/*! \file janus.h
* \author Lorenzo Miniero <lorenzo@meetecho.com>
* \copyright GNU General Public License v3
* \brief Janus core (headers)
* \details Implementation of the Janus core. This code takes care of
* the server initialization (command line/configuration) and setup,
* and makes use of the available transport plugins (by default HTTP,
* WebSockets, RabbitMQ, if compiled) and Janus protocol (a JSON-based
* protocol) to interact with the applications, whether they're web based
* or not. The core also takes care of bridging peers and plugins
* accordingly, in terms of both messaging and real-time media transfer
* via WebRTC.
* \ingroup core
* \ref core
#ifndef JANUS_CORE_H
#define JANUS_CORE_H
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <jansson.h>
#include "mutex.h"
#include "ice.h"
#include "refcount.h"
#include "transports/transport.h"
#include "events/eventhandler.h"
#include "loggers/logger.h"
#include "plugins/plugin.h"
#define JANUS_BUFSIZE 8192
/*! \brief Helper to address requests and their sources (e.g., a specific HTTP connection, websocket, RabbitMQ or others) */
typedef struct janus_request janus_request;
/*! \brief Janus Core-Client session */
typedef struct janus_session {
/*! \brief Janus Core-Client session ID */
guint64 session_id;
/*! \brief Map of handles this session is managing */
GHashTable *ice_handles;
/*! \brief Time of the last activity on the session */
gint64 last_activity;
/*! \brief Pointer to the request instance (and the transport that originated the session) */
janus_request *source;
/*! \brief Flag to notify there's been a session timeout */
volatile gint timeout;
/*! \brief Flag to notify that transport is gone */
volatile gint transport_gone;
/*! \brief Mutex to lock/unlock this session */
janus_mutex mutex;
/*! \brief Atomic flag to check if this instance has been destroyed */
volatile gint destroyed;
/*! \brief Reference counter for this instance */
janus_refcount ref;
} janus_session;
/** @name Janus Core-Client session methods
/*! \brief Method to create a new Janus Core-Client session
* @param[in] session_id The desired Janus Core-Client session ID, or 0 if it needs to be generated randomly
* @returns The created Janus Core-Client session if successful, NULL otherwise */
janus_session *janus_session_create(guint64 session_id);
/*! \brief Method to find an existing Janus Core-Client session from its ID
* @param[in] session_id The Janus Core-Client session ID
* @returns The created Janus Core-Client session if successful, NULL otherwise */
janus_session *janus_session_find(guint64 session_id);
/*! \brief Method to add an event to notify to the queue of notifications for this session
* @param[in] session The Janus Core-Client session this notification is related to
* @param[in] event The event to notify as a Jansson JSON object */
void janus_session_notify_event(janus_session *session, json_t *event);
/*! \brief Method to destroy a Janus Core-Client session
* @param[in] session The Janus Core-Client session to destroy
* @returns 0 in case of success, a negative integer otherwise */
gint janus_session_destroy(janus_session *session);
/*! \brief Method to find an existing Janus ICE handle from its ID
* @param[in] session The Janus Core-Client session this ICE handle belongs to
* @param[in] handle_id The Janus ICE handle ID
* @returns The Janus ICE handle if successful, NULL otherwise */
janus_ice_handle *janus_session_handles_find(janus_session *session, guint64 handle_id);
/*! \brief Method to insert a Janus ICE handle in a session
* @param[in] session The Janus Core-Client session
* @param[in] handle The Janus ICE handle */
void janus_session_handles_insert(janus_session *session, janus_ice_handle *handle);
/*! \brief Method to remove a Janus ICE handle from a session
* @param[in] session The Janus Core-Client session
* @param[in] handle The Janus ICE handle
* @returns The error code of janus_ice_handle_destroy */
gint janus_session_handles_remove(janus_session *session, janus_ice_handle *handle);
/*! \brief Method to remove all Janus ICE handles from a session
* @param[in] session The Janus Core-Client session */
void janus_session_handles_clear(janus_session *session);
/*! \brief Method to list the IDs of all Janus ICE handles of a session as JSON
* @param[in] session The Janus Core-Client session
* @returns The JSON array */
json_t *janus_session_handles_list_json(janus_session *session);
/** @name Janus request processing
* \details Since messages may come from different sources (plain HTTP,
* WebSockets, RabbitMQ and potentially even more in the future), we
* have a shared way to process messages: a method to process a request,
* and helper methods to return a success or an error message.
/*! \brief Helper to address requests and their sources (e.g., a specific HTTP connection, websocket, RabbitMQ or others) */
struct janus_request {
/*! \brief Pointer to the transport plugin */
janus_transport *transport;
/*! \brief Pointer to the transport-provided session instance */
janus_transport_session *instance;
/*! \brief Opaque pointer to the request ID, if available */
void *request_id;
/*! \brief Whether this is a Janus API or admin API request */
gboolean admin;
/*! \brief Pointer to the original request, if available */
json_t *message;
/*! \brief Atomic flag to check if this instance has been destroyed */
volatile gint destroyed;
/*! \brief Reference counter for this instance */
janus_refcount ref;
/*! \brief Helper to allocate a janus_request instance
* @param[in] transport Pointer to the transport
* @param[in] instance Pointer to the transport-provided session instance
* @param[in] request_id Opaque pointer to the request ID, if available
* @param[in] admin Whether this is a Janus API or Admin API request
* @param[in] message Opaque pointer to the original request, if available
* @returns A pointer to a janus_request instance if successful, NULL otherwise */
janus_request *janus_request_new(janus_transport *transport, janus_transport_session *instance, void *request_id, gboolean admin, json_t *message);
/*! \brief Helper to destroy a janus_request instance
* @param[in] request The janus_request instance to destroy
* @note The opaque pointers in the instance are not destroyed, that's up to you */
void janus_request_destroy(janus_request *request);
/*! \brief Helper to process an incoming request, no matter where it comes from
* @param[in] request The JSON request
* @returns 0 on success, a negative integer otherwise
int janus_process_incoming_request(janus_request *request);
/*! \brief Helper to process an incoming admin/monitor request, no matter where it comes from
* @param[in] request The request instance and its source
* @returns 0 on success, a negative integer otherwise
int janus_process_incoming_admin_request(janus_request *request);
/*! \brief Method to return a successful Janus response message (JSON) to the browser
* @param[in] request The request instance and its source
* @param[in] payload The payload to return as a JSON object
* @returns 0 on success, a negative integer otherwise
int janus_process_success(janus_request *request, json_t *payload);
/*! \brief Method to return an error Janus response message (JSON) to the browser
* @param[in] request The request instance and its source
* @param[in] session_id Janus session identifier this error refers to
* @param[in] transaction The Janus transaction identifier
* @param[in] error The error code as defined in apierror.h
* @param[in] format The printf format of the reason string, followed by a variable
* number of arguments, if needed; if format is NULL, a pre-configured string
* associated with the error code is used
* @returns 0 on success, a negative integer otherwise
int janus_process_error(janus_request *request, uint64_t session_id, const char *transaction, gint error, const char *format, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(5, 6);
/** @name Janus transport plugin management
* The core doesn't support any transport for the Janus API by default.
* In order to be able to with external clients, transport plugins are
* needed, e.g., to provide support for REST HTTP/HTTPS, WebSockets,
* RabbitMQ or others. These transport plugins are shared objects that
* need to implement the interfaces defined in transport.h and as such
* are dynamically loaded by the server at startup, and unloaded when
* the server closes.
/*! \brief Callback (g_hash_table_foreach) invoked when it's time to destroy a transport instance
* @param[in] key Key of the transports hash table (package name)
* @param[in] value The janus_transport instance to destroy
* @param[in] user_data User provided data (unused) */
void janus_transport_close(void *key, void *value, void *user_data);
/*! \brief Callback (g_hash_table_foreach) invoked when it's time to close a transport plugin
* @param[in] key Key of the transports hash table (package name)
* @param[in] value The janus_transport instance to close
* @param[in] user_data User provided data (unused) */
void janus_transportso_close(void *key, void *value, void *user_data);
/** @name Janus event handler plugin management
* The core doesn't notify anyone, except session originators, and only
* then only about stuff relevant to them. In order to allow for a more
* apt management of core and plugin related events on a broader sense,
* event handler plugins are needed. These event handler plugins are
* shared objects that need to implement the interfaces defined in
* eventhandler.h and as such are dynamically loaded by the server at
* startup, and unloaded when the server closes.
/*! \brief Callback (g_hash_table_foreach) invoked when it's time to destroy an eventhandler instance
* @param[in] key Key of the events hash table (package name)
* @param[in] value The janus_eventhandler instance to destroy
* @param[in] user_data User provided data (unused) */
void janus_eventhandler_close(void *key, void *value, void *user_data);
/*! \brief Callback (g_hash_table_foreach) invoked when it's time to close an eventhandler plugin
* @param[in] key Key of the events hash table (package name)
* @param[in] value The janus_eventhandler instance to close
* @param[in] user_data User provided data (unused) */
void janus_eventhandlerso_close(void *key, void *value, void *user_data);
/** @name Janus external logger plugin management
* By default, Janus has integrated support for logging to stdout and to
* a static file. Custom and advanced logging can be accomplished using
* additional logger plugins. These logger plugins are shared objects that
* need to implement the interfaces defined in logger.h and as such are
* dynamically loaded by the server at startup, and unloaded when the server closes.
/*! \brief Callback (g_hash_table_foreach) invoked when it's time to destroy a logger instance
* @param[in] key Key of the loggers hash table (package name)
* @param[in] value The janus_logger instance to destroy
* @param[in] user_data User provided data (unused) */
void janus_logger_close(void *key, void *value, void *user_data);
/*! \brief Callback (g_hash_table_foreach) invoked when it's time to close a logger plugin
* @param[in] key Key of the events hash table (package name)
* @param[in] value The janus_logger instance to close
* @param[in] user_data User provided data (unused) */
void janus_loggerso_close(void *key, void *value, void *user_data);
/** @name Janus plugin management
* As anticipated, the server doesn't provide any specific feature: it takes
* care of WebRTC-related stuff, and of sending and receiving JSON-based
* messages. To implement applications based on these foundations, plugins
* can be used. These plugins are shared objects that need to implement
* the interfaces defined in plugin.h and as such are dynamically loaded
* by the server at startup, and unloaded when the server closes.
/*! \brief Callback (g_hash_table_foreach) invoked when it's time to destroy a plugin instance
* @param[in] key Key of the plugins hash table (package name)
* @param[in] value The janus_plugin plugin instance to destroy
* @param[in] user_data User provided data (unused) */
void janus_plugin_close(void *key, void *value, void *user_data);
/*! \brief Callback (g_hash_table_foreach) invoked when it's time to close a plugin
* @param[in] key Key of the plugins hash table (package name)
* @param[in] value The janus_plugin plugin instance to close
* @param[in] user_data User provided data (unused) */
void janus_pluginso_close(void *key, void *value, void *user_data);
/*! \brief Method to return a registered plugin instance out of its package name
* @param[in] package The unique package name of the plugin
* @returns The plugin instance */
janus_plugin *janus_plugin_find(const gchar *package);
/*! \brief Helper method to return the path to the provided server certificate */
gchar *janus_get_server_pem(void);
/*! \brief Helper method to return the path to the provided server certificate key */
gchar *janus_get_server_key(void);
/*! \brief Helper method to return the local IP address (autodetected by default) */
gchar *janus_get_local_ip(void);
/*! \brief Helper method to return the IP address to use in the SDP (autodetected by default) */
gchar *janus_get_public_ip(void);
/*! \brief Helper method to overwrite the IP address to use in the SDP */
void janus_set_public_ip(const char *ip);
/*! \brief Helper method to check whether the server is being shut down */
gint janus_is_stopping(void);
/*! \brief Helper method to check whether WebRTC encryption is (as it should) enabled
* \note This is required by the ICE and DTLS portions of the code to decide whether
* to do the DTLS handshake, and whether SRTP encryption is required. Disabling the
* WebRTC encryption is supposed to be a debugging tool you can use with the Chrome
* setting with the same name, \c --disable-webrtc-encryption , and you should
* NEVER use it otherwise (it would simply not work with regular WebRTC endpoints).
* @returns TRUE if WebRTC encryption is enabled (the default), and FALSE otherwise */
gboolean janus_is_webrtc_encryption_enabled(void);
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