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at7 提交于 2020-07-21 17:33 . fix typo add missing key to documentation
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright [1999-2015] Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute
Copyright [2016-2020] EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
=head1 CONTACT
Ensembl <http://www.ensembl.org/info/about/contact/index.html>
=head1 NAME
mv G2P.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin G2P,file=/path/to/G2P.csv
A VEP plugin that uses G2P allelic requirements to assess variants in genes
for potential phenotype involvement.
The plugin has multiple configuration options, though minimally requires only
the CSV file of G2P data.
Options are passed to the plugin as key=value pairs, (defaults in parentheses):
file : Path to G2P data file. The file needs to be uncompressed.
- Download from http://www.ebi.ac.uk/gene2phenotype/downloads
- Download from PanelApp
variant_include_list : A list of variants to include even if variants do not pass allele
frequency filtering. The include list needs to be a sorted, bgzipped and
tabixed VCF file.
af_monoallelic : maximum allele frequency for inclusion for monoallelic genes (0.0001)
af_biallelic : maximum allele frequency for inclusion for biallelic genes (0.005)
confidence_levels : Confidence levels to include: confirmed, probable, possible, both RD and IF.
Separate multiple values with '&'.
Default levels are confirmed and probable.
all_confidence_levels : Set value to 1 to include all confidence levels: confirmed, probable and possible.
Setting the value to 1 will overwrite any confidence levels provided with the
confidence_levels option.
af_from_vcf : set value to 1 to include allele frequencies from VCF file.
Specifiy the list of reference populations to include with --af_from_vcf_keys
af_from_vcf_keys : VCF collections used for annotating variant alleles with observed
allele frequencies. Allele frequencies are retrieved from VCF files. If
af_from_vcf is set to 1 but no VCF collections are specified with --af_from_vcf_keys
all available VCF collections are included.
Available VCF collections: topmed, uk10k, gnomADe, gnomADg, gnomADg_r3.0
Separate multiple values with '&'
VCF collections contain the following populations:
topmed: TOPMed
gnomADe: gnomADe:AFR, gnomADe:ALL, gnomADe:AMR, gnomADe:ASJ, gnomADe:EAS, gnomADe:FIN, gnomADe:NFE, gnomADe:OTH, gnomADe:SAS
gnomADg: gnomADg:AFR, gnomADg:ALL, gnomADg:AMR, gnomADg:ASJ, gnomADg:EAS, gnomADg:FIN, gnomADg:NFE, gnomADg:OTH
default_af : default frequency of the input variant if no frequency data is
found (0). This determines whether such variants are included;
the value of 0 forces variants with no frequency data to be
included as this is considered equivalent to having a frequency
of 0. Set to 1 (or any value higher than af) to exclude them.
types : SO consequence types to include. Separate multiple values with '&'
log_dir : write stats to log files in log_dir
txt_report : write all G2P complete genes and attributes to txt file
html_report : write all G2P complete genes and attributes to html file
--plugin G2P,file=G2P.csv,af_monoallelic=0.05,types=stop_gained&frameshift_variant
--plugin G2P,file=G2P.csv,af_monoallelic=0.05,af_from_vcf=1
--plugin G2P,file=G2P.csv,af_from_vcf=1,af_from_vcf_keys=topmed&gnomADg
--plugin G2P,file=G2P.csv,af_from_vcf=1,af_from_vcf_keys=topmed&gnomADg,confidence_levels='confirmed&probable&both RD and IF'
--plugin G2P,file=G2P.csv
package G2P;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cwd;
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
use FileHandle;
use Text::CSV;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Sequence qw(reverse_comp);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::Utils::Sequence qw(get_matched_variant_alleles);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::Utils::VEP qw(parse_line);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::DBSQL::VCFCollectionAdaptor;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::Utils::BaseVepPlugin;
use base qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::Utils::BaseVepTabixPlugin);
if (eval { require Bio::DB::HTS::Tabix; 1 }) {
my %DEFAULTS = (
# vars must have a frequency <= to this to pass
af_monoallelic => 0.0001,
af_biallelic => 0.005,
af_keys => [qw(AA AFR AMR EA EAS EUR SAS gnomAD gnomAD_AFR gnomAD_AMR gnomAD_ASJ gnomAD_EAS gnomAD_FIN gnomAD_NFE gnomAD_OTH gnomAD_SAS)],
af_from_vcf_keys => [qw(uk10k topmed gnomADe gnomADg gnomADg_r3.0)],
# if no MAF data is found, default to 0
# this means absence of MAF data is considered equivalent to MAF=0
# set to 1 to do the "opposite", i.e. exclude variants with no MAF data
default_af => 0,
confidence_levels => [qw(confirmed probable)],
# only include variants with these consequence types
# currently not ontology-resolved, exact term matches only
types => {map {$_ => 1} qw(splice_donor_variant splice_acceptor_variant stop_gained frameshift_variant stop_lost initiator_codon_variant inframe_insertion inframe_deletion missense_variant coding_sequence_variant start_lost transcript_ablation transcript_amplification protein_altering_variant)},
my $af_key_2_population_name = {
minor_allele_freq => 'global allele frequency (AF) from 1000 Genomes Phase 3 data',
AFR => '1000GENOMES:phase_3:AFR',
AMR => '1000GENOMES:phase_3:AMR',
EAS => '1000GENOMES:phase_3:EAS',
EUR => '1000GENOMES:phase_3:EUR',
SAS => '1000GENOMES:phase_3:SAS',
AA => 'Exome Sequencing Project 6500:African_American',
EA => 'Exome Sequencing Project 6500:European_American',
gnomAD => 'Genome Aggregation Database:Total',
gnomAD_AFR => 'Genome Aggregation Database exomes v2.1:African/African American',
gnomAD_AMR => 'Genome Aggregation Database exomes v2.1:Latino/Admixed American',
gnomAD_ASJ => 'Genome Aggregation Database exomes v2.1:Ashkenazi Jewish',
gnomAD_EAS => 'Genome Aggregation Database exomes v2.1:East Asian',
gnomAD_FIN => 'Genome Aggregation Database exomes v2.1:Finnish',
gnomAD_NFE => 'Genome Aggregation Database exomes v2.1:Non-Finnish European',
gnomAD_OTH => 'Genome Aggregation Database exomes v2.1:Other (population not assigned)',
gnomAD_SAS => 'Genome Aggregation Database exomes v2.1:South Asian',
my $allelic_requirements = {
'biallelic' => { af => 0.005, rules => {HET => 2, HOM => 1} },
'monoallelic' => { af => 0.0001, rules => {HET => 1, HOM => 1} },
'hemizygous' => { af => 0.0001, rules => {HET => 1, HOM => 1} },
'x-linked dominant' => { af => 0.0001, rules => {HET => 1, HOM => 1} },
'x-linked over-dominance' => { af => 0.0001, rules => {HET => 1, HOM => 1} },
my $supported_confidence_levels = {
'confirmed' => 1,
'probable' => 1,
'possible' => 1,
'both RD and IF' => 1,
my @allelic_requirement_terms = keys %$allelic_requirements;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
# suppress warnings that the FeatureAdpators spit if using no_slice_cache
my $params = $self->params_to_hash();
my $file = '';
# user only supplied file as first param?
if (!keys %$params) {
$file = $self->params->[0];
$params->{file} = $file;
else {
$file = $params->{file};
# process types
if ($params->{types}) {
$params->{types} = {map {$_ => 1} split(/[\;\&\|]/, $params->{types})};
# check af
foreach my $af (qw/af_monoallelic af_biallelic/) {
if($params->{$af}) {
die("ERROR: Invalid value for af: ".$params->{$af} . "\n") unless
looks_like_number($params->{$af}) && ($params->{$af} >= 0 && $params->{$af} <= 1)
my $ar = $af;
$ar =~ s/af_//;
$allelic_requirements->{$ar}->{af} = $params->{$af} if (defined $params->{$af});
$params->{af_keys} = \@{$DEFAULTS{af_keys}};
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time);
$year += 1900;
my $stamp = join('_', ($year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec));
my $cwd_dir = getcwd;
my $new_log_dir = "$cwd_dir/g2p_log_dir\_$stamp";
my $log_dir = $params->{log_dir} || $new_log_dir;
if (!-d $log_dir) {
my $return = mkdir $log_dir, 0755;
die("ERROR: Couldn't create log_dir $log_dir $!\n") if (!$return);
$params->{log_dir} = $log_dir;
foreach my $report_type (qw/txt_report html_report/) {
if (!$params->{$report_type}) {
my $file_type = ($report_type eq 'txt_report') ? 'txt' : 'html';
$params->{$report_type} = $cwd_dir . "/$report_type\_$stamp.$file_type";
if ($params->{all_confidence_levels}) {
if ($params->{confidence_levels}) {
warn("Option all_confidence_levels set to 1 overwrites confidence levels provided with confidence_levels option.");
$params->{confidence_levels} = ['possible', @{$DEFAULTS{confidence_levels}}];
elsif ($params->{confidence_levels}) {
my @confidence_levels = ();
foreach my $confidence_level (split(/[\;\&\|]/, $params->{confidence_levels})) {
if (!$supported_confidence_levels->{$confidence_level}) {
die "$confidence_level is not a supported value for supported confidence levels. Supported values are: ", join(', ', keys %$supported_confidence_levels);
} else {
push @confidence_levels, $confidence_level;
push @confidence_levels, 'both DD and IF' if ($confidence_level eq 'both RD and IF'); # legacy support for using both DD and IF
if (scalar @confidence_levels > 0) {
$params->{confidence_levels} = \@confidence_levels;
if ($params->{af_from_vcf}) {
if ($CAN_USE_HTS_PM) {
my @vcf_collection_ids = ();
my $assembly = $self->{config}->{assembly};
if ($params->{af_from_vcf_keys}) {
foreach my $key (split(/[\;\&\|]/, $params->{af_from_vcf_keys})) {
push @vcf_collection_ids, $key;
push @vcf_collection_ids, "$key\_$assembly";
} else {
foreach my $key (@{$DEFAULTS{af_from_vcf_keys}}) {
push @vcf_collection_ids, "$key\_$assembly";
my $species = $self->{config}->{species};
my $reg = $self->{config}->{reg};
my $vca;
if (defined $self->{config}->{offline}) {
$vca = Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::DBSQL::VCFCollectionAdaptor->new();
} else {
my $vdba = $reg->get_DBAdaptor($species, 'variation');
$vca = $vdba->get_VCFCollectionAdaptor;
my $vcf_collections = $vca->fetch_all;
my @collections = ();
foreach my $vcf_collection (@$vcf_collections) {
$vcf_collection->use_db(0) if (defined $self->{config}->{offline});
my $vcf_collection_id = $vcf_collection->id;
if ($vcf_collection->assembly eq $assembly && grep {$_ =~ /$vcf_collection_id/i} @vcf_collection_ids) {
delete $vcf_collection->adaptor->{collections};
delete $vcf_collection->adaptor->{config};
my $description = $vcf_collection->description || $vcf_collection_id;
foreach my $population (@{$vcf_collection->get_all_Populations}) {
my $population_name = $population->name;
my $population_description = $population->description;
$af_key_2_population_name->{$population_name} = "$description $population_name $population_description";
push @collections, $vcf_collection;
warn "Couldn't find VCF collection ids for assembly " . $assembly if (!@collections);
$self->{config}->{vcf_collections} = \@collections;
$self->{config}->{use_vcf} = 1;
} else {
warn "Cannot get data from VCF without Bio::DB::HTS::Tabix";
if ($params->{variant_include_list}) {
if (! -f $params->{variant_include_list}) {
die "Variant include list (" . $params->{variant_include_list} . ") does not exist.";
$self->{_files} = [$params->{variant_include_list}];
# copy in default params
$params->{$_} //= $DEFAULTS{$_} for keys %DEFAULTS;
$self->{user_params} = $params;
$self->{config}->{frequency_threshold} = _get_highest_frequency_threshold();
# read data from file
$self->{gene_data} = $self->read_gene_data_from_file($file);
# force some config params
$self->{config}->{individual} //= ['all'];
$self->{config}->{symbol} = 1;
$self->{config}->{check_existing} = 1;
$self->{config}->{failed} = 1;
$self->{config}->{af} = 1;
$self->{config}->{af_1kg} = 1;
$self->{config}->{af_esp} = 1;
$self->{config}->{af_gnomad} = 1;
$self->{config}->{sift} = 'b';
$self->{config}->{polyphen} = 'b';
# tell VEP we have a cache so stuff gets shared/merged between forks
$self->{has_cache} = 1;
$self->{cache}->{g2p_in_vcf} = {};
return $self;
sub _get_highest_frequency_threshold {
my $highest_frequency = 0.0;
foreach my $ar (keys %$allelic_requirements) {
if ($allelic_requirements->{$ar}->{af} > $highest_frequency) {
$highest_frequency = $allelic_requirements->{$ar}->{af};
return $highest_frequency;
sub feature_types {
return ['Transcript'];
sub get_header_info {
my $self = shift;
return {
G2P_flag => 'Flags zygosity of valid variants for a G2P gene',
G2P_complete => 'Indicates this variant completes the allelic requirements for a G2P gene',
G2P_gene_req => 'MONO or BI depending on the context in which this gene has been explored',
sub run {
my ($self, $tva, $line) = @_;
# only interested if we know the zygosity
my $zyg = defined($line->{Extra}) ? $line->{Extra}->{ZYG} : $line->{ZYG};
return {} unless $zyg;
# filter by G2P gene overlap
return {} if (!$self->gene_overlap_filtering($tva));
# filter by variant consequence
return {} unless grep {$self->{user_params}->{types}->{$_->SO_term}} @{$tva->get_all_OverlapConsequences};
# filter by allele frequency
return {} if (!$self->frequency_filtering($tva));
# dump annotations for txt and html report files
$self->dump_individual_annotations($tva, $zyg);
# check if transcript contains enough variants to fulfill the allelic requirement of the gene
my $G2P_complete = $self->is_g2p_complete($tva, $zyg);
my $G2P_flag = $self->is_valid_g2p_variant($tva, $zyg);
my $results = {};
$results->{G2P_complete} = $G2P_complete if ($G2P_complete);
$results->{G2P_flag} = $G2P_flag if ($G2P_flag);
return $results;
sub set_variant_include_list_flag {
my $self = shift;
my $tva = shift;
return if (!$self->{user_params}->{variant_include_list});
my $vf = $tva->variation_feature;
my $allele = $tva->variation_feature_seq;
foreach (@{$self->get_data($vf->{chr}, $vf->{start} - 1, $vf->{end})}) {
my @vcf_alleles = split /\//, $_->allele_string;
my $ref_allele = shift @vcf_alleles;
my $matches = get_matched_variant_alleles(
ref => $vf->ref_allele_string,
alts => [$allele],
pos => $vf->{start},
strand => $vf->strand
ref => $ref_allele,
alts => \@vcf_alleles,
pos => $_->{start},
if (scalar @$matches) {
my $vf_cache_name = $self->get_cache_name($vf);
$self->{g2p_vf_cache}->{$vf_cache_name}->{is_on_variant_include_list} = 1;
sub is_valid_g2p_variant {
my $self = shift;
my $tva = shift;
my $zyg = shift;
my $transcript = $tva->transcript;
my $gene_stable_id = $transcript->{_gene}->stable_id;
my @allelic_requirements = keys %{$self->{ar}->{$gene_stable_id}};
my @results = ();
foreach my $ar (@allelic_requirements) {
my $ar_rules = $allelic_requirements->{$ar};
my $af_threshold = $ar_rules->{af};
if ($self->exceeds_threshold($af_threshold, [$self->{vf_cache_name}])) {
push @results, "$ar=$zyg";
return join(',', @results);
sub is_g2p_complete {
my $self = shift;
my $tva = shift;
my $zyg = shift;
my $vf = $tva->base_variation_feature;
my $individual = $vf->{individual};
my $transcript = $tva->transcript;
my $gene_stable_id = $transcript->{_gene}->stable_id;
my $transcript_stable_id = $transcript->stable_id;
$self->{per_individual}->{$individual}->{$transcript_stable_id}->{$zyg}->{$self->{vf_cache_name}} = 1;
my @allelic_requirements = keys %{$self->{ar}->{$gene_stable_id}};
my $G2P_complete;
foreach my $ar (@allelic_requirements) {
my $zyg2var = $self->{per_individual}->{$individual}->{$transcript_stable_id};
my $fulfils_ar = $self->obeys_rule($ar, $zyg2var);
if (scalar keys %$fulfils_ar > 0) {
$G2P_complete .= "$ar=";
my @passed_variants = ();
foreach my $zyg (keys %$fulfils_ar) {
my @tmp = ();
foreach my $var (@{$fulfils_ar->{$zyg}}) {
push @tmp, "$zyg:$var";
push @passed_variants, join('&', @tmp);
$G2P_complete = "$ar=" . join(',', @passed_variants);
return $G2P_complete;
sub obeys_rule {
my $self = shift;
my $ar = shift;
my $zyg2variants = shift;
my $ar_rules = $allelic_requirements->{$ar};
my $af_threshold = $ar_rules->{af};
my $zyg2counts = $ar_rules->{rules};
my $results = {};
foreach my $zyg (keys %$zyg2counts) {
my $count = $zyg2counts->{$zyg};
my @all_variants = keys %{$zyg2variants->{$zyg}};
my $variants = $self->exceeds_threshold($af_threshold, \@all_variants);
if (scalar @$variants >= $count) {
$results->{$zyg} = $variants;
return $results;
sub exceeds_threshold {
my $self = shift;
my $af_threshold = shift;
my $variants = shift;
my @pass_variants = ();
foreach my $variant (@$variants) {
if (!defined $self->{highest_frequencies}->{$variant} || $self->{highest_frequencies}->{$variant} <= $af_threshold || $self->{g2p_vf_cache}->{$variant}->{is_on_variant_include_list}) {
push @pass_variants, $variant;
return \@pass_variants;
sub gene_overlap_filtering {
my $self = shift;
my $tva = shift;
my $transcript = $tva->transcript;
my $gene = $transcript->{_gene};
my $gene_stable_id = $gene->stable_id;
my $pass_gene_overlap_filter = $self->{g2p_gene_cache}->{$gene_stable_id};
my @gene_xrefs = ();
if (! defined $pass_gene_overlap_filter) {
my $gene_symbol = $transcript->{_gene_symbol} || $transcript->{_gene_hgnc};
$pass_gene_overlap_filter = 0;
foreach my $gene_id ($gene_symbol, $gene_stable_id) {
my $gene_data = $self->gene_data($gene_id) if (defined $gene_id);
if (defined $gene_data) {
if (defined $gene_data->{'allelic requirement'} && scalar @{$gene_data->{'allelic requirement'}}) {
foreach my $ar (@{$gene_data->{'allelic requirement'}}) {
$self->{ar}->{$gene_stable_id}->{$ar} = 1;
$self->write_report('G2P_gene_data', $gene_stable_id, $gene_data, $gene_data->{'gene_xrefs'});
$self->write_report('G2P_in_vcf', $gene_stable_id);
$pass_gene_overlap_filter = 1;
$self->{g2p_gene_cache}->{$gene_stable_id} = $pass_gene_overlap_filter;
$self->_dump_transcript_annotations($transcript) if ($pass_gene_overlap_filter);
return $self->{g2p_gene_cache}->{$gene_stable_id};
sub _dump_transcript_annotations {
my $self = shift;
my $transcript = shift;
my $transcript_stable_id = $transcript->stable_id;
if (!defined $self->{g2p_transcript_cache}->{$transcript_stable_id}) {
my $gene = $transcript->{_gene};
my $gene_stable_id = $gene->stable_id;
if ($transcript->is_canonical) {
$self->write_report('G2P_transcript_data', "$gene_stable_id\t$transcript_stable_id\tis_canonical");
$self->{g2p_transcript_cache}->{$transcript_stable_id} = 1;
sub get_cache_name {
my $self = shift;
my $vf = shift;
my $cache_name = ($vf->{original_chr} || $vf->{chr}) . '_' . $vf->{start} . '_' . ($vf->{allele_string} || $vf->{class_SO_term});
return $cache_name;
sub frequency_filtering {
my $self = shift;
my $tva = shift;
my $vf = $tva->base_variation_feature;
# Set up caching to avoid looking up frequencies for each overlapping transcript
my $vf_cache_name = $self->get_cache_name($vf);
$self->{vf_cache_name} = $vf_cache_name;
$self->{g2p_vf_cache} = {} if (!defined $self->{g2p_vf_cache}->{$vf_cache_name});
# Retrieve cached result
my $pass_frequency_filter = $self->{g2p_vf_cache}->{$vf_cache_name}->{pass_frequency_filter};
return $pass_frequency_filter if (defined $pass_frequency_filter);
# Check frequencies from cache files first
$pass_frequency_filter = $self->_vep_cache_frequency_filtering($tva);
# Check frequencies from VCF files if user is providing use_vcf flag
if ($pass_frequency_filter && $self->{config}->{use_vcf}) {
$pass_frequency_filter = $self->_vcf_frequency_filtering($tva);
$self->{g2p_vf_cache}->{$vf_cache_name}->{pass_frequency_filter} = $pass_frequency_filter;
return $self->{g2p_vf_cache}->{$vf_cache_name}->{pass_frequency_filter};
sub _vep_cache_frequency_filtering {
my $self = shift;
my $tva = shift;
my $allele = $tva->variation_feature_seq;
my $vf = $tva->base_variation_feature;
my $frequency_threshold = $self->{config}->{frequency_threshold};
my $existing = $vf->{existing}; # Get existing variants from cache file which are stored on VF level
my @keys = @{$self->{user_params}->{af_keys}}; # Consider user defined list of af keys
my $dumped_annotations = 0; # Indicates if existing annotations have already been dumped for txt and html report files
my $vf_cache_name = $self->{vf_cache_name};
foreach my $existing_var (@$existing) {
my @frequencies = grep defined, @{$existing_var}{@keys};
if ($existing_var->{matched_alleles}) { # Get matched alleles from input variant and existing variant, in case input variant was normalized to match variant from cache file
$allele = $existing_var->{matched_alleles}[0]->{b_allele};
next if (!@frequencies);
if ($self->_exceeds_frequency_threshold(\@frequencies, $allele, $frequency_threshold) && !$self->{g2p_vf_cache}->{$vf_cache_name}->{is_on_variant_include_list}) {
return 0; # Return 0 (failed filtering) if frequencies exceed threshold and variant is not on variant_include_list
} else {
# Dump annotations for txt and html report files
$self->_dump_existing_vf_frequencies($existing_var, $allele);
$dumped_annotations = 1;
# If we get to this point it means that there were no frequencies for the input variant in the cache files
# and we pass the filtering step.
# We need to dump 'empty' annotations for such variants to indicate that there are no available frequencies
$self->_dump_existing_vf_annotations() if (!$dumped_annotations);
return 1;
sub _dump_existing_vf_frequencies {
my $self = shift;
my $existing_var = shift;
my $allele = shift;
my @keys = @{$self->{user_params}->{af_keys}};
my @frequencies = ();
my $higest_frequency = 0;
foreach my $population_name (@keys) {
my $af = $existing_var->{$population_name};
next if (!defined $af);
foreach my $pair (split(',', $af)) {
my ($a, $f) = split(':', $pair);
if(($a || '') eq $allele && defined($f)) {
push @frequencies, "$population_name=$f";
$higest_frequency = $f if ($f > $higest_frequency);
$self->write_report('G2P_frequencies', $self->{vf_cache_name}, \@frequencies);
sub _dump_existing_vf_annotations {
my $self = shift;
my $existing_var = shift;
my $data = {
'clin_sig' => 'NA',
'failed' => 'NA',
'existing_name' => 'NA',
'novel' => 'yes',
if ($existing_var) {
$data = {
'clin_sig' => $existing_var->{clin_sig} || 'NA',
'failed' => ($existing_var->{failed}) ? 'yes' : 'no',
'existing_name' => $existing_var->{variation_name} || 'NA',
'novel' => 'no',
$self->write_report('G2P_existing_vf_annotations', $self->{vf_cache_name}, $data);
sub _exceeds_frequency_threshold {
my $self = shift;
my $vep_cache_frequencies = shift;
my $allele = shift;
my $threshold = shift;
foreach my $vep_cache_frequency (@$vep_cache_frequencies) {
foreach my $pair (split(',', $vep_cache_frequency)) {
my ($a, $f) = split(':', $pair);
if(($a || '') eq $allele && defined($f)) {
return 1 if ($f > $threshold);
return 0;
sub _vcf_frequency_filtering {
my $self = shift;
my $tva = shift;
my $allele = $tva->variation_feature_seq;
my $vf = $tva->base_variation_feature;
# get the lowest frequency threshold. Threshold can be different for monoallelic and biallelic genes.
my $frequency_threshold = $self->{config}->{frequency_threshold};
my $vf_cache_name = $self->{vf_cache_name};
foreach my $vcf_collection (@{$self->{config}->{vcf_collections}}) {
my @alleles = grep {$_->allele eq $allele} @{$vcf_collection->get_all_Alleles_by_VariationFeature($vf)};
# As soon as we find a frequency which is higher than the frequency_threshold,
# and variant is not on variant_include_list we can stop.
my @frequencies = grep {$_->frequency > $frequency_threshold} @alleles;
if (scalar @frequencies > 0 && !$self->{g2p_vf_cache}->{$vf_cache_name}->{is_on_variant_include_list}) {
return 0;
} else {
$self->_dump_existing_vf_vcf(\@alleles) if (scalar @alleles);
return 1;
sub _dump_existing_vf_vcf {
my $self = shift;
my $alleles = shift;
my @frequencies = map {$_->population->name . '=' . $_->frequency} @$alleles;
my @sorted_frequencies = sort { $a->frequency <=> $b->frequency } @$alleles;
$self->write_report('G2P_frequencies', $self->{vf_cache_name}, \@frequencies);
sub store_highest_frequency {
my $self = shift;
my $f = shift;
$self->{highest_frequency}->{$self->{vf_cache_name}} = $f;
sub dump_vf_annotations {
my $self = shift;
my $tva = shift;
my @consequence_types = map { $_->SO_term } @{$tva->get_all_OverlapConsequences};
my $vf = $tva->base_variation_feature;
my $allele = $tva->variation_feature_seq;
my $start = $vf->{start};
my $end = $vf->{end};
my $individual = $vf->{individual};
my $vf_name = $vf->variation_name;
my $vf_cache_name = $self->{vf_cache_name};
my $allele_string = $vf->{allele_string};
my @alleles = split('/', $allele_string);
my $ref = $alleles[0];
my $seq_region_name = $vf->{chr};
my $is_on_variant_include_list = $self->{g2p_vf_cache}->{$vf_cache_name}->{is_on_variant_include_list} || 0;
my $params = $self->{user_params};
my $tr = $tva->transcript;
my $refseq = $tr->{_refseq} || 'NA';
my $hgvs_t = $tva->hgvs_transcript || 'NA';
my $hgvs_p = $tva->hgvs_protein || 'NA';
my $pph_score = (defined $tva->polyphen_score) ? $tva->polyphen_score : 'NA';
my $pph_pred = (defined $tva->polyphen_prediction) ? $tva->polyphen_prediction : 'NA';
my $sift_score = (defined $tva->sift_score) ? $tva->sift_score : 'NA';
my $sift_pred = (defined $tva->sift_prediction) ? $tva->sift_prediction : 'NA';
my $g2p_data = {
'vf_name' => $vf_name,
'is_on_variant_include_list' => $is_on_variant_include_list,
'transcript_stable_id' => $tr->stable_id,
'consequence_types' => join(',', @consequence_types),
'refseq' => $refseq,
'hgvs_t' => $hgvs_t,
'hgvs_p' => $hgvs_p,
'vf_location' => "$seq_region_name:$start-$end $ref/$allele",
'sift_score' => "$sift_score",
'sift_prediction' => $sift_pred,
'polyphen_score' => "$pph_score",
'polyphen_prediction' => $pph_pred,
$self->write_report('G2P_tva_annotations', $vf_cache_name, $tr->stable_id, $g2p_data);
$self->write_report('is_on_variant_include_list', $vf_cache_name) if ($is_on_variant_include_list);
sub dump_individual_annotations {
my $self = shift;
my $tva = shift;
my $zyg = shift;
my $vf = $tva->base_variation_feature;
my $individual = $vf->{individual};
my $vf_cache_name = $self->{vf_cache_name};
my $transcript = $tva->transcript;
my $transcript_stable_id = $transcript->stable_id;
my $gene_stable_id = $transcript->{_gene_stable_id};
$self->write_report('G2P_individual_annotations', join("\t", $gene_stable_id, $transcript_stable_id, $vf_cache_name, $zyg, $individual));
# read G2P CSV dump
# as from http://www.ebi.ac.uk/gene2phenotype/downloads
sub read_gene_data_from_file {
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $delimiter = shift;
my (@headers, %gene_data);
my $assembly = $self->{config}->{assembly};
die("ERROR: No file specified or could not read from file ".($file || '')."\n") unless $file && -e $file;
my @confidence_levels = @{$self->{user_params}->{confidence_levels}};
# determine file type
my $file_type;
my $fh = FileHandle->new($file, 'r');
while (<$fh>) {
if (/Model_Of_Inheritance/) {
$file_type = 'panelapp';
} elsif (/allelic requirement/) {
$file_type = 'g2p';
} else {
$file_type = 'unknown';
if ($file_type eq 'unknown') {
if ($file =~ /gz$/) {
die("ERROR: G2P plugin can only read uncompressed data\n");
} else {
die("ERROR: Could not recognize input file format. Format must be one of panelapp, g2p or custom. Check website for details: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gene2phenotype/g2p_vep_plugin\n");
if ($file_type eq 'panelapp') {
my @headers = ();
my $csv = Text::CSV->new ({ sep_char => "\t" });
open my $fh, "<:encoding(utf8)", "$file" or die "$file: $!";
while ( my $row = $csv->getline( $fh ) ) {
unless (@headers) {
@headers = @$row;
} else {
my %tmp = map {$headers[$_] => $row->[$_]} (0..$#headers);
my $gene_symbol = $tmp{"Gene Entity Symbol"};
my $ensembl_gene_id = "";
if ($assembly eq 'GRCh37') {
$ensembl_gene_id = $tmp{"EnsemblId(GRch37)"};
} else { # GRCh38
$ensembl_gene_id = $tmp{"EnsemblId(GRch38)"};
if ($ensembl_gene_id) {
my @ars = ();
my $allelic_requirement_panel_app = $tmp{"Model_Of_Inheritance"};
if ($allelic_requirement_panel_app =~ m/MONOALLELIC|BOTH/) {
push @ars, 'monoallelic';
} elsif ($allelic_requirement_panel_app =~ m/BIALLELIC|BOTH/) {
push @ars, 'biallelic';
} elsif ($allelic_requirement_panel_app eq 'X-LINKED: hemizygous mutation in males, biallelic mutations in females') {
push @ars, 'hemizygous';
} elsif ($allelic_requirement_panel_app eq 'X-LINKED: hemizygous mutation in males, monoallelic mutations in females may cause disease (may be less severe, later onset than males)') {
push @ars, 'x-linked dominant';
} else {
$self->write_report('log', "no allelelic_requirement for $ensembl_gene_id");
foreach my $ar (@ars) {
push @{$gene_data{$ensembl_gene_id}->{"allelic requirement"}}, $ar;
} else {
$self->write_report('log', "no ensembl gene id");
$csv->eof or $csv->error_diag();
close $fh;
if ($file_type eq 'g2p') {
# this regexp allows for nested ",", e.g.
# item,description
# cheese,"salty,delicious"
my $re = qr/(?: "\( ( [^()""]* ) \)" | \( ( [^()]* ) \) | " ( [^"]* ) " | ( [^,]* ) ) , \s* /x;
my $fh = FileHandle->new($file, 'r');
while(<$fh>) {
$_ =~ s/\R//g;
my @split = grep defined, "$_," =~ /$re/g;
unless(@headers) {
if ($file_type eq 'g2p') {
@headers = map {s/\"//g; $_} @split;
} else {
@headers = @split;
else {
my %tmp = map {$headers[$_] => $split[$_]} (0..$#split);
die("ERROR: Gene symbol column not found\n$_\n") unless $tmp{"gene symbol"};
$self->write_report('G2P_list', $tmp{"gene symbol"}, $tmp{"DDD category"});
my $confidence_value = $tmp{"DDD category"} || $tmp{"confidence category"}; # deprecate use of DDD category
next if (!grep{$_ eq $confidence_value} @confidence_levels);
my $gene_symbol = $tmp{"gene symbol"};
push @{$gene_data{$gene_symbol}->{"gene_xrefs"}}, split(';', $tmp{"prev symbols"});
push @{$gene_data{$gene_symbol}->{"gene_xrefs"}}, $tmp{"gene symbol"};
push @{$gene_data{$gene_symbol}->{"allelic requirement"}}, $tmp{"allelic requirement"} if ($tmp{"allelic requirement"});
return \%gene_data;
# return either whole gene data hash or one gene's data
# this should allow updates to this plugin to e.g. query a REST server, for example
sub gene_data {
my ($self, $gene_symbol) = @_;
my $gene_data = $self->{gene_data}->{$gene_symbol};
if (!$gene_data) {
my $prev_gene_symbol = $self->{prev_symbol_mappings}->{$gene_symbol};
return $prev_gene_symbol ? $self->{gene_data}->{$prev_gene_symbol} : undef;
return $gene_data;
sub synonym_mappings {
my $self = shift;
my $gene_data = $self->{gene_data};
my $synonym_mappings = {};
foreach my $gene_symbol (keys %$gene_data) {
foreach my $prev_symbol (@{$gene_data->{$gene_symbol}->{'gene_xrefs'}}) {
$synonym_mappings->{$prev_symbol} = $gene_symbol;
$self->{prev_symbol_mappings} = $synonym_mappings;
sub write_report {
my $self = shift;
my $flag = shift;
my $log_dir = $self->{user_params}->{log_dir};
my $log_file = "$log_dir/$$.txt";
open(my $fh, '>>', $log_file) or die "Could not open file '$flag $log_file' $!\n";
if ($flag eq 'G2P_list') {
my ($gene_symbol, $DDD_category) = @_;
$DDD_category ||= 'Not assigned';
print $fh "$flag\t$gene_symbol\t$DDD_category\n";
} elsif ($flag eq 'G2P_in_vcf') {
my $gene_symbol = shift;
print $fh "$flag\t$gene_symbol\n";
} elsif ($flag eq 'G2P_complete') {
print $fh join("\t", $flag, @_), "\n";
} elsif ($flag eq 'log') {
print $fh join("\t", $flag, @_), "\n";
} elsif ($flag eq 'is_on_variant_include_list') {
my ($vf_name) = @_;
print $fh "$flag\t$vf_name\n";
} elsif ($flag eq 'G2P_gene_data') {
my ($gene_id, $gene_data, $gene_xrefs) = @_;
my $ar = join(',', @{$gene_data->{'allelic requirement'}});
my %seen;
$seen{$_} = 1 foreach @{$gene_xrefs};
my @unique = keys %seen;
my $xrefs = join(',', grep {$_ !~ /^ENS/} sort @unique);
print $fh join("\t", $flag, $gene_id, $ar, $xrefs), "\n";
} elsif ($flag eq 'G2P_frequencies') {
my ($vf_name, $frequencies) = @_;
print $fh join("\t", $flag, $vf_name, join(',', @$frequencies)), "\n";
} elsif ($flag eq 'G2P_tva_annotations') {
my ($vf_name, $transcript_stable_id, $data) = @_;
$data = join(';', map {"$_=$data->{$_}"} sort keys %$data);
print $fh join("\t", $flag, $vf_name, $transcript_stable_id, $data), "\n";
} elsif ($flag eq 'G2P_existing_vf_annotations') {
my ($vf_name, $data) = @_;
$data = join(';', map {"$_=$data->{$_}"} sort keys %$data);
print $fh join("\t", $flag, $vf_name, $data), "\n";
} elsif ($flag eq 'G2P_transcript_data') {
print $fh join("\t", $flag, @_), "\n";
} elsif ($flag eq 'G2P_individual_annotations') {
print $fh join("\t", $flag, @_), "\n";
} else {
print $fh "Did not recognize flag, @_\n";
close $fh;
sub finish {
my $self = shift;
sub generate_report {
my $self = shift;
my $result_summary = $self->parse_log_files;
my $chart_txt_data = $self->chart_and_txt_data($result_summary);
my $chart_data = $chart_txt_data->{chart_data};
my $txt_data = $chart_txt_data->{txt_data};
$self->write_txt_output($txt_data, $result_summary->{gene_xrefs});
$self->write_charts($result_summary, $chart_data, $result_summary->{canonical_transcripts}, $result_summary->{gene_xrefs});
sub write_txt_output {
my $self = shift;
my $txt_output_data = shift;
my $gene_xrefs = shift;
my $txt_output_file = $self->{user_params}->{txt_report};
my $fh_txt = FileHandle->new($txt_output_file, 'w');
foreach my $individual (sort keys %$txt_output_data) {
foreach my $gene_id (keys %{$txt_output_data->{$individual}}) {
my $gene_id_title = (defined $gene_xrefs->{$gene_id}) ? "$gene_id(" . $gene_xrefs->{$gene_id} . ")" : $gene_id;
foreach my $ar (keys %{$txt_output_data->{$individual}->{$gene_id}}) {
foreach my $tr_stable_id (keys %{$txt_output_data->{$individual}->{$gene_id}->{$ar}}) {
my $is_canonical = $txt_output_data->{$individual}->{$gene_id}->{$ar}->{$tr_stable_id}->{is_canonical};
my $canonical_tag = ($is_canonical) ? 'is_canonical' : 'not_canonical';
my $req = $txt_output_data->{$individual}->{$gene_id}->{$ar}->{$tr_stable_id}->{REQ};
my $variants = join(';', @{$txt_output_data->{$individual}->{$gene_id}->{$ar}->{$tr_stable_id}->{variants}});
print $fh_txt join("\t", $individual, $gene_id_title, $tr_stable_id, $canonical_tag, "OBS=$ar", "REQ=$req", $variants), "\n";
sub write_charts {
my $self = shift;
my $result_summary = shift;
my $chart_data = shift;
my $canonical_transcripts = shift;
my $gene_xrefs = shift;
my $count_g2p_genes = keys %{$result_summary->{g2p_list}};
my $count_in_vcf_file = keys %{$result_summary->{in_vcf_file}};
my $count_complete_genes = scalar keys %{$result_summary->{complete_genes}};
my @charts = ();
my @frequencies_header = ();
foreach my $short_name (sort keys %{$self->{population_names}}) {
my $text = $af_key_2_population_name->{$short_name} || 'No description';
push @frequencies_header, "<a style=\"cursor: pointer\" data-placement=\"top\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-container=\"body\" title=\"$text\">$short_name</a>";
my $count = 1;
my @new_header = (
'Variant location and alleles (REF/ALT)',
'Variant name (* indicates that variant is on variant include list)',
'Existing name',
'All allelic requirements from G2P DB',
'Consequence types',
'ClinVar annotation',
'Novel variant',
'Has been failed by Ensembl',
'HGVS transcript',
'HGVS protein',
'RefSeq IDs',
my $html_output_file = $self->{user_params}->{html_report};
my $fh_out = FileHandle->new($html_output_file, 'w');
print $fh_out stats_html_head(\@charts);
print $fh_out "<div class='main_content container'>";
print $fh_out "<h1>G2P report</h1>";
print $fh_out "<p>Input and output files:</p>";
print $fh_out "<dl class='dl-horizontal'>";
print $fh_out "<dt>G2P list</dt>";
print $fh_out "<dd>" . $self->{user_params}->{file} . "</dd>";
print $fh_out "<dt>Log directory</dt>";
print $fh_out "<dd>" . $self->{user_params}->{log_dir} . "</dd>";
print $fh_out "<dt>HTML report</dt>";
print $fh_out "<dd>" . $self->{user_params}->{html_report} . "</dd>";
print $fh_out "<dt>TXT report</dt>";
print $fh_out "<dd>" . $self->{user_params}->{txt_report} . "</dd>";
print $fh_out "</dl>";
print $fh_out "<p>Counts:</p>";
print $fh_out "<dl class='dl-horizontal text-overflow'>";
print $fh_out "<dt>$count_g2p_genes</dt>";
print $fh_out "<dd>G2P genes</dd>";
print $fh_out "<dt>$count_in_vcf_file</dt>";
print $fh_out "<dd>G2P genes in input VCF file</dd>";
print $fh_out "<dt>$count_complete_genes</dt>";
print $fh_out "<dd>G2P complete genes in input VCF file</dd>";
print $fh_out "</dl>";
print $fh_out "<h1>Summary of G2P complete genes per individual</h1>";
print $fh_out "<p>G2P complete gene: A sufficient number of variant hits for the observed allelic requirement in at least one of the gene's transcripts. Variants are filtered by frequency.</p>";
print $fh_out "<p>Frequency thresholds and number of required variant hits for each allelic requirement:</p>";
print $fh_out "<table class='table table-bordered'>";
print $fh_out "<thead>";
print $fh_out "<tr><th>Allelic requirement</th><th>Frequency threshold for filtering</th><th>Variant counts by zygosity</th></tr>";
print $fh_out "</thead>";
print $fh_out "<tbody>";
foreach my $ar (sort keys %$allelic_requirements) {
my $af = $allelic_requirements->{$ar}->{af};
my $rules = $allelic_requirements->{$ar}->{rules};
my $rule = join(' OR ', map {"$_ >= $rules->{$_}"} keys %$rules);
print $fh_out "<tr><td>$ar</td><td>$af</td><td>$rule</td></tr>";
print $fh_out "</tbody>";
print $fh_out "</table>";
my $switch =<<SHTML;
<div class="checkbox">
<input class="target" type="checkbox"> Show only canonical transcript
print $fh_out $switch;
foreach my $individual (sort keys %$chart_data) {
foreach my $gene_id (keys %{$chart_data->{$individual}}) {
my $gene_id_title = (defined $gene_xrefs->{$gene_id}) ? "$gene_id(" . $gene_xrefs->{$gene_id} . ")" : $gene_id;
foreach my $ar (keys %{$chart_data->{$individual}->{$gene_id}}) {
print $fh_out "<ul>\n";
foreach my $transcript_stable_id (keys %{$chart_data->{$individual}->{$gene_id}->{$ar}}) {
my $class = ($canonical_transcripts->{$transcript_stable_id}) ? 'is_canonical' : 'not_canonical';
print $fh_out "<li><a class=\"$class\" href=\"#$individual\_$gene_id_title\_$ar\_$transcript_stable_id\">" . "$individual &gt; $gene_id_title &gt; $ar &gt; $transcript_stable_id" . "</a> </li>\n";
print $fh_out "</ul>\n";
foreach my $individual (sort keys %$chart_data) {
foreach my $gene_id (keys %{$chart_data->{$individual}}) {
my $gene_id_title = (defined $gene_xrefs->{$gene_id}) ? "$gene_id(" . $gene_xrefs->{$gene_id} . ")" : $gene_id;
foreach my $ar (keys %{$chart_data->{$individual}->{$gene_id}}) {
foreach my $transcript_stable_id (keys %{$chart_data->{$individual}->{$gene_id}->{$ar}}) {
my $class = ($canonical_transcripts->{$transcript_stable_id}) ? 'is_canonical' : 'not_canonical';
print $fh_out "<div class=\"$class\">";
my $name = "$individual\_$gene_id_title\_$ar\_$transcript_stable_id";
my $title = "$individual &gt; $gene_id_title &gt; $ar &gt; $transcript_stable_id";
print $fh_out "<h3><a name=\"$name\"></a>$title <a title=\"Back to Top\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" href='#top'><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-up\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></span></a></h3>\n";
print $fh_out "<div class=\"table-responsive\" style=\"width:100%\">\n";
print $fh_out "<TABLE class=\"table table-bordered table-condensed\" style=\"margin-left: 2em\">";
print $fh_out "<thead>\n";
print $fh_out "<tr>" . join('', map {"<th>$_</th>"} @new_header) . "</tr>\n";
print $fh_out "</thead>\n";
print $fh_out "<tbody>\n";
foreach my $vf_data (@{$chart_data->{$individual}->{$gene_id}->{$ar}->{$transcript_stable_id}}) {
my $data_row = $vf_data->[0];
my @tds = ();
foreach my $cell (@$data_row) {
my $value = $cell->[0];
my $class = $cell->[1];
if ($class) {
push @tds, "<td class=\"$class\">$value</td>";
} else {
push @tds, "<td>$value</td>";
print $fh_out "<tr>", join('', @tds), "</tr>\n";
print $fh_out "</tbody>\n";
print $fh_out "</TABLE>\n";
print $fh_out "</div>\n";
print $fh_out "</div>\n";
print $fh_out stats_html_tail();
sub chart_and_txt_data {
my $self = shift;
my $result_summary = shift;
my $complete_genes = $result_summary->{complete_genes};
my $new_order = $result_summary->{new_order};
my $tva_annotation_data = $result_summary->{tva_annotation_data};
my $vf_annotation_data = $result_summary->{vf_annotation_data};
my $frequency_data = $result_summary->{frequency_data};
my $canonical_transcripts = $result_summary->{canonical_transcripts};
my $gene2ar = $result_summary->{gene2ar};
my @frequencies_header = sort keys %{$self->{population_names}};
my $assembly = $self->{config}->{assembly};
my $chart_data = {};
my $txt_output_data = {};
my $prediction2bgcolor = {
'probably damaging' => 'danger',
'deleterious' => 'danger',
'possibly damaging' => 'warning',
'unknown' => 'warning',
'benign' => 'success',
'tolerated' => 'success',
foreach my $individual (sort keys %$new_order) {
foreach my $gene_id (keys %{$new_order->{$individual}}) {
my $observed_allelic_requirement = join(',', keys %{$gene2ar->{$gene_id}});
foreach my $ar (keys %{$new_order->{$individual}->{$gene_id}}) {
foreach my $transcript_stable_id (keys %{$new_order->{$individual}->{$gene_id}->{$ar}}) {
my $zyg2vf = $new_order->{$individual}->{$gene_id}->{$ar}->{$transcript_stable_id};
foreach my $zygosity (keys %$zyg2vf) {
foreach my $vf_name (@{$zyg2vf->{$zygosity}}) {
my $tva_data = $tva_annotation_data->{$vf_name}->{$transcript_stable_id};
my $vf_data = $vf_annotation_data->{$vf_name};
if (!$vf_data) {
print STDERR "No vf_data for: $vf_name\n";
my $hash = {};
foreach my $pair (split/;/, "$tva_data;$vf_data") {
my ($key, $value) = split('=', $pair, 2);
$value ||= '';
$hash->{$key} = $value;
my $vf_location = $hash->{vf_location};
my $existing_name = $hash->{existing_name};
if ($existing_name ne 'NA') {
$existing_name = "<a href=\"http://$assembly.ensembl.org/Homo_sapiens/Variation/Explore?v=$existing_name\">$existing_name</a>";
my $is_on_variant_include_list = $hash->{is_on_variant_include_list};
my $refseq = $hash->{refseq};
my $failed = $hash->{failed};
my $clin_sign = $hash->{clin_sig};
my $novel = $hash->{novel};
my $hgvs_t = $hash->{hgvs_t};
my $hgvs_p = $hash->{hgvs_p};
my $consequence_types = $hash->{consequence_types};
my $sift_score = $hash->{sift_score} || '0.0';
my $sift_prediction = $hash->{sift_prediction};
my $sift = 'NA';
my $sift_class = '';
if ($sift_prediction ne 'NA') {
$sift = "$sift_prediction(" . "$sift_score)";
$sift_class = $prediction2bgcolor->{$sift_prediction};
my $polyphen_score = $hash->{polyphen_score} || '0.0';
my $polyphen_prediction = $hash->{polyphen_prediction};
my $polyphen = 'NA';
my $polyphen_class = '';
if ($polyphen_prediction ne 'NA') {
$polyphen = "$polyphen_prediction($polyphen_score)";
$polyphen_class = $prediction2bgcolor->{$polyphen_prediction};
$hash->{frequencies} = join(',', keys %{$frequency_data->{$vf_name}}) || 'NA';
my %frequencies_hash = ();
if ($hash->{frequencies} ne 'NA') {
%frequencies_hash = split /[,=]/, $hash->{frequencies};
my @frequencies = ();
my @txt_output_frequencies = ();
foreach my $population (@frequencies_header) {
my $frequency = $frequencies_hash{$population} || '';
push @frequencies, ["$frequency"];
if ($frequency) {
push @txt_output_frequencies, "$population=$frequency";
my $is_canonical = ($canonical_transcripts->{$transcript_stable_id}) ? 1 : 0;
my ($location, $alleles) = split(' ', $vf_location);
$location =~ s/\-/:/;
$alleles =~ s/\//:/;
$vf_name .= "*" if ($is_on_variant_include_list);
push @{$chart_data->{$individual}->{$gene_id}->{$ar}->{$transcript_stable_id}}, [[
[$sift, $sift_class],
[$polyphen, $polyphen_class],
], $is_canonical];
my $txt_output_variant = "$location:$alleles:$zygosity:$consequence_types:SIFT=$sift:PolyPhen=$polyphen";
if (@txt_output_frequencies) {
$txt_output_variant .= ':' . join(',', @txt_output_frequencies);
$txt_output_data->{$individual}->{$gene_id}->{$ar}->{$transcript_stable_id}->{is_canonical} = $is_canonical;
$txt_output_data->{$individual}->{$gene_id}->{$ar}->{$transcript_stable_id}->{REQ} = $observed_allelic_requirement;
push @{$txt_output_data->{$individual}->{$gene_id}->{$ar}->{$transcript_stable_id}->{variants}}, $txt_output_variant;
return {txt_data => $txt_output_data, chart_data => $chart_data};
sub parse_log_files {
my $self = shift;
my $log_dir = $self->{user_params}->{log_dir};
my @files = <$log_dir/*>;
my $individual_data = {};
my $frequency_data = {};
my $vf_annotation_data = {};
my $tva_annotation_data = {};
my $canonical_transcripts = {};
my $all_g2p_genes = {};
my $vcf_g2p_genes = {};
my $complete_genes = {};
my $ar_data = {};
my $g2p_transcripts = {};
my $gene_xrefs = {};
foreach my $file (@files) {
my $fh = FileHandle->new($file, 'r');
while (<$fh>) {
next if /^log/;
if (/^G2P_list/) {
my ($flag, $gene_id, $DDD_category) = split/\t/;
$all_g2p_genes->{$gene_id} = 1;
#G2P_individual_annotations ENSG00000091140 ENST00000450038 7_107545113_T/C HOM P10
elsif (/^G2P_individual_annotations/) {
my ($flag, $gene_stable_id, $transcript_stable_id, $vf_cache_name, $zyg, $individual) = split/\t/;
$individual_data->{$individual}->{$gene_stable_id}->{$transcript_stable_id}->{$zyg}->{$vf_cache_name} = 1;
elsif (/^G2P_frequencies/) {
my ($flag, $vf_cache_name, $frequencies) = split/\t/;
$frequency_data->{$vf_cache_name}->{$frequencies} = 1;
my $highest_frequency = get_highest_frequency($frequencies);
if (!defined $self->{highest_frequencies}->{$vf_cache_name} || $self->{highest_frequencies}->{$vf_cache_name} <= $highest_frequency) {
$self->{highest_frequencies}->{$vf_cache_name} = $highest_frequency;
elsif (/^G2P_tva_annotations/) {
my ($flag, $vf_cache_name, $transcript_stable_id, $annotations) = split/\t/;
$tva_annotation_data->{$vf_cache_name}->{$transcript_stable_id} = $annotations;
elsif (/^G2P_existing_vf_annotations/) {
my ($flag, $vf_cache_name, $annotations) = split/\t/;
$vf_annotation_data->{$vf_cache_name} = $annotations;
elsif (/^G2P_gene_data/) {
my ($flag, $gene_id, $ars, $xrefs) = split/\t/;
foreach my $ar (split(',', $ars)) {
$ar_data->{$gene_id}->{$ar} = 1;
$gene_xrefs->{$gene_id} = $xrefs;
elsif (/^G2P_in_vcf/) {
my ($flag, $gene_id) = split/\t/;
$vcf_g2p_genes->{$gene_id} = 1;
elsif (/^G2P_transcript_data/) {
my ($flag, $gene_id, $transcript_id, $is_canonical) = split/\t/;
$canonical_transcripts->{$transcript_id} = 1;
elsif (/^is_on_variant_include_list/) {
my ($flag, $vf_cache_name) = split/\t/;
$self->{g2p_vf_cache}->{$vf_cache_name}->{is_on_variant_include_list} = 1;
my $new_order = {};
foreach my $individual (keys %$individual_data) {
foreach my $gene_id (keys %{$individual_data->{$individual}}) {
foreach my $transcript_id (keys %{$individual_data->{$individual}->{$gene_id}}) {
foreach my $ar (keys %{$ar_data->{$gene_id}}) {
my $zyg2var = $individual_data->{$individual}->{$gene_id}->{$transcript_id};
my $fulfils_ar = $self->obeys_rule($ar, $zyg2var);
if (scalar keys %$fulfils_ar > 0) {
$complete_genes->{$gene_id} = 1;
$new_order->{$individual}->{$gene_id}->{$ar}->{$transcript_id} = $fulfils_ar;
return {
frequency_data => $frequency_data,
vf_annotation_data => $vf_annotation_data,
tva_annotation_data => $tva_annotation_data,
canonical_transcripts => $canonical_transcripts,
new_order => $new_order,
gene2ar => $ar_data,
gene_xrefs => $gene_xrefs,
in_vcf_file => $vcf_g2p_genes,
complete_genes => $complete_genes,
g2p_list => $all_g2p_genes,
sub get_highest_frequency {
my $frequencies = shift;
my $highest_frequency = 0;
foreach my $frequency_annotation (split(',', $frequencies)) {
my $frequency = (split('=', $frequency_annotation))[-1];
if ($frequency > $highest_frequency) {
$highest_frequency = $frequency;
return $highest_frequency;
sub store_population_names {
my $self = shift;
my $frequencies = shift;
foreach my $frequency_annotation (split(',', $frequencies)) {
my $population_name = (split('=', $frequency_annotation))[0];
$self->{population_names}->{$population_name} = 1;
sub get_start {
return $_[1]->{start};
sub get_end {
return $_[1]->{end};
sub parse_data {
my ($self, $line) = @_;
my ($vf) = @{parse_line({format => 'vcf', minimal => 1}, $line)};
return $vf;
sub stats_html_head {
my $charts = shift;
my $html =<<SHTML;
<title>VEP summary</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u" crossorigin="anonymous">
a.inactive {
color: grey;
return $html;
sub stats_html_tail {
my $script =<<SHTML;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi"></script>
\$( "input[type=checkbox]" ).on( "click", function(){
if (\$('.target').is(':checked')) {
\$( "div.not_canonical" ).hide();
} else {
\$( "div.not_canonical" ).show();
} );
return "\n</div>\n$script\n</body>\n</html>\n";
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