/*! \file utils.h
* \author Lorenzo Miniero <lorenzo@meetecho.com>
* \copyright GNU General Public License v3
* \brief Utilities and helpers (headers)
* \details Implementations of a few methods that may be of use here
* and there in the code.
* \ingroup core
* \ref core
#include <stdint.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <jansson.h>
/* Use JANUS_JSON_BOOL instead of the non-existing JSON_BOOLEAN */
struct janus_json_parameter {
const gchar *name;
json_type jtype;
unsigned int flags;
/*! \brief Helper to retrieve the system monotonic time, as Glib's
* g_get_monotonic_time may not be available (only since 2.28)
* @returns The system monotonic time */
gint64 janus_get_monotonic_time(void);
/*! \brief Helper to retrieve the system real time, as Glib's
* g_get_real_time may not be available (only since 2.28)
* @returns The system real time */
gint64 janus_get_real_time(void);
/*! \brief Helper to replace strings
* @param message The string that contains the text to replace, which may be
* freed if it is too short
* @param old_string The old text to replace
* @param new_string The new text
* @returns A pointer to the updated text string (re-allocated or just updated) */
char *janus_string_replace(char *message, const char *old_string, const char *new_string) G_GNUC_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/*! \brief Helper to parse yes/no|true/false configuration values
* @param value The configuration value to parse
* @returns true if the value contains a "yes", "YES", "true", TRUE", "1", false otherwise */
gboolean janus_is_true(const char *value);
/*! \brief Helper to compare strings in constant time
* @param str1 The first string to compare
* @param str2 The second string to compare
* @returns true if the strings are the same, false otherwise */
gboolean janus_strcmp_const_time(const void *str1, const void *str2);
/*! \brief Helper to generate random 32-bit unsigned integers (useful for SSRCs, etc.)
* @note Currently just wraps g_random_int()
* @returns A random 32-bit unsigned integer */
guint32 janus_random_uint32(void);
/*! \brief Helper to generate random 64-bit unsigned integers (useful for Janus IDs)
* @returns A random 64-bit unsigned integer */
guint64 janus_random_uint64(void);
/*! \brief Helper to generate random UUIDs (needed by some plugins)
* @returns A random UUID string, which must be deallocated with \c g_free */
char *janus_random_uuid(void);
/*! \brief Helper to generate an allocated copy of a guint64 number
* @note While apparently silly, this is needed in order to make sure guint64 values
* used as keys in GHashTable operations are not lost: using temporary guint64 numbers
* in a g_hash_table_insert, for instance, will cause the key to contain garbage as
* soon as the temporary variable is lost, and all opererations on the key to fail
* @param num The guint64 number to duplicate
* @returns A pointer to a guint64 number, if successful, NULL otherwise */
guint64 *janus_uint64_dup(guint64 num);
/*! \brief Helper method to convert a string to a uint8_t
* @note The value of \c num should be ignored, if the method returned an error
* @param[in] str The string to convert
* @param[out] num Pointer to the converted number
* @returns 0 if successful, or a negative integer otherwise (e.g., \c -ERANGE if the value is out of range) */
int janus_string_to_uint8(const char *str, uint8_t *num);
/*! \brief Helper method to convert a string to a uint16_t
* @note The value of \c num should be ignored, if the method returned an error
* @param[in] str The string to convert
* @param[out] num Pointer to the converted number
* @returns 0 if successful, or a negative integer otherwise (e.g., \c -ERANGE if the value is out of range) */
int janus_string_to_uint16(const char *str, uint16_t *num);
/*! \brief Helper method to convert a string to a uint32_t
* @note The value of \c num should be ignored, if the method returned an error
* @param[in] str The string to convert
* @param[out] num Pointer to the converted number
* @returns 0 if successful, or a negative integer otherwise (e.g., \c -ERANGE if the value is out of range) */
int janus_string_to_uint32(const char *str, uint32_t *num);
/** @name Flags helper methods
/*! \brief Janus flags container */
typedef gsize janus_flags;
/*! \brief Janus flags reset method
* \param[in] flags The janus_flags instance to reset */
void janus_flags_reset(janus_flags *flags);
/*! \brief Janus flags set method
* \param[in] flags The janus_flags instance to update
* \param[in] flag The flag to set */
void janus_flags_set(janus_flags *flags, gsize flag);
/*! \brief Janus flags clear method
* \param[in] flags The janus_flags instance to update
* \param[in] flag The flag to clear */
void janus_flags_clear(janus_flags *flags, gsize flag);
/*! \brief Janus flags check method
* \param[in] flags The janus_flags instance to check
* \param[in] flag The flag to check
* \returns true if the flag is set, false otherwise */
gboolean janus_flags_is_set(janus_flags *flags, gsize flag);
/*! \brief Helper to create a new directory, and recursively create parent directories if needed
* @param dir Path to the new folder to create
* @param mode File permissions for the new directory file
* @returns An integer like the regular mkdir does
* @note A failure may indicate that creating any of the subdirectories failed: some may still have been created */
int janus_mkdir(const char *dir, mode_t mode);
/*! \brief Ugly and dirty helper to quickly get the payload type associated with a codec in an SDP
* @param sdp The SDP to parse
* @param codec The codec to look for
* @returns The payload type, if found, -1 otherwise */
int janus_get_codec_pt(const char *sdp, const char *codec);
/*! \brief Ugly and dirty helper to quickly get the codec associated with a payload type in an SDP
* @param sdp The SDP to parse
* @param pt The payload type to look for
* @returns The codec name, if found, NULL otherwise */
const char *janus_get_codec_from_pt(const char *sdp, int pt);
/*! \brief Create and lock a PID file
* @param file Path to the PID file to use
* @returns 0 if successful, a negative integer otherwise */
int janus_pidfile_create(const char *file);
/*! \brief Unlock and remove a previously created PID file
* @returns 0 if successful, a negative integer otherwise */
int janus_pidfile_remove(void);
/*! \brief Add a folder to the protected list (meaning we won't create
* files there, like recordings or pcap dumps)
* @param folder Folder to protect */
void janus_protected_folder_add(const char *folder);
/*! \brief Check if the path points to a protected folder
* @param path Path we need to check
* @returns TRUE if the folder is protected, and FALSE otherwise */
gboolean janus_is_folder_protected(const char *path);
/*! \brief Cleanup the list of protected folder */
void janus_protected_folders_clear(void);
/*! \brief Creates a string describing the JSON type and constraint
* @param jtype The JSON type, e.g., JSON_STRING
* @param flags Indicates constraints for the described type
* @param[out] type_name The type description, e.g., "a positive integer"; required size is 19 characters
* @returns 0 if successful, a negative integer otherwise */
void janus_get_json_type_name(int jtype, unsigned int flags, char *type_name);
/*! \brief Checks whether the JSON value matches the type and constraint
* @param val The JSON value to be checked
* @param jtype The JSON type, e.g., JSON_STRING
* @param flags Indicates constraints for the described type
* @returns TRUE if the value is valid */
gboolean janus_json_is_valid(json_t *val, json_type jtype, unsigned int flags);
/*! \brief Validates the JSON object against the description of its parameters
* @param missing_format printf format to indicate a missing required parameter; needs one %s for the parameter name
* @param invalid_format printf format to indicate an invalid parameter; needs two %s for parameter name and type description from janus_get_json_type_name
* @param obj The JSON object to be validated
* @param params Array of struct janus_json_parameter to describe the parameters; the array has to be a global or stack variable to make sizeof work
* @param[out] error_code int to return error code
* @param[out] error_cause Array of char or NULL to return the error descriptions; the array has to be a global or stack variable to make sizeof work; the required size is the length of the format string plus the length of the longest parameter name plus 19 for the type description
* @param log_error If TRUE, log any error with JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR)
* @param missing_code The code to be returned in error_code if a parameter is missing
* @param invalid_code The code to be returned in error_code if a parameter is invalid */
#define JANUS_VALIDATE_JSON_OBJECT_FORMAT(missing_format, invalid_format, obj, params, error_code, error_cause, log_error, missing_code, invalid_code) \
do { \
error_code = 0; \
unsigned int i; \
for(i = 0; i < sizeof(params) / sizeof(struct janus_json_parameter); i++) { \
json_t *val = json_object_get(obj, params[i].name); \
if(!val) { \
if((params[i].flags & JANUS_JSON_PARAM_REQUIRED) != 0) { \
error_code = (missing_code); \
if(log_error) \
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, missing_format "\n", params[i].name); \
if(error_cause != NULL) \
g_snprintf(error_cause, sizeof(error_cause), missing_format, params[i].name); \
break; \
} \
continue; \
} \
if(!janus_json_is_valid(val, params[i].jtype, params[i].flags)) { \
error_code = (invalid_code); \
char type_name[20]; \
janus_get_json_type_name(params[i].jtype, params[i].flags, type_name); \
if(log_error) \
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, invalid_format "\n", params[i].name, type_name); \
if(error_cause != NULL) \
g_snprintf(error_cause, sizeof(error_cause), invalid_format, params[i].name, type_name); \
break; \
} \
} \
} while(0)
/*! \brief Validates the JSON object against the description of its parameters
* @param obj The JSON object to be validated
* @param params Array of struct janus_json_parameter to describe the parameters; the array has to be a global or stack variable to make sizeof work
* @param[out] error_code int to return error code
* @param[out] error_cause Array of char or NULL to return the error descriptions; the array has to be a global or stack variable to make sizeof work; the required size is the length of the longest parameter name plus 54 for the format string and type description
* @param log_error If TRUE, log any error with JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR)
* @param missing_code The code to be returned in error_code if a parameter is missing
* @param invalid_code The code to be returned in error_code if a parameter is invalid */
#define JANUS_VALIDATE_JSON_OBJECT(obj, params, error_code, error_cause, log_error, missing_code, invalid_code) \
JANUS_VALIDATE_JSON_OBJECT_FORMAT("Missing mandatory element (%s)", "Invalid element type (%s should be %s)", obj, params, error_code, error_cause, log_error, missing_code, invalid_code)
/*! \brief If the secret isn't NULL, check the secret after validating the specified member of the JSON object
* @param secret The secret to be checked; no check if the secret is NULL
* @param obj The JSON object to be validated
* @param member The JSON member with the secret, usually "secret" or "pin"
* @param[out] error_code int to return error code
* @param[out] error_cause Array of char or NULL to return the error descriptions; the array has to be a global or stack variable to make sizeof work; the required size is 60
* @param missing_code The code to be returned in error_code if a parameter is missing
* @param invalid_code The code to be returned in error_code if a parameter is invalid
* @param unauthorized_code The code to be returned in error_code if the secret doesn't match */
#define JANUS_CHECK_SECRET(secret, obj, member, error_code, error_cause, missing_code, invalid_code, unauthorized_code) \
do { \
if (secret) { \
static struct janus_json_parameter secret_parameters[] = { \
}; \
JANUS_VALIDATE_JSON_OBJECT(obj, secret_parameters, error_code, error_cause, TRUE, missing_code, invalid_code); \
if(error_code == 0 && !janus_strcmp_const_time((secret), json_string_value(json_object_get(obj, member)))) { \
error_code = (unauthorized_code); \
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Unauthorized (wrong %s)\n", member); \
if(error_cause != NULL) \
g_snprintf(error_cause, sizeof(error_cause), "Unauthorized (wrong %s)", member); \
} \
} \
} while(0)
/*! \brief Helper method to check if a VP8 frame is a keyframe or not
* @param[in] buffer The RTP payload to process
* @param[in] len The length of the RTP payload
* @returns TRUE if it's a keyframe, FALSE otherwise */
gboolean janus_vp8_is_keyframe(const char *buffer, int len);
/*! \brief Helper method to check if a VP9 frame is a keyframe or not
* @param[in] buffer The RTP payload to process
* @param[in] len The length of the RTP payload
* @returns TRUE if it's a keyframe, FALSE otherwise */
gboolean janus_vp9_is_keyframe(const char *buffer, int len);
/*! \brief Helper method to check if an H.264 frame is a keyframe or not
* @param[in] buffer The RTP payload to process
* @param[in] len The length of the RTP payload
* @returns TRUE if it's a keyframe, FALSE otherwise */
gboolean janus_h264_is_keyframe(const char *buffer, int len);
/*! \brief VP8 simulcasting context, in order to make sure SSRC changes result in coherent picid/temporal level increases */
typedef struct janus_vp8_simulcast_context {
uint16_t last_picid, base_picid, base_picid_prev;
uint8_t last_tlzi, base_tlzi, base_tlzi_prev;
} janus_vp8_simulcast_context;
/*! \brief Set (or reset) the context fields to their default values
* @param[in] context The context to (re)set */
void janus_vp8_simulcast_context_reset(janus_vp8_simulcast_context *context);
/*! \brief Helper method to parse a VP8 payload descriptor for useful info (e.g., when simulcasting)
* @param[in] buffer The RTP payload to process
* @param[in] len The length of the RTP payload
* @param[out] picid The Picture ID
* @param[out] tl0picidx Temporal level zero index
* @param[out] tid Temporal-layer index
* @param[out] y Layer sync bit
* @param[out] keyidx Temporal key frame index
* @returns 0 in case of success, a negative integer otherwise */
int janus_vp8_parse_descriptor(char *buffer, int len,
uint16_t *picid, uint8_t *tl0picidx, uint8_t *tid, uint8_t *y, uint8_t *keyidx);
/*! \brief Use the context info to update the RTP header of a packet, if needed
* @param[in] buffer The RTP payload to process
* @param[in] len The length of the RTP payload
* @param[in] context The context to use as a reference
* @param[in] switched Whether there has been a source switch or not (important to compute offsets) */
void janus_vp8_simulcast_descriptor_update(char *buffer, int len, janus_vp8_simulcast_context *context, gboolean switched);
/*! \brief VP9 SVC info, as parsed from a payload descriptor */
typedef struct janus_vp9_svc_info {
int spatial_layer, temporal_layer;
uint8_t fbit, pbit, dbit, ubit, bbit, ebit;
} janus_vp9_svc_info;
/*! \brief Helper method to parse a VP9 payload descriptor for SVC-related info (e.g., when SVC is enabled)
* @param[in] buffer The RTP payload to process
* @param[in] len The length of the RTP payload
* @param[out] found Whether any SVC related info has been found or not
* @param[out] info Pointer to a janus_vp9_svc_info structure for passing the parsed info back
* @returns 0 in case of success, a negative integer otherwise */
int janus_vp9_parse_svc(char *buffer, int len, gboolean *found, janus_vp9_svc_info *info);
/*! \brief Helper method to push individual bits at the end of a word
* @param[in] word Initial value of word
* @param[in] num Number of bits to push
* @param[in] val Value of bits to push
* @returns 0 New word value*/
guint32 janus_push_bits(guint32 word, size_t num, guint32 val);
/*! \brief Helper method to set one byte at a memory position
* @param[in] data memory data pointer
* @param[in] i position in memory to change
* @param[in] val value to write
void janus_set1(guint8 *data, size_t i, guint8 val);
/*! \brief Helper method to set two bytes at a memory position
* @param[in] data memory data pointer
* @param[in] i position in memory to change
* @param[in] val value to write
void janus_set2(guint8 *data, size_t i, guint32 val);
/*! \brief Helper method to set three bytes at a memory position
* @param[in] data memory data pointer
* @param[in] i position in memory to change
* @param[in] val value to write
void janus_set3(guint8 *data, size_t i, guint32 val);
/*! \brief Helper method to set four bytes at a memory position
* @param[in] data memory data pointer
* @param[in] i position in memory to change
* @param[in] val value to write
void janus_set4(guint8 *data, size_t i, guint32 val);
/*! \brief Helper method to compress a string to gzip (using zlib)
* \note It's up to you to provide a buffer large enough for the compressed
* data: in case the buffer isn't large enough, the request will fail
* @param[in] compression Compression factor (1=fastest, 9=best compression)
* @param[in] text Pointer to the string to compress
* @param[in] tlen Length of the string to compress
* @param[in] compressed Pointer to the buffer where to compress the string to
* @param[in] zlen Size of the output buffer
* @returns The size of the compressed data, if successful, or 0 otherwise
size_t janus_gzip_compress(int compression, char *text, size_t tlen, char *compressed, size_t zlen);
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