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EDCircles.h 10.47 KB
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Cihan Topal 提交于 2020-12-09 03:14 . Update EDCircles.h
* EDCircles source codes.
* Copyright (C) Cuneyt Akinlar, Cihan Topal
* E-mails of the authors: cuneytakinlar@gmail.com, cihantopal@gmail.com
* Please cite the following papers if you use EDCircles library:
* [1] C. Akinlar and C. Topal, “EDCircles: A Real-time Circle Detector with a False Detection Control,”
* Pattern Recognition, 46(3), 725-740, 2013.
* [2] C. Akinlar and C. Topal, “EDCircles: Realtime Circle Detection by Edge Drawing (ED),”
* IEEE Int'l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)}, March 2012.
#ifndef _EDCIRCLES_
#define _EDCIRCLES_
#include "EDPF.h"
#include "EDLines.h"
#define PI 3.141592653589793238462
#define TWOPI (2*PI)
// Circular arc, circle thresholds
#define VERY_SHORT_ARC_ERROR 0.40 // Used for very short arcs (>= CANDIDATE_CIRCLE_RATIO1 && < CANDIDATE_CIRCLE_RATIO2)
#define SHORT_ARC_ERROR 1.00 // Used for short arcs (>= CANDIDATE_CIRCLE_RATIO2 && < HALF_CIRCLE_RATIO)
#define HALF_ARC_ERROR 1.25 // Used for arcs with length (>=HALF_CIRCLE_RATIO && < FULL_CIRCLE_RATIO)
#define LONG_ARC_ERROR 1.50 // Used for long arcs (>= FULL_CIRCLE_RATIO)
#define CANDIDATE_CIRCLE_RATIO1 0.25 // 25% -- If only 25% of the circle is detected, it may be a candidate for validation
#define CANDIDATE_CIRCLE_RATIO2 0.33 // 33% -- If only 33% of the circle is detected, it may be a candidate for validation
#define HALF_CIRCLE_RATIO 0.50 // 50% -- If 50% of a circle is detected at any point during joins, we immediately make it a candidate
#define FULL_CIRCLE_RATIO 0.67 // 67% -- If 67% of the circle is detected, we assume that it is fully covered
// Ellipse thresholds
#define CANDIDATE_ELLIPSE_RATIO 0.50 // 50% -- If 50% of the ellipse is detected, it may be candidate for validation
#define ELLIPSE_ERROR 1.50 // Used for ellipses. (used to be 1.65 for what reason?)
#define BOOKSTEIN 0 // method1 for ellipse fit
#define FPF 1 // method2 for ellipse fit
// Circle equation: (x-xc)^2 + (y-yc)^2 = r^2
struct mCircle {
cv::Point2d center;
double r;
mCircle(cv::Point2d _center, double _r) { center = _center; r = _r; }
// Ellipse equation: Ax^2 + Bxy + Cy^2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0
struct mEllipse {
cv::Point2d center;
cv::Size axes;
double theta;
mEllipse(cv::Point2d _center, cv::Size _axes, double _theta) { center = _center; axes = _axes; theta = _theta; }
// Ellipse Equation is of the form:
// Ax^2 + Bxy + Cy^2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0
struct EllipseEquation {
double coeff[7]; // coeff[1] = A
EllipseEquation() {
for (int i = 0; i<7; i++) coeff[i] = 0;
} //end-EllipseEquation
double A() { return coeff[1]; }
double B() { return coeff[2]; }
double C() { return coeff[3]; }
double D() { return coeff[4]; }
double E() { return coeff[5]; }
double F() { return coeff[6]; }
// ================================ CIRCLES ================================
struct Circle {
double xc, yc, r; // Center (xc, yc) & radius.
double circleFitError; // circle fit error
double coverRatio; // Percentage of the circle covered by the arcs making up this circle [0-1]
double *x, *y; // Pointers to buffers containing the pixels making up this circle
int noPixels; // # of pixels making up this circle
// If this circle is better approximated by an ellipse, we set isEllipse to true & eq contains the ellipse's equation
EllipseEquation eq;
double ellipseFitError; // ellipse fit error
bool isEllipse;
double majorAxisLength; // Length of the major axis
double minorAxisLength; // Length of the minor axis
// ------------------------------------------- ARCS ----------------------------------------------------
struct MyArc {
double xc, yc, r; // center x, y and radius
double circleFitError; // Error during circle fit
double sTheta, eTheta; // Start & end angle in radius
double coverRatio; // Ratio of the pixels covered on the covering circle [0-1] (noPixels/circumference)
int turn; // Turn direction: 1 or -1
int segmentNo; // SegmentNo where this arc belongs
int sx, sy; // Start (x, y) coordinate
int ex, ey; // End (x, y) coordinate of the arc
double *x, *y; // Pointer to buffer containing the pixels making up this arc
int noPixels; // # of pixels making up the arc
bool isEllipse; // Did we fit an ellipse to this arc?
EllipseEquation eq; // If an ellipse, then the ellipse's equation
double ellipseFitError; // Error during ellipse fit
// =============================== AngleSet ==================================
// add a circular arc to the list of arcs
inline double ArcLength(double sTheta, double eTheta) {
if (eTheta > sTheta) return eTheta - sTheta;
else return TWOPI - sTheta + eTheta;
} // end-ArcLength
// A fast implementation of the AngleSet class. The slow implementation is really bad. About 10 times slower than this!
struct AngleSetArc {
double sTheta;
double eTheta;
int next; // Next AngleSetArc in the linked list
struct AngleSet {
AngleSetArc angles[360];
int head;
int next; // Next AngleSetArc to be allocated
double overlapAmount; // Total overlap of the arcs in angleSet. Computed during set() function
AngleSet() { clear(); } //end-AngleSet
void clear() { head = -1; next = 0; overlapAmount = 0; }
double overlapRatio() { return overlapAmount / (TWOPI); }
void _set(double sTheta, double eTheta);
void set(double sTheta, double eTheta);
double _overlap(double sTheta, double eTheta);
double overlap(double sTheta, double eTheta);
void computeStartEndTheta(double &sTheta, double &eTheta);
double coverRatio();
struct EDArcs {
MyArc *arcs;
int noArcs;
EDArcs(int size = 10000) {
arcs = new MyArc[size];
noArcs = 0;
} //end-EDArcs
~EDArcs() {
delete arcs;
} //end-~EDArcs
// Buffer manager
struct BufferManager {
double *x, *y;
int index;
BufferManager(int maxSize) {
x = new double[maxSize];
y = new double[maxSize];
index = 0;
} //end-BufferManager
~BufferManager() {
delete x;
delete y;
} //end-~BufferManager
double *getX() { return &x[index]; }
double *getY() { return &y[index]; }
void move(int size) { index += size; }
struct Info {
int sign; // -1 or 1: sign of the cross product
double angle; // angle with the next line (in radians)
bool taken; // Is this line taken during arc detection
class EDCircles: public EDPF {
EDCircles(cv::Mat srcImage);
EDCircles(ED obj);
EDCircles(EDColor obj);
cv::Mat drawResult(bool, ImageStyle);
std::vector<mCircle> getCircles();
std::vector<mEllipse> getEllipses();
int getCirclesNo();
int getEllipsesNo();
int noEllipses;
int noCircles;
std::vector<mCircle> circles;
std::vector<mEllipse> ellipses;
Circle *circles1;
Circle *circles2;
Circle *circles3;
int noCircles1;
int noCircles2;
int noCircles3;
EDArcs *edarcs1;
EDArcs *edarcs2;
EDArcs *edarcs3;
EDArcs *edarcs4;
int *segmentStartLines;
BufferManager *bm;
Info *info;
NFALUT *nfa;
void GenerateCandidateCircles();
void DetectArcs(std::vector<LineSegment> lines);
void ValidateCircles();
void JoinCircles();
void JoinArcs1();
void JoinArcs2();
void JoinArcs3();
// circle utility functions
static Circle *addCircle(Circle *circles, int &noCircles,double xc, double yc, double r, double circleFitError, double *x, double *y, int noPixels);
static Circle *addCircle(Circle *circles, int &noCircles,double xc, double yc, double r, double circleFitError, EllipseEquation *pEq, double ellipseFitError, double *x, double *y, int noPixels);
static void sortCircles(Circle *circles, int noCircles);
static bool CircleFit(double *x, double *y, int N, double *pxc, double *pyc, double *pr, double *pe);
static void ComputeCirclePoints(double xc, double yc, double r, double *px, double *py, int *noPoints);
static void sortCircle(Circle *circles, int noCircles);
// ellipse utility functions
static bool EllipseFit(double *x, double *y, int noPoints, EllipseEquation *pResult, int mode=FPF);
static double **AllocateMatrix(int noRows, int noColumns);
static void A_TperB(double **_A, double **_B, double **_res, int _righA, int _colA, int _righB, int _colB);
static void choldc(double **a, int n, double **l);
static int inverse(double **TB, double **InvB, int N);
static void DeallocateMatrix(double **m, int noRows);
static void AperB_T(double **_A, double **_B, double **_res, int _righA, int _colA, int _righB, int _colB);
static void AperB(double **_A, double **_B, double **_res, int _righA, int _colA, int _righB, int _colB);
static void jacobi(double **a, int n, double d[], double **v, int nrot);
static void ROTATE(double **a, int i, int j, int k, int l, double tau, double s);
static double computeEllipsePerimeter(EllipseEquation *eq);
static double ComputeEllipseError(EllipseEquation *eq, double *px, double *py, int noPoints);
static double ComputeEllipseCenterAndAxisLengths(EllipseEquation *eq, double *pxc, double *pyc, double *pmajorAxisLength, double *pminorAxisLength);
static void ComputeEllipsePoints(double *pvec, double *px, double *py, int noPoints);
// arc utility functions
static void joinLastTwoArcs(MyArc *arcs, int &noArcs);
static void addArc(MyArc *arcs, int &noArchs,double xc, double yc, double r, double circleFitError, // Circular arc
double sTheta, double eTheta, int turn, int segmentNo,
int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey,
double *x, double *y, int noPixels, double overlapRatio = 0.0);
static void addArc(MyArc *arcs, int &noArchs, double xc, double yc, double r, double circleFitError, // Elliptic arc
double sTheta, double eTheta, int turn, int segmentNo,
EllipseEquation *pEq, double ellipseFitError,
int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey,
double *x, double *y, int noPixels, double overlapRatio = 0.0);
static void ComputeStartAndEndAngles(double xc, double yc, double r,
double *x, double *y, int len,
double *psTheta, double *peTheta);
static void sortArc(MyArc *arcs, int noArcs);
#endif // ! _EDCIRCLES_
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