int *indices;
} unique_node_t;
typedef struct unique_m_list_s {
unique_node_t **utable;
struct unique_m_list_s *next;
unsigned short mask;
} unique_m_list_t;
static unique_m_list_t *g_u_m_list = 0;
static void unique_mapping_error_handler PROT((void))
unique_m_list_t *nlist = g_u_m_list;
unique_node_t **table = nlist->utable;
unique_node_t *uptr, *nptr;
int mask = nlist->mask;
g_u_m_list = g_u_m_list->next;
do {
if ((uptr = table[mask])) {
do {
nptr = uptr->next;
free_svalue(&uptr->key, "unique_mapping_error_handler");
FREE((char *) uptr->indices);
FREE((char *) uptr);
} while ((uptr = nptr));
} while (mask--);
FREE((char *) table);
FREE((char *) nlist);
void f_unique_mapping PROT((void))
unique_m_list_t *nlist;
svalue_t *arg = sp - st_num_arg + 1, *sv;
unique_node_t **table, *uptr, *nptr;
array_t *v = arg->u.arr, *ret;
unsigned short oi, i, numkeys = 0, mask, size;
unsigned short num_arg = st_num_arg;
unsigned short nmask;
mapping_t *m;
mapping_node_t **mtable, *elt;
int *ind, j;
function_to_call_t ftc;
process_efun_callback(1, &ftc, F_UNIQUE_MAPPING);
size = v->size;
if (!size) {
pop_n_elems(num_arg - 1);
sp->type = T_MAPPING;
sp->u.map = allocate_mapping(0);
if (size > MAP_HASH_TABLE_SIZE) {
size |= size >> 1;
size |= size >> 2;
size |= size >> 4;
if (size & 0xff00) size |= size >> 8;
mask = size++;
} else mask = (size = MAP_HASH_TABLE_SIZE) - 1;
table = (unique_node_t **) DXALLOC(size *= sizeof(unique_node_t *),
100, "f_unique_mapping:1");
if (!table) error("Unique_mapping - Out of memory.\n");
memset(table, 0, size);
nlist = ALLOCATE(unique_m_list_t, 101, "f_unique_mapping:2");
nlist->next = g_u_m_list;
nlist->utable = table;
nlist->mask = mask;
g_u_m_list = nlist;
sp->type = T_ERROR_HANDLER;
sp->u.error_handler = unique_mapping_error_handler;
size = v->size;
while (size--) {
push_svalue(v->item + size);
sv = call_efun_callback(&ftc, 1);
i = (oi = svalue_to_int(sv)) & mask;
if ((uptr = table[i])) {
do {
if (msameval(&uptr->key, sv)) {
ind = uptr->indices = RESIZE(uptr->indices, uptr->count+1,
int, 102, "f_unique_mapping:3");
ind[uptr->count++] = size;
} while ((uptr = uptr->next));
if (!uptr) {
uptr = ALLOCATE(unique_node_t, 103, "f_unique_mapping:4");
assign_svalue_no_free(&uptr->key, sv);
uptr->count = 1;
uptr->indices = ALLOCATE(int, 104, "f_unique_mapping:5");
uptr->indices[0] = size;
uptr->next = table[i];
table[i] = uptr;
m = allocate_mapping(nmask = numkeys << 1);
mtable = m->table;
numkeys = 0;
if (nmask > MAP_HASH_TABLE_SIZE) {
nmask |= nmask >> 1;
nmask |= nmask >> 2;
nmask |= nmask >> 4;
if (size & 0xff00) nmask |= nmask >> 8;
} else nmask = MAP_HASH_TABLE_SIZE - 1;
j = mask;
sv = v->item;
do {
if ((uptr = table[j])) {
do {
nptr = uptr->next;
oi = MAP_POINTER_HASH(uptr->key.u.number);
i = oi & nmask;
if (!mtable[i] && !(--m->unfilled)) {
if (growMap(m)) {
mtable = m->table;
nmask <<= 1;
} else {
do {
do {
nptr = uptr->next;
free_svalue(&uptr->key, "f_unique_mapping");
FREE((char *) uptr->indices);
FREE((char *) uptr);
} while ((uptr = nptr));
uptr = table[--j];
} while (j >= 0);
add_array_size(&m->stats, numkeys << 1);
total_mapping_size += sizeof(mapping_node_t) * (m->count = numkeys);
total_mapping_nodes += numkeys;
error("Out of memory\n");
elt = ALLOCATE(mapping_node_t, 105,"f_unique_mapping:6");
*elt->values = uptr->key;
(elt->values + 1)->type = T_ARRAY;
ret = (elt->values + 1)->u.arr = allocate_empty_array(size = uptr->count);
ind = uptr->indices;
while (size--) {
assign_svalue_no_free(ret->item + size, sv + ind[size]);
elt->next = mtable[i];
mtable[i] = elt;
FREE((char *) ind);
FREE((char *) uptr);
} while ((uptr = nptr));
} while (j--);
add_array_size(&m->stats, numkeys << 1);
total_mapping_size += sizeof(mapping_node_t) * (m->count = numkeys);
total_mapping_nodes += numkeys;
FREE((char *) table);
g_u_m_list = g_u_m_list->next;
FREE((char *) nlist);
pop_n_elems(num_arg - 1);
sp->type = T_MAPPING;
sp->u.map = m;
#endif /* End of unique_mapping */
* load_mapping_from_aggregate: Create a new mapping, loading from an
* array of svalues. Format of data: LHS RHS LHS2 RHS2... (uses hash table)
INLINE mapping_t *
load_mapping_from_aggregate P2(svalue_t *,sp, int, n)
mapping_t *m;
int mask, i, oi, count = 0;
mapping_node_t **a, *elt, *elt2;
debug(mapping,("mapping.c: load_mapping_from_aggregate begin, size = %d\n", n));
m = allocate_mapping(n >> 1);
if (!n) return m;
mask = m->table_size;
a = m->table;
do {
i = (oi = svalue_to_int(++sp)) & mask;
if ((elt2 = elt = a[i])) {
do {
if (msameval(sp, elt->values)) {
free_svalue(sp++, "load_mapping_from_aggregate: duplicate key");
free_svalue(elt->values+1, "load_mapping_from_aggregate");
*(elt->values+1) = *sp;
} while ((elt = elt->next));
if (elt) continue;
else if (!(--m->unfilled)) {
if (growMap(m)) {
a = m->table;
if (oi & ++mask) elt2 = a[i |= mask];
mask <<= 1;
} else{
add_array_size(&m->stats, count << 1);
total_mapping_size += sizeof(mapping_node_t) * (m->count = count);
total_mapping_nodes += count;
error("Out of memory\n");
if (++count > MAX_MAPPING_SIZE) {
add_array_size(&m->stats, (--count) << 1);
total_mapping_size += sizeof(mapping_node_t) * (m->count = count);
total_mapping_nodes += count;
elt = new_map_node();
*elt->values = *sp++;
*(elt->values + 1) = *sp;
(a[i] = elt)->next = elt2;
} while (n -= 2);
add_array_size(&m->stats, count << 1);
total_mapping_size += sizeof(mapping_node_t) * (m->count = count);
total_mapping_nodes += count;
debug(mapping,("mapping.c: load_mapping_from_aggregate end\n"));
return m;
/* is ok */
INLINE svalue_t *
find_in_mapping P2(mapping_t *, m, svalue_t *,lv)
int i = svalue_to_int(lv) & m->table_size;
mapping_node_t *n = m->table[i];
while (n) {
if (msameval(n->values, lv)) return n->values + 1;
n = n->next;
return &const0u;
svalue_t *
find_string_in_mapping P2(mapping_t *, m, char *, p)
char *ss = findstring(p);
int i;
mapping_node_t *n;
if (!ss) return &const0u;
n = m->table[i & m->table_size];
while (n) {
if (n->values->type == T_STRING && n->values->u.string == ss)
return n->values + 1;
n = n->next;
return &const0u;
add_to_mapping: adds mapping m2 to m1
add_to_mapping P3(mapping_t *,m1, mapping_t *,m2, int, free_flag)
int mask = m1->table_size, j = m2->table_size;
int count = MAP_COUNT(m1);
int i, oi;
mapping_node_t *elt1, *elt2, *newnode, *n;
mapping_node_t **a1 = m1->table, **a2 = m2->table;
svalue_t *sv;
do {
for (elt2 = a2[j]; elt2; elt2 = elt2->next) {
i = (oi = node_hash(elt2)) & mask;
sv = elt2->values;
if ((n = elt1 = a1[i])) {
do {
if (msameval(sv, elt1->values)) {
assign_svalue(elt1->values + 1, sv + 1);
} while ((elt1 = elt1->next));
if (elt1) continue;
} else if (!(--m1->unfilled)) {
if (growMap(m1)) {
a1 = m1->table;
if (oi & ++mask) n = a1[i |= mask];
mask <<= 1;
} else{
count -= MAP_COUNT(m1);
add_array_size(&m1->stats, count << 1);
total_mapping_size += count * sizeof(mapping_node_t);
total_mapping_nodes += count;
m1->count += count;
if (free_flag) free_mapping(m1);
error("Out of memory\n");
if (count > MAX_MAPPING_SIZE) {
if (count -= MAP_COUNT(m1) + 1) {
add_array_size(&m1->stats, count << 1);
total_mapping_size += count * sizeof(mapping_node_t);
total_mapping_nodes += count;
m1->count += count;
newnode = new_map_node();
assign_svalue_no_free(newnode->values, elt2->values);
(a1[i] = newnode)->next = n;
} while (j--);
if (count -= MAP_COUNT(m1)) {
add_array_size(&m1->stats, count << 1);
total_mapping_size += count * sizeof(mapping_node_t);
total_mapping_nodes += count;
m1->count += count;
unique_add_to_mapping : adds m2 to m1 but doesn't do anything
if they have common keys
unique_add_to_mapping P3(mapping_t *,m1, mapping_t *,m2, int,free_flag)
int mask = m1->table_size, j = m2->table_size;
int count = MAP_COUNT(m1);
int i, oi;
mapping_node_t *elt1, *elt2, *newnode, *n;
mapping_node_t **a1 = m1->table, **a2 = m2->table;
svalue_t *sv;
do {
for (elt2 = a2[j]; elt2; elt2 = elt2->next) {
i = (oi = node_hash(elt2)) & mask;
sv = elt2->values;
if ((n = elt1 = a1[i])) {
do {
if (msameval(sv, elt1->values)) break;
} while ((elt1 = elt1->next));
if (elt1) continue;
else if (!(--m1->unfilled)) {
if (growMap(m1)) {
a1 = m1->table;
if (oi & ++mask) n = a1[i |= mask];
mask <<= 1;
} else{
count -= MAP_COUNT(m1);
add_array_size(&m1->stats, count << 1);
total_mapping_size += count * sizeof(mapping_node_t);
total_mapping_nodes += count;
m1->count += count;
if (free_flag) free_mapping(m1);
error("Out of memory\n");
if (++count > MAX_MAPPING_SIZE) {
if (count -= MAP_COUNT(m1) + 1) {
add_array_size(&m1->stats, count << 1);
total_mapping_size += count * sizeof(mapping_node_t);
total_mapping_nodes += count;
m1->count += count;
newnode = new_map_node();
assign_svalue_no_free(newnode->values, elt2->values);
(a1[i] = newnode)->next = n;
} while (j--);
if (count -= MAP_COUNT(m1)) {
add_array_size(&m1->stats, count << 1);
total_mapping_size += count * sizeof(mapping_node_t);
total_mapping_nodes += count;
m1->count += count;
absorb_mapping(m1, m2)
mapping_t *m1, *m2;
if (MAP_COUNT(m2)) {
if (m1 != m2)
add_to_mapping(m1, m2, 0);
add_mapping: returns a new mapping that contains everything
in two old mappings. (uses hash table)
INLINE mapping_t *
add_mapping P2(mapping_t *,m1, mapping_t *,m2)
mapping_t *newmap;
debug(mapping,("mapping.c: add_mapping begin: %p, %p", m1, m2));
if (MAP_COUNT(m1) >= MAP_COUNT(m2)) {
if (MAP_COUNT(m2)) {
add_to_mapping(newmap = copyMapping(m1), m2, 1);
return newmap;
else return copyMapping(m1);
else if (MAP_COUNT(m1)) {
unique_add_to_mapping(newmap = copyMapping(m2), m1, 1);
return newmap;
else return copyMapping(m2);
debug(mapping,("mapping.c: add_mapping end\n"));
map_mapping: A lot of the efuns that work on arrays, such as
filter_array(), should also work on mappings.
#ifdef F_MAP
map_mapping P2(svalue_t *, arg, int, num_arg)
mapping_t *m;
mapping_node_t **a, *elt;
int j;
svalue_t *ret;
function_to_call_t ftc;
process_efun_callback(1, &ftc, F_MAP);
if (arg->u.map->ref > 1) {
m = copyMapping(arg->u.map);
arg->u.map = m;
} else {
m = arg->u.map;
j = m->table_size;
a = m->table;
debug(mapping,("mapping.c: map_mapping\n"));
do {
for (elt = a[j]; elt ; elt = elt->next) {
ret = call_efun_callback(&ftc, 2);
if (ret) assign_svalue(elt->values+1, ret);
else break;
} while (j--);
#ifdef F_FILTER
filter_mapping P2(svalue_t *, arg, int, num_arg)
mapping_t *m, *newmap;
mapping_node_t **a, *elt;
mapping_node_t **b, *newnode, *n;
int j, count = 0, size;
svalue_t *ret;
unsigned short tb_index;
function_to_call_t ftc;
process_efun_callback(1, &ftc, F_FILTER);
if (arg->u.map->ref > 1) {
m = copyMapping(arg->u.map);
arg->u.map = m;
} else {
m = arg->u.map;
newmap = allocate_mapping(0);
b = newmap->table;
size = newmap->table_size;
a = m->table;
j = m->table_size;
debug(mapping,("mapping.c: filter_mapping\n"));
do {
for (elt = a[j]; elt ; elt = elt->next) {
ret = call_efun_callback(&ftc, 2);
if (!ret) break;
else if (ret->type != T_NUMBER || ret->u.number) {
tb_index = node_hash(elt) & size;
b = newmap->table + tb_index;
if (!(n = *b) && !(--newmap->unfilled)) {
if (growMap(newmap)) {
size = newmap->table_size;
tb_index = node_hash(elt) & size;
n = *(b = newmap->table + tb_index);
} else {
add_array_size(&newmap->stats, count << 1);
total_mapping_size += count * sizeof(mapping_node_t);
total_mapping_nodes += count;
newmap->count = count;
error("Out of memory in filter_mapping\n");
if (++count > MAX_MAPPING_SIZE) {
add_array_size(&newmap->stats, count << 1);
total_mapping_size += count * sizeof(mapping_node_t);
total_mapping_nodes += count;
newmap->count = count;
newnode = new_map_node();
assign_svalue_no_free(newnode->values, elt->values);
assign_svalue_no_free(newnode->values+1, elt->values+1);
(*b = newnode)->next = n;
} while (j--);
if (count) {
add_array_size(&newmap->stats, count << 1);
total_mapping_size += count * sizeof(mapping_node_t);
total_mapping_nodes += count;
newmap->count += count;
/* compose_mapping */
INLINE mapping_t *
compose_mapping P3(mapping_t *,m1, mapping_t *,m2, unsigned short,flag)
mapping_node_t *elt, *elt2, **a, **b = m2->table, **prev;
unsigned short j = m1->table_size, deleted = 0;
unsigned short mask = m2->table_size;
svalue_t *sv;
debug(mapping,("mapping.c: compose_mapping\n"));
if (flag)
m1 = copyMapping(m1);
a = m1->table;
do {
if ((elt = *(prev = a))) {
do {
sv = elt->values + 1;
if ((elt2 = b[svalue_to_int(sv) & mask])) {
do {
if (msameval(sv, elt2->values)) {
if (sv != elt2->values + 1) /* if m1 == m2 */
assign_svalue(sv, elt2->values + 1);
} while ((elt2 = elt2->next));
if (!elt2) {
if (!(*prev = elt->next) && !(*a)) m1->unfilled++;
free_node(m1, elt);
} else {
prev = &(elt->next);
} while ((elt = *prev));
} while (a++, j--);
if (deleted) {
m1->count -= deleted;
total_mapping_nodes -= deleted;
total_mapping_size -= deleted * sizeof(mapping_node_t);
return m1;
/* mapping_indices */
array_t *
mapping_indices P1(mapping_t *,m)
array_t *v;
int j = m->table_size;
mapping_node_t *elt, **a = m->table;
svalue_t *sv;
debug(mapping,("mapping_indices: size = %d\n", MAP_COUNT(m)));
v = allocate_empty_array(MAP_COUNT(m));
sv = v->item;
do {
for (elt = a[j]; elt; elt = elt->next)
assign_svalue_no_free(sv++, elt->values);
} while (j--);
return v;
/* mapping_values */
array_t *
mapping_values P1(mapping_t *,m)
array_t *v;
int j = m->table_size;
mapping_node_t *elt, **a = m->table;
svalue_t *sv;
debug(mapping,("mapping_values: size = %d\n",MAP_COUNT(m)));
v = allocate_empty_array(MAP_COUNT(m));
sv = v->item;
do {
for (elt = a[j]; elt; elt = elt->next)
assign_svalue_no_free(sv++, elt->values + 1);
} while (j--);
return v;
/* functions for building mappings */
static svalue_t *insert_in_mapping P2(mapping_t *, m, char *, key) {
svalue_t lv;
svalue_t *ret;
lv.type = T_STRING;
lv.subtype = STRING_CONSTANT;
lv.u.string = key;
ret = find_for_insert(m, &lv, 1);
/* lv.u.string will have been converted to a shared string */
return ret;
void add_mapping_pair P3(mapping_t *, m, char *, key, int, value)
svalue_t *s;
s = insert_in_mapping(m, key);
s->type = T_NUMBER;
s->subtype = 0;
s->u.number = value;
void add_mapping_string P3(mapping_t *, m, char *, key, char *, value)
svalue_t *s;
s = insert_in_mapping(m, key);
s->type = T_STRING;
s->subtype = STRING_SHARED;
s->u.string = make_shared_string(value);
void add_mapping_malloced_string P3(mapping_t *, m, char *, key, char *, value)
svalue_t *s;
s = insert_in_mapping(m, key);
s->type = T_STRING;
s->subtype = STRING_MALLOC;
s->u.string = value;
void add_mapping_object P3(mapping_t *, m, char *, key, object_t *, value)
svalue_t *s;
s = insert_in_mapping(m, key);
s->type = T_OBJECT;
s->subtype = 0;
s->u.ob = value;
add_ref(value, "add_mapping_object");
void add_mapping_array P3(mapping_t *, m, char *, key, array_t *, value)
svalue_t *s;
s = insert_in_mapping(m, key);
s->type = T_ARRAY;
s->subtype = 0;
s->u.arr = value;
void add_mapping_shared_string P3(mapping_t *, m, char *, key, char *, value)
svalue_t *s;
s = insert_in_mapping(m, key);
s->type = T_STRING;
s->subtype = STRING_SHARED;
s->u.string = ref_string(value);
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