open ExtList
open ExtString
type igraph =
{graph: Igraph.graph;
tnode: Temp.temp -> Igraph.node;
gtemp: Igraph.node -> Temp.temp;
moves: (Igraph.node * Igraph.node) list}
type liveset = unit Temp.Table.t * Temp.temp list
type livemap = liveset Flow.Graph.Table.t
(* Set functions on lists *)
let rec add e = function
[] -> [e]
| hd :: tl ->
if e = hd then
hd :: tl
else if e < hd then
e :: hd :: tl
hd :: add e tl
let rec union x y =
match x, y with
[], _ -> y
| _, [] -> x
| hd :: tl, _ ->
add hd (union tl y)
let rec diff x y =
match x, y with
[], _ -> []
| _, [] -> x
| hd :: tl, _ ->
if List.mem hd y then
diff tl y
add hd (diff tl y)
let show_livemap out_channel livemap =
(fun fnode (_, temps) ->
output_string out_channel (Flow.Graph.nodename fnode ^ "\t");
output_string out_channel (String.join " " (List.map (Frame.string_of_temp) temps));
output_string out_channel "\n")
let liveness ({Flow.def; use; ismove; control} as flowgraph) =
let fnodes = Flow.Graph.nodes control in
let emptytab = List.fold_left
(fun tab fnode -> Flow.Graph.Table.add fnode [] tab)
fnodes in
let rec loop intab outtab =
let (intab', outtab') = List.fold_right
(fun fnode (intab, outtab) ->
let use = Flow.Graph.Table.find fnode use in
let def = Flow.Graph.Table.find fnode def in
let liveout = Flow.Graph.Table.find fnode outtab in
let livein' = union use (diff liveout def) in
let liveout' = List.fold_left
(fun liveout succ ->
union liveout (Flow.Graph.Table.find succ intab))
(Flow.Graph.succ fnode) in
let intab' = Flow.Graph.Table.add fnode livein' intab in
let outtab' = Flow.Graph.Table.add fnode liveout' outtab in
(intab', outtab'))
(intab, outtab) in
if List.for_all
(fun fnode ->
Flow.Graph.Table.find fnode intab = Flow.Graph.Table.find fnode intab' &&
Flow.Graph.Table.find fnode outtab = Flow.Graph.Table.find fnode outtab')
fnodes then
(intab', outtab')
loop intab' outtab' in
let (_, outtab) = loop emptytab emptytab in
(fun livemap fnode ->
let livelist = Flow.Graph.Table.find fnode outtab in
let liveset = List.fold_left
(fun tab t -> Temp.Table.add t () tab)
livelist in
Flow.Graph.Table.add fnode (liveset, livelist) livemap)
let interference_graph ({Flow.def; use; ismove; control} as flowgraph) =
let livemap = liveness flowgraph in
let igraph = Igraph.new_graph () in
let add_inode (tnode, gtemp) t =
if Temp.Table.mem t tnode then
(tnode, gtemp)
let inode = Igraph.new_node igraph in
let tnode' = Temp.Table.add t inode tnode in
let gtemp' = Igraph.Table.add inode t gtemp in
(tnode', gtemp') in
let add_iedge n1 n2 =
if not (Igraph.eq n1 n2) && not (List.exists (Igraph.eq n1) (Igraph.adj n2)) then
Igraph.mk_edge n1 n2 in
let rec loop tnode gtemp moves = function
[] ->
tnode=(fun t -> Temp.Table.find t tnode);
gtemp=(fun inode -> Igraph.Table.find inode gtemp);
moves=List.rev moves}
| fnode :: fnodes ->
let use = Flow.Graph.Table.find fnode use in
let def = Flow.Graph.Table.find fnode def in
let ismove = Flow.Graph.Table.find fnode ismove in
let (livetab, livelist) = Flow.Graph.Table.find fnode livemap in
let (tnode', gtemp') = List.fold_left add_inode (tnode, gtemp) (use @ def @ livelist) in
let moves' = if ismove then
let u = Temp.Table.find (List.hd def) tnode' in
let v = Temp.Table.find (List.hd use) tnode' in
(u, v) :: moves
moves in
let adj = if ismove && Temp.Table.mem (List.hd use) livetab then
List.filter (fun t -> t <> List.hd use) livelist
livelist in
(fun d ->
let inode = Temp.Table.find d tnode' in
let iadj = List.map (fun t -> Temp.Table.find t tnode') adj in
List.iter (add_iedge inode) iadj)
loop tnode' gtemp' moves' fnodes in
let fnodes = Flow.Graph.nodes control in
let igraph = loop Temp.Table.empty Igraph.Table.empty [] fnodes in
let liveout fnode = snd (Flow.Graph.Table.find fnode livemap) in
(igraph, liveout)
let show out_channel {graph; gtemp; _} =
let say = output_string out_channel in
say "\n";
(fun n ->
say ((Frame.string_of_temp (gtemp n)) ^ ":\t" ^
(String.join ", " (List.map (fun gn -> Frame.string_of_temp (gtemp gn)) (Igraph.adj n))) ^
": " ^
(string_of_int (List.length (Igraph.adj n))) ^
(Igraph.nodes graph)
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