/* Copyright 2012-present Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 */
#include "watchman.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <thread>
#include "make_unique.h"
#include "InMemoryView.h"
// Each root gets a number that uniquely identifies it within the process. This
// helps avoid confusion if a root is removed and then added again.
static std::atomic<long> next_root_number{1};
namespace watchman {
InMemoryView::view::view(const w_string& root_path)
: root_dir(watchman::make_unique<watchman_dir>(root_path, nullptr)),
rootNumber(next_root_number++) {}
InMemoryView::InMemoryView(w_root_t* root, std::shared_ptr<Watcher> watcher)
: cookies_(root->cookies),
watcher_(watcher) {}
void InMemoryView::view::insertAtHeadOfFileList(struct watchman_file* file) {
file->next = latest_file;
if (file->next) {
file->next->prev = &file->next;
latest_file = file;
file->prev = &latest_file;
void InMemoryView::markFileChanged(
SyncView::LockedPtr& view,
watchman_file* file,
const struct timeval& now) {
if (file->exists) {
file->otime.timestamp = now.tv_sec;
file->otime.ticks = view->mostRecentTick;
if (view->latest_file != file) {
// unlink from list
// and move to the head
const watchman_dir* InMemoryView::resolveDir(
SyncView::ConstLockedPtr& view,
const w_string& dir_name) const {
watchman_dir* dir;
const char* dir_component;
const char* dir_end;
if (dir_name == root_path) {
return view->root_dir.get();
dir_component = dir_name.data();
dir_end = dir_component + dir_name.size();
dir = view->root_dir.get();
dir_component += root_path.size() + 1; // Skip root path prefix
w_assert(dir_component <= dir_end, "impossible file name");
while (true) {
w_string_t component;
auto sep = (const char*)memchr(
dir_component, WATCHMAN_DIR_SEP, dir_end - dir_component);
// Note: if sep is NULL it means that we're looking at the basename
// component of the input directory name, which is the terminal
// iteration of this search.
sep ? (uint32_t)(sep - dir_component)
: (uint32_t)(dir_end - dir_component),
auto child = dir->getChildDir(&component);
if (!child) {
return nullptr;
dir = child;
if (!sep) {
// We reached the end of the string
if (dir) {
// We found the dir
return dir;
// Does not exist
return nullptr;
// Skip to the next component for the next iteration
dir_component = sep + 1;
return nullptr;
watchman_dir* InMemoryView::resolveDir(
SyncView::LockedPtr& view,
const w_string& dir_name,
bool create) {
watchman_dir *dir, *parent;
const char* dir_component;
const char* dir_end;
if (dir_name == root_path) {
return view->root_dir.get();
dir_component = dir_name.data();
dir_end = dir_component + dir_name.size();
dir = view->root_dir.get();
dir_component += root_path.size() + 1; // Skip root path prefix
w_assert(dir_component <= dir_end, "impossible file name");
while (true) {
w_string_t component;
auto sep = (const char*)memchr(
dir_component, WATCHMAN_DIR_SEP, dir_end - dir_component);
// Note: if sep is NULL it means that we're looking at the basename
// component of the input directory name, which is the terminal
// iteration of this search.
sep ? (uint32_t)(sep - dir_component)
: (uint32_t)(dir_end - dir_component),
auto child = dir->getChildDir(&component);
if (!child && !create) {
return nullptr;
if (!child && sep && create) {
// A component in the middle wasn't present. Since we're in create
// mode, we know that the leaf must exist. The assumption is that
// we have another pending item for the parent. We'll create the
// parent dir now and our other machinery will populate its contents
// later.
w_string child_name(dir_component, (uint32_t)(sep - dir_component));
auto& new_child = dir->dirs[child_name];
new_child.reset(new watchman_dir(child_name, dir));
child = new_child.get();
parent = dir;
dir = child;
if (!sep) {
// We reached the end of the string
if (dir) {
// We found the dir
return dir;
// We need to create the dir
// Skip to the next component for the next iteration
dir_component = sep + 1;
w_string child_name(dir_component, (uint32_t)(dir_end - dir_component));
auto& new_child = parent->dirs[child_name];
new_child.reset(new watchman_dir(child_name, parent));
dir = new_child.get();
return dir;
void InMemoryView::markDirDeleted(
SyncView::LockedPtr& view,
struct watchman_dir* dir,
const struct timeval& now,
bool recursive) {
if (!dir->last_check_existed) {
// If we know that it doesn't exist, return early
dir->last_check_existed = false;
for (auto& it : dir->files) {
auto file = it.second.get();
if (file->exists) {
auto full_name = w_dir_path_cat_str(dir, file->getName());
w_log(W_LOG_DBG, "mark_deleted: %s\n", full_name.c_str());
file->exists = false;
markFileChanged(view, file, now);
if (recursive) {
for (auto& it : dir->dirs) {
auto child = it.second.get();
markDirDeleted(view, child, now, true);
watchman_file* InMemoryView::getOrCreateChildFile(
SyncView::LockedPtr& view,
watchman_dir* dir,
const w_string& file_name,
const struct timeval& now) {
// file_name is typically a baseName slice; let's use it as-is
// to look up a child...
auto it = dir->files.find(file_name);
if (it != dir->files.end()) {
return it->second.get();
// ... but take the shorter string from inside the file that
// we create as the key.
auto file = watchman_file::make(file_name, dir);
auto& file_ptr = dir->files[file->getName()];
file_ptr = std::move(file);
file_ptr->ctime.ticks = view->mostRecentTick;
file_ptr->ctime.timestamp = now.tv_sec;
auto suffix = file_name.suffix();
if (suffix) {
auto& sufhead = view->suffixes[suffix];
if (!sufhead) {
// Create the list head if we don't already have one for this suffix.
sufhead.reset(new watchman::InMemoryView::file_list_head);
file_ptr->suffix_next = sufhead->head;
if (file_ptr->suffix_next) {
sufhead->head->suffix_prev = &file_ptr->suffix_next;
sufhead->head = file_ptr.get();
file_ptr->suffix_prev = &sufhead->head;
return file_ptr.get();
void InMemoryView::ageOutFile(
std::unordered_set<w_string>& dirs_to_erase,
watchman_file* file) {
auto parent = file->parent;
auto full_name = w_dir_path_cat_str(parent, file->getName());
w_log(W_LOG_DBG, "age_out file=%s\n", full_name.c_str());
// Revise tick for fresh instance reporting
last_age_out_tick = std::max(last_age_out_tick, file->otime.ticks);
// If we have a corresponding dir, we want to arrange to remove it, but only
// after we have unlinked all of the associated file nodes.
// Remove the entry from the containing file hash; this will free it.
// We don't need to stop watching it, because we already stopped watching it
// when we marked it as !exists.
// We remove using the iterator rather than passing the file name in, because
// the file name will be freed as part of the erasure.
auto it = parent->files.find(file->getName());
void InMemoryView::ageOut(w_perf_t& sample, std::chrono::seconds minAge) {
struct watchman_file *file, *prior;
time_t now;
uint32_t num_aged_files = 0;
uint32_t num_walked = 0;
std::unordered_set<w_string> dirs_to_erase;
last_age_out_timestamp = now;
auto view = view_.wlock();
file = view->latest_file;
prior = nullptr;
while (file) {
if (file->exists || file->otime.timestamp + minAge.count() > now) {
prior = file;
file = file->next;
ageOutFile(dirs_to_erase, file);
// Go back to last good file node; we can't trust that the
// value of file->next saved before age_out_file is a valid
// file node as anything past that point may have also been
// aged out along with it.
file = prior;
for (auto& name : dirs_to_erase) {
auto parent = resolveDir(view, name.dirName(), false);
if (parent) {
if (num_aged_files + dirs_to_erase.size()) {
"aged %" PRIu32 " files, %" PRIu32 " dirs\n",
json_object({{"walked", json_integer(num_walked)},
{"files", json_integer(num_aged_files)},
{"dirs", json_integer(dirs_to_erase.size())}}));
bool InMemoryView::timeGenerator(
w_query* query,
struct w_query_ctx* ctx,
int64_t* num_walked) const {
struct watchman_file* f;
int64_t n = 0;
bool result = true;
// Walk back in time until we hit the boundary
auto view = view_.rlock();
for (f = view->latest_file; f; f = f->next) {
if (ctx->since.is_timestamp && f->otime.timestamp < ctx->since.timestamp) {
if (!ctx->since.is_timestamp && f->otime.ticks <= ctx->since.clock.ticks) {
if (!w_query_file_matches_relative_root(ctx, f)) {
if (!w_query_process_file(query, ctx, f)) {
result = false;
goto done;
*num_walked = n;
return result;
bool InMemoryView::suffixGenerator(
w_query* query,
struct w_query_ctx* ctx,
int64_t* num_walked) const {
struct watchman_file* f;
int64_t n = 0;
bool result = true;
auto view = view_.rlock();
for (const auto& suff : query->suffixes) {
// Head of suffix index for this suffix
auto it = view->suffixes.find(suff);
if (it == view->suffixes.end()) {
// Walk and process
for (f = it->second->head; f; f = f->suffix_next) {
if (!w_query_file_matches_relative_root(ctx, f)) {
if (!w_query_process_file(query, ctx, f)) {
result = false;
goto done;
*num_walked = n;
return result;
bool InMemoryView::pathGenerator(
w_query* query,
struct w_query_ctx* ctx,
int64_t* num_walked) const {
w_string_t* relative_root;
struct watchman_file* f;
int64_t n = 0;
bool result = true;
if (query->relative_root) {
relative_root = query->relative_root;
} else {
relative_root = root_path;
auto view = view_.rlock();
for (const auto& path : query->paths) {
const watchman_dir* dir;
w_string_t* file_name;
w_string dir_name;
// Compose path with root
auto full_name = w_string::pathCat({relative_root, path.name});
// special case of root dir itself
if (w_string_equal(root_path, full_name)) {
// dirname on the root is outside the root, which is useless
dir = resolveDir(view, full_name);
goto is_dir;
// Ideally, we'd just resolve it directly as a dir and be done.
// It's not quite so simple though, because we may resolve a dir
// that had been deleted and replaced by a file.
// We prefer to resolve the parent and walk down.
dir_name = full_name.dirName();
if (!dir_name) {
dir = resolveDir(view, dir_name);
if (!dir) {
// Doesn't exist, and never has
if (!dir->files.empty()) {
file_name = w_string_basename(path.name);
f = dir->getChildFile(file_name);
// If it's a file (but not an existent dir)
if (f && (!f->exists || !S_ISDIR(f->stat.mode))) {
if (!w_query_process_file(query, ctx, f)) {
result = false;
goto done;
// Is it a dir?
if (dir->dirs.empty()) {
dir = dir->getChildDir(full_name.baseName());
// We got a dir; process recursively to specified depth
if (dir) {
int64_t child_walked = 0;
result = dirGenerator(query, ctx, dir, path.depth, &child_walked);
n += child_walked;
if (!result) {
goto done;
*num_walked = n;
return result;
bool InMemoryView::dirGenerator(
w_query* query,
struct w_query_ctx* ctx,
const watchman_dir* dir,
uint32_t depth,
int64_t* num_walked) const {
int64_t n = 0;
bool result = true;
for (auto& it : dir->files) {
auto file = it.second.get();
if (!w_query_process_file(query, ctx, file)) {
result = false;
goto done;
if (depth > 0) {
for (auto& it : dir->dirs) {
const auto child = it.second.get();
int64_t child_walked = 0;
result = dirGenerator(query, ctx, child, depth - 1, &child_walked);
n += child_walked;
if (!result) {
goto done;
*num_walked = n;
return result;
bool InMemoryView::allFilesGenerator(
w_query* query,
struct w_query_ctx* ctx,
int64_t* num_walked) const {
struct watchman_file* f;
int64_t n = 0;
bool result = true;
auto view = view_.rlock();
for (f = view->latest_file; f; f = f->next) {
if (!w_query_file_matches_relative_root(ctx, f)) {
if (!w_query_process_file(query, ctx, f)) {
result = false;
goto done;
*num_walked = n;
return result;
ClockPosition InMemoryView::getMostRecentRootNumberAndTickValue() const {
auto view = view_.rlock();
return ClockPosition(view->rootNumber, view->mostRecentTick);
w_string InMemoryView::getCurrentClockString() const {
auto view = view_.rlock();
char clockbuf[128];
if (!clock_id_string(
view->rootNumber, view->mostRecentTick, clockbuf, sizeof(clockbuf))) {
throw std::runtime_error("clock string exceeded clockbuf size");
return w_string(clockbuf, W_STRING_UNICODE);
uint32_t InMemoryView::getLastAgeOutTickValue() const {
return last_age_out_tick;
time_t InMemoryView::getLastAgeOutTimeStamp() const {
return last_age_out_timestamp;
void InMemoryView::startThreads(const std::shared_ptr<w_root_t>& root) {
// Start a thread to call into the watcher API for filesystem notifications
auto self = std::static_pointer_cast<InMemoryView>(shared_from_this());
w_log(W_LOG_DBG, "starting threads for %p %s\n", this, root_path.c_str());
std::thread notifyThreadInstance([self, root]() {
w_set_thread_name("notify %p %s", self.get(), self->root_path.c_str());
w_log(W_LOG_DBG, "out of loop\n");
// Wait for it to signal that the watcher has been initialized
bool pinged = false;
pending_.lockAndWait(std::chrono::milliseconds(-1) /* infinite */, pinged);
// And now start the IO thread
std::thread ioThreadInstance([self, root]() {
w_set_thread_name("io %p %s", self.get(), self->root_path.c_str());
w_log(W_LOG_DBG, "out of loop\n");
void InMemoryView::signalThreads() {
w_log(W_LOG_DBG, "signalThreads! %p %s\n", this, root_path.c_str());
stopThreads_ = true;
bool InMemoryView::doAnyOfTheseFilesExist(
const std::vector<w_string>& fileNames) const {
auto view = view_.rlock();
for (auto& name : fileNames) {
auto fullName = w_string::pathCat({root_path, name});
const auto dir = resolveDir(view, fullName.dirName());
if (!dir) {
auto file = dir->getChildFile(fullName.baseName());
if (!file) {
if (file->exists) {
return true;
return false;
const std::shared_ptr<Watcher>& InMemoryView::getWatcher() const {
return watcher_;
const w_string& InMemoryView::getName() const {
return watcher_->name;
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