所有 个人的 我参与的 Forks

    LeoHou/rust_shyper forked from openEuler/rust_shyper

    Rust-Shyper is an embedded type-1 hypervisor built with Rust, which has both high performance and high reliability. We have proposed low overhead VM migration and hypervisor live-update mechanisms to enable Rust-Shyper to tolerate hardware faults at runtime and dynamically fix hypervisor bugs.

    最近更新: 1年多前

    LeoHou/RISCV-Linux forked from 泰晓科技/RISCV-Linux

    RISC-V Linux 内核兴趣小组协作仓库

    最近更新: 1年多前

    LeoHou/edk2 forked from src-openEuler/edk2

    最近更新: 3年多前

    forked from openEuler/vmtop

    A tool for collecting and analyzing data of virtual machine

    最近更新: 3年多前

    LeoHou/libcareplus forked from src-openEuler/libcareplus

    LibcarePlus delivers live patches to any of your Linux executables or libraries at the runtime, without the need for restart of your applications.

    最近更新: 3年多前

    forked from openEuler/kernel

    openEuler 内核是 openEuler操作系统的核心,是系统性能和稳定性的基础,是链接芯片、设备与业务的桥梁。openEuler 内核致力于打造成最具活力的产业Linux平台,成为信息产业基础设施的可靠基石。

    最近更新: 3年多前

    forked from openEuler/libvirt

    Libvirt provides a portable, long term stable C API for managing the virtualization technologies provided by many operating systems.

    最近更新: 3年多前

    forked from openEuler/qemu

    QEMU是一套由Fabrice Bellard所编写的模拟处理器的自由软件。它与Bochs,PearPC近似,但其具有某些后两者所不具备的特性,如高速度及跨平台的特性。经由kqemu这个开源的加速器,QEMU能模拟至接近真实电脑的速度。

    最近更新: 3年多前

    LeoHou/stratovirt forked from openEuler/stratovirt

    StratoVirt is an opensource VMM(Virtual Machine Manager) which aims to perform next generation virtualization.StratoVirt is based on Rust programming language.StratoVirt is lightweight, efficient and safe.It also has features like Full Sence Support and Modules Flexible Splitting.

    最近更新: 3年多前