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连接查询练习.sql 7.05 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
林志捷 提交于 2021-04-02 08:02 . 林志捷
--select <列名> from 表名
--[where 条件表达式]--进行数据源的过滤
--[group by 分组字段]--将结果集进行分组,与聚合函数一起实现分组统计查询。
--[having 包含聚合函数的条件表达式] --对分组后的结果进行统计
--order by 排序字段 [desc|asc] --按照某个字段将结果集进行排序
use TestDB;
--1.内连接:inner join
--2.外部连接:left/right/full outer join
--3.交叉连接 :cross join
select * from StuInfo
select * from ClassInfo
select * from Scores
select * from CourseInfo
select stuid 学号,stuname 姓名,StuInfo.classid 班级编号,classname 班级名称 from StuInfo,ClassInfo
where StuInfo.ClassId=ClassInfo.ClassId
select ClassInfo.classid,classname,stuid,stuname from ClassInfo inner join StuInfo on ClassInfo.classid=StuInfo.classid
select Scores.stuid 学号,StuInfo.stuname 姓名,CourseInfo.CourseId 课程编号,Score 成绩 from Scores inner join StuInfo on Scores.stuid=StuInfo.stuid
inner join CourseInfo on CourseInfo.CourseId=Scores.CourseId
select StuInfo.stuid 学号,stuname 姓名,CourseInfo.Coursename 选修课程名称 from StuInfo inner join Scores on Scores.stuid=StuInfo.stuid
inner join CourseInfo on CourseInfo.CourseId=Scores.CourseId
select StuInfo.stuid 学号,stuname 姓名,CourseInfo.Coursename 课程名称,scores.Score 成绩
from StuInfo inner join Scores on Scores.stuid=StuInfo.stuid
inner join CourseInfo on CourseInfo.CourseId=Scores.CourseId
select StuInfo.stuid 学号,stuname 姓名,CourseInfo.Coursename 课程名称,scores.Score 成绩
from StuInfo
inner join Scores on Scores.stuid=StuInfo.stuid
inner join CourseInfo on CourseInfo.CourseId=Scores.CourseId
where CourseInfo.Coursename='计算机基础'
use students
select * from couse
select stuName 姓名,stuAge 年龄,wittenExam as 笔试,机试=labExam
from student inner join couse on student.stuNO=couse.stuNo
select stuName 姓名,stuAge 年龄,wittenExam as 笔试,机试=labExam
from student inner join couse on student.stuNO=couse.stuNo
where labExam>60 and wittenExam>60
--left join可以显示未考人员的成绩以NULL填充
select student.stuno 学好,stuName 姓名,wittenExam as 笔试,机试=labExam
from student left join couse on student.stuNO=couse.stuNo
select stuName 姓名,stuAge 年龄,wittenExam as 笔试,机试=labExam
from student inner join couse on student.stuNO=couse.stuNo
where stuage>=20 order by wittenExam desc
select (case when stusex=1 then '男' else '女' end) 男女,avg(labExam) 机试平均分
from student inner join couse on student.stuNO=couse.stuNo
group by stusex
select (case when stusex=1 then '男' else '女' end) 男女,sum(wittenExam) 笔试总分
from student inner join couse on student.stuNO=couse.stuNo
group by stusex
use girl
select orders.orderld 订单编号,orderdate 订单日期,itemtype 产品类别,itemname 产品名称,thenumber 订购数量,themoney 订购单价
from orders inner join oederltem on orders.orderld=oederltem.orderld
select orders.orderld 订单编号,orderdate 订单日期,itemtype 产品类别,itemname 产品名称
from orders inner join oederltem on orders.orderld=oederltem.orderld where thenumber>50
select orders.orderld 订单编号,orderdate 订单日期,itemtype 产品类别,
itemname 产品名称,thenumber 订购数量,themoney 订购单价,thenumber*themoney 订购总价
from orders inner join oederltem on orders.orderld=oederltem.orderld
select orders.orderld 订单编号,orderdate 订单日期,itemtype 产品类别,
itemname 产品名称,thenumber 订购数量,themoney 订购单价,thenumber*themoney 订购总价
from orders inner join oederltem on orders.orderld=oederltem.orderld where themoney>=5 and thenumber>=50
-- 编号 订购产品数
select orders.orderld 订单编号,count(itemname) 订购产品数 from orders
inner join oederltem on orders.orderld=oederltem.orderld
group by orders.orderld
-- 订单编号 产品类别 订购次数 总数量
select orders.orderld 订单编号,itemtype 产品类别,count(itemname) 订购次数,sum(thenumber) 总数量
from orders inner join oederltem on orders.orderld=oederltem.orderld
group by orders.orderld,itemtype order by orders.orderld asc
use bbs
-- 在论坛数据库中完成以下题目
select sUid 版主编号,uName 版主姓名,sName 版块名称
from bbsSection inner join bbsUsers on bbsSection.sUid=bbsUsers.UID
select tUID 发帖人编号,uname 发帖人姓名,tTitle 帖子的标题,tMsg 帖子的内容,tTime 发帖时间
from bbsTopic inner join bbsUsers on bbsTopic.tUID=bbsUsers.UID
where tTime>'2008-9-15'
select sUid 版主的编号,uName 版主的姓名,sName 版块的名称 from bbsSection
inner join bbsUsers on bbsSection.sUid=bbsUsers.UID
where uAge<20
select top 1 tUID 发帖人编号,uName 发帖人姓名,tTitle 主贴标题,tMsg 主贴内容,tCount 回复数量
from bbsTopic
inner join bbsUsers on bbsTopic.tUID=bbsUsers.UID
order by tCount desc
select tSID 版块,tUID 用户,count(tUID) 发帖总数 from bbsTopic
group by tSID,tUID order by tSID asc
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