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Bloodstream.java 1.67 KB
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luyanfei78 提交于 2020-04-08 12:09 . add initial project.
import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
* The bloodstream is the setting for our White Blood Cell scenario.
* It's a place where blood cells, bacteria and viruses float around.
* @author Michael Kölling
* @version 0.1
public class Bloodstream extends World
* Constructor: Set up the starting objects.
public Bloodstream()
super(780, 360, 1);
* Create new floating objects at irregular intervals.
public void act()
if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(100) < 3)
addObject(new Bacteria(), 779, Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(360));
* Prepare the world for the start of the program. In this case: Create
* a white blood cell and the lining at the edge of the blood stream.
private void prepare()
WhiteCell whitecell = new WhiteCell();
addObject(whitecell, 83, 179);
Lining lining = new Lining();
addObject(lining, 126, 1);
Lining lining2 = new Lining();
addObject(lining2, 342, 5);
Lining lining3 = new Lining();
addObject(lining3, 589, 2);
Lining lining4 = new Lining();
addObject(lining4, 695, 5);
Lining lining5 = new Lining();
addObject(lining5, 114, 359);
Lining lining6 = new Lining();
addObject(lining6, 295, 353);
Lining lining7 = new Lining();
addObject(lining7, 480, 358);
Lining lining8 = new Lining();
addObject(lining8, 596, 359);
Lining lining9 = new Lining();
addObject(lining9, 740, 354);
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