同步操作将从 LGpang/mclphysics_notebooks 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from IPython.display import Image
import pandas as pd
from numba import jit
前一节介绍了如何通过辛群条件 $M^T J M = J$ 判断数值离散格式是否满足长时稳定性。这一节模拟一下太阳系中行星的运动。 初始条件来自太阳系太阳与5颗行星的真实数据,1994年9月5日凌晨0点 【1】。 原则上如果有太阳系所有星体的数据,可做一个更真实的计算,预测未来,回看过去。
太阳质量:m_0 = 1.00000597682
距离单位:1 [A.U.] = 149 597 870 [km], 天文单位,表示地球轨道到太阳的平均距离
时间单位:地球日 1 Day
引力常数: G = 2.95912208286 \times 10^{-4}
轨道计算包含的星体:太阳(Sun), 木星(Jupiter), 土星(Saturn),天王星(Uranus),海王星(Neptune), 冥王星(Pluto)。
Image("images/solar_simulation_initial_condition.jpg", height=450)
\begin{align} H= {1 \over 2} \sum_{i=0}^5 {p_i^2 \over m_ i} - \sum_{i=0}^5 \sum_{j=0}^{i-1} {G m_im_j\over |q_i - q_j|} \end{align}
\begin{align} \dot{q_i} &= {\partial H \over \partial p_i} = p_i / m_i \ \dot{p_i} &= - {\partial H \over \partial q_i} =- \sum_{j=0, j\neq i}^5 {q_i - q_j\over |q_i - q_j|^3}G m_im_j \end{align}
准备初始条件,将下表内容复制粘贴进 data/solar.csv 文件(文件已上传)
Saturn, 0.000285583733151,9.0755314,-3.0458353,-1.6483708, 0.00168318,0.00483525,0.00192462
Uranus, 0.0000437273164546,8.3101420,-16.2901086,-7.2521278,0.00354178,0.00137102,0.00055029
Neptune,0.0000517759138449, 11.4707666,-25.7294829,-10.8169456,0.00288930,0.00114527,0.00039677
# 2. 使用 pandas 读入数据,设定为初始条件
solar = pd.read_csv("data/solar.csv")
name | mass | x | y | z | vx | vy | vz | |
0 | Sun | 1.000006e+00 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
1 | Jupiter | 9.547861e-04 | -3.502365 | -3.816985 | -1.550796 | 0.005654 | -0.004125 | -0.001906 |
2 | Saturn | 2.855837e-04 | 9.075531 | -3.045835 | -1.648371 | 0.001683 | 0.004835 | 0.001925 |
3 | Uranus | 4.372732e-05 | 8.310142 | -16.290109 | -7.252128 | 0.003542 | 0.001371 | 0.000550 |
4 | Neptune | 5.177591e-05 | 11.470767 | -25.729483 | -10.816946 | 0.002889 | 0.001145 | 0.000397 |
5 | Pluto | 7.692308e-09 | -15.538736 | -25.222559 | -3.190238 | 0.002767 | -0.001707 | -0.001365 |
0 1.000006e+00 1 9.547861e-04 2 2.855837e-04 3 4.372732e-05 4 5.177591e-05 5 7.692308e-09 Name: mass, dtype: float64
qx = solar['x']
qy = solar['y']
qz = solar['z']
mi = solar['mass'].to_numpy()
px = mi * solar['vx']
py = mi * solar['vy']
pz = mi * solar['vz']
solar['px'] = px
solar['py'] = py
solar['pz'] = pz
name | mass | x | y | z | vx | vy | vz | px | py | pz | |
0 | Sun | 1.000006 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000e+00 | 0.000000e+00 | 0.000000e+00 |
1 | Jupiter | 0.000955 | -3.502365 | -3.816985 | -1.550796 | 0.005654 | -0.004125 | -0.001906 | 5.398638e-06 | -3.938397e-06 | -1.819717e-06 |
2 | Saturn | 0.000286 | 9.075531 | -3.045835 | -1.648371 | 0.001683 | 0.004835 | 0.001925 | 4.806888e-07 | 1.380869e-06 | 5.496402e-07 |
3 | Uranus | 0.000044 | 8.310142 | -16.290109 | -7.252128 | 0.003542 | 0.001371 | 0.000550 | 1.548725e-07 | 5.995103e-08 | 2.406270e-08 |
4 | Neptune | 0.000052 | 11.470767 | -25.729483 | -10.816946 | 0.002889 | 0.001145 | 0.000397 | 1.495961e-07 | 5.929740e-08 | 2.054313e-08 |
# 准备初始位置和动量
y = solar.loc[:, ['x', 'y', 'z', 'vx', 'vy', 'vz']].to_numpy()
使用 Python 自带的 odeint(f, y0, t) 可以数值求解常微分方程。
参数都定为: 运动方程 f ,初始条件 y0 以及时间列表 t。
因为 odeint 函数的初始条件 y0 需要是一维数组,所以这里我们将6颗星体的3维坐标放在数组的前半部分,3维速度放在后半部分。
y0 = y[:, 0:3].flatten()
y0 = np.concatenate([y0, y[:, 3:].flatten()])
array([ 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, -3.50236530e+00, -3.81698470e+00, -1.55079630e+00, 9.07553140e+00, -3.04583530e+00, -1.64837080e+00, 8.31014200e+00, -1.62901086e+01, -7.25212780e+00, 1.14707666e+01, -2.57294829e+01, -1.08169456e+01, -1.55387357e+01, -2.52225594e+01, -3.19023820e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 5.65429000e-03, -4.12490000e-03, -1.90589000e-03, 1.68318000e-03, 4.83525000e-03, 1.92462000e-03, 3.54178000e-03, 1.37102000e-03, 5.50290000e-04, 2.88930000e-03, 1.14527000e-03, 3.96770000e-04, 2.76725000e-03, -1.70702000e-03, -1.36504000e-03])
# step 3, 定义运动方程
def f(y, t, dim=3):
y: one dim array that stores q and p for n particles,
[q1_x, q1_y, q1_z, q2_x, q2_y, q2_z, ..., qn_x, qn_y, qn_z,
p1_x, p1_y, p1_z, p2_x, p2_y, p2_z, ..., pn_x, pn_y, pn_z,]
t: one dim array that stores time steps [t0, t1, t2, ..., tm]'''
G = 2.95912208286E-4
n = (len(y) // 2) // dim
q = y[0 : dim*n].reshape(n, dim)
p = y[dim*n:].reshape(n, dim)
dot_q = np.zeros_like(q)
dot_p = np.zeros_like(q)
for i in range(n):
dot_q[i] = p[i]
for j in range(n):
if j != i:
# dr: the distance between 2 vectors
Rij = np.linalg.norm(q[i]-q[j])
dot_p[i] += - G *mi[j]* (q[i] - q[j]) / Rij**3
return np.concatenate([dot_q.flatten(), dot_p.flatten()])
def symplectic_euler(f, y0, time):
sol = []
dt = time[1] - time[0]
y = y0
n = len(y)
q, p = y0[:n//2], y0[n//2:]
for t in time:
# update p_n to p_{n+1} first
p = p + dt * f(y, None)[n//2:]
# update q_n next
q = q + dt * p
y = np.concatenate([q, p])
return np.array(sol)
def explicit_euler(f, y0, time):
sol = []
dt = time[1] - time[0]
y = y0
for t in time:
y = y + dt * f(y, time)
return np.array(sol)
def implicit_midpoint(f, y0, time):
sol = []
dt = time[1] - time[0]
y = y0
for t in time:
yp = y + dt * f(y, time)
ymid = 0.5 * (y + yp)
y = y + dt * f(ymid, time)
return np.array(sol)
%matplotlib notebook
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
plt.style.use(['dark_background', 'science', 'notebook', 'no-latex'])
tmax = 2000000
tsteps = 20000
dt = tmax / tsteps
time = np.linspace(0, tmax, tsteps)
#sol = odeint(f, y0, time)
sol = symplectic_euler(f, y0, time)
#sol = explicit_euler(f, y0, time)
#sol = implicit_midpoint(f, y0, time)
fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
colors = ["r", "w", "y", "c", "m", "b"]
lines = [ax1.plot(sol[0, 3*n+0], sol[0, 3*n+1], '-', lw=1, color=colors[n])[0] for n in range(6)]
marker_names = [r'o', r'o', r'o', r'o', r'o', r'o']
dots = [ax1.plot(sol[0, 3*n], sol[0, 3*n+1], 'o', color=colors[n], ms=2+np.exp(mi[n]))[0] for n in range(6)]
text = ax1.text(-50, 45, '')
def update(i):
for ni, line in enumerate(lines):
#t0 = max(0, i-30)
t0 = 0
x0 = sol[t0: i, 3*ni+0] - sol[t0:i, 0]
y0 = sol[t0: i, 3*ni+1] - sol[t0:i, 1]
line.set_data(x0, y0)
dots[ni].set_data(sol[i, 3*ni] - sol[i, 0], sol[i, 3*ni+1] - sol[i, 1])
text.set_text(r'$%d$ year'%(i*dt//365))
return lines, dots, text,
ax1.plot(sol[0, 0], sol[0, 1], 'ro', ms=5)
ax1.set_xlim(-50, 50)
ax1.set_ylim(-40, 50)
xp = -50
plt.text(xp, 40, 'Pluto', color='b')
plt.text(xp, 35, 'Neptune', color='m')
plt.text(xp, 30, 'Uranus', color='c')
plt.text(xp, 25, 'Saturn', color='y')
plt.text(xp, 20, 'Jupiter', color='w')
plt.text(xp, 15, 'Sun', color='r')
anim = FuncAnimation(fig1, update, frames=tsteps, interval=10, blit=True)
%matplotlib inline
# 动能守恒
def kinetic_energy(sol):
n = len(sol[0])
v = sol[:, n//2:]
m = np.repeat(mi, 3)
E = (0.5 * m * v**2).sum(axis=1)
return E
def check_energy_conservation(E):
plt.plot(time[::100], E[::100], 'w-')
plt.ylim(2E-8, 4.5E-8)
plt.ylabel('kinetic energy')
ke = kinetic_energy(sol)
Lattice QCD 计算(Quenched limit)得到重味夸克反夸克对之间的相互作用势能 Cornell Potential,
\begin{align} V(r) = a r - {b \over r} \end{align}
其中 $a=0.491 GeV^2$, $b = 0.472 GeV$, 粲夸克质量 $m_c = 1.32 GeV$,
使用 Cornell Potential 解非相对论薛定谔方程,得到哈密顿量的本质值与本征态,对应一系列重味强子的质量谱与波函数(后续课程会介绍)。
https://www.math.mcgill.ca/gantumur/docs/down/Hairer9899.pdf 第 7 页
Symplectic Geometry Algorithms for Hamiltonian Systems
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