import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import os from 'os';
import util from 'util';
import { URL } from 'url';
import Electron from 'electron';
import _ from 'lodash';
import mainEvents from '@/main/mainEvents';
import { getImageProcessor } from '@/k8s-engine/images/imageFactory';
import { ImageProcessor } from '@/k8s-engine/images/imageProcessor';
import { ImageEventHandler } from '@/main/imageEvents';
import * as settings from '@/config/settings';
import * as window from '@/window';
import * as K8s from '@/k8s-engine/k8s';
import resources from '@/resources';
import Logging, { setLogLevel } from '@/utils/logging';
import * as childProcess from '@/utils/childProcess';
import Latch from '@/utils/latch';
import paths from '@/utils/paths';
import setupNetworking from '@/main/networking';
import setupUpdate from '@/main/update';
import setupTray from '@/main/tray';
import setupPaths from '@/main/paths';
import buildApplicationMenu from '@/main/mainmenu';
Electron.app.setName('Rancher Desktop');
const console = Logging.background;
const k8smanager = newK8sManager();
let cfg: settings.Settings;
let gone = false; // when true indicates app is shutting down
let imageEventHandler: ImageEventHandler|null = null;
let currentContainerEngine = settings.ContainerEngine.NONE;
let currentImageProcessor: ImageProcessor | null = null;
// Latch that is set when the app:// protocol handler has been registered.
// This is used to ensure that we don't attempt to open the window before we've
// done that, when the user attempts to open a second instance of the window.
const protocolRegistered = new Latch();
if (!Electron.app.requestSingleInstanceLock()) {
gone = true;
// Scheme must be registered before the app is ready
{ scheme: 'app', privileges: { secure: true, standard: true } },
process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason: any, promise: any) => {
if (reason.code === 'ECONNREFUSED' && reason.port === cfg.kubernetes.port) {
// Do nothing: a connection to the kubernetes server was broken
} else {
console.error('UnhandledRejectionWarning:', reason);
// takes care of any propagation of settings we want to do
// when settings change
mainEvents.on('settings-update', (newSettings) => {
if (newSettings.debug) {
} else {
k8smanager.debug = newSettings.debug;
Electron.app.whenReady().then(async() => {
try {
cfg = settings.init();
mainEvents.emit('settings-update', cfg);
// Set up the updater; we may need to quit the app if an update is already
// queued.
if (await setupUpdate(cfg.updater, true)) {
gone = true;
// The update code will trigger a restart; don't do it here, as it may not
// be ready yet.
console.log('Will apply update; skipping startup.');
await doFirstRun();
if (gone) {
console.log('User triggered quit during first-run');
copyright: 'Copyright © 2021 SUSE LLC', // TODO: Update this to 2021-... as dev progresses
applicationName: Electron.app.name,
applicationVersion: `Version ${ await getVersion() }`,
iconPath: resources.get('icons', 'logo-square-512.png'),
await startBackend(cfg);
} catch (ex) {
console.error('Error starting up:', ex);
gone = true;
function installDevtools() {
if (Electron.app.isPackaged) {
const { default: installExtension, VUEJS_DEVTOOLS } = require('electron-devtools-installer');
// No need to wait for it to complete.
async function doFirstRun() {
if (!settings.isFirstRun()) {
await window.openFirstRun();
if (os.platform() === 'darwin' || os.platform() === 'linux') {
await Promise.all([
linkResource('docker', true),
linkResource('helm', true),
linkResource('kubectl', true),
linkResource('nerdctl', true),
* Check if there are any reasons that would mean it makes no sense to continue
* starting the app. Should be invoked before attempting to start the backend.
async function checkBackendValid() {
const invalidReason = await k8smanager.getBackendInvalidReason();
if (invalidReason) {
await handleFailure(invalidReason);
gone = true;
* Set up protocol handler for app://
* This is needed because in packaged builds we'll not be allowed to access
* file:// URLs for our resources.
function setupProtocolHandler() {
Electron.protocol.registerFileProtocol('app', (request, callback) => {
let relPath = (new URL(request.url)).pathname;
relPath = decodeURI(relPath); // Needed in case URL contains spaces
// Default to the path for development mode, running out of the source tree.
const result: Electron.ProtocolResponse = { path: path.join(Electron.app.getAppPath(), 'dist', 'app', relPath) };
const mimeTypeMap: Record<string, string> = {
css: 'text/css',
html: 'text/html',
js: 'text/javascript',
json: 'application/json',
png: 'image/png',
svg: 'image/svg+xml',
const mimeType = mimeTypeMap[path.extname(relPath).toLowerCase().replace(/^\./, '')];
if (mimeType !== undefined) {
result.mimeType = mimeType;
* Start the Kubernetes backend.
* @precondition cfg.kubernetes.version is set.
async function startBackend(cfg: settings.Settings) {
await checkBackendValid();
try {
await startK8sManager();
} catch (err) {
async function startK8sManager() {
const changedContainerEngine = currentContainerEngine !== cfg.kubernetes.containerEngine;
currentContainerEngine = cfg.kubernetes.containerEngine;
if (changedContainerEngine) {
try {
await k8smanager.start(cfg.kubernetes);
} catch (err) {
* We need to deactivate the current imageProcessor, if there is one,
* so it stops processing events,
* and also tell the image event-handler about the new image processor.
* Some container engines support namespaces, so we need to specify the current namespace
* as well. It should be done here so that the consumers of the `current-engine-changed`
* event will operate in an environment where the image-processor knows the current namespace.
function setupImageProcessor() {
const imageProcessor = getImageProcessor(cfg.kubernetes.containerEngine, k8smanager);
if (!imageEventHandler) {
imageEventHandler = new ImageEventHandler(imageProcessor);
imageEventHandler.imageProcessor = imageProcessor;
currentImageProcessor = imageProcessor;
currentImageProcessor.namespace = cfg.images.namespace;
window.send('k8s-current-engine', cfg.kubernetes.containerEngine);
Electron.app.on('second-instance', async() => {
// Someone tried to run another instance of Rancher Desktop,
// reveal and focus this window instead.
await protocolRegistered;
interface K8sError {
errCode: number | string
function isK8sError(object: any): object is K8sError {
return 'errCode' in object;
Electron.app.on('before-quit', async(event) => {
if (gone) {
try {
await k8smanager?.stop();
console.log(`2: Child exited cleanly.`);
} catch (ex) {
if (isK8sError(ex)) {
console.log(`2: Child exited with code ${ ex.errCode }`);
} finally {
gone = true;
if (process.env['APPIMAGE']) {
// For AppImage these links are only valid for this specific runtime,
// clear broken links before leaving
await Promise.all([
linkResource('helm', false),
linkResource('kubectl', false),
linkResource('nerdctl', false),
Electron.app.on('window-all-closed', () => {
// On macOS, hide the dock icon.
// On windows and macOS platforms, we only quit via the notification tray / menu bar.
// On Linux we close the application since not all distros support tray menu/icons
if (os.platform() === 'linux' && !settings.isFirstRun()) {
Electron.app.on('activate', async() => {
// On macOS it's common to re-create a window in the app when the
// dock icon is clicked and there are no other windows open.
await protocolRegistered;
Electron.ipcMain.on('settings-read', (event) => {
event.reply('settings-read', cfg);
// This is the synchronous version of the above; we still use
// ipcRenderer.sendSync in some places, so it's required for now.
Electron.ipcMain.on('settings-read', (event) => {
console.debug(`event settings-read in main: ${ event }`);
event.returnValue = cfg;
Electron.ipcMain.on('images-namespaces-read', (event) => {
if (k8smanager.state === K8s.State.STARTED) {
// Partial<T> (https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/utility-types.html#partialtype)
// only allows missing properties on the top level; if anything is given, then all
// properties of that top-level property must exist. RecursivePartial<T> instead
// allows any descendent properties to be omitted.
type RecursivePartial<T> = {
[P in keyof T]?:
T[P] extends (infer U)[] ? RecursivePartial<U>[] :
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
T[P] extends object ? RecursivePartial<T[P]> :
function writeSettings(arg: RecursivePartial<settings.Settings>) {
_.merge(cfg, arg);
mainEvents.emit('settings-update', cfg);
Electron.ipcMain.handle('settings-write', (event, arg) => {
console.debug(`event settings-write in main: ${ event }, ${ arg }`);
event.sender.sendToFrame(event.frameId, 'settings-update', cfg);
Electron.ipcMain.on('k8s-state', (event) => {
event.returnValue = k8smanager.state;
Electron.ipcMain.on('k8s-current-engine', () => {
window.send('k8s-current-engine', currentContainerEngine);
Electron.ipcMain.on('k8s-current-port', () => {
window.send('k8s-current-port', k8smanager.desiredPort);
Electron.ipcMain.on('k8s-reset', async(_, arg) => {
await doK8sReset(arg);
async function doK8sReset(arg: 'fast' | 'wipe' | 'changeEngines'): Promise<void> {
// If not in a place to restart than skip it
if (![K8s.State.STARTED, K8s.State.STOPPED, K8s.State.ERROR].includes(k8smanager.state)) {
console.log(`Skipping reset, invalid state ${ k8smanager.state }`);
try {
switch (arg) {
case 'fast':
await k8smanager.reset(cfg.kubernetes);
case 'changeEngines':
await k8smanager.stop();
console.log(`Stopped Kubernetes backend cleanly.`);
await startK8sManager();
case 'wipe':
await k8smanager.stop();
console.log(`Stopped Kubernetes backend cleanly.`);
console.log('Deleting VM to reset...');
await k8smanager.del();
console.log(`Deleted VM to reset exited cleanly.`);
await startK8sManager();
} catch (ex) {
async function doK8sRestartRequired() {
const restartRequired = (await k8smanager?.requiresRestartReasons()) ?? {};
window.send('k8s-restart-required', restartRequired);
Electron.ipcMain.on('k8s-restart-required', async() => {
await doK8sRestartRequired();
Electron.ipcMain.on('k8s-restart', async() => {
if (cfg.kubernetes.port !== k8smanager.desiredPort) {
// On port change, we need to wipe the VM.
return doK8sReset('wipe');
} else if (cfg.kubernetes.containerEngine !== currentContainerEngine) {
return doK8sReset('changeEngines');
try {
switch (k8smanager.state) {
case K8s.State.STOPPED:
case K8s.State.STARTED:
// Calling start() will restart the backend, possible switching versions
// as a side-effect.
await startK8sManager();
} catch (ex) {
Electron.ipcMain.on('k8s-versions', async() => {
window.send('k8s-versions', await k8smanager.availableVersions);
Electron.ipcMain.on('k8s-progress', () => {
window.send('k8s-progress', k8smanager.progress);
Electron.ipcMain.handle('service-fetch', (event, namespace) => {
return k8smanager.listServices(namespace);
Electron.ipcMain.handle('service-forward', async(event, service, state) => {
const forwarder = k8smanager?.portForwarder;
if (forwarder) {
if (state) {
await forwarder.forwardPort(service.namespace, service.name, service.port);
} else {
await forwarder.cancelForward(service.namespace, service.name, service.port);
Electron.ipcMain.on('k8s-integrations', async(event) => {
event.reply('k8s-integrations', await k8smanager?.listIntegrations());
Electron.ipcMain.on('k8s-integration-set', async(event, name, newState) => {
console.log(`Setting k8s integration for ${ name } to ${ newState }`);
if (!k8smanager) {
const currentState = await k8smanager.listIntegrations();
if (!(name in currentState) || currentState[name] === newState) {
event.reply('k8s-integrations', currentState);
if (typeof currentState[name] === 'string') {
// There is an error, and we cannot set the integration
event.reply('k8s-integrations', currentState);
const error = await k8smanager.setIntegration(name, newState);
if (error) {
currentState[name] = error;
event.reply('k8s-integrations', currentState);
} else {
event.reply('k8s-integrations', await k8smanager.listIntegrations());
Electron.ipcMain.on('k8s-integration-warnings', () => {
* Do a factory reset of the application. This will stop the currently running
* cluster (if any), and delete all of its data. This will also remove any
* rancher-desktop data, and restart the application.
Electron.ipcMain.on('factory-reset', async() => {
// Clean up the Kubernetes cluster
await k8smanager.factoryReset();
switch (os.platform()) {
case 'darwin':
// Unlink binaries
for (const name of ['docker', 'helm', 'kubectl', 'nerdctl']) {
Electron.ipcMain.emit('install-set', { reply: () => { } }, name, false);
case 'win32':
// On Windows, we need to use a helper process in order to ensure we
// delete files in use. Of course, we can't wait for that process to
// return - the whole point is for us to not be running.
['factory-reset', `--wait-pid=${ process.pid }`, `--launch=${ process.argv0 }`],
{ detached: true, windowsHide: true });
// Remove app settings
await settings.clear();
// Restart
Electron.ipcMain.on('troubleshooting/show-logs', async(event) => {
const error = await Electron.shell.openPath(paths.logs);
if (error) {
const browserWindow = Electron.BrowserWindow.fromWebContents(event.sender);
const options = {
message: error,
type: 'error',
title: `Error opening logs`,
detail: `Please manually open ${ paths.logs }`,
console.error(`Failed to open logs: ${ error }`);
if (browserWindow) {
await Electron.dialog.showMessageBox(browserWindow, options);
} else {
await Electron.dialog.showMessageBox(options);
Electron.ipcMain.on('get-app-version', async(event) => {
event.reply('get-app-version', await getVersion());
Electron.ipcMain.handle('show-message-box', (event, options: Electron.MessageBoxOptions): Promise<Electron.MessageBoxReturnValue> => {
return Electron.dialog.showMessageBox(options);
function getProductionVersion() {
try {
return Electron.app.getVersion();
} catch (err) {
console.log(`Can't get app version: ${ err }`);
return '?';
async function getDevVersion() {
try {
const { stdout } = await childProcess.spawnFile('git', ['describe', '--tags'], { stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'inherit'] });
return stdout.trim();
} catch (err) {
console.log(`Can't get app version: ${ err }`);
return '?';
async function getVersion() {
return process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? getProductionVersion() : await getDevVersion();
* assume sync activities aren't going to be costly for a UI app.
* @param name -- basename of the resource to link
* @param state -- true to symlink, false to delete
async function linkResource(name: string, state: boolean): Promise<Error | null> {
const linkPath = path.join(paths.integration, name);
let err: Error | null = await new Promise((resolve) => {
fs.mkdir(paths.integration, { recursive: true }, resolve);
if (err) {
console.error(`Error creating the directory ${ paths.integration }: ${ err.message }`);
return err;
if (state) {
err = await new Promise((resolve) => {
fs.symlink(resources.executable(name), linkPath, 'file', resolve);
if (err) {
console.error(`Error creating symlink for ${ linkPath }: ${ err.message }`);
return err;
} else {
err = await new Promise((resolve) => {
fs.unlink(linkPath, resolve);
if (err) {
console.error(`Error unlinking symlink for ${ linkPath }: ${ err.message }`);
return err;
return null;
async function showErrorDialog(title: string, message: string, fatal?: boolean): Promise<void> {
await Electron.dialog.showErrorBox(title, message);
if (fatal) {
async function handleFailure(payload: any) {
let titlePart = 'Error Starting Kubernetes';
let message = 'There was an unknown error starting Kubernetes';
let secondaryMessage = '';
if (payload instanceof K8s.KubernetesError) {
({ name: titlePart, message } = payload);
} else if (payload instanceof Error) {
secondaryMessage = payload.toString();
} else if (typeof payload === 'number') {
message = `Kubernetes was unable to start with the following exit code: ${ payload }`;
} else if ('errorCode' in payload) {
message = payload.message || message;
titlePart = payload.context || titlePart;
console.log(`Kubernetes was unable to start:`, payload);
try {
// getFailureDetails is going to read from existing log files.
// Wait 1 second before reading them to allow recent writes to appear in them.
await util.promisify(setTimeout)(1_000);
const failureDetails: K8s.FailureDetails = await k8smanager.getFailureDetails();
if (failureDetails) {
await window.openKubernetesErrorMessageWindow(titlePart, secondaryMessage || message, failureDetails);
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Failed to get failure details: `, e);
showErrorDialog(titlePart, message, payload instanceof K8s.KubernetesError && payload.fatal).catch();
mainEvents.on('handle-failure', showErrorDialog);
function newK8sManager() {
const arch = (Electron.app.runningUnderARM64Translation || os.arch() === 'arm64') ? 'aarch64' : 'x86_64';
const mgr = K8s.factory(arch);
mgr.on('state-changed', (state: K8s.State) => {
mainEvents.emit('k8s-check-state', mgr);
window.send('k8s-check-state', state);
if (state === K8s.State.STARTED) {
if (!cfg.kubernetes.version) {
writeSettings({ kubernetes: { version: mgr.version } });
mgr.on('current-port-changed', (port: number) => {
window.send('k8s-current-port', port);
mgr.on('kim-builder-uninstalled', () => {
writeSettings({ kubernetes: { checkForExistingKimBuilder: false } });
mgr.on('service-changed', (services: K8s.ServiceEntry[]) => {
window.send('service-changed', services);
mgr.on('progress', () => {
window.send('k8s-progress', mgr.progress);
mgr.on('versions-updated', async() => {
window.send('k8s-versions', await mgr.availableVersions);
mgr.on('show-notification', (notificationOptions: Electron.NotificationConstructorOptions) => {
(new Electron.Notification(notificationOptions)).show();
return mgr;
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