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Luminecraft 提交于 2023-12-12 15:16 . start.
#cython:language_level = 3
import pygame
import config
#import numpy as np
from cython.view cimport array as cvarray
cdef long cint(float d):
return <long>d #d if type(d) is int else int(d)
cdef class Sun(object):
cdef public object darkOrigin
cdef public object lightOrigin
cdef readonly object scr
def __init__(self, Display) -> None:
self.scr = Display
self.darkOrigin = pygame.Surface((1650, 40))
self.darkOrigin.fill((0, 0, 0))
self.lightOrigin = pygame.Surface((1650, 40))
self.lightOrigin.fill((2, 2, 2))
cpdef bint draw(self, int dark = -1):
cdef int row
cdef int darkness
if dark < -1:
return False
elif dark > 120:
return False
for row in range(0, 23):
darkness = cint(<float>dark / 2 + <float>row * 2.5 + 1)
self.darkOrigin.fill((darkness, darkness, darkness))
self.scr.blit(self.darkOrigin, (0, 40*row), special_flags=pygame.BLEND_RGB_SUB)
return True
cpdef int mid(int x0, int a = 0, int b = 15):
cdef int x = x0
if a <= x <= b:
return x
if x < a:
x = a
elif x > b:
x = b
return x
cdef int intmin(int x1, int x2):
return x1 if x1 <= x2 else x2
cdef class light_block(object):
cdef public int x
cdef public int y
cdef public int light
def __init__(self, int x, int y, int light):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.light = light
cdef class Ray_Tracing(object):
cdef int[:,:] lightmap
cdef object origin
cdef bint first_run
cdef object scr
cdef list lightpics
#def __cinit__(self, Display, bint Smooth_lighting=False, int gamma = 6):
#self.lightmap0= <int**>malloc(23 * sizeof(int*))
#for i in range(23):
# self.lightmap0[i] = <int*>malloc(42 * sizeof(int))
# memset(self.lightmap0[i], 0, 42 * sizeof(int))
def __init__(self, Display, bint Smooth_lighting = False, int gamma = 6):
self.scr = Display
self.origin = pygame.Surface((40, 40)) # if not Smooth_lighting else (20, 20)
self.lightmap = cvarray(shape=(23, 42), itemsize=sizeof(int), format="i")
#for i in range(23):
# for y in range(42):
#self.lightmap = np.zeros((23, 42), dtype=np.intc)
self.lightpics = [] # dark: max->min
cdef int i
for i in range(15):
pic = pygame.Surface((40, 40))
pic.fill((i*gamma, i*gamma, i*gamma))
self.first_run = config.DEBUG
cpdef void draw(self, int dark = -1, tuple lights = ()):
cdef int row
cdef int col
cdef light_block i
cdef int j
cdef int x
cdef int y
cdef int x0
cdef int y0
cdef int light_now
if dark == -1:
dark = 0
dark = cint(<float>dark * 15 / 120)
dark = mid(dark, 0, 15)
if self.first_run == True:
print('enter func')
for row in range(23):
for col in range(42):
self.lightmap[row, col] = mid(cint(dark + <float>row*0.6), 0, 15)
if self.first_run == True and config.stdio == True:
print('normal light')
if lights == ():
for i in lights:
x, y = mid(cint(<float>i.x / 40), 0, 41), mid(cint(<float>i.y / 40), 0, 22)
self.lightmap[y, x] = min(15 - i.light, self.lightmap[y, x])
if self.first_run == True and config.stdio == True:
print('ok 1')
for j in range(i.light - 1):
x0 = cint(<float>i.x/40) - j - 1
y0 = cint(<float>i.y/40)
light_now = 15 - (i.light - j)
# 顺时针绕行, 逐个改变亮度值
if self.first_run == True and config.stdio == True:
print(f'check{j} x0={x0},y0={y0} light={light_now}')
while x0 < cint(i.x/40):
if 0<= x0 <=41 and 0<= y0 <=22:
self.lightmap[y0, x0] = min(light_now, self.lightmap[y0, x0])
x0 += 1
y0 -= 1
if self.first_run == True and config.stdio == True:
print(f'check{j} x0={x0},y0={y0} light={light_now}')
while y0 < cint(i.y/40):
if 0<= x0 <=41 and 0<= y0 <=22:
self.lightmap[y0, x0] = min(light_now, self.lightmap[y0, x0])
x0 += 1
y0 += 1
if self.first_run == True and config.stdio == True:
print(f'check{j} x0={x0},y0={y0} light={light_now}')
while x0 > cint(i.x/40):
if 0<= x0 <=41 and 0<= y0 <=22:
self.lightmap[y0, x0] = min(light_now, self.lightmap[y0, x0])
x0 -= 1
y0 += 1
if self.first_run == True and config.stdio == True:
print(f'check{j} x0={x0},y0={y0} light={light_now}')
while y0 > cint(i.y/40):
if 0<= x0 <=41 and 0<= y0 <=22:
self.lightmap[y0, x0] = min(light_now, self.lightmap[y0, x0])
x0 -= 1
y0 -= 1
if self.first_run == True and config.stdio == True:
print(f'check{j} x0={x0},y0={y0} light={light_now}')
if self.first_run == True and config.stdio == True:
print('high light')
# render
for row in range(23):
for col in range(42):
if self.first_run == True and col == 0 and config.stdio == True:
print(f'rendering in row{row}')
if row == 2:
print(f'rendering row 2 -- col {col}, lightmap = {self.lightmap[row][col]}')
self.scr.blit(self.lightpics[mid(self.lightmap[row, col], 0, 14)], (col*40, row*40), special_flags=pygame.BLEND_RGB_SUB)
if self.first_run == True:
if config.stdio == True:
print('render check finish')
self.first_run = False
cpdef int get_client(self, x:int, y:int):
cdef int x0
cdef int y0
x0, y0 = mid(cint(x/40), 0, 41), mid(cint(y/40), 0, 22)
return 15 - self.lightmap[y0, x0]
cdef class RayTracing:
cdef int[:,:] lightmap
cdef pygame.surface.Surface fillpic
cdef pygame.surface.Surface scr
cdef int gamma
def __init__(self, pygame.surface.Surface Display, int gamma = 6):
self.lightmap = cvarray(shape=(920, 1650), itemsize=sizeof(int), format="i")
self.scr = Display
self.fillpic = pygame.Surface((1650, 920))
self.gamma = gamma
cpdef void draw(self, int dark = -1, tuple lights = ()):
int row
int col
int x
int y
int colorvalue
light_block i
if dark == -1:
dark = 0
dark = cint(dark * 15 / 120)
dark = mid(dark, 0, 15)
for row in range(920):
for col in range(1650):
colorvalue = mid(cint(dark * self.gamma + <float>row * self.gamma / 80), 0, 15*self.gamma)
self.lightmap[row, col] = colorvalue
self.fillpic.set_at((col, row), (colorvalue, colorvalue, colorvalue))
if lights == ():
for i in lights:
x, y = i.x, i.y
colorvalue = intmin(cint((15 - i.light) * self.gamma), self.lightmap[y, x])
self.lightmap[y, x] = colorvalue
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