Unit tests for the LanguageModel implementation, making sure
that nothing crashes, that we can overfit a small dataset
and that everything gradient checks.
require 'torch'
require 'misc.LanguageModel'
local gradcheck = require 'misc.gradcheck'
local tests = {}
local tester = torch.Tester()
-- validates the size and dimensions of a given
-- tensor a to be size given in table sz
function tester:assertTensorSizeEq(a, sz)
tester:asserteq(a:nDimension(), #sz)
for i=1,#sz do
tester:asserteq(a:size(i), sz[i])
-- Test the API of the Language Model
local function forwardApiTestFactory(dtype)
if dtype == 'torch.CudaTensor' then
require 'cutorch'
require 'cunn'
local function f()
-- create LanguageModel instance
local opt = {}
opt.vocab_size = 5
opt.input_encoding_size = 11
opt.rnn_size = 8
opt.num_layers = 2
opt.dropout = 0
opt.seq_length = 7
opt.batch_size = 10
local lm = nn.LanguageModel(opt)
local crit = nn.LanguageModelCriterion()
-- construct some input to feed in
local seq = torch.LongTensor(opt.seq_length, opt.batch_size):random(opt.vocab_size)
-- make sure seq can be padded with zeroes and that things work ok
seq[{ {4, 7}, 1 }] = 0
seq[{ {5, 7}, 6 }] = 0
local imgs = torch.randn(opt.batch_size, opt.input_encoding_size):type(dtype)
local output = lm:forward{imgs, seq}
tester:assertlt(torch.max(output:view(-1)), 0) -- log probs should be <0
-- the output should be of size (seq_length + 2, batch_size, vocab_size + 1)
-- where the +1 is for the special END token appended at the end.
tester:assertTensorSizeEq(output, {opt.seq_length+2, opt.batch_size, opt.vocab_size+1})
local loss = crit:forward(output, seq)
local gradOutput = crit:backward(output, seq)
tester:assertTensorSizeEq(gradOutput, {opt.seq_length+2, opt.batch_size, opt.vocab_size+1})
-- make sure the pattern of zero gradients is as expected
local gradAbs = torch.max(torch.abs(gradOutput), 3):view(opt.seq_length+2, opt.batch_size)
local gradZeroMask = torch.eq(gradAbs,0)
local expectedGradZeroMask = torch.ByteTensor(opt.seq_length+2,opt.batch_size):zero()
expectedGradZeroMask[{ {1}, {} }]:fill(1) -- first time step should be zero grad (img was passed in)
expectedGradZeroMask[{ {6,9}, 1 }]:fill(1)
expectedGradZeroMask[{ {7,9}, 6 }]:fill(1)
tester:assertTensorEq(gradZeroMask:float(), expectedGradZeroMask:float(), 1e-8)
local gradInput = lm:backward({imgs, seq}, gradOutput)
tester:assertTensorSizeEq(gradInput[1], {opt.batch_size, opt.input_encoding_size})
tester:asserteq(gradInput[2]:nElement(), 0, 'grad on seq should be empty tensor')
return f
-- test just the language model alone (without the criterion)
local function gradCheckLM()
local dtype = 'torch.DoubleTensor'
local opt = {}
opt.vocab_size = 5
opt.input_encoding_size = 4
opt.rnn_size = 8
opt.num_layers = 2
opt.dropout = 0
opt.seq_length = 7
opt.batch_size = 6
local lm = nn.LanguageModel(opt)
local crit = nn.LanguageModelCriterion()
local seq = torch.LongTensor(opt.seq_length, opt.batch_size):random(opt.vocab_size)
seq[{ {4, 7}, 1 }] = 0
seq[{ {5, 7}, 4 }] = 0
local imgs = torch.randn(opt.batch_size, opt.input_encoding_size):type(dtype)
-- evaluate the analytic gradient
local output = lm:forward{imgs, seq}
local w = torch.randn(output:size(1), output:size(2), output:size(3))
-- generate random weighted sum criterion
local loss = torch.sum(torch.cmul(output, w))
local gradOutput = w
local gradInput, dummy = unpack(lm:backward({imgs, seq}, gradOutput))
-- create a loss function wrapper
local function f(x)
local output = lm:forward{x, seq}
local loss = torch.sum(torch.cmul(output, w))
return loss
local gradInput_num = gradcheck.numeric_gradient(f, imgs, 1, 1e-6)
-- print(gradInput)
-- print(gradInput_num)
-- local g = gradInput:view(-1)
-- local gn = gradInput_num:view(-1)
-- for i=1,g:nElement() do
-- local r = gradcheck.relative_error(g[i],gn[i])
-- print(i, g[i], gn[i], r)
-- end
tester:assertTensorEq(gradInput, gradInput_num, 1e-4)
tester:assertlt(gradcheck.relative_error(gradInput, gradInput_num, 1e-8), 1e-4)
local function gradCheck()
local dtype = 'torch.DoubleTensor'
local opt = {}
opt.vocab_size = 5
opt.input_encoding_size = 4
opt.rnn_size = 8
opt.num_layers = 2
opt.dropout = 0
opt.seq_length = 7
opt.batch_size = 6
local lm = nn.LanguageModel(opt)
local crit = nn.LanguageModelCriterion()
local seq = torch.LongTensor(opt.seq_length, opt.batch_size):random(opt.vocab_size)
seq[{ {4, 7}, 1 }] = 0
seq[{ {5, 7}, 4 }] = 0
local imgs = torch.randn(opt.batch_size, opt.input_encoding_size):type(dtype)
-- evaluate the analytic gradient
local output = lm:forward{imgs, seq}
local loss = crit:forward(output, seq)
local gradOutput = crit:backward(output, seq)
local gradInput, dummy = unpack(lm:backward({imgs, seq}, gradOutput))
-- create a loss function wrapper
local function f(x)
local output = lm:forward{x, seq}
local loss = crit:forward(output, seq)
return loss
local gradInput_num = gradcheck.numeric_gradient(f, imgs, 1, 1e-6)
-- print(gradInput)
-- print(gradInput_num)
-- local g = gradInput:view(-1)
-- local gn = gradInput_num:view(-1)
-- for i=1,g:nElement() do
-- local r = gradcheck.relative_error(g[i],gn[i])
-- print(i, g[i], gn[i], r)
-- end
tester:assertTensorEq(gradInput, gradInput_num, 1e-4)
tester:assertlt(gradcheck.relative_error(gradInput, gradInput_num, 1e-8), 5e-4)
local function overfit()
local dtype = 'torch.DoubleTensor'
local opt = {}
opt.vocab_size = 5
opt.input_encoding_size = 7
opt.rnn_size = 24
opt.num_layers = 1
opt.dropout = 0
opt.seq_length = 7
opt.batch_size = 6
local lm = nn.LanguageModel(opt)
local crit = nn.LanguageModelCriterion()
local seq = torch.LongTensor(opt.seq_length, opt.batch_size):random(opt.vocab_size)
seq[{ {4, 7}, 1 }] = 0
seq[{ {5, 7}, 4 }] = 0
local imgs = torch.randn(opt.batch_size, opt.input_encoding_size):type(dtype)
local params, grad_params = lm:getParameters()
print('number of parameters:', params:nElement(), grad_params:nElement())
local lstm_params = 4*(opt.input_encoding_size + opt.rnn_size)*opt.rnn_size + opt.rnn_size*4*2
local output_params = opt.rnn_size * (opt.vocab_size + 1) + opt.vocab_size+1
local table_params = (opt.vocab_size + 1) * opt.input_encoding_size
local expected_params = lstm_params + output_params + table_params
print('expected:', expected_params)
local function lossFun()
local output = lm:forward{imgs, seq}
local loss = crit:forward(output, seq)
local gradOutput = crit:backward(output, seq)
lm:backward({imgs, seq}, gradOutput)
return loss
local loss
local grad_cache = grad_params:clone():fill(1e-8)
print('trying to overfit the language model on toy data:')
for t=1,30 do
loss = lossFun()
-- test that initial loss makes sense
if t == 1 then tester:assertlt(math.abs(math.log(opt.vocab_size+1) - loss), 0.1) end
grad_cache:addcmul(1, grad_params, grad_params)
params:addcdiv(-1e-1, grad_params, torch.sqrt(grad_cache)) -- adagrad update
print(string.format('iteration %d/30: loss %f', t, loss))
-- holy crap adagrad destroys the loss function!
tester:assertlt(loss, 0.2)
-- check that we can call :sample() and that correct-looking things happen
local function sample()
local dtype = 'torch.DoubleTensor'
local opt = {}
opt.vocab_size = 5
opt.input_encoding_size = 4
opt.rnn_size = 8
opt.num_layers = 2
opt.dropout = 0
opt.seq_length = 7
opt.batch_size = 6
local lm = nn.LanguageModel(opt)
local imgs = torch.randn(opt.batch_size, opt.input_encoding_size):type(dtype)
local seq = lm:sample(imgs)
tester:assertTensorSizeEq(seq, {opt.seq_length, opt.batch_size})
tester:asserteq(seq:type(), 'torch.LongTensor')
tester:assertge(torch.min(seq), 1)
tester:assertle(torch.max(seq), opt.vocab_size+1)
print('\nsampled sequence:')
-- check that we can call :sample_beam() and that correct-looking things happen
-- these are not very exhaustive tests and basic sanity checks
local function sample_beam()
local dtype = 'torch.DoubleTensor'
local opt = {}
opt.vocab_size = 10
opt.input_encoding_size = 4
opt.rnn_size = 8
opt.num_layers = 1
opt.dropout = 0
opt.seq_length = 7
opt.batch_size = 6
local lm = nn.LanguageModel(opt)
local imgs = torch.randn(opt.batch_size, opt.input_encoding_size):type(dtype)
local seq_vanilla, logprobs_vanilla = lm:sample(imgs)
local seq, logprobs = lm:sample(imgs, {beam_size = 1})
-- check some basic I/O, types, etc.
tester:assertTensorSizeEq(seq, {opt.seq_length, opt.batch_size})
tester:asserteq(seq:type(), 'torch.LongTensor')
tester:assertge(torch.min(seq), 0)
tester:assertle(torch.max(seq), opt.vocab_size+1)
-- doing beam search with beam size 1 should return exactly what we had before
print('vanilla sampling:')
print('beam search sampling with beam size 1:')
tester:assertTensorEq(seq_vanilla, seq, 0) -- these are LongTensors, expect exact match
tester:assertTensorEq(logprobs_vanilla, logprobs, 1e-6) -- logprobs too
-- doing beam search with higher beam size should yield higher likelihood sequences
local seq2, logprobs2 = lm:sample(imgs, {beam_size = 8})
local logsum = torch.sum(logprobs, 1)
local logsum2 = torch.sum(logprobs2, 1)
print('beam search sampling with beam size 1:')
print('beam search sampling with beam size 8:')
-- the logprobs should always be >=, since beam_search is better argmax inference
tester:assert(torch.all(torch.gt(logsum2, logsum)))
tests.doubleApiForwardTest = forwardApiTestFactory('torch.DoubleTensor')
tests.floatApiForwardTest = forwardApiTestFactory('torch.FloatTensor')
tests.cudaApiForwardTest = forwardApiTestFactory('torch.CudaTensor')
tests.gradCheck = gradCheck
tests.gradCheckLM = gradCheckLM
tests.overfit = overfit
tests.sample = sample
tests.sample_beam = sample_beam
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