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liqfu 提交于 2019-01-28 14:48 . onnx support of sequential convolution
*.ini text
*.simple text
*.counts text
*.labels text
*.feats text
*.ctf text
*.post text
*.cpu text
*.gpu text
*.rst text
.gitattributes text
.gitignore text
.gitmodules text
.clang-format text
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.gitkeep text
KaldiReaderReadme text
Readme text
*.bat text
*.cmd text
*.py text
*.ipynb text
*.pl text
*.ps1 text
*.psm1 text
*.ps text
*.i text
*.cmake text
*.patch text
*.sh text eol=lf
*.awk text eol=lf
build-and-test text eol=lf
configure text eol=lf
generate_build_info text eol=lf
run-test text eol=lf
run-test-common text eol=lf
run-timit-test-common text eol=lf
run-boost-test-common text eol=lf
make_binary_drop_linux text eol=lf
# Used from Unix / Cygwin 'md5sum -c', needs to have LF line endings:
Tests/EndToEndTests/Examples/Speech/TIMIT/WriteBottleneck/expected_output_md5sum.*.txt eol=lf
Tests/EndToEndTests/Examples/Speech/TIMIT/WriteScaledLogLike/expected_output_md5sum.*.txt eol=lf
# Used by reader unit test, needs to keep LF line endings.
Tests/UnitTests/ReaderTests/Data/CNTKTextFormatReader/invalid_inputs.txt eol=lf
Makefile text
*.sln text
*.pyproj text
*.vcxproj text
*.vcxproj.filters text
*.vssettings text
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*.mel text
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*.m text
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*.scp text
*.list text
*.log text
*.prototxt text
Dockerfile* text
.dockerignore text
# Speech data
mean.363 text
var.363 text
prior.132 text
# dot (graph description language) file
*.dot text
# AMI-specific
Results text
40fbank.conf text
80fbank.conf text
# SLU-specific
# TIMIT-specific
*.fbank24_zda text
TIMIT*.100 text
TIMIT*.20 text
TIMIT*.arpa text
TIMIT*.cntk text
TIMIT*.dnn_map text
TIMIT*.fbank text
TIMIT*.fullpath text
TIMIT*.lookahead text
TIMIT*.rnn text
TIMIT*.statelist text
TIMIT*.tfsa text
TIMIT*.transitions text
Examples/Evaluation/UWPImageRecognition/ImageRecognizerLib/utils.inl text
Examples/LanguageUnderstanding/ATIS/Data/ATIS.* text
Examples/LanguageUnderstanding/ATIS/BrainScript/*.wl text
Examples/SequenceToSequence/CMUDict/Data/cmudict-0.7b* text
Examples/Text/LightRNN/test/word-0.location text
*.xaml text
*.appxmanifest text
# Binary extensions:
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*.docx binary
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*.snk binary
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*.zip binary
*.dnn binary
Examples/Image/Detection/FastRCNN/BrainScript/fastRCNN/*/*.pyd binary
Examples/Image/Detection/FastRCNN/BrainScript/fastRCNN/*/*.so binary
Examples/Image/Detection/utils/cython_modules/*.pyd binary
Examples/Image/Detection/utils/cython_modules/*.so binary
Tests/UnitTests/V2LibraryTests/data/*.bin binary
Tests/UnitTests/ReaderTests/Data/CNTKBinaryReader/*.bin binary
Tests/EndToEndTests/ParallelTraining/AsynchronousSGD/ASGD_Resnet.model.1 binary
Examples/Extensibility/BinaryConvolution/BinaryConvolutionLib/halide/halide_convolve.a binary
Examples/Extensibility/BinaryConvolution/BinaryConvolutionLib/halide/halide_convolve.lib binary
Examples/Extensibility/BinaryConvolution/BinaryConvolutionLib/halide/halide_convolve_nofeatures.a binary
Examples/Extensibility/BinaryConvolution/BinaryConvolutionLib/halide/halide_convolve_nofeatures.lib binary
Tests/EndToEndTests/Speech/Data/mlf2.bin binary
external/gsl text
Source/CNTKv2LibraryDll/proto/onnx/onnx_repo text
Source/CNTKv2LibraryDll/proto/onnx/onnxruntime text
*.pfx binary
*.exe binary
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