API: GetGuildRosterInfo returns arg15 (1nil) called canSoR
API: GetInventoryItemsForSlot added par2 and par3 named itemTable (i.e. table to populate with valid items for given slot) and category (i.e. “transmogrify”)
FrameXML: ITEM_SEARCHBAR_LIST is a table of all editBoxes that are used for searching
FrameXML: MAELSTROM_ZONES_LEVELS table contains list of all the Maelstrom zone level ranges
FrameXML: MainMenuBarMicroButtons finally use MICRO_BUTTONS (global table) to traverse the micro buttons, about time!
FrameXML: Minimap has new global constants HUNTER_TRACKING and TOWNSFOLK
FrameXML: New code for ScrollOfResurrection.lua
FrameXML: new font named NumberFontNormalGray inherits from NumberFont_Outline_Med, has been added
FrameXML: New hyperlink called “journal” has been added (linking journal pages?)
FrameXML: Several SecureGroupHeaders.lua changes, some involving enchanting of weapons in combat apparently
FrameXML: The EclipseBarFrame will check maxPower for 0 to avoid dividing by zero (since LUA now can’t divide by zero, have to update your eclipse addons guys)
UI: Can now place a raid target marker using the command /tm index unit and /tm 0 to unset, unit is optional (fallback to target)
UI: Durability frame now considers left and right weapons/shields/ranged
UI: Game Master Survey makes igCharacterInfoOpen/Close sounds when shown and hidden, checkboxes also play igMainMenuOptionCheckBoxOn when toggles
UI: Guild Bank is slightly wider
UI: Inventory, Bank and Guild Bank support the searching in inventory feature
UI: Placing and clearing world markers can be done using / and /
UI: Reforging has gotten a facelift
UI: The default Away and Busy messages changed back to classic “AFK” and “DND”
UI: The Dressup frame and the Auction Dressup model have been removed (hello there, dressing room addons -check out ModelFrames.lua as it now handles these models and all others in general)
UI: The Encounter Journal is now it’s own internal addon, supporting Load on Demand (won’t load when you login into the game, saving some loading time)
UI: The LFR frame is a part of the friends frame dialog (added the tab, right of the channel tab)
UI: The Macro frame prioritize character spells in the icon selection