Simple Easier Game.
Start 231209-17:36:00
#define UNICODE
#define _UNICODE
#pragma once
#pragma comment(lib, "F:\\MSVC\\installer\\VC\\Auxiliary\\VS\\lib\\x64\\EasyXw.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "User32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "shell32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "Kernel32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "shlwapi.lib")
#include <graphics.h>
#include <Shlwapi.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <exception>
#include <random>
// 字符串最大长度
constexpr int Seg_StringLengthMax = 269;
constexpr int Seg_ListLengthMax = 8;
typedef unsigned char color_t;
namespace seg
HWND MainHandle;
// dont use template & heapAlloc!
/* String */
class String
wchar_t s[Seg_StringLengthMax];
int _len;
int len();
int join(const wchar_t *const buf);
bool join(const wchar_t c);
void back(); // backspace
void set(const wchar_t *const buf);
const wchar_t *get();
/*计算字符串中有多少行, 行分隔符指定为sep*/
int count_line(wchar_t sep = (wchar_t)('\n'));
/*获得字符串中第line行的内容, 行分隔符为sep. 若line大于实际行数, 返回false; 否则返回true*/
bool get_line(wchar_t * out, int line = 0, wchar_t sep = (wchar_t)('\n'));
bool isfloat();
bool isint();
seg::String lstrip(wchar_t * c);
// return a new string
seg::String rstrip(wchar_t * c);
// not return new one, WHETHER arg[1] is or not TRUE !
void rstrip(wchar_t * c, bool get_a_new_string = false);
seg::String strip(wchar_t * c);
bool startswith(wchar_t *s);
bool endswith(wchar_t *s);
seg::String reverse();
bool equals(const wchar_t *s);
bool operator ==(const wchar_t *s);
bool operator ==(seg::String &s);
// 获得字符串 range: [start, stop)
// stop为负数时, 为len + stop + 1.
seg::String get(int start, int stop = -1, int step = 1);
// index < 0 , index = len + index.
wchar_t index(int _index);
wchar_t operator[](int _index);
wchar_t operator[](int _index) const;
/* range: [index, _len)*/
int find(wchar_t c, int index = 0);
int count(wchar_t c);
void from_cchar(const char * cs); // exp, may get error res.
void to_cchar(char * out); // exp
/* Any type variable */
enum SegType
sNone, sint, sfloat, sstr, sdict
// Basic data
class SegObject_BasicObject
union var
bool b;
int d;
double f;
seg::String s;
seg::SegType _t;
//SegObject_BasicObject(seg::SegType t, void *value);
//SegObject_BasicObject(seg::SegType t, int d = 0, double f = 0.0, wchar_t *s = NULL);
seg::SegType ctype();
// Not recommended to use this method.
void* get();
int intvar();
double floatvar();
seg::String &strvar();
void set(int);
void set(double);
void set(wchar_t *);
void set(seg::String &);
// dict, no order
class SegObject_DictObject
int _len;
bool isused[Seg_ListLengthMax];
seg::String _key[Seg_ListLengthMax];
seg::SegObject_BasicObject _value[Seg_ListLengthMax];
int len();
bool set(seg::String &__key, seg::SegObject_BasicObject &__value);
bool set(const wchar_t *__key_, seg::SegType t, int d = 0, double f = 0.0, const wchar_t * s = NULL);
int FromStr(seg::String &);
seg::String __str__();
seg::SegObject_BasicObject &get(const wchar_t *key);
seg::String &getkey(int index = 0);
seg::String &get_nextkey(int from_index = 0);
void del(const wchar_t *key);
void del(int index);
// 数据读取, 交换
class SegObject
seg::SegObject_BasicObject var;
seg::SegObject_DictObject _dict;
seg::SegType _t;
SegObject(seg::SegType t, int d = 0, double f = 0.0, wchar_t *s = NULL);
seg::SegType ctype();
void* get();
seg::SegObject_BasicObject &getbasic();
seg::SegObject_DictObject &getdict();
void set(int);
void set(double);
void set(wchar_t *);
void set(seg::String &);
void set(seg::SegObject_BasicObject &);
void set(seg::SegObject_DictObject &);
void set_dict(seg::String &);
/* Key Message */
namespace Key
int GetRecentRealKey();// A-Z
int GetVirtualKey(int);// VK_xxx
inline bool GetGlobalKeyPressed(int VK); // KeyCode
} // namespace Key
/*可点击的控件, 使用函数指针访问点击(OnClick)和渲染(render)功能*/
class ClickableObject
int x;
int y;
int width;
int height;
int LineWidth;
int ComType; // 控件类型, 自定义
int id;
COLORREF fg; COLORREF bg; seg::String s; // 常用属性
// return value: 0:None, 1:Quit mainloop
int (*OnClick)(seg::ClickableObject &);
void (*render)(seg::ClickableObject &);
int (*OnClickEx)(seg::ClickableObject &, MOUSEMSG & , double, double);
bool AutoRender;
bool ClickAsInput;
bool UsingOnclickEx;
int LineStyle;
/*x0 y0: 控件左上角坐标
w0 h0: 控件宽、高
lw ct: 线宽, 控件类型(自定义)
fg0 bg0: 边框、背景颜色
ar: Autorender. if true, render it as a label(with string 's'.)
id: 该控件的ID
cai: click_as_input (Text only)
uoce: 使用高级的onclick函数, 接收鼠标消息, 同时获得鼠标相对于控件的坐标(以百分比表示, as double)
tc: Text color.; ls: linestyle
wchar_t s[] *OnClick(self) *render(self): 自定义*/
void init
( int x0, int y0, int w0, int h0, int lw, int ct,
COLORREF fg0, COLORREF bg0, bool ar, int Id, bool cai,
bool uoce, COLORREF tc = RGB(0,0,0), int ls = PS_SOLID);
int _on_click();
int _on_click(MOUSEMSG & _m, double _perx, double _pery);
void _render();
class Interface
seg::ClickableObject * cbs;
int num; // num of cbs
回调函数返回bool值。如果为true, 则退出mainloop*/
bool CheckChoose(MOUSEMSG Mmsg);
// 选中的控件, 可向其发送消息
int ChooseID;// [0, num); if None, this = -1.
bool CreateAutoQuitButton;
Interface(int num, COLORREF BG, bool AutoExitBtn);
void mainloop(); // 循环播放
void NoneTypeAllFuncPtr(seg::ClickableObject &p);
int NoneTypeOfFuncPtr(seg::ClickableObject & p);
int NoneTypeOfFuncPtrEx(seg::ClickableObject & p, MOUSEMSG & m, double perx, double pery);
void ELLIPSIS(){return;}
void EasyX_Initialize(int width, int height, LPCWSTR WinTitle);
void EasyX_Initialize(int width, int height, LPCWSTR WinTitle, int flag);
namespace Times
class Clock{
time_t T0;
int Tick;
unsigned int frame; // frame in one second, to calc fps
unsigned int fps;
unsigned int ticks_in_one_second;
unsigned int tps;
unsigned int fps_min;
unsigned int fps_min_ask;
long long fps_min_tick;
unsigned int get_fps();
void tick(int t);
void tick();
void init();
void set_tps(){
this->ticks_in_one_second += 1;
unsigned int ask_tps(){
return this->tps;
unsigned int ask_fpsmin() {
return this->fps_min_ask;
long long get_ticks();
auto get_ticks_ns();
} // Times
namespace render
enum Place {
lefttop, righttop, leftbottom, rightbottom,
left, right, bottom, top, center
void text(int, int, TCHAR*, seg::render::Place CharacterPos);
void multiline(int, int, seg::String, int, seg::render::Place CharacterPos);
void fill(COLORREF colorf = RGB(30, 30, 60))
void flip() {
void update() {
void update(int x, int y, int right, int btm) {
FlushBatchDraw(x, y, right, btm);
// 图像处理
namespace Pillow
enum Directs
X = 0b0001, Y = 0b0010
typedef struct
color_t r;
color_t g;
color_t b;
const ColorTuple WhiteColor{255, 255, 255};
Direct: Directs枚举类中*/
void Flip(int direct, IMAGE *source, IMAGE * out);
// 透明贴图函数
// 参数:
// dstimg: 目标 IMAGE 对象指针。NULL 表示默认窗体
// x, y: 目标贴图位置
// srcimg: 源 IMAGE 对象指针。NULL 表示默认窗体
void transparentimage(IMAGE *dstimg, int x, int y, IMAGE *srcimg, UINT transparentcolor);
/* ImageEx */
class PIC
/* Pillow image class */
IMAGE img;
int colorkey;
seg::Pillow::ColorTuple AlphaColor{255, 255, 255};
PIC(IMAGE * self = NULL, int ColorKey = -1);
void ToBuffer();
void blit(int x, int y);
void blit(int x, int y, color_t alpha);
//void blit(int x, int y, int xStart, int yStart, int width, int height, IMAGE *to);
bool load(wchar_t *filename, bool _raise = false);
/*P: 保存缩放后的图像。
▪Q: 要缩放的原图像。
▪ZoomRate: 缩放比例,不填写ZoomRate2则默认图像横向拉伸和纵向拉伸比率均为ZoomRate。
▪HighQuality: 布尔变量,默认为false,填true可选是否使用高质量缩放(双线性插值),默认情况下为常规缩放。
void scale(IMAGE * P, IMAGE *Q, double ZoomRate,bool HighQuality=false,double ZoomRate2=0);
void scale(double ZoomRate,bool HighQuality=false,double ZoomRate2=0);
/*dstimg: 指定目标 IMAGE 对象指针,用来保存旋转后的图像。
srcimg: 指定原 IMAGE 对象指针。
radian: 指定旋转的角度。
bkcolor: 指定旋转后产生的空白区域的颜色。默认为white色。
autosize: 指定目标 IMAGE 对象是否自动调整尺寸以完全容纳旋转后的图像。默认为 false。
highquality: 指定是否采用高质量的旋转。在追求性能的场合请使用低质量旋转。默认为 true。*/
void rotate(IMAGE *dstimg,IMAGE *srcimg,double radian,COLORREF bkcolor = WHITE,bool autosize = false,bool highquality = true);
void rotate(double radius,COLORREF bkcolor = WHITE,bool autosize = false,bool highquality = true);
} // namespace Pillow
// My Exception
namespace Traceback
class Exception
wchar_t * ErrName,
wchar_t *FuncName,
wchar_t* ErrDesc
seg::String errName;
seg::String funcName;
seg::String errDesc;
seg::String format_exc;
void raise(wchar_t *en, wchar_t *fn, wchar_t *ed);
int errorscreen(seg::Traceback::Exception & se);
int errorscreen(const std::exception &e);
} // namespace Traceback
// Safe classlib
namespace CSafe
template <typename t> t mid(t value, t _min, t _max)
if (value < _min) value = _min;
else if (value > _max) value = _max;
return value;
} // namespace CSafe
// Window msg
class WindowC
int width;
int height;
IMAGE *SCR; // 绘图设备
int GetWidth(){return this->width;};
int GetHeight(){return this->height;};
friend void seg:: EasyX_Initialize(int width, int height, LPCWSTR WinTitle);
friend void seg::EasyX_Initialize(int width, int height, LPCWSTR WinTitle, int flag);
seg::WindowC Window;
// mathlib
namespace Math
std::random_device rd;
std::default_random_engine eng(rd());
int randint(int _min, int _max);
double random(double _min, double _max);
template <typename T> T iabs(T v)
return v >= 0 ? v : (-v);
/*从value生成区间在[value-arg, value+arg]的随机数*/
template <typename T> T random_spread(T value, T arg)
T sadd = seg::Math::random(0, ((double)(seg::Math::iabs(arg))) * 2);
sadd -= arg;
return (T)(value + sadd);
} // namespace Math
} // namespace seg
#define pass seg::ELLIPSIS();
#include "seg.cpp"
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