open Tree
let commute = function
| NAME _
| CONST _ -> true
| _ -> false
let rec do_stm = function
| SEQ (s1, s2) -> do_stm s1 @ do_stm s2
| EXP e -> fst (do_exp e)
| (LABEL _) as s -> [s]
| JUMP (e, l) ->
let s, e = do_exp e in
s @ [JUMP (e, l)]
| CJUMP (o, e1, e2, t, f) ->
let e1s, e1e = do_exp e1 in
let e2s, e2e = do_exp e2 in
if commute e1e then
e1s @ e2s @ [CJUMP (o, e1e, e2e, t, f)]
let t1 = Temp.new_temp () in
e1s @ [MOVE(TEMP t1, e1e)] @
e2s @ [CJUMP (o, TEMP t1, e2e, t, f)]
| MOVE (TEMP t, e) ->
let es, ee = do_exp e in
es @ [MOVE(TEMP t, ee)]
| MOVE (MEM(e1), e2) ->
let e1s, e1e = do_exp e1 in
let e2s, e2e = do_exp e2 in
let t1 = Temp.new_temp () in
e1s @ [MOVE(TEMP t1, e1e)] @
e2s @ [MOVE(MEM(TEMP t1), e2e)]
| _ -> raise (Failure "do_stm")
and do_exp = function
| MEM e ->
let es, ee = do_exp e in
es, MEM ee
| BINOP (o, e1, e2) ->
let e1s, e1e = do_exp e1 in
let e2s, e2e = do_exp e2 in
if commute e1e then
(e1s @ e2s), BINOP(o, e1e, e2e)
let t = Temp.new_temp() in
(e1s @ [MOVE(TEMP t, e1e)] @ e2s), BINOP(o, TEMP t, e2e)
| ESEQ (s, e) ->
let ss = do_stm s in
let es, ee = do_exp e in
(ss @ es), ee
| CALL (e, es) ->
let ess, ts = List.fold_right (fun e (ess, ts) ->
if commute e then ess, e::ts
let es, ee = do_exp e in
let t = Temp.new_temp () in
es @ [MOVE (TEMP t, ee)] @ ess, (TEMP t)::ts
) es ([], []) in
let t = Temp.new_temp () in
ess @ [MOVE(TEMP t, CALL(e, ts))], TEMP t
| e -> [], e
let linearize = do_stm
let basic_blocks stms =
let donelab = Temp.new_label () in
let rec blocks stms blist =
match stms with
LABEL _ as h :: l ->
let rec next stms thisblock =
match stms with
JUMP _ as h :: l ->
end_block l (h :: thisblock)
| CJUMP _ as h :: l ->
end_block l (h :: thisblock)
| LABEL lab :: _ ->
next ((JUMP (NAME lab, [lab])) :: stms) thisblock
| h :: l ->
next l (h :: thisblock)
| [] ->
next [JUMP (NAME donelab, [donelab])] thisblock
and end_block stms thisblock =
blocks stms (List.rev thisblock :: blist)
in next l [h]
| [] ->
List.rev blist
| _ ->
blocks (LABEL (Temp.new_label ()) :: stms) blist
in (blocks stms [], donelab)
let enter_block block table =
match block with
LABEL s :: _ ->
Symbol.enter s block table
| _ -> table
let rec split_last = function
[] -> raise (Failure "split_last")
| [x] -> ([], x)
| h :: t -> let (t', last) = split_last t in (h::t', last)
let rec trace table (LABEL lab :: _ as b) rest =
let table = Symbol.enter lab [] table in
match split_last b with
most, JUMP (NAME lab, _) ->
match Symbol.look lab table with
Some (_ :: _ as b') ->
most @ trace table b' rest
| _ ->
b @ get_next table rest
| most, CJUMP (op, x, y, t, f) ->
match Symbol.look t table, Symbol.look f table with
_, Some (_ :: _ as b') ->
b @ trace table b' rest
| Some (_ :: _ as b'), _ ->
most @ [CJUMP (not_relop op, x, y, f, t)] @ trace table b' rest
| _ ->
let f' = Temp.new_label () in
most @ [CJUMP (op, x, y, t, f');
JUMP (NAME f, [f])] @ get_next table rest
| most, JUMP _ ->
b @ get_next table rest
| _ -> failwith "trace"
and get_next table = function
[] -> []
| (LABEL lab :: _ as b) :: rest ->
match Symbol.look lab table with
Some (_ :: _) -> trace table b rest
| _ -> get_next table rest
| _ -> failwith "get_next"
let trace_schedule (blocks, donelab) =
let table = List.fold_right enter_block blocks Symbol.empty in
get_next table blocks @ [LABEL donelab]
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